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08-16 投稿


thorax 发音

英:[?θ??r?ks]  美:[?θ??r?ks]

英:  美:

thorax 中文意思翻译



thorax 词性/词形变化,thorax变形


thorax 短语词组

1、thorax definition ─── 胸部定义

2、barrel-shaped thorax ─── [医] 桶状胸

3、asthenicus thorax ─── [医] 无力胸, 麻痹胸

4、cholesterol thorax ─── [医] 胆甾醇性胸膜积液

5、Peyrot's thorax ─── [医] 佩罗氏胸(斜卵圆形胸)

6、amazon thorax ─── [医] 单乳胸

7、fusiform thorax ─── [医] 梭状胸

8、thorax cancer ─── 胸癌

9、phthisicus thorax ─── [医] 痨型胸, 扁平胸

10、paralyticus thorax ─── [医] 麻痹胸

11、thorax journal ─── 胸廓轴颈

12、thorax facts ─── 胸部事实

13、thorax appendage ─── 胸肢

14、thorax proprius ─── [医]胸本部

15、pyriform thorax ─── [医] 梨形胸

16、thorax anatomy ─── 胸部解剖学

17、thorax mlp ─── 胸部mlp

18、thorax relief ─── 胸部减压

19、paralytic thorax ─── 麻痹胸

thorax 相似词语短语

1、thorac- ─── 胸腔

2、thoraxes ─── n.[解剖]胸,胸膛;胸腔

3、choral ─── adj.合唱的;合唱队的;n.赞美诗;唱诗班

4、borax ─── n.硼砂;n.(Borax)人名;(法)博拉

5、-thoraxes ─── n.[解剖]胸,胸膛;胸腔

6、hyrax ─── n.蹄兔;岩狸

7、prothorax ─── n.(昆虫的)[昆]前胸

8、pyothorax ─── 胸膜腔积脓;脓胸

9、Shoran ─── n.短距导航;近程无线电导航系统

thorax 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The middle of the three divisions of the thorax of an insect,bearing the middle pair of legs and the first pair of wings. ─── 中胸昆虫胸部三节的中央一节,上面长有昆虫中央的那对腿和一对前翅。

2、It is brownish-black.Its head hides under its thorax. ─── 它是黑色的。它的头部藏在胸部下面。

3、The middle of the three divisions of the thorax of an insect, bearing the middle pair of legs and the first pair of wings. ─── 中胸昆虫胸部三节的中央一节,上面长有昆虫中央的那对腿和一对前翅

4、The hindmost of the three divisions of the thorax of an insect, bearing the third pair of legs and the second pair of wings. ─── 后胸昆虫胸部中三个部分的最后一部分,长有第三对腿和第二对翅

5、There were 41 lesions. The commonest site was thorax and spine. ─── 共检出41个病灶 ,胸部及脊柱检出率最高。

6、Keywords Coronary heart disease;noncardiac surgery;thorax; ─── 关键词冠心病;非心脏手术;胸部;

7、Method:24 patients were injected Java brucea fruit oil emulsion injection in thorax after retaining ARROW tube in thorax to drainage chest water due to cancer. ─── 方法:对24例行胸腔内留置ARROW管引流胸水后腔内注射鸦胆子油乳注射液治疗。

8、The hindmost of the three divisions of the thorax of an insect,bearing the third pair of legs and the second pair of wings. ─── 后胸昆虫胸部中三个部分的最后一部分,长有第三对腿和第二对翅。

9、The anterior section of arachnids and many crustaceans, consisting of the fused head and thorax. ─── 头胸部蛛形纲动物和许多甲壳纲动物身体前部头胸合一的部分

10、It has a distinctly globular thorax . ─── 它的胸部明显地呈球形。

11、Facing upward to see and observes downward The military strategy is deposited in the thorax. ─── 仰观与俯察,韬略胸中存。

12、The anterior division of the thorax of an insect, bearing the first pair of legs. ─── 前胸昆虫胸部前面的一节,第一对足就长在该处

13、At the front, the BMW 5-Series Security is fitted with front, pelvis and thorax airbags as well as curtain airbags at the side. ─── 在方面,宝马5系列的安全与前安装,骨盆和胸部安全气囊以及帘式安全气囊在旁边。

14、Having deep constrictions separating the head, thorax, and abdomen, as in insects. ─── 分离的头、胸、腹部由紧缩分开的,如在某些昆虫

