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08-16 投稿


conceptional 发音

英:[[k?n'sep??nl]]  美:[[k?n'sep??nl]]

英:  美:

conceptional 中文意思翻译



conceptional 反义词


conceptional 同义词

fabricating | envisaging | view | meditation | thought | birth | creation | grasp | imagining | inception | initiation | beginning | concocting | apprehension | speculating | conceit | incipience | genesis | concept | origin | sketch | commencement | abstraction | conjecture | conviction | fertilization | innovation | formation | sentiment | comprehension | understanding | outline | invention | opening | notion | image | opinion | belief | delineation | nascency | construct | planning | conceptualization | design | inchoation | excogitation | draft | meditating |idea | command | fancying | plan | fecundation | origination | cogitating | impression | outset | source | start | theory | germination | musing | perception | dawn | feeling | speculation | consideration

conceptional 词性/词形变化,conceptional变形

副词: conceptively |形容词: conceptional |

conceptional 短语词组

1、conceptional deutsch ─── 概念德语

2、conceptional bid ─── 概念投标

3、conceptional definition ─── 概念定义

4、conceptional design ─── 我对概念设计

5、conceptional age ─── 受孕计年龄

6、conceptional model ─── 概念模型

7、conceptional meaning ─── 概念意义

8、conceptional quotation ─── 概念引语

conceptional 相似词语短语

1、conational ─── conatil

2、convectional ─── adj.对流的;由对流引起的

3、connectional ─── 连接的,接通的;拉杆的;联运的;连贯性的(connection的形容词形式)

4、conventional ─── adj.符合习俗的,传统的;常见的;惯例的

5、conception ─── n.怀孕;概念;设想;开始

6、concessional ─── adj.优惠的;容许的;让步的

7、conceptious ─── 概念的

8、conscriptional ─── 征兵

9、conceptions ─── [妇产]怀孕;概念;设想;开始(conception的复数形式)

conceptional 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It falls within the conceptional framework of geophysics. ─── 它在概念体制上隶属地球物理。

2、The concept of a human billboard is hardly new. ─── 其实,拿人身打广告并不新鲜。

3、He fathered the concept of the welfare state. ─── 他始创了福利国家这个观念。

4、First, the paper discussed the definition and conceptional characteristics of recreation fishery. ─── 文章首先对休闲渔业的内涵进行界定,并引出其概念特征;

5、God is a concept by which we measure our pain. ─── 上帝是一个概念我们用来衡量自己的痛苦约翰列侬。

6、The third generation is the kind that full of new conceptional ideas. ─── 世界上第三代博物馆是充满全新理念的博物馆。

7、Celecoxib Wanshou concept of "Eight-Ghazal" one. ─── 万寿观昔为“河州八景”之一。

8、Wiglaf was a proof of concept, not a final product. ─── Wiglaf是对概念的证明,不是一个最终的产品。

9、His appearance fitted the concept of a scholar. ─── 他的外表很符合人们想象中的学者模样。

10、A small baby has no concept of right and wrong. ─── 小孩不懂什么是正确和错误。

11、But we can't stick to the old concept of a "staircase" forever. ─── 但是我们不能老守着关于台阶的旧观念。

12、We do not accept the concept of "absolute evil"... ─── 小夕们不接手这样的观念:“绝对的邪恶”......

13、In teaching should pass through 6 aspects train, reach raising the ability that student carries out conceptional design. ─── 在教学中,应该通过6个方面的训练来达到提高学生进行概念设计的能力。

14、He presents a new concept of the begin of the universe. ─── 他提出了一种宇宙起源的新概念。

15、And the conceptional difference between , and the well-known surface spherical harmonic is clarified. ─── 在概念上澄清了它们与熟知的面球谐函数平滑因子是不同的。

16、Your concept of the movement is too radical. ─── 你对这次运动的看法太极端了。

17、Why is Copenhagen not be a Concept Theatre? ─── 《哥本哈根》为什么没有成为一出观念戏剧

18、Kazakh scientists are now testing the concept. ─── 哈萨克的科学家正努力测试此概念。

19、Organic conceptional diagram has been used to explain some questions in basic organic chemistry and fine chemicals. ─── 在化学键理论的基础上,简要地报道了有机概念图的基本原理。

