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08-16 投稿


coercion 发音

英:[k??'???(?)n]  美:[ko'???n]

英:  美:

coercion 中文意思翻译



coercion 短语词组

1、consensus-coercion balance ─── 共识-胁迫平衡

2、coercion act ─── [法] 高压统治法

3、coercion operator ─── [计] 强制算符

4、type coercion ─── [计] 类型强制

5、public coercion ─── [法] 公开胁迫, 公开压制

6、coercion policy ─── [法] 强制政策, 高压政策

7、coercion behavior ─── 胁迫行为

8、impersonal coercion ─── 非个人胁迫

9、disciplinary coercion ─── [法] 纪律强制

10、coercion definition ─── 胁迫定义

11、coercion meaning ─── 胁迫意义

12、coercion hypothesis ─── 胁迫假说

13、procedure coercion ─── [计] 过程强制

14、narrowing coercion ─── [计] 缩小性强制

15、coercion of operator ─── 经营者强制

16、coercion action ─── [法] 强制行动

17、coercion of witness ─── [法] 对证人施加压力, 威胁证人

18、informal coercion ─── 非正式胁迫

19、act under coercion ─── [法] 强制执行, 被迫行为

coercion 词性/词形变化,coercion变形

形容词: coercionary |

coercion 相似词语短语

1、coercive ─── adj.强制的;胁迫的;高压的

2、coercionary ─── adj.强迫的;强制的;高压的

3、coercibly ─── 强制地

4、coercing ─── v.强迫;支配(coerce的ing形式)

5、coercible ─── adj.可强迫的;可威压的

6、coemption ─── n.搜刮;[贸易]囤积

7、coercionist ─── n.强制主义者;高压政治论者

8、use coercion ─── 使用胁迫

9、coercions ─── n.强制;强迫;高压政治;威压

coercion 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He claimed he had only acted under coercion. ─── 他声称他只是被迫采取行动。

2、He paid the money under coercion. ─── 他被迫付钱。

3、Characterized by or inclined to coercion. ─── 强迫的表现出或倾向于强制的

4、Sales personnel strength, high-decibel street scene microphone, plus sales staff "coercion or inducement," buyers already committed, someone to act together. ─── 售楼人员推波助澜,现场麦克风高分贝叫卖,加之销售人员的“威逼利诱”,买家早已晕头转向,不由自主地冲动起来。

5、persuade completely, often through coercion. ─── 彻底说服通常是通过威压。

6、Provided the development coordinator has a medium at least as good as the Internet, and knows how to lead without coercion, many heads are inevitably better than one. ─── 假如专案发展协调者拥有至少跟互联网一样好的媒体,而他也不靠强制力来领导,那么一群人必定胜过一个人。

7、The creditor to the principal contract resorts to deception or coercion to induce or cause the surety to provide a suretyship against its will. ─── 主合同债权人采取欺诈、胁迫等手段,使保证人在违背真实意思的情况下提供保证的。

8、Provides a template for a method that is called whenever a dependency property value is being re-evaluated, or coercion is specifically requested. ─── [本主题是预发布的文档,在将来发布的版本中可能会有更改。空白主题是为将来预留的。

9、Parks was subjected to threats, misrepresentations and coercion, the family members allege in the complaint. ─── 帕克斯女士的家族成员在申诉中辩称,帕克斯遭到过威胁、谣传、恐吓。

10、To procure(sailors or soldiers) by trickery or coercion. ─── 强行征兵通过诱骗或强制手段获得(水手或士兵)

11、Only the state uses force and coercion on a large scale. ─── 只有国家大规模地使用强制力与压迫。

12、At the same time, there is no coercion and torture applied in many cases, and some suspects attempt to deny the confession which they have voluntarily made before but regret later, as to evade legal sanction. ─── 但是,由于侦查人员讯问犯罪嫌疑人是在秘密状态下进行的,没有令人信服的证据可以证明在此过程中是否存在刑讯逼供或变相刑讯逼供的问题。

