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08-16 投稿


diffidence 发音


英:  美:

diffidence 中文意思翻译



diffidence 网络释义

n. 无自信;羞怯;内向

diffidence 同义词

doubtfulness | self-consciousness | quietness | self-doubt | abashment | reticence | hesitancy | self-distrust | backwardness | timorousness | sheepishness |shyness | coyness | modesty | timidity | reserve | bashfulness | demureness | constraint | silence

diffidence 短语词组

1、diffidence vs difference ─── 不自信与差异

2、diffidence antonym ─── 区分反义词

3、diffidence defined ─── 定义的差异

4、diffidence origin ─── 辨源

5、diffidence definition ─── 差分定义

6、diffidence hobbes ─── 畏缩的霍布斯

diffidence 反义词

confidence | assurance

diffidence 相似词语短语

1、confidence ─── n.信心;信任;秘密;adj.(美)诈骗的;骗得信任的

2、difference ─── n.差异;不同;争执

3、diffident ─── adj.羞怯的;缺乏自信的;谦虚谨慎的

4、diffidently ─── adv.缺乏自信地;踌躇地;羞怯地

5、differency ─── 差异

6、dissidence ─── n.异议;不同意;意见不同

7、differences ─── n.偏差,差异(difference复数形式)

8、incidence ─── n.发生率;影响;[光]入射;影响范围

9、differenced ─── v.辨别,区分(difference的过去式与过去分词)

diffidence 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Thus, one or more myths of China grew also in Italy, as in the rest of Europe, and we can present some opinions, from the prevalence of an unconditioned admiration to diffidence. ─── 因此,一种或多种关于中国的传说就如在欧洲其他国家一样在意大利滋生出来。我们将介绍几种观点,其中从无条件的赞美到苛刻的批判都有。

2、That diffidence no longer hampers either state. ─── 那种差距不再是两国发展的障碍了。

3、In Beijing, pride jostles with insecurity;studied diffidence sits alongside brisk self-confidence. ─── 在北京,自豪感与不安全感交织在一起,刻意的谨慎与强烈的自信同时存在。

4、She overcame her natural diffidence and spoke with great frankness. ─── 她克服了胆怯的毛病,非常坦率地说出了自己的想法。

5、America's diffidence for a while cast a dark shadow over the event. ─── 美国不同的情况一度给这一事件蒙上浓重的阴影。

6、His diffidence had prevented his depending on his own judgment in so anxious a case,his reliance on mine made every thing easy. ─── 他胆怯,遇到这种迫切问题,自己便拿不定主张,总是相信我的话,因此这次一切都做得很顺利。

7、Brander,” said Jennie, all her diffidence dissolved by sympathy. ─── 她的一切羞怯都被同情溶解了。

8、He has diffidence in expressing his opinions ─── 他表达意见时缺乏自信。

9、He had never thought of his sweetheart as of so superior a being, and he was instantly taken with a feeling of diffidence. ─── 他从来没有想到他的爱人会这样的华贵,竟使他的内心立刻产生了一种自惭形秽的感觉。

10、It is with diffidence and hesitation that I approach this work. ─── 我是带著懦怯和犹豫接近这部作品的。

11、He had never thought of his sweetheart as of so superior a being, and he was instantly taken with a feeling of diffidence ─── 他从来没有想到他的爱人会这样的华贵,竟使他的内心立刻产生了一种自惭形秽的感觉。

12、She overcame her natural diffidence and spoke with great frankness. ─── 她克服了胆怯的毛病,非常坦率地说出了自己的想法。

13、590 Diffidence is the poison of friendship. ─── 踌躇是友谊的毒药.

