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08-16 投稿


coursed 发音

英:[k??rst]  美:[k??st]

英:  美:

coursed 中文意思翻译




coursed 词性/词形变化,coursed变形

过去分词:coursed 原型:coursed

coursed 短语词组

1、coursed stonework ─── 粗石工

2、coursed meaning ─── 课程意义

3、coursed ashlar ─── 成层琢石

4、coursed masonry ─── 层石砌体

5、coursed random rubble ─── 乱堆 ─── 乱放的瓦砾

6、coursed veneer ─── 有花纹的单板

7、coursed rubble ─── 成层粗石圬工

8、coursed definition ─── 课程定义

9、coursed pavement ─── 成层铺面

10、random coursed work ─── [化] 乱砌层

11、coursed wall ─── 分层墙

coursed 常用词组

of course ─── 一定,当然

in the course of ─── 在…过程中;在…期间

course of study ─── 学科;学习的进程;研究课程

coursed 相似词语短语

1、couried ─── 快递

2、courses ─── n.课程;路线(course的复数);n.(Courses)人名;(法)库尔斯

3、cursed ─── adj.被诅咒的;v.诅咒(curse的过去分词)

4、coursers ─── n.骏马;打猎者;猎狗

5、courser ─── n.骏马;打猎者;猎狗

6、courted ─── n.法院;球场;朝廷;奉承;vt.招致(失败、危险等);向…献殷勤;设法获得;vi.求爱;n.(Court)人名;(英)考特;(法)库尔

7、courbed ─── 曲线

8、course ─── n.科目;课程;过程;进程;道路;路线,航向;一道菜;vt.追赶;跑过;vi.指引航线;快跑

9、accursed ─── adj.被诅咒的;讨厌的;可憎的

coursed 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、They had been lectured at, from tender years; coursed, like little hares. ─── 他们从童稚时代起就受着训诫,象野兔似地被追来赶去。

2、College Standard Prounciation Cour se, CSPC ─── 学标准发音班

3、I can`t speak English fluently T_T This coursed me feel nervous during the registration. ─── 也许师因为我们去的是布道所吧!所以人才会这么少。。可是我的感觉就是怪怪的。。

4、Between two persons who love each other cour , like a delicate water fall , keeps the mountain pool of their love ever fresh . ─── 两人相爱,互敬之情就像涓涓流水,让爱情的青山常绿,碧水常流。

5、They coursed in the forest. ─── 他们在树林中打猎。

6、The deer coursed the open field. ─── 这只鹿奔跑越过开阔的原野。

7、random coursed work ─── 乱砌层

8、Chylothorax is an accumulation of fluid, rich in triglycerides and characterized by the presence of chylomicrons, in the pleural space, always coursed by trauma of chest duct. ─── 乳糜胸是由于胸导管损伤、淋巴液外流而形成。

9、Cours Albert Ier International Chamber of Shipping ─── 国际航运公会

10、The wind coursed along the city street and stroked the scattered bodies of Galactors and two abandoned motorcycles lying side by side on the pavement. ─── Jun stared with her breath unsteady, and / 风沿著城市街道课程而且划尾桨了 Galactors 的离散身体和二辆在人行道上并排说谎 的堕落摩托车。

11、PLA personnel regularly attend short peacekeeping training coursed in the UK. ─── 同时,中国人民解放军军事人员还定期到英国学习短期维和培训课程。

12、course[ kC:s ] Tears coursed down his cheeks. ─── 奔经,流行眼泪从他的面颊上流下。

13、coursed masonry ─── 层石砌体

14、as a matter of cours ─── adj. 当然(作为当然的事)

15、Then, as he cried piteously, blood-like tears again coursed down his face. ─── 它痛苦地哀叫一声,血一样的眼泪又流了下来。

16、The operating principle of electrical governor is intro duced an d the failure reason coursed by electrical governor is analysed in this paper,a lso the checking and solving methods is given. ─── 介绍了20GF-W7电站电子调速器工作原理 ,分析了由电子调速器引发的电站故障机理并给出了检查和排除方法

17、cavern with water coursed by mining ─── 富水采空区

18、Serving Suggestions: Perfect for all types of celebrations and for dessert coursed at the end of a meal. ─── 口味:鲜酸,令人愉悦的美味的清甜。

19、in July, 1979, Deng Xiaoping coursed the truth standard's big discussion the social system domain. ─── 1979年7月,邓小平就把真理标准的大讨论引向社会制度领域。

