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albinism 发音

英:[??lb?n?z?m]  美:[??lb?n?z?m]

英:  美:

albinism 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 白化病


albinism 网络释义

n. [皮肤] 白化病;皮肤变白症

albinism 词性/词形变化,albinism变形

形容词: albinistic |

albinism 短语词组

1、partial albinism ─── [医] 局部白化病, 白痣

2、acquired albinism ─── [医] 后天白化病

3、albinism prevalence ─── 白化病患病率

4、localized albinism ─── [医] 局部白化病

5、ocular albinism ─── 眼白化病

6、albinism definition ─── 白化病定义

7、total albinism ─── [医] 全身白化病

8、albinism discrimination ─── 白化病鉴别

9、albinism syndrome ─── 白化病综合征

10、albinism genes ─── 白化病基因

11、albinism gene therapy ─── 白化病基因治疗

12、albinism is genetic condition ─── 白化病是一种遗传病

13、africans with albinism ─── 患有白化病的非洲人

14、albinism inheritance ─── 白化病遗传

albinism 相似词语短语

1、alpinism ─── n.爬山;登山技术

2、albinic ─── 白化的

3、Calvinism ─── n.加尔文主义;加尔文教派

4、actinism ─── n.光化性,光化度;光化作用

5、albiness ─── 白化病

6、albinoism ─── 白化病

7、albinisms ─── n.[皮肤]白化病;皮肤变白症

8、rabbinism ─── n.犹太法学博士的教义;犹太的法学博士的语风

9、albinos ─── 白化病者;白化变种(albino的复数)

albinism 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The modeling of GM(1,1) model is to gain difference equation by dispersing albinism differential equation,then to estimate model parameters by the difference equation. ─── 模型的建模过程是由白化微分方程离散化得到差分方程,再由该差分方程估计模型参数。

2、Are leukaemia and albinism same kind of disease? ─── 白血病与白化病是同一种病吗?

3、The histopathological changes in tissues of Eriocheir sinensis with hepatopancreas albinism ─── 中华绒螯蟹肝胰腺白化症组织病理变化

4、Keywords Albinism;Eye;Clinical menifestation; ─── 白化病;眼;临床表现;

5、Jack Albin is the chief investment officer at Chicago based checks private Chicago-based Harris Private Bank. ─── 对于这份报告,经济学家和美国官员做出了相同的反应。

6、Albinism function; ─── 白化函数;

7、Albinism with hemorrhagic diathesis ─── 白化病伴出血素质

8、a person with albinism ─── 有白化病的人

9、In general, these systems contrasted types of albinism having almost no pigmentation with types having slight pigmentation. ─── 一般来说,这些系统类型的对比有白化几乎没有同类型有轻微色素着色。

10、Autosomal dominant oculocutaneous albinism ─── 常染色体显性遗传眼皮肤白化病

11、autosomal recessive ocular albinism ─── 常染色体隐性遗传眼白化病

12、this gallery, we look at various examples of albinism in the animal kingdom. ─── 这组图展示了动物王国中各种白化现象的实例。

13、Jack Albin is the chief investment officer at Chicago-based Harris Private Bank."Really, this month's report is a setback. ─── 哈里斯私人银行芝加哥分行的投资经理认为,这个月的报告确实是个很大的挫败。

14、vulvar albinism ─── 外阴白化病

15、The Frequency of Albinism Gene in the Andrias davidianus Population in the Giant Salamander Hole in XingwenCounty, Sichuan Province ─── 四川省兴文县大鲵洞的大鲵种群中白化基因的频率

16、Albin Stenroos ─── 斯滕罗斯

17、Aland eye disease and ocular albinism ─── Aland眼病和眼白化病

18、Some couples may have family history of genetic diseases like Albinism, Haemophilia, G6PD deficiency or Colour blindness.Tests on genetics may therefore be performed. ─── 伴侣可进行基因测试,以检查是否拥有家族性遗传病的基因,如白化症、血友病、葡萄糖六磷酸去氢酶缺乏症或色盲。

19、The Bianconeri have already captured Albin Ekdal as well as Amauri and they are currently in talks over Xabi Alonso’s availability from the Reds. ─── 斑马军团已经先后签下了阿尔宾.埃克达尔和阿毛里,现阶段,他们正在同利物浦讨论哈维.阿隆索的转会事宜。

