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08-16 投稿


flowage 发音

英:[?flo??d?]  美:[?fl???d?]

英:  美:

flowage 中文意思翻译



flowage 短语词组

1、flowage def ─── 流量定义

2、secondary flowage ─── 次生流动;滑移流动

3、flowage right ─── 流动的权利

4、flowage line ─── 流边线

5、gravitational flowage ─── 重力流

6、flowage meaning ─── 流量意义

7、flowage texture ─── 流动结构

8、flowage deed ─── 流动契约

9、reservoir flowage ─── 水库浮选

10、flowage friction ─── 流动摩擦

11、flowage fee ─── 流动费

12、flowage rights ─── 流通权

13、deformation flowage ─── 形变流动

14、flowage photos ─── 流动照片

15、flowage structure ─── 流程结构

flowage 相似词语短语

1、floorage ─── n.地板面积;占地面积;楼面面积

2、cowage ─── n.攀缘植物,豆科攀缘植物

3、flowrate ─── 流量

4、florae ─── n.植物区系;植物群(flora的变形)

5、flowerage ─── n.开花;花的总称

6、floatage ─── n.浮力;漂浮,漂浮物;火车轮渡费

7、flotage ─── n.浮力;漂浮;漂浮物

8、stowage ─── n.装载;装载物;装载方法

9、towage ─── n.拖船费;拖船

flowage 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Keywords Evaporated pattern casting;Flowage edge;Gas interspace pressure;Bernoulli equation; ─── 消失模铸造;流动前沿;气膜压力;伯努力方程;

2、talents flowage ─── 人才流动

3、A Study of Possessed Equipment Amount Model Applied to Port Flowage Machine ─── 设备拥有量模型在港口流动机械中的应用研究

4、The flowage aims to realize the perfect combination of the talent resource and the material resource, and fulfill the multi-layered demands of the subject. ─── 这种流动的目的是为了实现所拥有的人力资本与物质资本的最佳结合,实现主体的多层次需求。


6、Plugging Indepth Macroporous Flowage Channels in Low Permeability and Low Temperature Sandstone Reservoirs ─── 低温低渗透砂岩油藏窜流大孔道深部封堵技术研究

7、The securitization of land is an important way of financing and also the superlative form of the land flowage in the country. ─── 土地证券化是农村融资的重要途径,也是农村土地流动的最高级形式。

8、Therefore, teacher resource should be planned as a whole, and set up teacher flowage system to ensure balanced development of basic education. ─── 应从统筹教育发展、完善投入政策、建立教师流动机制、加强考核监督等方面入手,合理配置教师资源,促进基础教育均衡发展。

9、Characters, Problems and Countermeasures of Rural Laborers Flowage in Midwestern Areas ─── 中西部地区农村劳动力流动的特征、问题及对策

10、Keywords centrifugal,molecular-distillation,simulation,,,,, film flowage,equipment design; ─── 离心式;分子蒸馏;数值模拟;液膜流动;装置设计;

11、Preparation of Great Strength and High Flowage Concrete Double Mixed with Silica Powder and Coal Ash ─── 硅粉和粉煤灰双掺配制高强度大流动性混凝土

12、Nowadays, with the growth of global economy and international communication, the flowage between countries also increases; ─── 全球经济和国际交流的不断发展推动了人才的国际流动。

13、Labor force flowage ─── 劳动力流动

14、it causes inequality of the residents in obtaining jobs and it restricts the reasonable flowage of the population. ─── 城乡居民就业权的不平等;限制人口合理流动等。

15、open-channel flowing refers to a kind of flowage which has the free surface. ─── 明渠流动指的是具有自由流动表面的水流形式。

16、Flowage areas provide drainage channels for floodwater. At other times they can be used as parks or recreation areas. ─── 行水区是洪水来时渲洩的通道,平常可以规划公园或运动场。

17、Along with the advent of knowledge-based economic era, the flowage of knowledge is more and more frequent, and the knowledge theory is becoming the research background of the capacity of technical innovation gradually. ─── 随着知识经济时代的到来,知识流动越来越频繁,知识理论逐渐成为技术创新能力的研究背景。

18、flowage right ─── 淹地权

19、Molten Steel Flowage ─── 钢水流动

20、Water-model test about mould flowage optimization was taken at PZH Steel slab caster. ─── 在攀钢条件下对连铸板坯结晶器流场进行了水模拟实验。

21、zone of rock flowage ─── 岩柳

22、The flowage mode is judged according to the shear rate in the pipeline. ─── 通过聚合物溶液在管道中的剪切速率判断其流变模式。

23、Keywords Gating system Similarty Flowage Number Model Prototype; ─── 浇注系统;相似;流动;准数;模型;原型;

