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08-16 投稿


painter 发音

英:[?pe?nt?r]  美:[?pe?nt?(r)]

英:  美:

painter 中文意思翻译




painter 常用词组

landscape painter ─── n. 风景画家;山水画家

oil painter ─── 喷漆器;油画画家

painter 短语词组

1、portrait painter n. ─── 人像画家, ─── 人像摄影师

2、a painter in oils ─── 油画家

3、air-painter ─── [机] 喷漆器

4、word-painter n. ─── 能用文字生动描述者

5、sign painter ─── 画广告牌的人

6、cut the painter ─── 割断船的缆绳,切断联系;独立

7、sunday painter ─── 业余画家

8、scene painter ─── 绘景师

9、Format Painter ─── 复制格式

10、painter's naphtha ─── [化] 白节油(溶剂,漆用石脑油)

11、Brush-painter ─── 刷漆工

12、house-painter ─── 房屋油漆工;油漆工

13、painter's colic n. ─── 铅中毒绞痛

14、oil painter ─── 喷漆器; 油画画家

15、action painter ─── 行动派画家

16、house painter ─── 房屋政策; ─── 房屋油漆匠

17、painter's palsy ─── [医] 油漆工麻痹, 铅毒性麻痹

18、cubist painter ─── 立体派艺术家

19、genre painter ─── [网络] 流派画家

painter 词性/词形变化,painter变形


painter 相似词语短语

1、painterly ─── adj.画家的;美术的;开放式画风的

2、fainter ─── 微弱的;无力的;模糊的(faint的比较级)

3、painters ─── n.画家(painter的复数)

4、pointer ─── n.指针;指示器;教鞭;暗示

5、painted ─── adj.描画的;着色的;刷上油漆的;v.油漆(paint的过去式和过去分词);n.(Painted)人名;(瑞典)帕因特德

6、paintier ─── adj.颜料的;用涂料沾污的;涂过颜料的;着色过度的(painty的变形)

7、painture ─── 油漆工

8、printer ─── n.[计]打印机;印刷工;印花工

9、panter ─── n.(Panter)人名;(英)潘特

painter 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Italian painter trained in the Byzantine style and considered the first master of the Florentine school. ─── 契马布埃,乔瓦尼1240?-1302?受训于拜占庭风格的意大利画家,被认为是佛罗伦萨学院的首任校长

2、He went to London in the hope of being a famous painter. ─── 他去了伦敦,希望能成为一个著名的画家。

3、He works as a painter and decorator. ─── 他的职业是油漆匠和装潢师傅。

4、His mother was a painter, and he's no mean artist himself. ─── 他的母亲是位画家,他本人也是位很出色的艺术家。

5、The picture was done by the Song painter Zhang Zeduan. ─── 《清明上河图》的作者是宋代画家张择端。

6、American painter Winslow Homer died on July 31st at the age of 74. ─── 1910年7月31日,美国画家温斯洛·霍默去世,享年74岁。

7、She posed for her portrait [for the painter]. ─── 她为画像而摆姿势 [摆姿势给画家画] 。

8、French painter and sculptor Georges Braque died at 80 on August 31. ─── 1963年8月31日,法国画家、雕刻家乔治·勃拉克逝世,享年80岁。

9、His mother was a painter and his father was a chief executive of a public company, while his sister and brother-in-law were art dealers. ─── 他的母亲是一位画家,父亲是一家上市公司的首席执行官,而姐姐和姐夫都是艺术品交易商。

10、What painter could do justice to those beautiful eyes? ─── 天下哪一个画家能够把她那一双美丽的眼睛画得维妙维肖?

11、The sky, as if by a painter painted the light ink take descriptions, plush drizzle in the sky rampant inclined orgotten. ─── 天空,好像被一位画家拿手笔涂了淡墨,毛毛细雨在天空中密密的斜织着。

12、He was bred up as a painter. ─── 他从小被作为画家培养。

13、She has revived my painter dream. ─── 大牛:她又重新唤回了我的画家梦。

14、Carl is famous for being a master painter. ─── 卡尔是有名的绘画大师。

15、Be you a carpenter or a painter? ─── 你是木工还是漆工?