20、Clomazone and its mixture can cause albinism at seedling stage of maize, but are safety to the following wheat. ─── 广灭灵单剂及其混剂在玉米苗期可引起玉米白化现象,但对后茬小麦的生长较安全。

21、The modeling of GM (1,1) model is to gain difference equation by dispersing albinism differential equation, then to estimate model parameters by the difference equation. ─── 摘要GM(1,1)模型的建模过程是由白化微分方程离散化得到差分方程,再由该差分方程估计模型参数。

22、Because of error by dispersing albinism differential equation, the response of difference equation is changed relative to differential equation. ─── 由于离散化引入了误差,导致白化微分方程和差分方程的响应发生了变化。

23、partial albinism ─── 局部白化病白痣

24、Paolo De Ceglie, Sebastian Giovinco, Claudio Marchisio and Albin Ekdal are all hungry to show Claudio Ranieri what they can do and Buffon is sure all the youngsters will do well this term. ─── 保罗.德切利,塞巴斯蒂安.吉奥文科,克劳迪奥.马尔基西奥和阿尔宾.埃克达尔全都急于向克老劳迪奥.拉涅利展示自己的能力。布冯相信这些年轻球员可以在新赛季大放光彩。

25、acquired albinism ─── 后天白化病

26、[4]Wang H S.Effects of salinity on growth, survival rate and albinism rate of the larvae and juveniles of Paralichthys olivaceus [J].Oceanologia et Limnologia Sinica,1997,28(4):399 405. ─── 王涵生.海水盐度对牙鲆仔稚鱼的生长、存活率及白化率的影响[J].海洋与湖沼.1997,28(4) :399-405.

27、of or pertaining to or affected by albinism. ─── 白化病的、与之相关的或受其影响的。

28、However, the Italian is suffering from a flu virus and is unlikely to feature on Sunday, joining Momo Sissoko, Albin Ekdal and the suspended Tiago Mendes on the treatment table. ─── 然而这名意大利后卫得上了流感,他很有可能不会参加周日的比赛并加入了莫莫.西索科,阿尔宾.埃克达尔和蒂亚戈.门德斯的伤病名单。

29、s albinism ─── 白化病

30、mit Beitragen von Dietrich Niethammer und Albin Eser. ─── 作者声明: Walter Jens, Hans Kung ;

31、Just to clarify the needs of correction inpersons with albinism: of the 103 patients with albinism I care for personallythere is only one who does not need a correction! ─── 在不同类型的白化症患,存在从中等到严重的折射误差.下面的表格是3中不同类型的折射误差的定义,(表贴不上来,这一段就不翻了

32、Keywords urban eco-security;multi-level grey comprehensive evaluation;index system;model;albinism weight function; ─── 城市生态安全;多层次灰色综合评价;指标体系;模型;白化权函数;

33、oculocutaneous albinism ─── 眼皮肤白化病

34、universal incomplete albinism ─── 不完全性全身白化病

35、When both parents carry the gene, and neither parent has albinism, there is a one in four chance at each pregnancy that the baby will be born with albinism. ─── 当父母双方携带的基因,父母已白化、四是有机会在每一个怀孕出生的婴儿将与白化.This type of inheritance is called autosomal recessive inheritance.这种被称为常染色体隐性遗传继承.

36、congenital leukocytic anomaly albinism syndrome ─── 先天性白细胞异常-白化病综合征

37、If parents have had a child with albinism previously, there is a way to test in subsequent pregnancies to see if the fetus has albinism. ─── 如果父母生下白化以前还有一种测试,看看在以后怀孕的胎儿白化。

38、What should albinism child notice in nursing daily? ─── 白化病孩子在日常护理中应该注意什么?。

39、Characteristics of root growth, nutrient uptake and utilization in a wheat albinism ater reviving ─── 小麦返白系返青后根系生长及养分吸收利用特性的研究

40、Hypothermia therapy was reported by Albin first in 1961, and then many scholars did experiments on it. ─── 低温治疗急性脊髓损伤自Albin等人于1961年提出以来,众多的学者对其进行了研究。

41、Albinism does not alter life expectancy or have other serious health effects. ─── 白化寿命不会改变或有其它严重影响健康。