24、flowage line ─── 流边线

25、Keywords moveable gel;polymer;flowage relationship;percolation rule; ─── 可动凝胶;聚合物;流变关系;渗流规律;

26、deep-seated clay flowage ─── 深部粘土流

27、The humanism thought has been flowage so long as the human being multiplied history, and created a symbiosis. ─── 摘要人文主义思想源远流长,与人类共生。

28、high laborers flowage cost, the miscellaneous procedures. ─── 劳动力流动成本高,手续繁杂;

29、RTM asks for good properties of resin, and it’s flowage characteristic is very important. ─── RTM工艺要求树脂有好的工艺性能,其中树脂流体特性尤为重要。

30、gravity flowage ─── 重力流动

31、Keywords Surge pressure;Counter pressure cementing;Stable-state surge pressure calculating;Flowage calculating.; ─── 波动压力;平衡压力固井;稳态波动压力计算;流变学计算;

32、reservoir flowage ─── 水库淹没

33、The integration of waterside tourism attractions is especially important because of the coverage and flowage of water system. ─── 摘要水系的跨越流动性使得滨水地区的旅游资源整合问题显得尤其重要。

34、The Research on the Gas Interspace Pressure Formed in the Flowage Edge of Liquid Metal in Evaporated Pattern Casting with Hydrodynamics Theory ─── 用流体力学理论研究消失模铸造金属液流动前沿气隙中压力

35、the glaciated landform, formed by ancient glacial denudation was regarded as the prerequisite for the occurrence of debris flow, the material source and flowage of debris flow; ─── 由古代冰川剥蚀作用形成的冰蚀地貌,为泥石流的汇水、物质来源及流动提供了必要条件;

36、Keywords Multiphase flow technology;Flowage corrosion;Corrosion model;Corrosion monitoring;Corrosionprevention and control; ─── 多相流混输工艺;流动腐蚀;腐蚀模型;腐蚀检测;腐蚀防护与控制;

37、Keywords fracture closure;temperature;flowage ability;filter loss; ─── 裂缝闭合;温度;流变性;滤失量;

38、surface water flowage ─── 地表径流

39、Rock fracture and rock flowage are different types of geological deformation. ─── 岩石破裂和岩石流动是不同类型的地质变形。

40、water flowage ─── 放水量

41、The talent is the personalized expression of the human resource, and it appears as the subject of the flowage of talent. ─── 人才是人力资本的人格化,是作为人才市场化流动的主体出现的。

42、Integrated Construction Technology of ShallowDepth Mining Tunnel in Soft Flowage Plastic Clay Stratum of Nanjing Metro ─── 南京地铁软流塑地层浅埋暗挖隧道综合施工技术

43、Aqueous solution existed in the rock fissure, providing routeways to the directional flowage of electriferous ion. ─── 水溶液在岩石裂隙中的存在,为带电离子定向流动提供了通道。

44、2.changes in the volume of pore fluid or rock matrix,and 3.hydrocarbon buoyancy or liquid flowage. ─── (2)孔隙流体或岩石骨架体积的变化;

45、Keywords Manufacturing;Structural homogeneity;Convergence;Work division;internationalization;Upgrading;Factor flowage;Merchandise flowage; ─── 制造业;同构;趋同;分工;国际化;高级化;要素流动;商品流动;

46、downward flowage ─── 下水流

47、A Study of Possessed Equipment Amount Model Applied to Port Flowage Machine ─── 设备拥有量模型在港口流动机械中的应用研究

48、flowage differentiation ─── 流动分异(作用)

49、In order to implement the optimized configure of the HRETS, the principle must be followed such as the structural optimization, the reasonable flowage, the right use and the improving benefit etc. ─── 为实现装备技术保障人力资源的优化配置,必须遵循结构优化、合理流动、正确使用、提高效益等原则。

50、This kind of hose is maily for conveying materials in shapes of liquids, powders, sticky flowage material and gases. ─── 夹布胶管主要用于输送液状、粉状、粘流状物料及气体。管体承压、稳定,弯曲性好,内外胶层耐天候老化,耐介质侵蚀。

51、It is pointed out that asymmetric back force can improve the material flowage in the middle zone around . . . ─── 非对称反向压力可以改善枝管贯通母线中心附近区域材料的流动。

52、It is pointed out that asymmetric back force can improve the material flowage in the middle zone around ... ─── 非对称反向压力可以改善枝管贯通母线中心附近区域材料的流动。

53、Hot water flowage is one of heat hazards for underground mine. It is harmful to health, deteriorates environment. ─── 热水涌出是地下矿热害之一,它恶化环境有损健康,有时甚至淹没矿井,中断生产。