20、Fear coursed through the U. S. financial system on Wednesday, as hope for a resolution to the year-old credit crisis faded. ─── 历经一年之久的信贷危机得以解决的希望逐渐破灭,恐慌情绪周三在整个美国金融体系中蔓延。

21、Jets coursed the area daily. ─── 喷气机每日飞经那地区。

22、Cour International de Justice ─── 国际法庭

23、You seem to have coursed the hare and captured the hart. ─── 你似乎追了一阵兔子,却抓到了公鹿。

24、You seem to have coursed the hare and captured the hart . ─── 你似乎追了一阵兔子,却抓到了公鹿。

25、In the process it is discovered this mode can improve the students' honor sense for the group, and the capability combining theory and practice.This teaching mode has reference value for the cour... ─── 实践中发现此种教学模式能提高学生的集体荣誉感以及理论和实际相结合的能力,对可采取讨论式教学的课程具有一定的参考价值。

26、2 years of applicable professional QA experience;BS degree in computer science or related field;DB knowledge or cour...... ... ─── 公司名称:文思创新软件技术有限公司工作地点:四川省成都市发布时间:2009-7-15

27、They had been lectured at, from their tenderest years; coursed, like little hares. ─── 他们从童稚时代起就受着训诫,像野兔似地被追来赶去。

28、His disapproving attitude toward cars is simply cour grapes; ─── 他对汽车持不赞成的态度纯粹是酸葡萄逻辑;

29、You have the right to remain silent, Anything you say can and will be used against you in a cour to flaw。 ─── 你有权保持沉默,你所说的每句话都将被当作呈堂证供。

30、"Big tears now coursed down her face" (Iris Murdoch) ─── “大颗的泪珠滑下她的面颊”(艾里斯·默多克)

31、The Source Coursed by Tortures, Extortions and Confessions and Its Countermeasure of Containment ─── 刑讯逼供产生的根源及其遏止对策

32、The tears coursed down her cheeks. ─── 泪水顺着她的脸颊流下。

33、Vagrancy, that Gallic picareria, accepted the sewer as the adjunct of the Cour des Miracles, and at evening, it returned thither,fierce and sly, through the Maubuee outlet, as into a bed-chamber. ─── 乞丐,即高卢的流氓,把阴渠当作圣迹区,到了晚上,他们奸猾又凶狠,钻进位于莫布埃街的进出口,好似退入帷幕之中。

34、{0>Article 47 All disciplinary actions imposed by the municipality or county (city) government authority should be coursed through the Disciplinary Committee for Architects. ─── 第47条 直辖市、县(市)主管机关对于建筑师惩戒事项,应设置建筑师惩戒委员会处理之。

35、His disapproving attitude toward cars is simply cour grapes; the fact is that he would like to have a car but can't afford to buy one. ─── 他对汽车持不赞成的态度纯粹是酸葡萄逻辑;事实上他也想有一部汽车,只是买不起罢了。

36、There are those, of cours e, who would adopt the epicurean motto of “Eat, drink, and be merry,” most p eople would be chastened by the certainty of impending death. ─── 当然,有这样一些人奉行享乐主义的座右铭??吃喝玩乐,但是大多数人却不能摆脱死亡来临的恐惧。

37、Cours de philosophie Positive ─── 《实证哲学教程》

38、the model of delay of vehicles on the road coursed by parking vehicle, is found by use of the theory of traffic flow, when the parking vehicles situated in the continuous state; ─── 在非机动车车道上着重研究了自行车的服务等级,评判通行能力。

39、If you seek for pleasure in the cours of the journey,the cours will become a destination, and what`s more,It will be a prolongeed,boundlessly benefical destination for all your life . ─── 如果在旅途中发现乐趣,那么过程就成了终点,而且将是一个人终生受用无穷的终点。

40、She burst into a torrent of confused supplication and tears coursed down her painted cheeks ─── 她滔滔不绝、没头没脑地恳求着,眼泪从她那涂脂擦粉的双颊流下。

41、The Little Countess had shut her eyes again, but two fat tears escaped from under their lids and coursed down her cheeks. ─── 小郡主闭着的双眼中流出眼泪,两行珠泪从腮边滚了下来。