42、In tyrosinase-variable albinism (rare), an unidentified enzyme defect probably impairs synthesis of a melanin precursor. ─── 在酪氨酸酶白化病变(少见),一名身份不明的合成酶缺陷可能损害了黑色素前身。

43、ocular albinism ─── 眼白化

44、Harder to explain was the Albanian demonstration, led by Albin Kurti, whose Self-Determination movement wants independence immediately without more talks with Serbia. ─── 柯斯突尼卡总理的发言人为换取西方人的同情,提到塞尔维亚失去科索沃,就像捷克斯洛伐克在1938年失去了慕尼黑之后又被希特勒夺去德国人聚居的苏台德区一样。

45、Complete universal albinism ─── 完全全身白化病

46、Early descriptions of albinism called these main categories of albinism "complete" and "incomplete" albinism. ─── 这些早期的描述称为白化主营白化“圆满”和“完整的”白化。

47、In tyrosinase-positive oculocutaneous albinism, melanosomes contain tyrosine, a tyrosinase substrate, but a defect in the tyrosine transport system impairs melanin production. ─── 在酪氨酸酶阳性眼皮肤白化,含有黑色素细胞酪氨酸,酪氨酸基板,但缺陷妨碍交通系统的酪氨酸黑色素生产。

48、Individuals with albinism should see a dermatologist regularly to be screened for skin cancer. ─── 个人白化看皮肤科应该定期进行筛选皮肤癌。

49、albinism processing ─── 白化处理

50、" Albinism: Absence of the pigment melanin in the eyes, skin, hair, scales, or feathers." ─── 白化病:指双眼、皮肤、毛发、鳞片、羽毛等缺乏黑色素的情况。

51、For couples who have not had a child with albinism, there is no simple test to determine whether a person carries a gene for albinism. ─── 夫妇不曾生下白化、没有任何一个人简单测试,以确定是否带有白化基因。

52、“We do not have to take that all-or-nothing approach,” Justice Albin wrote of the marriage question in the majority opinion. ─── “我们没有必要走极端。”法官Albin在此问题上代表其他几名法官发表了的看法。

53、2 Wiesaw Kurdowski,Albin Garbacik; ENERGY-SAVING CEMENTS [A];Proceedings of 1985 Beijing International Symposium on Cement and Concrete(Volume 1) [C]; 1985 ─── 1颜二茧,柯昌春;应用微机进行城市雨水管网的水力计算[A];中国土木工程学会给水排水学会机电委员会第六次技术交流会论文集[C];1991年

54、Purification and Sequence Analysis of cDNA Coding Region for Porphobilinogen Deaminase from a Stage Albinism Line of Wheat ─── 小麦返白系胆色素原脱氨酶纯化及编码cDNA序列分析

55、Keywords Albinism;TYR gene;Melanin;Tyrosinase; ─── 白化病;TYR基因;黑色素;酪氨酸酶;

56、All forms of albinism cause problems with the development and function of the eyes. ─── 所有类型的白化病都会在眼睛的发育和功能上引发问题。

57、total albinism ─── 全身白化病

58、triangle albinism weight function ─── 三角白化权函数

59、Radon can cause lung cancer,leukemia,albinism and other pathological changes in respiratory tract. ─── 氡气会导致肺癌、白血病、皮肤癌及其它呼吸道病变的产生。

60、Jack Albin is the chief investment officer at Chicago based checks private Chicago-based Harris Private Bank." Clearly Really, this month's report is a setback. ─── 位于芝加哥的哈里斯私人银行的首席投资顾问-杰克.埃布林说:“确实,这个月的报告表示经济受阻”。

61、Albin, M.N. (1985), Perceptions of high school experiences and level of post-secondary Educational Attainment, DAI-A, 45(09), 2827-. ─── 教育部技职司(2002),第三届综合高中评鑑工作报告,台北市:作者.

62、When we reached Albin where they lived they were out; we went after them, and found them on the pier. ─── 我们到达阿尔滨他们的住处时,他们都不在家,我们出去寻找,在码头上找到了他们。

63、After coming out from cathedral, go up in the way home, the neighbour Ao Luofu to him says Albin: "Ao Luofu, priest today's address is very correct. ─── 从教堂出来后在回家的路上,阿尔宾对他的邻居奥洛夫说:“奥洛夫,牧师今天的讲话很不错。”

64、Oculocutaneous albinism is a group of conditions that affect coloring (pigmentation) of the skin, hair, and eyes. ─── 什么是'眼皮肤白化病类型4-减少皮肤色素沉着的头发和眼睛'?