54、Keywords Slab;Mold;Nozzle Clogging;Bubble;Liquid Level Oscillation;Flowage; ─── 板坯;结晶器;水口堵塞;气泡;液面波动;流动;

55、Keywords Natural wind pressure;Stable flowage;Thermodynamics; ─── 自然风压;稳定流动;热力学;

56、This design in an intelligent IC card gas flowage controller, and it may be used in some small scale production teach . ─── 本文设计的是基于单片机的智能IC卡燃气流量的控制器,可用在一些小规模的生产环节中。

57、the over-zoned and over-national boundaries flowage of information has made the unprecedented exchange and collide between eastern and western ethic view. ─── 信息的超地域、超国界流动使得东西方伦理观遭遇空前的交流和冲撞。

58、The resin flowage characteristic directly influences the resin soakage and the final properties of the products. ─── 流体特性直接影响树脂的浸润性和最终产品的质量。

59、Keywords Evaporated pattern casting;Filling capability;Flowage frontage; ─── 消失模铸造;充型能力;液流前沿;

60、The Mach number in the outlet of the choke is calculated,and the flowage can be decided. ─── 计算出口处的马赫数的值,判别节流嘴内的流态,进而逆向求节流嘴上游的各参数。

61、matter flowage ─── 物流配送

62、Under the benignant government, social welfare function summed according to certain proportion and the cost of resource flowage are the reasons for the occurring of the anti-dumping. ─── 仁慈的政府模式由于加权的社会福利函数和避免承担资源流动的成本而要发起反倾销。

63、Problems and countermeasures of rural laborers flowage in Midwestern areas ─── 中西部农村劳动力流动中存在的问题及对策

64、Stable flowage ─── 稳定流动

65、flowage structure ─── 流程结构

66、Brief Analysis on the Lost of Intelligent Property Rights and Protection Measures in Personnel Flowage ─── 简析人员流动中的知识产权流失及保护对策

67、Keywords O_3/H_2O_2 oxidizing;molecular weight distribution;sulfonate;pulp flowage;surface tension; ─── 2氧化;分子质量分布;磺化剂;水泥净浆流动;表面张力;

68、A new multifunction water flowage logging tool(DSC) has been developed,which can accurately monitor polymer injection profile of injection well and is not limited by injection mode. ─── DSC多功能水流测井仪能够精确监测聚合物注入剖面且不受注水方式限制。从该仪器的原理和应用结果看,氧活化测井曲线只与注入量有关。

69、Causes and Countermeasures against Flowage of Personal Betrothal Gifts ─── 私彩泛滥原因及对策

70、As a result, proper loading paths are determined.It is pointed out that asymmetric back force can improve the material flowage in the middle zone around the bus-bar of the branch tube. ─── 增厚区域主要在枝管过渡圆角部位和主管两端,非对称反向压力可以改善枝管贯通母线中心附近区域材料的流动。

71、Keywords pulse neutron well logging;oxygen activation;injection profile;upward flowage;downward flowage;bi-directional flowage; ─── 脉冲中子测井;氧活化;注入剖面;上水流;下水流;双向水流;

72、element flowage ─── 要素流动

73、Physical Simulation of Liquid Steel Flowage in Tundish for Six-Strand Billet and Metallurgical Effect ─── 六流方坯中间包流场的物理模拟和冶金效果

74、Education's Effect on Regional Human Resources Flowage and Its Corresponding Countermeasures ─── 教育对区域人力资源流动的影响与对策

75、In new time, the staff of HRM must have globalization sense, and use global sight to choose and trade people, and use global sight to treat people’s flowage with reason. ─── 新时期的人力资源管理人员必须具备全球化的意识,用全球化的眼光来选拔和培养人才,用全球化的眼光来看待人才的合理流动。

76、upward flowage ─── 上水流

77、According to performance requirements of the engine, designed main components of the combustor, calculated flow distribution and flowage parameters of the combustor. ─── 根据发动机对燃烧室的性能要求,设计了燃烧室的主要部件,对燃烧室的流量分配及流程参数进行了数值计算。

78、Hot water flowage is one of heat hazards for underground mine.It is harmful to health,deteriorates environment. ─── 热水涌出是地下矿热害之一,它恶化环境有损健康,有时甚至淹没矿井,中断生产。

79、The tate can change collective land ownership into sate land ownership by expropriation.It is a one-way flowage, and is the only style of land ownership flowage. ─── 国家可以通过土地征用将集体土地所有权变为国有土地所有权,而且这种流动是单向的不可逆的,是我国目前土地所有权流动的唯一方式。

80、Keywords horizontal well high water cut;bottom water reservoir;unit of flowage;antithetic ridge; ─── 水平井;高含水;底水油藏;细分流动单元;反向屋脊;

81、regional human resources flowage ─── 区域人力资源流动

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