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08-16 投稿


shrieked 发音

英:[?ri?kt]  美:[?ri?kt]

英:  美:

shrieked 中文意思翻译




shrieked 短语词组

1、shrieked fern ─── 蕨尖声叫道

2、shrieked like a maniac ─── 像疯子一样尖叫

shrieked 词性/词形变化,shrieked变形

动词过去分词: shrieked |动词现在分词: shrieking |动词第三人称单数: shrieks |名词: shrieker |动词过去式: shrieked |

shrieked 相似词语短语

1、shriveled ─── adj.枯萎的;v.(使)枯萎;(使)皱缩;(使)无能为力(shrivel的过去式)

2、shriek ─── v.尖叫;尖声说;促人注意;(无生命的东西)发出尖锐刺耳声;明显地不协调;n.尖声;尖锐的响声;感叹号(非正式)

3、shriekier ─── 尖叫

4、shrieky ─── 尖叫

5、shrieker ─── 尖叫者

6、shrieved ─── 尖叫

7、shrieve ─── 瑞孚

8、shrieves ─── 尖叫,

9、shrieks ─── v.尖叫;尖声说;促人注意;(无生命的东西)发出尖锐刺耳声;明显地不协调;n.尖声;尖锐的响声;感叹号(非正式)

shrieked 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The midwife shrieked with glee. ─── 助产士高兴得尖叫出来。

2、He sucks his fingers for comfort, but, finding no solace, his mouth crumples, his body stiffens, and he lets rip an almighty shriek of distress. ─── 他吸吮他的手指寻求安慰,但是这毫无用处,他开始瘪嘴,身体变得僵硬,然后,他发出一阵拼尽全力的表达难过的尖叫。

3、The engine uttered a shriek. ─── 发动机发出尖叫声。

4、Aunt Petunia let out a hair-raising shriek;nothing this filthy had entered her house in living memory. ─── “其实,你知道,只要喝上一口,它们就会变得有礼貌了。”

5、He shrieked abuse at me. ─── 他尖声朝我辱骂。

6、In the midst of the confusion and uproar... Cicero could only shriek that he had saved his country (J.A. Froude). ─── 夹杂在混乱与喧闹声中,西舍罗只能大声尖叫他挽救了他的国家(弗罗特)。

7、Then he peered cautiously at Timmy, who promptly began to shriek. ─── 之后他小心谨慎地凝视着蒂米,蒂米马上就吓得尖声啼哭起来。

8、The woman shrieked and threw up her hands. ─── 他把头低低地垂到水上,只等待着死。

9、People sometimes shriek because of terror , anger , or pain . ─── 人们有时会因为恐惧,气愤或疼痛而尖叫。

10、The beast can release a bizarre hydrosonic shriek that stuns its prey.Its bite delivers a powerful poison to further immobilize its victim. ─── 牠可以发出不寻常的尖锐水中声波来震昏猎物,咬住猎物时会释出强烈的毒液来进一步将其瘫痪。

11、Sonya almost shrieked all of a sudden, clutching at her cousin's arm, and moving back away from the door. ─── 突然索尼娅几乎叫了起来,抓着表妹的手从房门口向后退。

12、Stunned, he heard the grinding, splintering shriek of the roof timbers collapsing. ─── 头晕目眩中,他听到房顶的木材的磨擦声,尖叫的破裂声,以及倒塌声。

13、To fill the beautiful peace and quiet of the seaside and lakeshore with the ugly shriek of motor vehicles driven by thoughtless yahoos. ─── 为了填补美丽的和平与宁静的海滨和湖滨的丑恶尖叫的机动车辆驾驶粗心雅虎。

14、He lives to hear the shriek of metal on metal as his swords tear through Autobot armor,and the sparking sizzle of shorting electronics as wires and conduits are severed. ─── 在挥剑撕裂汽车人的盔甲时,听到金属之间所撞击的声响;在切断汽车人电线管道时,能够听到电子放空而发出的嘶嘶声。这就是摧毁生存目的所在。

15、It starts with a smirk, then it goes to a smile, a grin, a snicker, a titter, a giggle, a chuckle, chortle, laugh, cackle, deform, howl, shriek, roar, convulse and die. ─── 先是傻笑,然后开始微笑,露齿地笑、窃笑、呵呵笑、咯咯笑、吃吃笑、哈哈笑、欢笑、高声笑、大笑、身体变形、嚎叫、尖声笑、狂笑、抽搐和死亡。

16、People sometimes shriek because of terror,anger,or pain. ─── 人们有时会因为恐惧,气愤或疼痛而尖叫。

17、He still smokes intense cigarette, ride motor, it is her what busy back did not have a shriek to wear only. ─── 他依然抽烈烟,骑摩托,只是繁忙的身后没有了尖叫着的她。

18、a penetrating cry, shriek, yell, etc ─── 刺耳的哭喊、 尖叫、 叫喊等.