66、oculocutanneous albinism ─── 眼-皮肤白化病

67、In tyrosinase-negative oculocutaneous albinism (most common), melanosomes don't contain melanin because they lack tyrosinase, the enzyme that stimulates melanin production. ─── 在酪氨酸酶阴性眼白化(最常见)、黑色素细胞不会含有黑色素因为缺乏酪氨酸,激发酶生产黑色素。

68、Forsius-Eriksson X-linked ocular albinism ─── X连锁眼白化病

69、After coming out from cathedral, on the way home Albin is opposite Aoluofu says his neighbour: "Ao Luofu, priest today's address is very correct. ─── 从教堂出来后在回家的路上阿尔宾对他的邻居奥洛夫说:“奥洛夫,牧师今天的讲话很不错。”

70、localized albinism ─── 局部白化病

71、What should albinism child notice in nursing daily? ─── 白化病孩子在日常护理中应该注意什么?

72、Those considering prenatal testing should be made aware that people with albinism can adapt well to their disabilities, and lead fulfilling lives. ─── 产前检验应考虑那些知道白化能适应残疾人士的好,带领完成生命.

73、What at that time couldn't see him and others has to distinguish, heard that he was FIMITIC comes, at that time I also thought that his skin was very white, was albinism? ─── 当时根本看不出他和别人有什么区别,听说他是残联来的,当时我还想呢,他皮肤挺白的,难道是白化病?

74、immunodeficiency with partial albinism ─── 伴局部白化病的免疫缺陷

75、Several non-infectious diseases including the leaf red spot, gummosis, herbicide in jury, typhoon damage and genetic albinism and an unidentified leaf crinkle disease are also described. ─── 此外非病原性病害包括红斑病、流胶病、除草剂药害、风害及遗传性白化症等,以及病因不明之尾叶桉皱叶病亦在文内叙述之。

76、Keywords Curvularia lunata;Genetic interaction;Physiological differentiation;differential host;Albinism isolate;Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA; ─── 玉米弯孢叶斑病菌;遗传互作;生理分化;鉴别寄主;白化菌株;随机扩增多态性;

77、Albinism is an inherited disorder that results from a defect in melanin metabolism of the skin and eyes (oculocutaneous albinism) or just the eyes (ocular albinism) ─── 白化症是一种遗传性缺陷造成的黑色素代谢的眼睛和皮肤(白化病眼眼),或只眼睛(白化病)。

78、Complete perfect albinism ─── 完全白化病

79、"This month's [unemployment] report is a setback," said Jack Albin, chief investment officer at Chicago-based Harris Private Bank. ─── 劳工部报告说,美国雇主6月削减了46万7千个工作岗位。经济学家和美国官员对此反应几乎一样。

80、“Alessio Secco and Claudio Ranieri are good at identifying young talent and developing gifted starlets like Iago and Albin Ekdal for example. ─── “塞科和拉涅利都是那种善于发掘年轻球员潜力的人,例如亚戈和埃克达尔。。

81、The white gene is not associated with deafness or any health problems, and is not albinism. ─── 白的基因不与聋度一起联合或者任何的健康问题, 和白化[型] 不是。

82、Oculocutaneous albinism also causes severe intolerance to sunlight and heightens susceptibility to skin cancer in exposed areas. ─── 白化病眼还造成严重容忍日光敏感性皮肤癌,并加剧空旷地方。

83、"Albinism: ABsence of the pigment melanin in the eyes, skin, hair, scales, or feathers." ─── 白化病: 指双眼、皮肤、毛发、鳞片、羽毛等缺乏黑色素的情况。

84、albinism sequence ─── 白化序列

85、Nettleship-Falls type ocular albinism ─── 内特尔席朴-福尔斯型眼白化症

86、2. a person with albinism: white hair and pink eyes and milky skin. ─── 有白化病的人;白色的头发、粉红色的眼睛和乳白色的皮肤。

87、Individuals with albinism should see a dermatologist regularly to be screened for skin cancer. ─── 个人白化看皮肤科应该定期进行筛选皮肤癌。

88、albinism rates ─── 白化率

89、wheat albinism line ─── 小麦返白系

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