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08-16 投稿


crotched 发音

英:[[k'r?t?t]]  美:[[k'r?t?t]]

英:  美:

crotched 中文意思翻译



crotched 相似词语短语

1、crouched ─── adj.蜷伏的;v.蹲伏;蜷缩(crouch的过去分词)

2、crutched ─── adj.有丁字形柄的;有支柱的;用拐杖支持的;v.用撑拐支撑(crutch的过去式和过去分词)

3、crotches ─── n.(人的)胯部,分叉处;丫叉;n.(Crotch)人名;(英)克罗奇

4、crotchet ─── n.小钩;奇想;怪想;反复无常

5、crotchets ─── n.小钩;奇想;怪想;反复无常

6、crotcheted ─── 交叉的

7、cootched ─── 被关起来的

8、crotchety ─── adj.有怪想的,想入非非的;反复无常的

9、scrootched ─── 皱巴巴的

crotched 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、But it was a vain illusion, for my grandfather almost dragged me to the Belgian's studio, in the green velveteen suit I had been dressed in for Mass and that was too tight for me in the crotch. ─── 不过这成了徒然的幻想。外祖父几乎是把我拽进了那个比利时人的工作室,我正穿着那套参加弥撒时的绿色平绒套装,衣服太紧把我的胯部勒得紧绷绷的。

2、crotch veneer ─── 树权单板

3、Keywords standard basic pattern of women's trousers;figure feature;dynamic state;model;crotch curve;upline of waist; ─── 标准女裤基本纸样;体型特征;动态;造型;裆弯线;后翘;

4、13.1 Inseam misaligned with crotch. ─── / 十字骨位不对称。

5、Some of the older guy's will actually be bold enough and grab a guy 's crotch! ─── 有些年龄较大的人会非常大胆去抓别人的阴部。

6、The Ten Need are: keeping the buttocks down, wrapping the crotch, shrinking the abdomen, dropping hips, extending the chest, making the back round, emptying armpits, and straightening the neck. ─── 太极拳的基本功十分重要,手脚结合上下相随,基本功为:从下往上,脚(脚趾)踝、膝、胯、肘、腰、肩、腕、手和手指完全放松,且节节贯串,这是九松。

7、crotch pulp are above 75%ISO by CEH bleaching or CED bleaching. ─── 三倍体毛白杨枝桠材通过CEH和CED漂白均能使白度达到75%ISO以上。

8、I know that I love you baby crotch fan-fan sure where this impulse!Try not to let it aflutter! ─── 我知道我爱的那个宝贝肯定在你裤裆樊帆里冲动呢!

9、open crotch pants [Chinese training pants] ─── 开裆裤

10、sitting crotch ─── 坐裆

11、The cabinet has crotched mahogany veneers on the base. ─── 柜子的底座上有成分叉的红木饰面。

12、crotch angle ─── 分岐角

13、We looked good. Rather, we looked good up close. From a distance, you could see that the crotch of Loeffler's tux pants fell at about knee level. ─── 我们看上去很好。更确切的说,我们接近于看上去很好。从远处看,你可以看到吕弗勒礼服的裤裆都要掉到膝盖了。

14、crotch frog ─── 三通辙叉

15、The influence and relationship between back crotch width and the jut-out value of fitted pants in static state is gotton. ─── 得到了静态下贴体裤裆宽、裆深、起翘量之间的相互影响和变化关系,以及前、后裆宽的最小极限值。

16、Carol: It's Gary's parents on the phone. They wanna talk to you as soon as Ben's crotch heals. ─── 卡罗尔:盖瑞的父母来电话说,要你们快带本去治疗罗圈腿。

17、Figure 1: Continuous flow lines in highly stressed crotch area. ─── 图1:高应力弯钩区域的连续流径线。

18、By means of mathematical analysis, the paper discusses how to determine the seam gradient of back trouser crotch according to types of figure. ─── 本文结合人体体型,从适身型角度,利用数学方法分析探求后裆缝斜度的确定问题。

19、To avoid uneven butterfly plate loading, the Hinge Post Bolts should align with crotch and outer radius of elbow and NOT from side to side of the elbow. ─── 为了避免蝶式阀板负载不均衡,铰柱螺栓应该与弯管外径和交叉部对齐,不要从弯管的一侧穿到另一侧。

20、By the time the bells were erected at Cambridge in 1793-4, Crotch had moved to Oxford to further his studies. ─── 1793-1794年,吊钟被挂置在剑桥,当时,克劳切早已离开剑桥前往牛津继续深造了。

21、crotch swirl ─── V形涡纹

22、It was observed that obtaining the measurements of waist-hip length and crotch length was very important for making bottoms and due attention should be paid to. ─── 并在此基础上进行了中童服装成衣规格设计,包括各系列分档数值和控制部位数值。