19、You shriek in your agony. ─── 你痛得尖叫不止。

20、The cries to Jesus became a solid shriek. ─── 医生临终前的祈祷化成了令人毛骨悚然的尖叫。

21、She shrieked and leapt from the bed. ─── 她尖叫着从那张床上跳了起来。

22、She shrieked out that there was a mouse in the room. ─── 她尖声说屋里有1只老鼠。

23、She shrieked out a warning . ─── 她尖叫着发出警告。

24、They were awakened by a weird shriek. ─── 他们被一声怪叫吵醒了。

25、At the beach, children shriek and tumble in the gentle surf, their hair braided tightly into cornrows affixed with plastic beads. ─── 在海滩上,有孩子们发出尖声、跌入温和的海浪中,他们的头发紧扎成玉米垄发式,上面用塑料珠子固定。

26、He shrieked then twisted around like a crazy animal. ─── 他尖叫着,然后像一只疯狂的动物一样旋转起来。

27、With a shriek, a fierce night-bird passes. ─── 哇的一声,夜游的恶鸟飞过了。

28、A universal shriek arose as the russet boots waved wildly from the wreck and a golden head emerged, exclaiming, "I told you so! ─── 众人尖声大叫,只见黄褐色皮靴伸出废墟使劲乱摇,一个金发脑袋探出来叫道:“我早就告诉过你会这样!

29、A: What happened to her? I heard her shriek. ─── 她怎么了?我听到了她的尖叫声。

30、His heightened senses shrieked torment and nightmare at him-agony was like a fog all around him, and gruesome death like electricity shooting up into him from the very ground under his feet. ─── 他的感官异常灵敏,令他体会到噩梦和酷刑的滋味。痛苦雾气般笼罩着他,死亡又好似电流一般,从脚下的地上,射穿他的身体。

31、"Collar that dormouse," the Queen shrieked out. ─── “把那只睡鼠揪出来

32、Look out!' he shrieked. ─── 小心!”他尖叫道。

33、She shrieked in fear. ─── 她惊怕地尖声叫喊。

34、"Get out, you nasty old toad!" shrieked Babbitty Bumble. ─── “出去,你这只龌龊的老蟾蜍!”大黄蜂芭比蒂尖声喊道。

35、A penetrating cry,shriek,yell,etc ─── 刺耳的哭喊、尖叫、叫喊等.

36、He ran holding a hand against his ribs, and I nearly shrieked as he passed and turned on me the flash of his red, robbed eyes. ─── 他脸色灰白的像一只扁虱,一边跑一边用一只手抵住肋骨。当他经过时,用血红的眼睛看着我,我差点惊叫出来。

37、She let out a terrible shriek. ─── 她发出一声可怕的尖叫。

38、She shrieked that she wanted to go home then. ─── 她喊叫着说,她想回家。

39、Almost at the same moment a piercing female cry arose in the air in a prolonged shriek. ─── 几乎同时一个女人凄厉的尖叫声划破长空。

40、The master aimed a blow at Oliver's head with the ladle; pinioned him in his arms; and shrieked aloud for the beadle. ─── 大师傅用长柄勺子对准奥立弗的脑袋猛击一下,抓住他的胳膊,尖声高呼,把干事叫来。

41、77. She shrieked at the sight of the cobra. ─── 她一见到眼镜蛇便尖叫起来。

42、give [utter] a shriek of pain [terror] ─── 发出痛苦 [恐惧] 的惨叫声

43、She let out a shriek of laughter. ─── 她尖声大笑了一声。

44、But I held my ground, and pretty soon he shrieked out. ─── 可是我坚持不放松,过了一会他就喊叫起来。