14、Her diffidence, the feeling of deprivation in the point of view, promised to protect him from any consequence. Most of the many women he had known had been picked for their lack of self-esteem. ─── 她缺乏自信,对她来说就是担心失去工作,这就使他不用为此事的后果担忧,他认识的许多女人大都是因为她们缺乏自信才被弄到手的。

15、Remember the dictum our professor taught us, diffidence leads to envy which gives rise to spite. ─── 记住教授告诉我们的名言:缺乏自信会导致嫉妒,进而产生怨恨。

16、He failed through diffidence. ─── 他因缺乏自信而失败。

17、Great Britain at the turn of the 19th century had been marked by similar diffidence, despair and recrimination when Germany and the US were emerging on the world scene. ─── 19世纪初,当德国和美国开始在世界舞台上崛起时,英国表现出同样的症状:缺乏自信、绝望、一遭到指责就反唇相讥。

18、” With the greatest diffidence Mrs.Gerhardt knocked at number twenty-two. ─── 葛婆子怀着满腹狐疑去敲二十二号的门。

19、Miss Darcy, though with a diffidence which marked her little in the habit of giving invitations, readily obeyed.Mrs. ─── 她怕舅父母追三问四,很想走开,所以她一听完他们把彬格莱赞扬了一番以后,便赶快去换衣服。

20、Mr Pen, besides other drawbacks, chose to entertain an extreme diffidence about himself. ─── 潘先生,除了其他缺点外,对涉及他自己的事总是异常胆怯。

21、B majored in Chinese studies was his good friend, B introduced that oriental formality and diffidence was seldom his style, instead he was known as rather arbitrary and relaxed. ─── 巴介绍说他很少有东方式的拘谨和内向,是个很随意放松的人。

22、they have their own personality all.active or diffidence,and also active and diffidence. ─── 但我认为不同的人有不同的特色,

23、What do you want?' I asked, with awkward diffidence. ─── 什么事呀?”我问,既尴尬又不安。

24、For I am a little diffidence I want to enjoy the hankered feeling. ─── 但是现在一些开朗的活泼的女孩无视这种观点,她们勇敢地去追求自己喜欢的男生。

25、In diffidence, in jealousy, in pain; ─── 我既忍受着羞怯,又忍受着嫉妒的折磨

26、For I am a little diffidence ,I want to enjoy the hankered feeling. ─── 因为我有一点害羞,喜欢被爱的感觉。

27、I firmly held that his diffidence had a lot to do with his missing thumb. ─── 我固执地认为他的性格里的自卑是和缺失的大拇指有着密不可分的关系的。

28、He tapped on the door, opened it, and entered with a certain diffidence. ─── 他敲了敲门,打开了门,带着一些羞怯走了进去。

29、She met girls of her own age, who looked at her as if with contempt for her diffidence . ─── 她见到和她年纪相仿的女孩,她们打量着她,似乎对她的畏缩神气有些瞧不起。

30、Mr. Pen, besides other drawbacks, chose to entertain an extreme diffidence about himself. ─── 潘先生,除了其他缺点外,对涉及他自己的事总是异常胆怯。

31、They tried to be lively and willing, but there was an air of hang-dog diffidence about the place. ─── 他们想提起精神,做出乐观的样子。 但是这个地方有着一种使人内心自惭而羞于抬头的气氛。

32、Mr. Cruncher, with some diffidence, explained himself as meaning 'Old Nick's.' ─── 克朗彻先生觉得有点扫兴,解释说他指的是“老撒旦”。

33、Diffidence is the poison of true friendship. ─── 疑心是友谊的毒药。

34、The scientists of the early twentieth century were in no mood for such scrupulous diffidence. ─── 20世纪初的科学家们对牛顿这样缺乏信心小心谨慎态度毫无情绪。

35、Such diffidence calmed rather than alerted us ─── 这种优柔寡断的调子没有使我们警觉起来,反倒使我们安心了。

36、There's a great deal of modesty and diffidence in my world. ─── 在我的世界里,有着许多谦逊和缺乏自信。

37、“Among other things, diffidence has wormed its way into my love of piano.” ─── 译文:”此外,这种缺乏信心的情况也影响了我对钢琴的热爱。”