15、Methods Twenty-nine patients with myasthenia gravis underwent CT of the thorax and thymectomy. ─── 方法对29例重症肌无力患者胸腺CT与胸腺病理结果进行对照研究。

16、Impact measure (MI) and impact work (WI) can be used to estimate degrees of thorax and upper abdomen injury respectively and the value DE,50 of impact injury. ─── 提出用冲量MI和冲击功WI分别估计胸部和上腹部撞击损伤程度及其DE,50值。

17、The thorax of an insect. ─── 昆虫胸部

18、Our results suggest determining proportional length differences by taking a posteroanterior thorax radiograph. ─── 我们的结果建议通过后前位胸片测量确定短缩的比例。

19、Gently I reached in and grabbed the butterfly by the thorax, with every intention of nudging it into the killing jar, where the deadly formaldehyde would quickly do its work. ─── 我轻轻地伸出手,捏着蝴蝶的腹部,再慢慢地把它塞进杀虫瓶,瓶里致命的福尔马林药液很快就会把它制成标本。

20、feeling of distension in the thorax during pregnancy ─── 子悬

21、A New Thorax Closed Drainage Device for the First Aid ─── 一种急救胸腔闭式引流装置

22、Image 3: Transverse color Doppler scan through the fetal thorax show tumorous mass at the level of the heart which turned out to be lipoblastoma. ─── 图1.2:孕21周时,经胎儿胸腔横断面扫查发现心脏水平的肿块,被证实为脂肪肉瘤。

23、Dual tracks of light from luminous spots, one on each side of the thorax, chronicle the movements of a click beetle on a leaf in Jamaica. ─── 图为在牙买加,叩头虫胸腔两侧的发光腺体发出的两条光迹,记录了叶片上的这只叩头虫的行踪。

24、Injury of blood vessels of thorax ─── 咽部血管损伤

25、Transersal planes through thorax and sagittal plane done at 30 week of pregnancy, showing cystic mass located in left dorsolateral portion of the thorax. ─── 孕30周经胸腔的横切面和矢状面显示位于胸腔左背外侧的囊性团块。

26、Nearly half (46%) of the 1526 subjects without CVD had aortic plaque on CMR, the authors report, and aortic plaque was 7 times more prevalent in the abdomen than in the thorax. ─── 1526名无心血管事件的患者中,将近一半(46%)心血管磁共振显示有主动脉粥样硬化,作者报道,腹主动脉斑块是胸主动脉的7倍。

27、The cardio-thoracic ratio, expressed as a percentage, is the ratio between the maximum transverse diameter of the heart and the maximum width of the thorax. ─── 心胸比率用百分率表示,是心脏最大横径和胸廓最大宽径的比率。

28、Keywords esophagus in lower thorax;outer artery;surficial artery; ─── 关键词食管胸下段;外动脉;表面动脉;

29、This table is suitable for surgical procedures of the head, neck, thorax and abdomen,and extremities as well as for gynaecological, oto-rhino-laryngological and orthopaedics operations. ─── 本产品供医院手术室施行头、颈、胸腹腔、会阴及四肢等外科、妇产科等手术用。

30、Methods Since January 1995 to December 1999,949 patients accepted thorax surgery at our hospital,159 of this group had pneumonitis or atelectasis after surgery. ─── 方法从1995年1月至1999年12月,我科行常规开胸手术949例,其中159例病人并发术后肺内感染或肺不张。

31、Complication has pneumonic, thorax to accumulate arthralgia of sex of lymph node enlargement of door of fluid, lung, encephalitis, defer, cardiac muscle phlogistic, glossitis. ─── 并发症有肺炎、胸腔积液、肺门淋巴结肿大、脑炎、迁延性关节痛、心肌炎、舌炎等。

32、Methods:Between August,2005 and May,2006,59 fetuses who had MRI examinations of the fetal thorax and abdomen were diagnosed or suspected abnormalities on ultrasound scanning. ─── 方法:从2005年8月~2006年5月期间在上海市第一妇婴保健院产前诊断中心经超声检查诊断或怀疑有胸腹部畸形的59例胎儿,在超声检查后2天内进行MR I检查并作出诊断。

33、The sites of CT guided biopsy and therapy included the thorax , abdomen, musculoskeletal system and brain . ─── 包括CT导引经皮活检和介入性治疗,它涉及胸部、腹部、肌肉骨骼系统和颅脑等部位。

34、He picked her up immediately and wrapped his arms around her thorax and squeezed - expecting that she could spit the sandwich out she had been chocked. ─── 托马斯威克快速地将简丽娜扶起,用手臂环绕着老太的胸口不停地挤压,希望她能将让其窒息的三明治呕吐出来。

35、Before auscultating the posterior thorax, let's review normal and adventitious breath sounds. ─── 在对胸腔听诊之前,让我们回顾一下正常的和偶发的呼吸声音。

36、In the thorax of the gun, to be a heart, a soul, a binominal existence. ─── 它就能再一次拥有存在于枪内心的一个小时.