13、In the submissive way of one long accustomed to obey under coercion, he ate and drank what they gave him to eat and drink, and put on the cloak and other wrappings, that they gave him to wear. ─── 他们给他东西吃,他就吃; 给他东西喝,他就喝; 给他东西穿,他就穿; 给他东西围,他就围,一副长期习惯于担惊受怕、逆来顺受的样子。

14、was vital that the elections should be free of coercion or intimidation. ─── 至关重要的是,选举中不得有胁迫或威逼。

15、Object that defines a set of properties and enables binding, which can involve selection of an overloaded method, coercion of argument types, and invocation of a member through reflection. ─── 对象,该对象定义一组属性并启用绑定,而绑定可能涉及选择重载方法、强制参数类型和通过反射调用成员。

16、intimidation and bribery; coercion and bribery ─── 威胁利诱

17、Or was it a form of coercion, because the lower class surely had more of a financial incentive to serve? ─── 或者这是某种形式的胁迫?因为较低的阶层去服役肯定出自更多的经济诱因?

18、The Western perception of China changed drastically in the 19th century. They began to see its weaknesses and the less edifying aspects of its civilisation, after they had entrenched themselves there through military coercion. ─── 到了十九世纪,西方人对中国的看法有很大的改变,他们开始看到中国的弱点,以及中国文明的其他较缺少启发性的一面,那是八国联军时期。

19、not brought about by coercion or force. ─── 不是强迫或力量带来的。

20、Early in 1938,kuang jiao "ta po Taihang Mountain," the Japanese invasion forces sweep Handan Road, after a long pass, and then occupied the capital of Shangdang Changzhi, Linfen city Jinnan coercion. ─── 1938年初,狂叫“踏破太行山”的日本侵略军在扫通长邯路后,进而占领了上党首府长治,威逼晋南重镇临汾。

21、It emphases on the external rule which is not governed by man's will and that the function of law is not only the means of coercion and force, but also embodiment of social justice and equity. ─── 它特别强调法是不依人的意志为转移的客观规律,法的功能和作用不仅是强制工具和手段,还是社会公平和正义的体现。

22、In political life within the Party and among the people we must use democratic means and not resort to coercion or attack. ─── 在党内和人民内部的政治生活中,只能采取民主手段,不能采取压制、打击的手段。

23、Our country pass through near twenty years" legal system, each administrative management domain"s coercion system already elementary constitute. ─── 我国经过近二十年的法制实践,各行政管理领域的强制执行制度已初步建立。

24、From now on, he said, scientists will be “free from manipulation or coercion,” and the government will “[listen] to what they tell us, even when it's inconvenient. ─── 他说,从现在开始,科学家们不再受操纵和压制,并且政府将会聆听他们想要告诉我们什么,哪怕这些话听起来多么地不入耳。

25、But Obama says they should be tried in normal military courts with stricter limits on evidence obtained by coercion. ─── 但奥巴马说他们应在普通军事法庭上受到审判,同时更加严格地限制强制手段获得的证据的作用。

26、The Western perception of China changed drastically in the 19th century. They began to see its weaknesses and the less edifying aspects of its civilization, after they had entrenched themselves there through military coercion. ─── 到了十九世纪,西方人对中国的看法有很大的改变,他们开始看到中国的弱点,以及中国文明的较缺少启发性的一面,那是在他们侵略中国以后。

27、The company shall not engage in or support the use of corporal punishment, mental or physical coercion, and verbal abuse. ─── 公司不得从事或支持体罚,精神或肉体胁迫以及语言侮辱。

28、No one shall be subject to coercion which would impair his freedom to have or to adopt a religion or belief of his choice. ─── 二任何人所享保有或采奉自择之宗教或信仰之自由,不得以胁迫侵害之。

29、The China Youth Daily called the coercion a“ shocking disgrace” that exposed officials' failure to enforce labor laws. ─── 中国青年报》称强迫劳工事件是“令人震惊的耻辱”,揭示了人民公仆对劳动法的冷漠执法。

30、Coercion did indeed bring about performance, but not always excellent, high quality performance. ─── 强迫确实能执行工作,但不总能干出优异和高质量的工作。