42、The COUR, MBP, HbA1c, DUP and DNP were the risk factors for DRP; COUR, MBP, HbA1c, TG, CH, DUP and DRP were the risk factors of DNP. ─── COUR、MBP、HbA1c、DUP和DNP是DRP独立危险因素 ,DM病程 ,MBP、HbA1c、CH、TG、DUP和DRP是DNP的独立危险因素

43、Tears coursed down her face. ─── 她泪流满面。

44、Information was obtained from each primary physician on symptoms of preceding infection;initial symptoms;neurological signs during the illness;the clinical cour... ─── 对到本神经免疫实验室进行血清抗神经节苷脂抗体检测的9300例患者的病历进行回顾性分析。

45、Of cour Dating there are circumstances where this may not be possible - such as if you have children together or work in the same office. ─── 当然了,也有些情况是不能这样做的,比如你们共同抚养小孩,或者在同一个办公室工作。

46、She burst into a torrent of confused supplication and the tears coursed down her painted cheeks . ─── 她滔滔不绝、没头没脑地恳求着,眼泪哗哗地从她那涂脂搽粉的双颊流下。

47、Of cours,every relationship of note comes with a price.Some friends need so much support they become a burden. ─── 当然,每种事物都是需要付出的。当一些朋友需要给予如此多的支持时,他们会变成一种负担。

48、The utilization situation of clamp in silicon metal furnace is analysed, a system problems such as hot blowing out etc. were coursed by arcing of clamp. ─── 分析了工业硅电炉中铜瓦的使用情况。因铜瓦刺弧,引发热停炉等一系列问题。

49、The boats coursed along the west bank of the river. ─── 小船沿着河的西岸前进。

50、R.A.T.A.S.S la Cour de cassation. ─── 当与老板在工伤事情上有争议,社保局提供的机构:C.

51、The Little Countess had shut her eyes again, but two fat tears escaped from under their lids and coursed down her cheeks. ─── 小郡主闭着的双眼中流出眼泪,两行珠泪从腮边滚了下来。

52、She burst into a torrent of confused supplication and the tears coursed down her painted cheeks ─── 她滔滔不绝、没头没脑地恳求着,眼泪哗哗地从她那涂脂搽粉的双颊流下。

53、Warmth coursed through her body. ─── 一股暖流流遍她的全身。

54、It has run into Edward luckily, coursed a higher place it, it soars finally. ─── 幸亏它遇到了爱德华,把它引向了更高的地方,终于它一飞冲天。

55、This cours introduced the future in optic fiber components also and emphasized how to manufacture optic fiber components,it is basic for the future study and work. ─── 同时还讲述了各种光器件的以后发展趋势。在课程中特别强调各种器件的工艺制作方法,为学生在今后的研究或工作中打好基础。

56、The logistic analysis showed COUR, MBP, HbA1c, DUP and DNP were the risk factors for DRP; while COUR, MBP, HbA1c, TG, CH, DUP and DRP were the risk factors of DNP. ─── Logistic回归结果显示 ,DM病程 (COUR)、平均动脉压 (MBP)、HbA1c、糖尿病神经病变 (DUP)和DRP是DNP的独立危险因素 ,COUR、MBP、HbA1c、TG、CH、DUP和DRP和DNP是独立危险因素。

57、Through her mind coursed all manner of confused thoughts after she read the letter. ─── 她读完这封信后,千头万绪涌上心头。

58、Recueil Des Sommaires de la Jurisprudence de la Cour Supreme ─── 大理院判例要旨汇览

59、Le Cour ─── 勒库尔

60、coursed square rubble ─── 分层方块堆石

61、From time to time, I felt my companion's arm tremble convulsively, as though a series of shudders had suddenly coursed through him. ─── 我觉得我同伴的胳膊在不停地抽搐,像是有一股寒流突然穿过他的全身。

62、Big tears now coursed down her cheeks. ─── 大颗的泪珠滑下她的面颊。

63、Many things have disappeared in an instant as flowing water coursed the sands ─── 很多事都像流水经过沙地瞬间消失

64、That is to say,the Chinese cour se should be regarded not only as a science but an aesthetic art and the knowledge strure and aesthetic t aste of Chinese teachers must be improved comprehensively. ─── 应该树立语文既是一门科学 ,又是一门审美艺术的观念 ,全面提升语文教师的知识结构和审美修养