37、Firstly, the small pressure-biosensors are planted in different positions in the dexter thorax after thoracotomy to obtain pressure response data inside the thorax at the time of impact. ─── 本研究通过在小型猪胸腔内不同部位安置小型压力传感器,获得撞击时胸腔内不同部位压力响应数据,了解压力变化特点与肺损伤间的关系;

38、He coughed occasionally, but he has neer experienced pain in the thorax, feer, or loss of weight. ─── 他偶而咳嗽,但不曾感觉胸部痛、发烧或体重减轻。

39、Agreement with CT measurements was highest for the measurements on posteroanterior thorax radiographs. ─── 后前位胸片测量和CT的测量有很高的一致性。

40、MaterialsRandomly selecting 840 normal children aged 4-17 in Shanghai, 29 deaf children with hearing aids who adapted theabdomen breathing,and 30 deaf children who adapted the thorax breathing in several rehabilitation centers. ─── 材料: 在上海市随机选取4-17岁640名健听儿童,从国内外数家康复中心随机选出共29名配戴助听器且采用腹式呼吸的聋儿接受s/z测试,以及30名接受胸式呼吸训练的配戴助听器聋儿。

41、Methods: In 15 patients who underwent pneumonectomy and suried for more than 5 years, we ealuated by dynamic magnetic resonance imaging the function of the R and L and the position of the heart within the thorax. ─── 方法:我们评价了15个接受了肺切除并且存活了5年以上的患者其动态的很磁共振成像观察R和L的功能以及心脏在胸腔内的位置。

42、Methods Left thorax posterior lateral incision was used and hiatus esophageus of diaphragm was enlarged. ─── 方法常规左侧后外侧标准切口进胸,扩大膈食管裂孔,经膈食管裂孔上提胃至胸腔行食管胃吻合术。

43、Methods Two hundreds and two patients with malignant tumors in the thorax, abdomen, pelvis and limbs were treated by using chemotherapy and lipiodol embolization via PCS. ─── 方法202例胸、腹、盆腔及四肢恶性肿瘤采用经皮股动脉植入PCS进行化疗和碘油栓塞。

44、of or relating to the chest or thorax. ─── 属于、关于胸或胸部。

45、They had rummaged around his thorax, trying to get close to the arrowhead and the tissue around it. ─── 他们对他的胸腔周围进行了仔细的检查,试图靠近箭头及其周围的组织。

46、The thorax and pleon bear a number of lateral appendages, including the gills, and the tail ends with a telson. ─── 另一个古老的特征是甲壳亚门动物分叉的足,这样的足在化石中的三叶虫就已经有了。

47、Perform what's called a "mock inhalation" ; that is, expand your rib cage (thorax) as if you were inhaling, but don't actually inhale. ─── 练习所谓的“假吸”,就是说,扩张肋骨(胸腔)就好象正在吸气,但不是真正地在吸气。

48、Fingers are brought down slowly, exerting gentle pressure against the thorax. ─── 手指对胸壁施加一定的力度轻轻下滑。

49、Originally , romantic still can be so , she incites to action to hang down before his thorax the sleeptalking somnioquy same as : Thank you . ─── 原来,浪漫还可以这样,她将头低在他胸前梦呓般地:谢谢你。

50、Malignant succus in thorax and belly cavifies ─── 恶性胸腹水

51、Pictures showing the peritoneal pseudocyst inside the thorax. ─── 术后的图片显示胸腔内的腹膜假性囊肿。

52、Any of usually four membranous organs for flying that extend from the thorax of an insect. ─── 昆虫翅膀昆虫的胸部延伸出的用于飞行的器官,通常是四个

53、They are relatively large, growing up to 5cm long, have sharp spines across their thorax and legs and a pair of strong biting jaws. ─── 它们体型较大,能长到5厘米长,在它们的胸部,腿部和强壮的颚部都生有尖刺。