31、In its work a residents committee shall adopt a democratic approach and shall not resort to coercion or commandism. ─── 居民委员会进行工作,应当采取民主的方法,不得强迫命令。

32、Our method will be that of persuasion, not coercion. ─── 我们的做法是劝服,而不是强制。

33、Provided the development coordinator has a communications medium at least as good as the Internet, and knows how to lead without coercion, many heads are inevitably better than one. ─── 如果开发的协调者有一个至少和互联网一样好的通讯媒介,而且懂得如何不通过强迫来领导,多个头脑不可避免地优于单个头脑。

34、To Buy or sell under coercion ─── 强买强卖

35、JavaScript has its share of design errors, such as the overloading of + to mean both addition and concatenation with type coercion, and the error-prone with statement should be avoided. ─── JavaScript也有它设计上的错误,比如重载的+号随着类型的不同既表示"相加"又表示"连接",和本该避免的有错误倾向的with语句。

36、However, if the victim is unable to bring a complaint because of coercion or intimidation, a People's Procuratorate or a close relative of the victim may bring a complaint. ─── 如果被害人因受强制、吓无法告诉的,人民检察院和被害人的近亲属也可以告诉。

37、If the negro did not like the correction and ran away, the master had the right to use coercion to bring him back. ─── 这黑人若不愿接受管教而逃走,其主人有权采取强制手段将其追回。

38、Shi and hardware plus or coercion, and made the examiner is too short for his "care to" let him become a special operations team members. ─── 硬兼施外加威逼利诱,终于令考官对于太过矮小的他“高抬贵手”,让他成为了特别行动队的一员。

39、The goals of the vicissitudes of tax system of China gradually change,but its immovability is coercion and expediency. ─── 在中国的税制变迁中,不断变化的目标背后相同的变迁理念是强制和权宜。

40、Coercion will never result in convincing people. ─── 压服的结果总是压而不服。

41、The only way to settle questions of an ideological nature or controversial issues among the people is by the democratic method, the method of discussion, criticism, persuasion and education, and not by the method of coercion or repression. ─── 凡属于思想性质的问题,凡属于人民内部的争论问题,只能用民主的方法去解决,只能用讨论的方法、批评的方法、说服教育的方法去解决,而不能用强制的、压服的方法去解决。

42、DISCIPLINARY PRACTICES Criterion: 6.1 The company shall not engage in or support the use of corporal punishment, mental or physical coercion, and verbal abuse. ─── 惩罚性措施准则:6.1公司不可从事或支持肉体上的惩罚、心理或生理上的压制,和语言上的凌辱。

43、We know that China view SA as strategic on its expansion across the continent. China claims not to be interested in dominating Africa, but its coercion is all too apparent. ─── 我们知道:中国视南非为其扩张非洲大陆的战略要点,并申称无意支配(统治)非洲,但是它的目的(威力)太明显了。

44、If you do this, you will be impervious to coercion and no one can ever hold you back. ─── 如果你这幺做,你将不受逼迫也没有人能阻碍你。

45、Coercion n. Using force or threats of punishment ─── 压制,高压统治

46、Is external intervention into civil wars best thought of as a deterrence problem or a coercion problem? ─── 对内战的外部干预最好被看作是威慑问题还是高压政治问题?

47、He claimed he had only acted under coercion. ─── 他声称他只是受了胁迫才采取了行动。

48、Or, to put it another way, government is society's dominant producer of coercion. ─── 我们还可以换成另外一种说法,政府是当今社会中最大的强迫性行为的制造者。

49、For more than 20 years,by word and by deed Saddam Hussein has pursued his ambition to dominate Iraq and the broader Middle East using the only means he knows,intimidation,coercion and annihilation of all those who might stand in his way. ─── 20多年来,萨达姆用语言和行动追逐着自己的野心,企图独霸伊拉克和广大的中东地区。他使用他仅知的威胁、强迫和灭绝手段来对付那些可能挡他道路的人。

