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08-16 投稿


augite 发音

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augite 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 辉石


augite 短语词组

1、augite use ─── 增加使用

2、augite rock ─── 隆起的岩石

3、alkali augite ─── 碱性生长

4、augite color ─── 玉米丝

5、augite habit ─── 他长大了。

6、augite def ─── 辉石def

7、augite photo ─── 增加的照片

8、augite winlivechat ─── 成长winlivechat

9、augite mohs ─── 泥泞

10、aegirine-augite ─── [化] 霓辉石

augite 相似词语短语

1、bauxite ─── n.矾土,[矿物]铁铝氧石;[矿物]铝土矿

2、alunite ─── n.明矾石

3、azurite ─── n.蓝铜矿

4、Gunite ─── n.[建]压力喷浆;喷射的水泥砂浆

5、turgite ─── n.[矿物]水赤铁矿

6、dugites ─── 杜吉特

7、auguste ─── n.笨拙型马戏团小丑

8、augitic ─── adj.辉石的

9、dugite ─── n.拟眼镜蛇属

augite 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Keywords Natural materials Pyroxene crystalline glaze Augite; ─── 天然原料;辉石结晶釉;普通辉石;

2、augite peridotite ─── 辉橄岩

3、Discovery of orderly orbicular structures in megacrystalline augite ─── 辉石巨晶中有序排列球体构造的发现

4、of or relating to or containing the mineral augite. ─── 属于、关于或包含普通辉石矿物。

5、Pyroxene is exclusively diopsidic augite, with a composition relatively close to the diopside-hedenbergite join. ─── 所有辉石是透辉石质普通辉石,其成分相对近于透辉石--镁铁辉石。

6、basaltic augite ─── 玄武辉石

7、Electron microprobe analyses show that the clinopyroxene comprises mainly diopside, with minor augite in skarn. ─── 电子探针分析结果表明,矽卡岩矿物中单斜辉石以透辉石为主,仅存在少量普通辉石;

8、The rock stack is made up of various sized black or dark grey olivine, augite basalt, amphibole and andesite. ─── 此岩系由黑色或暗灰色橄榄石、普通辉石玄武岩、角闪石安山岩等大小石块构成。

9、Discovery of orderly orbicular structures in megacrystalline augite ─── 辉石巨晶中有序排列球体构造的发现

10、Pyroxene is exclusively diopside augite, with a composition relatively close to the diopside - hedenbergite join. ─── 辉石是透辉石质普通辉石,其成分相对近于透辉石- -镁铁辉石。

11、The results show that, Main crystallization phase of glass ceramic was hedenbergite, and the minor crystallization phases were augite and hypersthene. ─── 结果表明:矿渣微晶玻璃的主析晶相为钙铁辉石,次晶相为普通辉石和紫苏辉石;

12、Latites contain plagioclase feldspar (andesine or oligoclase) as large, single crystals (phenocrysts) in a fine-grained matrix of orthoclase feldspar and augite. ─── 安粗岩中包含斜长石(中长石或奥长石),是在正长石和普通辉石组成的细粒基质中的大单晶体(斑晶)。

13、Chaoshan gold deposit is directly related to augite diorite. ─── 朝山金矿床与白芒山辉石闪长岩有直接的成因联系。

14、Augite monzonite crystallized at high-temperature and over-hypabyssal conditions.The water-deficient, highly viscous magma was favourable to the formation of the volcanic dome. ─── 辉石二长岩形成于高温、超浅成的环境下,贫水、粘度较高的岩浆有利于火山穹窿的形成。

15、Main crystallization phase of glass ceramic was hedenbergite, and the minor crystallization phases were augite and hypersthene. ─── 矿渣微晶玻璃的主析晶相为钙铁辉石,次晶相为普通辉石和紫苏辉石;

16、Pyroxene is exclusively diopsidic augite, with a composition relatively close to the diopside-hedenbergite join ─── 所有辉石是透辉石质普通辉石,其成分相对近于透辉石--镁铁辉石。

17、The study of petrology, mineralogy and geochemistry suggests that augite latite and augite monzonite are cognate, belonging to the upper and root parts of the volcanic dome respectively. ─── 岩石、矿物地球化学的研究表明,辉石粗安岩与辉石二长岩同源,分别为火山穹窿的上部和根部。

18、of or relating to or containing the mineral augite ─── 属于、关于或包含普通辉石矿物

19、Thyon volcanic rocks are classified as alkali basalts, with pyroxene megacrysts, and deep-seated mantle xenoliths such as augite and peridotite have been observed in some basaltic layers. ─── 火山岩主要为碱性玄武岩,部分玄武岩中可见橄榄岩类等深源岩石包体和普通辉石等矿物巨晶。

20、aegirine augite ─── 霓辉石

21、The groundmass has the same mineral components as phenocryst, and is composed of plagioclase, augite and olivine. ─── 分析显示,基质矿物组成与斑晶矿物组成相同,均是由斜长石、辉石和橄榄石组成;

22、The effect of gangue minerals (serpentine, olivine and augite) containing magnesium onpentlandite flotation has been studied in this paper. ─── 本文研究了含镁脉石矿物(蛇纹石、橄榄石和辉石)对镍黄铁矿浮选的影响。

23、Pyroxene is exclusively diopsidic augite, with a composition relatively close to the diopside-hedenbergite join. ─── 所有辉石是透辉石质普通辉石,其成分相对近于透辉石--镁铁辉石。

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