23、"Starting at puberty, terminal hair, longer, coarser, and more pigmented, develops in the armpits, crotch, sometimes on parts of the trunk and limbs, and, in males, on the face." ─── 在青春期和青春期以后,毫毛为更长、更粗、颜色更深的终毛取代。终毛长于腋窝、外生殖器、躯干和四肢的某些部位,男性还长于脸部。

24、suspending crotch ─── 悬裆

25、There's a whole lot of crotch grabbing and moon walking going on in my house. ─── 最后,我想以一个积极乐观的方式结束我的发言。

26、cotton twill creepers with snaps at crotch ─── 按钮开裆斜纹布小孩裤

27、When you look this good, who can blame you for licking your own crotch? ─── 当你看见这么美丽的我舔你的裤裆时你会责怪吗?

28、creepers with 2-button shoulder snap fastener crotch ─── 开肩开裆婴儿连衫裤

29、crotch (of a tree) ─── 树杈

30、When very dazzles the saddle horse when your crotch runs quickly heartily, so old-style fan device you how possibly don't become the entire vertically and horizontally mainland Wan Zhong focal point. ─── 当酷炫坐骑在你胯下尽情奔驰时,如此拉风的你怎可能不成为整个纵横大陆的万众焦点。

31、5 designs of LB crotch cushion in Spoon House Shop and GoodFella shop Shanghai . ─── 5个设计的劈叉裤衩报枕在勺子家鼓楼东大街店。

32、I had to cut my speech very short because Marcelle was tickling me in the crotch all the while. ─── 我只能简单讲两句拉倒,因为马色尔一直在我的裆里搔痒。

33、crotch region ─── 分叉区

34、Trousers:plain white Dacron straight leg trousers, small slanted pocket, back welt pocket without flap and logo, and with appropriate crotch length, no pleats or tucks in front and at the back. ─── 校裤:纯白的确凉斜直脚长西裤,小斜袋,背面有暗袋,无盖无标志,裤裆阔度适中,前后均无褶。

35、His splayed hand pulled at his crotch as if emasculation would be sweet to him. ─── 他张开双手拉住胯下,仿佛阉割也是一种享受。

36、The cabinet has crotched mahogany veneers on the base . ─── 柜子的底座上有成分叉的红木饰面。

37、He'd made a vest, a shirt and the pants that were in vogue, with the crotch cut to the knees ─── 他自己做过一件背心、一件衬衫和一条当时流行的裤档差不多落到膝盖那儿的裤子。

38、The night of newly-married, the bride is its take off your coat, the pants outside come out, the bride was frightened jump, see bridegroom crotch place is writing only: Suttle 50 kilograms! ─── 新婚之夜,新娘为其宽衣,褪去外裤,新娘吓了一跳,只见新郎裆处写著:净重五十公斤!

39、jar crotch socket ─── 套接振动钻杆打捞器

40、Your inseam measurement is basically the length from your crotch to the floor. ─── Inseam长度的量测方法是从您的会阴(裤裆)到地板的长度。

41、Ender carefully found the straps, figured out how they fit together to hold him at crotch, waist, and shoulders. ─── 安德仔细的找到了安全带,弄清了这些带子是怎么和自己的髋部,腰还有肩膀配合起来的。

42、2 waist, waistband, outseam, inseam, front crotch, back crotch, front opening, 1/2 hips(seat),1/2 thigh, loop lenth ─── 主要测量部位:腰围,腰高,裤长,裤内缝长,前浪,后浪,前开口,臀围,腿肥,裤鼻

43、He has a dull heavy ache in the crotch. ─── 他的胯部感到隐痛。

44、outside crotch ─── 外抱腿

45、crotch veneer Y ─── 叉纹单板

46、There were more than a few dropped crotch Sarrouel pants styles on show, too. ─── 格子搭配格子也是非常时髦的,但最好是同样的图案。

47、As if I had seen such a similar Dao,and its crotch has 10cm long bronze hoop.I don't know whether it can be worth for taking. ─── 好象见过一把类似的,分叉处有10厘米长的青铜箍,不知可否,值得拿否?