54、The most common complications were cardiopulmonary insufficiency, lung infection, atelectasis pain and anastomose fistula in thorax. ─── 常见的并发症有心律失常、肺部感染、肺不张、疼痛、胸腔内吻合口瘘等。

55、abdomen: The part of the body that lies between the thorax and the pelvis and encloses the stomach, intestines, liver, spleen, and pancreas. ─── 腹部:在胸与骨盆间的身体部分,将胃、肠、肝、脾和胰环绕在内。

56、Other signs included hepatomegaly, tuberculous lymphadennpathy, splenic tuberculosis, and tuberculosis of pancreas, adrenal glands, intestine and thorax. ─── 其他征象包括肝肿大和其他器官结核,如腹腔淋巴结、胰、脾、肾上腺、肠道及肺部可见结核病灶。

57、This table is suitable for surgical procedures of the head,nick,thorax and abdomen,perineum and estremities as well as fou gynaecological,oto-rhino-larymoological and orthopaedics operation. ─── 产品特点:本产品供医院手术室施行头、颈、胸腹腔、会阴及四肢等外科及妇产科、五官科、骨科等手术。采用油泵升降,手术时需体位调整均在台面头部操纵。

58、This table is suitable of the child surgical procedures of the head,neck,thorax and abdomen,extremities as well as for urological oto-rhino-laryngological,cranial operations. ─── 本产品适用于儿童的头、颈、胸腹腔、四肢等外科、泌尿科、五官科、脑外科等手术需要。

59、The adult Medfly is slightly smaller than a common housefly and is very colorful. It has dark blue eyes, a shiny, black thorax (back), and a yellowish abdomen with silvery cross bands. ─── 地中海实蝇成虫个体比普通家蝇略小,但色彩美丽。复眼暗蓝色,胸部(后背)黑色,有光泽。腹部浅黄色,镶以银色斑纹。

60、Methods:Transplantation of mussel flap was adopted to cover the anastomosis after resection of esophagus through left thorax. ─── 方法:采用带蒂肌瓣覆盖于经左胸食管切除颈部食管胃吻合口。

61、In hemicephalous larvae, the head and its appendages are reduced and partially retracted into the thorax. ─── 半头型无足幼虫头部部分退化,后端缩入胸部,如双翅目的大蚊及一些寄生性膜翅目幼虫。

62、Multiple traumas of thorax and abdomen ─── 严重胸腹部多发伤

63、of or relating to the pleura or the walls of the thorax. ─── 属于、关于胸膜或胸腔壁的。

64、They had rummaged around his thorax, trying to get close to the arrowhead and the tissue around it. ─── 他们对他的胸腔周围进行了仔细的检查,试图靠近箭头及其周围的骨组织。

65、A crustacean of the order Decapoda, such as a crab, lobster, or shrimp, characteristically having ten legs, each joined to a segment of the thorax. ─── 十足目动物十足目的甲壳纲动物,如螃蟹,龙虾,或虾米,其特征是有十足,每一足都与身体中间一节的部分相接

66、The cardiac plexus, the emotional Sphere of the Inner Voice (ANAHATA-CAKRA), called the Source of the Heart, situated in the central region of the thorax or chest. ─── 心神经丛,内在声音的情感区域(心轮),称为心脏的来源,位于胸腔的中间附近。

67、When the organ that waits for place when basin, abdomen, thorax produces infection, tumour or verminosis, can invade skull via vertebra vein clump inside or other is far an organ. ─── 当盆.腹.胸腔等部位的器官发生感染.肿瘤或寄生虫病时,可经椎静脉丛侵入颅内或其它远位器官。

68、The syndromes of thorax arthralgia developes like a tree.Deficiency of Heart-Yang,deficiency?17of Heart-Yin,phlegm blood stasis are the trucks of the development and often exist in the course. ─── 具体表现为,胸痹的证候变化为根式发展,心阳虚、痰瘀等一经形成,往往贯穿始终,是疾病发展的主干;

69、Metin Sitti,“ Piezoelectrically actuated four-bar mechanism with two flexible links for micromechanical flying insect thorax”, IEEE/ ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, Vol.8, NO.1, March2003. ─── [10]何仁扬,“拍扑式微飞行器之制作及其现地升力之量测研究”,淡江大学机械与机电工程学系研究所硕士论文,民国95年6月。