20、It is derived from the concept of a void. ─── 它是源自于“空”的概念。

21、The core function of geological study in reservoir modeling is mainly incarnated by applying of facies controlling and geological conceptional models. ─── 地质研究对储层建模的核心作用,主要体现为相控建模原则、和地质概念模型的应用。

22、Its concept is familiar to most people and intuitively clear. ─── 它的含义通俗易懂直观清晰。

23、WAP emerged under the second concept. ─── WAP(Wireless Application Protocol,无线应用协议)便是在第二种概念下应运而生。

24、Seldom has a single concept played so important a role in mathematics as has the concept of function. ─── 很少有一个概念象函数的概念那样在数学中起如此重要的作用。

25、He showed people how to grasp a new concept of beauty. ─── 他叫人们指出应当如何领会美的新概念。

26、What is your concept of discipline? ─── 对于纪律处分您持什么观点?

27、Does the SPA agree with this concept of yours? ─── 七党联盟同意你们的想法吗?

28、Is big chime is discussed a concept? ─── 大额和协议是不是一个概念?

29、It is a refinement of the Nash equilibrium concept. ─── 它是纳什均衡概念的一种精炼。

30、Do with the concept we hold about time. ─── 反映我们对时间的看法。

31、They own only a neutral concept. ─── 它们本身只是中性的概念。

32、The defining of a concept through its constituent elements. ─── 定义通过组成元素来定义一个概念

33、The conceptional logic of the site and the inner set-up are followed by the outside image. ─── 与场地的概念逻辑和内部设置呼应的是其外在形象。

34、Organic conceptional diagram has been used to explain some questions in basic organic chemistry and fine chemicals. ─── 在化学键理论的基础上,简要地报道了有机概念图的基本原理。

35、The images presented through the medium of photography and video are conceptional , multi-layered introductions to a wider world of ideas. ─── 这些透过摄影与录影媒介所呈现的影像,是具有构想的,多层面的,是一种对更广大世界思维的介绍。

36、Finally, a case of Xiamen was brought forward which based on the project of Xiamen Eco-City Conceptional Planning. ─── 本文最后部分是基于《厦门生态城市概念性规划》项目的研究实例。

37、The concept of the whole is the basis of TCM. ─── 中医的基础是一种整体观念。

38、Concept of holo-spectrum is introduced. ─── 介绍了全息谱的概念。

39、Artistic production needs a conceptional object supplied by artistic consumption. ─── 作为艺术的生产离不开作为艺术的消费在观念上提出生产的对象。

40、Does this concept seem bizarre to you? ─── 您觉得这个概念古怪吗?

41、The core function of geological study in reservoir modeling is mainly incarnated by applying facies controlling and geological conceptional models. ─── 地质研究对储层建模的核心作用主要体现为相控建模原则的确立和地质概念模型的应用上。

42、Hello! Whats the concept for the poster shoot? ─── 你好。。这海报拍摄的构思是什么呢?

43、The marketing concept in banking is implemented. ─── 市场营销观念在银行活动中被普及。

44、It combines EDB, IDB in Datalog with OO concept. ─── 它是从演绎库的IDB的概念发展而来的,井称为IODB。

45、But the concept of civilisation itself is not. ─── 但是,文明的概念本身并不是。

46、"The whole concept of celebrity pisses me off. ─── 大明星那套快把我搞疯了!