50、Those who use their authority or subordinate relationship to seduce the wives of active duty servicemen for illicit sexual relations by resorting to coercion are to be convicted and punished according to article 236 of this law. ─── 利用职权、从属关系,以胁迫手段奸淫现役军人的妻子的,依照本法第二百三十六条的规定定罪处罚

51、He may use flattery, promises, deception, intimidation, coercion, threats or even outright force, and if the incest remains undiscovered, it may continue for years. ─── 他也许会利用奉承、允诺、欺骗、胁迫、强迫、恐吓甚或直接的强制力,而且,如果这种乱伦仍旧没有败露,可能持续许多年。

52、Of course that is all ended, since families are held together by no bond of coercion, legal or social. ─── 当然,那种情况今天已经不存在了,因为现在的家庭不是由法律或社会的强制性来维系的。

53、Among the people, we reject the coercive method of commandism and adhere to the democratic method of persuasion;here the atmosphere should be free, "coercion" is wrong. ─── 我们在人民内部,反对强迫命令方法,坚持民主说服方法,那里的空气应当是自由的,“强迫人”是错误的。

54、They cast their votes freely and without coercion on election day. ─── 他们在选举日自由地投票,不受强迫。

55、Four years of coercion in the Northern Qi Dynasty, Northern Qi Ying Li Xiaoyuan Liangzhenyanghou the support for Timor-ming, Chen was Baxian objections were raised by constriction of their killing. ─── 四年,在北齐的威逼利诱下,迎立北齐扶植的梁贞阳侯萧渊明为帝,遭陈霸先反对,被其缢杀。

56、We can liberate ourselves from its gravitational pull of judgement, shame, and coercion. ─── 但我们可以打破传统惯性思维的束缚,从愧疚感释放出来,不一定非要追本求源。

57、Minimize possibility of coercion or undue influence ─── 减少强迫或不当影响的可能性

58、resort to coercion and commandism ─── 强迫命令

59、Men of means will only take fair and square, the practical effect is limited and bad men can be unscrupulous, dead inside a overcharging, coercion or inducement. ─── 好男人只会采取光明正大的手段,实际效果有限;而坏男人可以不择手段,死缠滥打,威逼利诱。

60、That defines a set of properties and enables the binding, coercion of argument types, and invocation of members using reflection. ─── 它定义一组属性并通过反映来启用绑定、参数类型强制和成员调用。

61、immunity from measures of coercion ─── 强制措施豁免

62、Liu Hulan unmoved in the face of coercion, was taken to seefei jun Even before hay cutter guillotine a few people who ask angrily: "Izha ge to die? ─── 刘胡兰在威逼利诱面前不为所动,被带到铡刀前眼见匪军连铡了几个人,怒问一声:“我咋个死法?”

63、"Staff are talking to us voluntarily, there is no coercion whatsoever," the spokesman said. ─── 员工是自愿同我们谈话的,没有任何所谓的强迫,“发言人说道。

64、In dealing with ideological problems we must never use coercion but should genuinely carry out the policy of "letting a hundred flowers bloom, a hundred schools of thought contend". ─── 对于思想问题,无论如何不能用压服的办法,要真正实行“双百”方针。

65、As a result of cheating or coercion ─── 以欺诈、胁迫的手段

66、For more than 20 years, by word and by deed Saddam Hussein has pursued his ambition to dominate Iraq and the broader Middle East using the only means he knows, intimidation, coercion and annihilation of all those who might stand in his way. ─── 20多年来,萨达姆用语言和行动追逐着自己的野心,企图独霸伊拉克和广大的中东地区。 他使用他仅知的威胁、强迫和灭绝手段来对付那些可能挡他道路的人。

67、The use of persuasion rather than coercion by central banks and governments to influence market participants. ─── 一般是指中央银行或政府当局以劝告而非强迫的手段影响市场参与者。

68、use coercion against small nations ─── 对小国进行要挟

69、to compel; to make by force or coercion ─── 强逼

70、The criminal coercion measures are not only the important content but also the key and difficult point of China's reform of the criminal suit system at present. ─── 刑事强制措施是刑事诉讼制度的重要内容,也是中国当前刑事诉讼制度改革的关键和难点。