70、Metin Sitti, “Piezoelectrically actuated four-bar mechanism with two flexible links for micromechanical flying insect thorax”, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, Vol. 8, NO. 1, March 2003. ─── 何仁扬,“拍扑式微飞行器之制作及其现地升力之量测研究”,淡江大学机械与机电工程学系研究所硕士论文,民国95年6月。

71、Keywords Thorax neoplasms;Neurilemoma;Tomography;X-ray computed; ─── 关键词胸部肿瘤;神经鞘瘤;体层摄影术;X线计算机;

72、Study Design. Inestigate the association between growth of the spine and thorax under conditions that create symmetric or asymmetric growth disturbances of the spine or thorax in a growing rabbit. ─── 实验设计.研究生长中的家兔体内在匀称的或不对称的脊柱或胸廓的生长混乱的情况下,脊柱的生长和胸廓的生长的关系。

73、The belly should be well shaped and tightly muscled and, with the rear of the thorax, should swing up in a pleasing curve (tuck-up). ─── 腹部肌肉紧绷,形状良好,与后胸连成优美的曲线(收腹)。

74、In maggots the true head is completely invaginated into the thorax and the mouthparts can be seen as apair of hooks. ─── 十分退化,外部只见到一对口针,上颚刀片状,下颚呈长探针;如蝇类幼虫的口器。

75、The two insects have complex flight mechanisms with major muscles in the thorax, the chest region, which power the flapping of wings. ─── 这两种昆虫的飞行机理比较复杂,胸部长有较多肌肉,这样它们才能有力量振动翅膀。

76、A crustacean of the order Decapoda,such as a crab,lobster,or shrimp,characteristically having ten legs,each joined to a segment of the thorax. ─── 十足目动物十足目的甲壳纲动物,如螃蟹,龙虾,或虾米,其特征是有十足,每一足都与身体中间一节的部分相接。

77、During ejection from high speed aircraft, windblast may cause injuries in thorax and abdomen. ─── 从高速飞行的飞机上弹射时,气流吹袭可能使胸腹部致伤。

78、Herniation of abdominal viscera into the thorax following traumatic diaphragmatic rupture can simulate acute tension pneumothorax. ─── 外伤性横膈破裂后,腹内?器进到胸腔会造成和急性压力性气胸相似的症状。

79、This table is suitable for surgical procedures of the head,neck thorax and abdomen,and extremities as well as for gynaecological,othrhino laryngologrcal and orthopaedics operations. ─── 供医院手术室施行头、颈、胸腹腔、会阴及四肢等外科、妇产科、五官科、骨科等手术用。

80、To determine the visibility of the normal secondary pulmonary lobule on HRCT scans,the HRCT images of three fresh cadavers thorax were correlated with gross and histologic cross-sectional anatomy of the lung. ─── 为了明确正常肺小叶HRCT表现,本文仅将标本处理前的HRCT像与相应的横断大体标本、组织学切片行对照观察。

81、rectus abdominis at the level of xyphoid was supplied by a branch came from inferoir thorax artery. ─── 水平的腹直肌由来自下胸动脉的分支提供。

82、Unlike an insect, a spider has eight legs, and its head and thorax are oined. ─── 和昆虫不一样,一只蜘蛛有八条腿,而且它的头和胸是连在一起的。

83、The insects are tracheate arthropods in which the body is divided into head, thorax and abdomen. ─── 昆虫是有气管的节肢动物,体躯分为头部,胸部和腹部。

84、The head, the thorax and the tail comprise the transverse segmentation. ─── 头、胸和尾具有横向的分节。

85、of or relating to the pleura or the walls of the thorax ─── 属于、关于胸膜或胸腔壁的

86、Shoulder complex movements are three dimensional and include chain-related motions of thorax, clavicle, scapula, and humerus. ─── 三度空间肩关节动作包括胸骨、锁骨、肩胛骨、及肱骨连锁动作。

87、acquired deformity of thorax ─── 后天性胸廓畸形

88、The invention is concerned with simulation thorax dynamic negative pressure chest opening Operating Compartment, relating to box, press adjuster, gas tube and airproof connector. ─── 一种模拟胸腔动态负压开胸手术舱,具有箱体、压力调节器、通气管、密封连接体。

89、Clinical main symptoms is the stiffness and pain of the lumbar, sacro, ack, cervical spine and hip, even affect to the hypochondria and anterior part of thorax. ─── 临床主要表现为腰、骶、背、颈、脊柱和髋部僵硬疼痛,甚至影响到胁肋及胸前部。

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