38、Afraid and person association , disgust a person have another, feel nervous or uneasiness at the others in front diffidence heart. ─── 怕与人交往,厌恶人多,在他人面前无自信心,感到紧张或不自在。

39、Often its source is diffidence, and its cure lies in the growth of selfrestpect. ─── 原因往往是缺少自信,对症的药是培养自尊心。

40、His diffidence had prevented his depending on his own judgment in so anxious a case, but his reliance on mine made every thing easy. ─── 他因为胆怯,所以遇到这种迫切问题,自己便拿不定主张,总是相信我的话,因此这次一切都做得很顺利。

41、Diffidence is the poison of friendship. ─── 踌躇是友谊的毒药。

42、On the one hand, you shouldn't be diffidence, on the other hand, you mustn't be too extroversion. ─── 一方面你不应当拘束,另一方面也不要太过外向。

43、a feeling of diffidence about doing something. ─── 对于做某件事情没有自信。

44、The tendency of a person to allow himself to be degraded, robbed, deceived, and exploited might be the diffidence of a God amongst men. ─── 一个人听凭自己堕落、被掠夺、被欺骗、被利用,这或许是缺乏自信的表现。

45、He went to the stage and made a speech with diffidence. ─── 他缺乏自信的走上台去考试*大演讲。

46、I continued this method some few years, but gradually left it, retaining only the habit of expressing myself in terms of modest diffidence ─── 这种方法我连续用了几年,后来就逐渐抛弃,只保留了谦恭的不作肯定表述的习惯。

47、She met girls of her own age, who looked at her as if with contempt for her diffidence. ─── 她见到和她年纪相仿的女孩,她们打量着她,似乎对她的畏缩神气有些瞧不起。

48、Through bouts of jealousy and diffidence. ─── 羞怯和嫉妒交替折磨我的心;

49、This naturally introduced a panegyric from Jane on his diffidence, and the little value he put on his own good qualities. ─── 吉英听了这话,自然又赞美起他的虚心来,赞美他虽然具有了许多优美的品质,可并不自以为了不起。

50、This lady received the visitors with a mixture of ceremony and diffidence quite English ─── 这位太太接待客人既拘泥礼节,又很腼腆,颇有英国风味。

51、1.unassuming; modest; self-effacing; unpretentious 2.with diffidence; in humility ─── 谦逊

52、The outer crust of her life, all of her natural diffidence and reserve, was torn away ─── 她的生活的外壳,她的一切天生的羞怯和庄重,全撕破了。

53、As a result Heath rarely exhibited Nixon's crippling diffidence ─── 因此,希思很少表现出尼克松那种郁郁寡欢。

54、It doesn’t help that his apprentice, Johnny Weeks, is a troublemaker with the measured diffidence of a French waiter and the volatility of a pit-bull terrier. ─── 并别出心裁地提出了检查大便和远离电视、电脑等举措对于减肥的重要性,纠正了大众对节食的认识误区。

55、66. The tendency of a person to allow himself to be degraded,robbed, deceived, and exploited might be the diffidence of a God among men. ─── 一个人甘愿自己被侮辱、被抢劫、被欺骗、被剥削,这或许是一位神在人群中感到的胆怯。

56、It was with diffidence and hesitation that I approached this work ─── 我是带著懦怯和犹豫接近这部作品的

57、Shyness meekness bashfulness timidity reservation uncommunicativeness timorousness reticence constraint reserve diffidence ─── 沉默,不言语,因惊奇而一言不发

58、diffidence; self-doubt; unsureness; self-distrust ─── 缺乏自信

59、We set his silence down to his diffidence. ─── 我们把他的沉默归之于羞怯。

60、with nervous diffidence ─── 提心吊胆地

61、WenMin mother company in the bidding, diffidence is lost in YiNing stole the company's plans sold to others, resolution into the matter. ─── 温民母亲公司在这次招标里落选,疑心是一宁偷了公司的计划转卖给他人,决议调查此事。