45、He circled around and around in the water like a wheel, craning his neck out into the air after them.Then he uttered the shriek so piercing and so strange that he was quite frightened by himself. ─── 他在水上像一个车轮似地不停地旋转着,同时,把自己的颈项高高地向他们伸着,发出一种响亮的怪叫声,连他自己也吓着了。

46、"In the midst of the confusion and uproar . . . Cicero could only shriek that he had saved his country" (J.A. Froude). ─── “夹杂在混乱与喧闹声中,西舍罗只能大声尖叫他挽救了他的国家” (弗罗特)。

47、She shrieked in fright. ─── 她吓得尖叫起来。

48、He let out a shriek of abandoned laughter. ─── 他尖著嗓子纵声大笑。

49、When he took his first bite, a woman in the crowd shrieked and fainted. ─── 在他咬第一口时,人群中一个妇女尖叫着晕倒了。

50、She shrieked when she was roused. ─── 她激动时尖声喊叫。

51、She shrieked in alarm. ─── 她惊恐地尖叫起来。

52、When he took his first bite, a woman in the crowd shrieked and fainted. ─── 当他带着他的第一口,一个女人在人群中尖叫和晕倒。

53、The shriek of a baby, an ambulance's siren, or a violin sonata are all essentially the same thing: waves of pressure traveling through the air. ─── 声音依靠介质粒子碰撞传递能量,声波的传播速率与衰减决定于介质的状态与种类。

54、A wind shrieked through the chamber, flattening and extinguishing the torches. ─── 一阵风尖叫着穿过房间,把火把的火焰压平、熄灭。

55、He shrieked in pain as I manipulated the bones together, but otherwise he simply stared unblinking at me, and within ten minutes the job was finished. ─── 只有在给他接骨的时候,他发出了痛苦的尖叫。其余时间里,他只是目不转睛的望着我。不到十分钟,活儿就干好了。

56、It swelled up louder and louder, a hoarse yell of pain and fear and anger all mingled in the one dreadful shriek. ─── 声音越来越大,痛苦,恐惧和愤怒的嘶哑的喊叫夹杂在一声可怕的尖叫声中。

57、The master aimed a blow at Oliver's head with the ladle; pinioned him in his arms; and shrieked aloud for the beadle. ─── 大师傅用长柄勺子对准奥立弗的脑袋猛击一下,抓住他的胳膊,尖声高呼,把干事叫来。

58、Kelly shrieked in true fright as he bent, his teeth bared, towards her helpless neck, her throat taught and pale in the lowreflected light of the street light. ─── 凯利在真实的惊吓,当他弯曲了,他的牙在街灯的低反射光尖叫了露出,往她无能为力的脖子,她的被教的喉头并且变苍白。

59、Higher and higher it spiraled, until with one unearthly shriek, it disappeared. ─── 牠愈飞愈高,愈飞愈高,最后消失在一道石破天惊的鸣声中。

60、They shrieked and howled and shot arrows at General Mao, but he was already out of range. ─── 他们咆哮着朝毛将军放箭,但是他早在射程之外了。

61、She let out a piercing shriek. ─── 她发出一声刺耳的尖叫。

62、His yelling occupies a specific register: to my ear, it's not quite the shriek reserved for alerting someone to an oncoming truck, but it's more urgent than a summons to the dinner table. ─── 他的叫喊方式对我的耳朵来说印象特别,它不是那种提醒别人有辆火车正疾驶而来的叫喊,但是又比喊别人来吃饭要更加急促。

63、Shelob's shriek is actually the sound of a Tasmanian devil. ─── 大蜘蛛尸罗的叫声实际上是袋獾的叫声。

64、"God gave her into my keeping!" repeated Hester Prynne, raising her voice almost to a shriek. ─── “上帝把这孩子交给了我来抚养,”海丝特 - 白兰重复说,嗓音大得简直像喊叫了。

65、he shrieked in a voice of childish shrillness. ─── 他用儿童般的尖锐的嗓音喊了一声。

66、She shrieked and fell swooning on his shoulder. ─── 她尖叫一声,不省人事地倒在他的肩膀上。

67、From a run-down old storefront came a hair-raising shriek followed by the sound of a body falling to the ground. ─── 从一个破旧的老店里忽然传来一声令人毛骨悚然的尖叫,接着听到一个人倒在地上的声音。

68、He gave a loud shriek and dropped the pan. ─── 他尖叫了一声就把锅扔下了.