47、Multiculturalism is a concept with many meanings. ─── 多元文化主义: 具有很多含义的概念。

48、A concept arising from directing the attention toward an object. ─── 意念由将注意力放到某物体上而来的概念

49、But in China, people still lack such a concept. ─── 但是在中国,人们还缺乏这种理念。”

50、Crofts New Hall is an amazing concept. ─── 克萝芙新庄园是个了不起的概念。

51、In teaching should pass through 6 aspects train, reach raising the ability that student carries out conceptional design. ─── 在教学中,应该通过6个方面的训练来达到提高学生进行概念设计的能力。

52、The concept of sampling will be presented below. ─── 关于采样的概念,后面将要说明。

53、plan abstract and conceptional; to improve notional comprehension; a notional response to the question. ─── 抽象的、概念性的计划;提高思维理解能力;对该问题的思想反应。

54、For most people, BSD socket concept is one of them. ─── 对于大多数人来说,BSD socket 的概念就是其中一个。

55、OOP is a concept, rather than a standard. ─── OOP不是一种标准,而是一种概念。

56、Audit risk is avery important concept. ─── 审计风险是一个非常重要的概念。

57、The concept of a matrix arises in application. ─── 在实际中产生了矩阵概念。

58、Her conceptional forms are life metaphors that leave form a rational and at the same time expressive process. ─── 她的艺术造型中暗含着生命的意义,这些象征意义偏离理性却又极富表现力。

59、How the Concept of Market Economy be Presented? ─── 市场经济概念是怎样提出来的?

60、He is the first to pose an alternative concept of the world. ─── 他是第一个提出另一种新的世界概念的人。

61、He seems to have absolutely no concept of time. ─── 他看起来根本没有时间观念。

62、The concept is an unlikely fit with fast food. ─── “风水”理念与快餐似乎风马牛不相及。

63、You do not follow the old concept of communism? ─── 您不会遵循旧式共产主义吗?

64、Her concept of history is modern and inclusive. ─── 她的历史观现代又富包容性。

65、A closely related concept is that of free valence. ─── 一个密切有关的概念是自由价。

66、The concept of the digital mockup and its us. ─── 定义了飞机设计中数字样机的概念,以及其应用范畴。

67、Figure 1 illustrates the concept of a multiplex wiring system. ─── 图一表明多路传输接线系统的原理。

68、It is Wang Yangming's metaphysical summary and improvement of the connotat on on the basis of the conceptional structure of "mind". ─── 它是王阳明在“心”的概念建构基础上,对其内涵进行的形上概括与提升。

69、Can you nail the concept down a little more precisely? ─── 你能把这一概念解释得更确切一些吗?

70、It has no concept of boxes that things fit into. ─── 它没有事物装进盒子的观念。

71、The fundamental principle or underlying concept of a system or theory; a basis. ─── 基本成份一个系统或理论的基本要素或基本概念; 基础

72、And the conceptional difference between , and the well-known surface spherical harmonic is clarified. ─── 在概念上澄清了它们与熟知的面球谐函数平滑因子是不同的。

73、This concept must be made clear to the people. ─── 就是要对大家讲清楚这个道理。

74、Your opinion on the concept of A.I. ─── 你对人工智慧的看法。

75、The most basic concept in accounting is that of the entity. ─── 会计最基本的概念就是主体。

76、Teach the concept of sequencing. ─── 学习”里”和“外”的概念。

77、GDOP is an important concept of GPS. ─── GDOP是GPS系统中的一个重要概念。

78、Market value is a completely different concept. ─── 市值是一个完全不同的概念。

79、What kind of concept is "Water Shortage"? ─── “缺水”是一个什么样的概念?

80、Why use the concept of TB Free Community? ─── 为什么使用无结核社区这个概念?

81、What was the single's PV's concept? ─── 什么是简单的朴素的唯物的观念。

82、"Sustain private property" is a bourgeois concept. ─── “确保私有”是受了资产阶级的影响。

83、Teach the basic concept of classification. ─── 了解学习最基本的分类用法。

84、We solve this problem by applying the powerful concept of a model. ─── 为了解决这个问题,我们使用模型这种强有力的概念。

85、It falls within the conceptional framework of geophysics. ─── 它在概念体制上隶属地球物理。

86、Centuries of statecraft had refined the concept of sovereignty. ─── 几个世纪的治国方法锤炼了民族主义哲学。

87、How can you apply that concept to your own life? ─── 如何能把那些概念运用在自己的人生?

88、Would you accept the concept of predestination? ─── 你可以接受宿命的概念吗?

89、IKEA working on eco-friendly concept? ─── 宜家工作的环保概念?

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