16、Giorgione was a venetian painter. ─── 乔尔乔涅是威尼斯画家。

17、He was truly a great calligrapher and painter. ─── 他可是一位书画大家呀!

18、He is renowned as portrait painter. ─── 他是个著名的肖像画家。

19、As a painter and decorator, I pride myself on meticulous work. ─── 作为一个油漆工和室内装饰师,我为我这一门精细的手艺而感到自豪。

20、He is a painter of the top rank. ─── 他是一流的画家。

21、His genius as a painter flowered very early. ─── 他的绘画天赋很早就发挥出来。

22、Are the same painting, the old painter's painting can be called art, it appears to be no doubt. ─── 同样都是画画,老画家的绘画就能够称为艺术,这似乎是没有疑问的。

23、What does your brother do? He is a painter. ─── 你的哥哥是干什么的?他是一名画家。

24、He set himself up as a house painter and soon became successful. ─── 他开始当了房屋油漆工,不久便生意兴隆发了财。

25、He is a painter and novelist. ─── 他是位画家兼小说家。

26、She didn' t think much of him as a painter. ─── 她对他作为一位画家评价不高。

27、Some painter he is! I could have done the job myself, in half the time, and far better too. ─── 他算什么画家!这样的东西我用一半时间就能画出来,而且还好得多。

28、Who is your favorite genre painter? ─── 你最喜欢的风俗画家是谁?

29、For years he harbored a secret wish to become a painter. ─── 多年来他暗暗希望自己能成为一名画家。

30、He is a portrait painter. ─── 他是一个肖像画家。

31、The former is a painter and the latter is a composer. ─── 前者是一名画家,而后者是一名作曲家。

32、True coral needs no painter's brush. ─── [谚]真珊瑚不用上红漆(本质好的东西无需装饰)。

33、He had begun his career as a painter. ─── 他开始了他的画家生涯。

34、As a painter, she cocks a snook at traditional techniques. ─── 作为一名画家,她瞧不起传统画法。

35、He is known both as a painter and as a statesman. ─── 他是知名的画家及政治家。

36、People said he's crazy. He's just a half-baked painter. ─── 人们说他疯了,他只是一个半拉子油画家。

37、He needs room to develop his skill as a painter. ─── 他需要机会提高他作为画家的绘画技巧。

38、He eked out a living as a painter. ─── 他作为一个画家竭力维持自己的生活。

39、She fulfilled herself both as a qualified mother and as a successful painter. ─── 她充分发挥了自己的才能既是一个称职的母亲又是一个成功的画家。

40、He was renowned as a portrait painter. ─── 他以肖像画家著名。

41、He has a bright future as a painter. ─── 作为一个画家,他前途光明。

42、She was a distinguished scientist and a gifted painter into the bargain. ─── 她是一位杰出的科学家--同时还是一位很有才华的画家呢。

43、He was a painter and poet. ─── 他是一位画家兼诗人。

44、He is not only a writer, but also a painter. ─── 他不但是一位作家,而且是一位画家。

45、A talented art critic stemming from a painter. ─── 出生画家,富有才干的评论家。

46、He was more of a writer than a painter. ─── 与其说他是个画家,不如说他是个作家。

47、He is a mechanic by profession, and a painter, for choice. ─── 从职业上说,他是机械师,从爱好上说,他是画家。

48、As a painter, his vision was almost always advanced. ─── 作为一名画家,他的眼光几乎总是超前的。

49、He is not much of a painter. ─── 他算不上一个了不起的画家。

50、Dutch painter whose largely religious works are characterized by grotesque, fantastic creatures mingling with human figures. ─── 博希,卡尔1874-1940德国化学家,因发展了化学高压处理方法而获1931年诺贝尔奖

51、His grandfather was a court painter. ─── 他的祖父是位宫廷画家。

52、To hold art exhibitions is something every painter dreams of. ─── 举办画展是每个画家的梦想。