71、So critics of R2P may well use the argument that five victors of the second world war should not have the crucial say as to when coercion may be used. ─── 一些R2P的批评者倒不如以此做文章:二战的五个战胜国不该对何时使用强制措施有决定权。

72、Providedthe development coordinator has a communications medium at least as good as theInternet, and knows how to lead without coercion, many heads are inevitablybetter than one. ─── 倘若开发的协调者拥有不逊于因特网的媒介,又懂得如何避免强权领导,那么群体智慧定要强于单打独斗。

73、A set of properties and enabling for binding, coercion of argument types, and invocation of members using reflection. ─── 一组使用反射启用绑定、参数类型强制和成员调用的属性。

74、However, notions of appropriate behavior, like coercion, cannot in themselves produce parenting. ─── 但是,认为合理化的行为,如强迫,本身并不会产生教养。

75、Otherwise, the left operand is early-bound integral data type and no coercion is performed. ─── 否则,左操作数是早期绑定的整型数据类型,并且不执行强制。

76、If the victim is unable to file a complaint because of coercion or intimidation, a people's procuratorate and the victim's close relatives may also file the complaint. ─── 如果被害人因受强制、威吓无法告诉的,人民检察院和被害人的近亲属也可以告诉。

77、Ideological struggle differs from other forms of struggle, since the only method used is painstaking reasoning, and not crude coercion. ─── 思想斗争同其他的斗争不同,它不能采取粗暴的强制的方法,只能用细致的讲理的方法。

78、On Monday, it warned mainland China not to contemplate coercion. ─── 周一,它警告中国大陆不要企图施加压力。

79、We prefer you to work voluntarily rather than by coercion. ─── 我们宁愿你工作出于自愿,而不是被迫。

80、It shall be strictly forbidden to extort confessions by torture or to collect evidences by coercion, inducement, deceit or any other unlawful means. ─── 严禁刑讯逼供和以威胁、引诱、欺骗以及其他非法的方法收集证据。

81、In March the cover got blown off of Brightly's caliginous caper, and after getting the third degree he's facing charges of first-degree coercion. ─── 今年3月时,布莱特利的黑暗勾当终于被掀了出来。在得到三级教师资格后,布莱特利也得到了一级重罪的控告。

82、Coercion state, which indicates whether or not your application was run in backward compatibility mode. ─── 强制状态,它指示是否以向后兼容模式运行您的应用程序。

83、Given the response to Mendoza's article, freedom of speech could seem to be "under coercion" in Venezuela, he says. ─── 他说,就Mendoza的文章收到的反应而言,委内瑞拉的言论自由似乎“遭到了威压”。

84、A return of a percentage of a sum of money already received, typically as a result of pressure, coercion, or a secret agreement. ─── 回扣、酬金归还已收到的一笔钱的一部分,通常是由于压力、威力或秘密约定

85、As regards followers under coercion and less important elements, we should try to win them over and give them a chance to turn over a new leaf. ─── 对于那些胁从分子、次要分子,应采取争取的方针,给以回头的机会。

86、Arab rulers hold on to power through a cynical combination of coercion, intimidation and co-option. ─── 伊斯兰教也没能阻挡得了民主在亚洲的穆斯林国家生根发芽。

87、Implicit coercion of a value with static type Object to a possibly unrelated type flash.display:MovieClip. ─── 其实解决办法也很简单,只要把隐式转换改成显示类型转换就可以.

88、Of course, the contract must be signed voluntarily, equality, real basis, no one is permitted to hoax, fraud or coercion, and other means of contracting. ─── 当然,合同的签订必须在自愿、平等、真实的基础上进行,任何一方不得以诱骗、欺诈乃至胁迫等手段签约。

89、However, the expression CharCol has a collation label of Implicit, and N'abc' has a lower coercion label of Coercible-default. ─── 但是,表达式CharCol具有隐式排序规则标签,而N'abc'具有级别更低的强制标签,即强制默认。

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