48、crotch weld ─── 楔接锻接楔接焊接

49、Ender walked around him and kicked him again, in the crotch. ─── 安德绕着他走了半圈,又一脚踢在裆上。

50、Nearly as painful are crotch abrasionscaused by shorts that bunch or have an irritating seam. ─── 即使是一个小吻痕就有如被高尔夫球打到一样痛苦。

51、moonshine crotch ─── 月光纹

52、Pick a rail that is less than crotch high from the ground for your first one. ─── 在第一次练习这个特技的时候,建议你选择一个高度相对低的铁杆,高度最好是低于胯部以下。

53、crotch line ─── 弯钩线

54、boom crotch ─── 帆杠支架

55、You can use whatever skills you like except morally exoculation,crotch kicking,larynx locking and so on. ─── 实战,又称实战、散打、技击、对搏等,是一种无条件的武术对抗,除了道德上不允许的挖眼、踢裆、锁喉等阴阴毒招数外,踢打摔拿无不可用。

56、The crotch of a person or animal. ─── 两腿分叉处人或动物的两腿分叉处

57、The peculiar method is introduced, that is how to fix the rise length and the size of the crotch according to the trousers specifications supplied.The results got are a good gui... ─── 具体介绍了根据所提供的尺寸设置,来确定直裆深及小裆的不同方法,对生产实践具有一定的指导意义。

58、closure of crotched river ─── 分汉河道截流

59、back crotch width ─── 后裆宽

60、"Iron crotch result " advantage depends on, everyday massage the haemal circulation that can improve whole external genital organs, let its function be in groove. ─── “铁裆功”的好处在于,每天的按摩能够改善整个外生殖器的血液循环,让其功能处于最佳状态。

61、Just when she had her legs crotched over my legs, I opened my eyes to find her face about six inches away from my face.This startled both her and I. ─── 当她把腿叉在我的腿上时,我睁开眼睛看见了她近在咫尺的脸,我和她都吓了一大跳。

62、"In Greco-Roman style, a wrestler can only hold the upper part of the opponent's Body,crotch holding and tripping with legs are forbidden. " ─── 在古典式摔跤中,运动员只可以抱握对方上身,不允许抱握对方下肢或用腿使绊。

63、A weak slave's leg was separated by the thieves, and they hit his crotch until the stick was broken. ─── 一奴隶气尽力竭,被贼寇分开双腿,狂击裆部,直至将棍棒击断。

64、9 see joke: Halcyon courage is dinky, terrible catch it, become nest on very tall crotch. ─── 9看笑话: 翠鸟胆子极小,怕人捉它,就把巢做在很高的树杈上。

65、crotch fat ─── 板油

66、The custom is to have two harpoons resting in the crotch. ─── 习惯上,叉柱总是架著两支鱼叉。

67、crotch itch ─── [医] 股癣

68、crotch lift ─── 抱腿摔

69、The results show that the waist part, abdomen part, crotch part, the thickness of body and the form of spinal column are remarkably different between middle-aged women and young women. ─── 实验结果表明,中老年女性在腰、腹、裆部等主要部位以及人体厚度、脊柱形态等方面与青年女性有较大差异。

70、inside crotch ─── 内抱腿

71、(k) In-leg: measure from the crotch to the desired trousers length, also named as "inseam". ─── 内长:量度从档位点到裤子所需的长度,也叫"内缝长".

72、leg pick-up with rear crotch ─── 握腿侧面接异名腿翻

73、of which raw meat or fish wears aba and fat crotch pants, hitting legging, carrying on the arm birdcage, blowing Zhu Di, lag. ─── 沿着丝绸之路古道,有时你会看到一群这样的人:他们中的男人,身穿长袍和肥裆长裤,打着裹腿,挎着鸟笼,吹着竹笛,缓缓而行。

74、The skull appears in a superimposed pan over a nude male, set in place of a blonde crotch, where a dreamer turns in solipsistic reverie. ─── 头骨以摇镜的方式叠加在一个裸体的男人上,停在金色毛发的胯部位置上。一个人沉浸在自我的幻想中,在梦中翻着身。

75、Phillip Tattaglia, seventy years old and naked as a baby, stood over a bed on which lay a young girl. Phillip Tattaglia's thick head of hair was jet black, but the plumage of his crotch was steel gray. ─── 斐力普 - 塔塔格里亚年已古稀了,像刚生下来的婴儿似的身上精光光的,一丝不挂,站在床上,他脚前躺着一个年轻的姑娘,他的身子柔软、丰满,简直像个小鸟。

76、crotch stress ─── 叉口应力

77、inside crotch ride ─── 内抱腿侧面骑

78、The minute the dog wore new pet clothes, it urinated and wet its crotch. ─── 刚给小狗穿上新的宠物装,它就尿了,把胯裆处尿湿了一大片!

79、Its six categories of products include genuine silk clothing, scarves and neckties, underpants seam-free at the crotch, mulberry silk products, silk bedclothes, silk tourist crafts, etc. ─── 产品覆盖真丝服装、围巾领带、无底缝内裤、桑蚕丝绵制品及丝绸床上用品、旅游工艺品六大类;

80、crotch hold ─── 抱腿

81、crotch pole ─── 支撑杆

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