53、"My personality is more the personality of a painter, " Calatrava told me a few months ago, when I met him in his New York office. ─── “我不仅仅是一个画家,”当我在他的办公室访问他时,他说。

54、He is an amateur painter. ─── 他是一个业余画家。

55、A great painter is usually ahead of his time. ─── 伟大的画家总是走在时代的前头。

56、He is a painter in water colours. ─── 他是位水彩画家。

57、Not only is he a singer, but he is also a painter. ─── 他不仅是个歌唱家,而且他也是个画家。

58、As a professional painter, she scorn the effort of amateur. ─── 她是专业画家,看不起业余画家的创作。

59、He is a painter of street scenes. ─── 他是一个画街景的画家。

60、She was well known as a painter. ─── 作为画家,她是很有。

61、Poultry is for the cook whatcanvas is for the painter. ─── 厨师离不了家禽正如画家离不了画布一样。

62、He began to cooperate with the well-known Beijing painter Pu Xinyu. ─── 他开始和著名的北京画家溥心诋合作。

63、Marc Chagall, a Russian born Jews painter who sp... ─── 在蓝色教堂玻璃窗下,令人感受浓厚的宗教气氛。

64、As I'm a painter,I want to paint some pictures on the fans myself. ─── 因为我是画家,我想亲自在扇子上画些画儿。

65、The great painter Raphael was one of the big three of Italy's high Renaissance, along with Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo. ─── 伟大的画家拉斐尔是意大利文艺复兴全盛时期三大画家之一,和莱奥纳多·达芬奇、米开朗基罗齐名。

66、He is a mechanic by profession,and a painter,by choice. ─── 从职业上说,他是机械师,从爱好上说,他是画家。

67、His father was a painter. ─── 他父亲是一位画家。

68、He knows he can not be a good painter. ─── 他知道他当不了一个好画家。

69、Are you a carpenter or a painter ? ─── 你是木工还是漆工?

70、Ding Yi is a painter based in Shanghai. ─── 丁乙:以上海为活动中心的画家。

71、The painting she was working on was a good, vigorous action picture; if anything, I think she was a better draughtsman than a painter. ─── 她正在画的那幅油画是一张既美丽而又充满活力的抽象派画; 依我之见,她与其说是一位画家,倒不如说是一个绘图员。

72、He is no more a writer than a painter. ─── 他既不是画家也不是作家。

73、Besides being a statesman, he was a painter. ─── 他是政治家,又是画家。

74、Did you ever hear of a painter named Raphael? ─── 你听说过一个名叫拉裴尔的画家吗?

75、An American painter is commissioned to paint the Empress' portrait. ─── 一名美国画家受委托要画女皇的肖像。

76、As a painter, he can run rings even round his father. ─── 作为一位画家,他甚至比他父亲都还要强。

77、He is a painter and decorator. ─── 他是油漆装饰工。

78、Nature is the best painter of all. ─── 大自然才是最好的画家。

79、She made a name for herself as a painter. ─── 她已经成为一名知名画家了。

80、He was an unknown painter one year ago. ─── 一年前,他还是一个不为人知的画家。

81、She is not so much a singer, as she is a painter. ─── 她与其说是一个歌手,不如说是一名画家。

82、He is not a painter but a writer. ─── 他不是画家,而是作家.

83、Why was Garywilling to go to Paristo earn living by a painter? ─── 在学生讨论之后,教师指出,这里表现了?

84、Look, why don't you tell your painter to buy the paint? ─── 嘿,你为什麽不告诉你的油漆匠去买油漆呢?

85、Madam, why don't you get a painter? ─── 夫人,你为什麽不找个油漆匠?

86、She is a painter outstanding for her landscapes. ─── 她是一位以风景画而出名的画家。

87、He works as a painter and decorator. ─── 他的职业是油漆匠和装潢师傅。

88、French painter known especially for his street scenes of Paris. ─── 优特里罗,莫里斯1883-1955法国画家,以其对巴黎街景的景物画著称

89、Who is your favorite Chinese painter? ─── 你最喜欢哪位中国画家?

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