65、irregular coursed ─── 不规则层乱石

66、The effectiveness of changing cour tmediation into settlement of action should be researched carefully. ─── 以诉讼和解代替法院调解的必要性和可行性尚需认真研究。

67、RCA originated from the left sinus of Valsalva in 3 cases; RCA originated from the proximal segment of LAD in 1 case; Conus coursed between the aortic root and pulmonary artery to the anterior wall of the heart in 1 case. ─── 其中,3例RCA开口位于左冠窦,1例RCA开口起源于左前降支(LAD)近端,1例RCA分支圆锥支行走于主动脉和肺动脉之间到达心脏前壁。

68、A glad shock had coursed through him when he first saw Pamela. ─── 他第一次见到帕米拉时,通身都有一种惊喜交集的感觉。

69、Thee deer coursed the open field. ─── 这只鹿奔跑越过开阔的原野。 。

70、DENG Yun, ZHENG Zhuo, Cour P, et al.Relation between pollen ratios and climate in east China and an attempt of paleoclimate reconstruction[J].Acta Palaeontologica Sinica,2002,41(4) :508 - 516. ─── [6]邓韫,郑卓,Cour P,等.中国东部花粉比值与气候的关系及其在定量古气候重建中的应用[J].古生物学报,2002,41(4):508-516.

71、The pineal interlobular blood vessels coursed through where three or more pineal lobules meet. ─── 小叶间血管在3个或多个小叶相汇处通行。

72、Cour Internationale d'Arbitrage de la CCI ─── 国际商会国际仲裁院

73、Asian policy-making officials are facing the dilemma of global financial crunch and inflation coursed by rising cost of food and fuel. ─── 亚洲决策官员面临全球金融紧缩、及食物和燃料成本上涨推升通胀的两难处境。

74、manteau de cour ─── 女用宫中大礼服,女用大礼服

75、Personal Injury: Probing into It's Compensation Coursed in the Procedure of Criminal Investigation ─── 人身损害:基于刑事赔偿范围的探讨

76、there was a full moon, across which coursed large clouds driven by the wind. ─── 当时夜色并不很暗,风高月圆,白云掩映;

77、De La Cour ─── 德拉库尔

78、OSU Interview Online Cour se, OIOC ─── 国际名校在线面试班

79、We report on a case of such an abnormality associated with an uncoupled course of the renal vessels in which the renal artery coursed ventrally to the vena cava. ─── 在此我们报告一个罕见病例:所供养该异常旋转肾脏的肾血管并不是并行进入肾蒂而其中肾动脉是走在下腔静脉的腹侧。

80、Should there be any HIV/ADIS speed coursed by ineffective work, we will hold the person or department in charge accountable for the negligence. ─── 对因工作不力,造成艾滋病扩散的,追究政府有关人员的责任。

81、The elective course can meet the students' different demands and give impetus to the realization of the cours... ─── 体育选项课对体育教学的组织管理、教师的业务素质、考核与评价方法以及场地、器材和设备等方面提出了更高的要求。

82、Projet de recherche au cours pour estimation budgetaire et budget de construction ─── 建筑工程概预算课设

83、This is a giant vessel that was once a real existence coursed thousands of lives killed. Thus it became an unprecedented perils of the sea. ─── 这是一艘曾真实存在地巨轮,它地漂浮夺走啦上千人地生命,成为一场史无前例地海难;

84、Wins " ;But, this victory has notcertainly coursed the humanity Garden of Eden, but bring humans to unprecedented crisis. ─── 但是,这个胜利并没有把人类引向伊甸园,而是把人类拖入了空前的危机之中。

85、Before them a wide and rapid current coursed athwart their way ─── 在他们面前,一条宽而急的河流,挡住他们的去路。

86、ami de cour ─── 势利之交,表面上的朋友,靠不住的朋友

87、It's development has coursed four periods-rise, prosperity, decline and rerise. ─── 它的发展经历了四个时期,即兴起、鼎盛、衰落和振兴。

88、Fear coursed through the U.S. financial system on Wednesday, as hope for a resolution to the year-old credit crisis faded. ─── 历经一年之久的信贷危机得以解决的希望逐渐破灭,恐慌情绪周三在整个美国金融体系中蔓延。

89、"The only alternative is Magny Cours, but it is not compatible with the desires of Bernie Ecclestone and the manufacturers," he explained. ─── "唯一的选择是马尼库尔,但它是不符合的愿望和伯尼制造商,“他解释说.

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