62、He spoke with the diffidence of a man who knew how slight a thing would overset the delicate organisation of the mind, and yet with the confidence of a man who had slowly won his assurance out of personal endurance and distress. ─── 他说话时不大自信,因为他深知心灵的结构很微妙,即使最轻微的活动也能把它推翻,同时也十分自信,因为他亲身承受过苦难,逐渐产生了把握。

63、diffidence about self promotion. ─── 对自己的提升缺乏自信。

64、so I said with some diffidence: “It would be an accommodation to me if you could wait some days for the money. ─── 因此我迟迟疑疑地说:“要是你们能等两天再结账,就帮了我的忙了。

65、Not unconscious in the outset of the inferiority of my qualifications, experience in my own eyes, perhaps still more in the eyes of others, has strengthened the motives to diffidence of myself. ─── 就任之初,我并非不知道我的能力薄弱,而且我自己的经历更使我缺乏自信,这在别人看来,恐怕更是如此。

66、He was a man of diffidence and reserve, yet he was always caught up in the political storms of recent decades. ─── 这位杰出的哈佛政治学者一直是一个腼腆含蓄的人,但最近几十年的政治风暴总是不可避免的与他扯上关系。

67、farmers maintained a certain proud and wary reserve that might be seen as diffidence, in the presence of citizens they could buy ahd sell. ─── 在与他们做生意的城里人面前,他们坚持着的某种尊严和小心翼翼的矜持,可能被看作畏怯。

68、modesty and diffidence in my world. ─── 在我的世界里,有着许多谦逊和缺乏自信。

69、The tendency of a person to allow himself to be degraded, robbed, deceived, and exploited might be the diffidence of a God among men. ─── 一个人甘愿自己被侮辱、被抢劫、被欺骗、被剥削,这或许是一位神在人群中感到的胆怯。

70、My character is more diffidence,don't know how to talk with stranger. ─── 我的性格是比较内向,不太善于与陌生人交谈。

71、The disparity between his diffidence and her forthrightness makes the lovers' failure to connect more than a delaying tactic to keep the story churning forward; ─── 是他的不自信和她的直来直去造成的分歧使得这对恋人迟迟无法联系交流,这不是一种推动故事的发展的迂回战术。

72、That hurt; for all his diffidence in coming to the job, Mr Ford had grown to like the life of a president, and so had Betty. ─── 这个结果深深刺痛了他,因为他从当初妄自菲薄、缺乏信心担心不能能够胜任总统职位,逐步转变成为一个游刃有余、热爱自己工作的人,而且贝蒂也逐渐习惯第一夫人这个称号。

73、I failed her, partly from youth and diffidence but also because of a subconscious reluctance to take my share of another's burden. ─── 我没有这样做,从而使她失望了。这一是因为我年轻、缺乏信心,二是因为我下意识里不清员分担别人的精神负担。

74、He was a man of diffidence and reserve, yet he was always caught up in the political storms of recent decades. ─── 这位杰出的哈佛政治学者一直是一个腼腆含蓄的人,但最近几十年的政治风暴总是不可避免的与他扯上关系。

75、The tendency of a person to allow himself to be degraded, robbed, deceived, and exploited might be the diffidence of a God among men. ─── 一个人甘愿自己被侮辱、被抢劫、被欺骗、被剥削,这或许是一位神在人群中感到的胆怯。

76、Remember the dictum our professor taught us, ‘diffidence leads to envy which gives rise to spite. ─── 记住教授告诉我们的名言:‘缺乏自信会导致嫉妒,进而产生怨恨。’”

77、' I asked, with awkward diffidence. ─── 我问,既尴尬又不安。

78、To give you up unwillingly shows the depth of my love and my diffidence as well.To give up is to gumble,if lost, it only proves your true love is not on me at all. ─── 放弃只因为爱的太深,爱的太深,才对自己没有把握,要用放弃作赌注,输了,只因为对方不够爱你。

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