69、We have a skunk in the basement,shrieked the caller to the police dispatcher. How can we get it out? ─── “我们的地下室里有一只臭鼬,”打电话的人对警察调度员尖叫道。“我们怎样才能把它弄出来?”

70、My skin crawled when I heard a sudden shriek in the dead of night. ─── 夜晚万籁俱寂时突然听到一声尖叫,吓得我汗毛直竖。

71、ALIENS HAVE LANDED!@ shrieked Aaron. ─── “有人来救我们了

72、All of a sudden he let out a piercing shriek. ─── 他突然发出一声尖叫。

73、He shrieked a long, wordless cry. ─── 他发出一串长长的尖叫。

74、"Congratulations! " he shrieked. "And for having such a great sense of humor. . . " ─── “祝贺你!”他尖呼。“由于您有这么好的幽默感…”

75、In the confusion and uproar, Cicero could only shriek that he had saved his country. ─── 在一片混乱与喧闹声中,锡斯罗只能尖声叫道他救了他的国家。

76、And at his confession they shrieked and objurgated him in the pithy rhetoric of the locality. ─── 在他坦白后她们尖叫着,用当地简练的话语对他大骂不休。

77、shrieked the man, in wild desperation, extending both arms at their length above his head, and staring at him. ─── 那男人拼命地狂叫,两条胳膊高高地伸在头上,眼睛瞪着他。

78、"We have a skunk in the basement," shrieked the caller to the police dispatcher. ─── “我们的地下室里有一只臭鼬,”打电话的人对警察调度员尖叫道。

79、"No! " Heather shrieked as the car careened off the pavement and plunged into a gully,charging toward a group of trees. ─── “啊不!”希瑟尖叫起来。她的车冲出了路面,一下子扎进一个隘谷之中,冲向一片树林。

80、He caught a brief glimpse of a gloomy, high ceilinged, twin-bedded room; then there was a loud twittering noise, followed by an even louder shriek and his vision was completely obscured by a large quantity of very bushy hair. ─── 他只瞥见了一个幽暗的,有着高高的天花板的双人房间,听见了杂乱的噪音,紧跟着是一声更响亮的叫声,然后他的视野被一大丛茂密的头发完全挡住了。

81、She stretchs her hand twist bibcock of big hot water, transmit a shriek immediately, she shuts faucet to say: "Yes, she still is bathing. ─── 她伸手扭大热水龙头,马上传来一声尖叫,她关上水龙头说:“是的,她还在洗澡。”

82、She shrieked out curse at the enemy ─── 她尖声地咒骂敌人。

83、His shoulder shrieked agony.He let it shriek, putting it to the side of the launch and finally getting the boat clear of the sand. ─── 他的肩膀承受着极大的痛苦,但他放任不理,将肩膀顶在船的一侧,终于将船推下了沙滩。

84、In summer the cicadas would shriek and shriek like crazy they'd torture you to death. ─── 一到夏天,知了就没命地叫“知了,知了...”吵死人了。

85、A shriek of pain came from the wounded man. ─── 受伤的人发出一声痛苦的尖叫。

86、"In the hat?" cried Brass, in a sort of shriek. ─── “在帽子里吗?”布拉斯叫道,声音很尖锐。

87、Father Fauchelevent rattled in the throat, and shrieked:--"I am strangling! ─── 割风伯伯喘着气,吼着说:“我吐不出气!

88、Her father's only answer was to draw his hands through his white hair, and wring them with a shriek of anguish. ─── 她父亲的唯一回答是双手插进满头白发,绞着头发发出惨叫。

89、But, under the leaden infliction which it was her doom to endure, she felt, at moments, as if she must needs shriek out with the full power of her lungs, and cast herself from the scaffold down upon the ground, or else go mad at once. ─── 可是,在她注定要忍受的这种沉闷的打击之下,她时时感到要鼓足胸腔中的全部力量来尖声呼号,并从刑台上翻到地面,否则,她会立刻发疯的。




美 /?pi?k??/




I couldn't resist peeking in the drawer.


Signora Rosaura shrieked, peeking in from the side of the stage.


Close your eyes and no peeking!


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