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08-16 投稿


wardroom 发音

英:[?w??dru?m]  美:[?w??rdru?m]

英:  美:

wardroom 中文意思翻译



wardroom 短语词组

1、wardroom buck ─── 更衣室巴克

2、wardroom mess ─── 衣帽间餐厅

3、wardroom the the ─── 储藏室

4、wardroom book ─── 衣柜簿

5、wardroom navy ─── 海军衣帽间

6、wardroom ship ─── 仓库船

7、wardroom mugs ─── 衣帽间马克杯

8、wardroom definition ─── 衣帽间定义

9、wardroom studio ─── 衣帽间工作室

wardroom 词性/词形变化,wardroom变形


wardroom 相似词语短语

1、barroom ─── n.酒吧间

2、wareroom ─── n.商品储藏室;商品陈列室

3、bar-room ─── 酒吧间

4、warerooms ─── n.商品储藏室;商品陈列室

5、boardroom ─── n.会议室;交换场所

6、guardroom ─── n.守卫室;禁闭室

7、war room ─── 作战室,战情室;会议室,企划室

8、wardrooms ─── n.军官;军官室

9、cardroom ─── n.桥牌室

wardroom 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、they stepped through an open watertight door to the tiny wardroom , where natalie met two more young officers. ─── 他们迈过一道敞着的防水门,来到一间小军官室,这里,娜塔丽又见到两位军官。

2、In the wardroom, he ate so little and looked so glum that his officers kept exchanging glances. ─── 在军官室里,他说得那么少,显得那么忧郁,他的几个同事都不住地交换眼光。

3、(14)Now hear this.Meeting of all officers in the wardroom in ten minutes. ─── 现在大家注意听着,全体军官十分钟后在饭厅集合。

4、two bedrooms and nursery are situated on the second floor (the wardroom). ─── 在二楼,有大客厅,两间卧室和婴儿房,都在那里。

5、Hopkins had two bags open on his bunk in a small cabin off the wardroom. ─── 霍普金斯在他起居室隔壁的小舱的铺位上打开了两个提包。

6、Big drawing room, two bedrooms and nursery are situated on the second floor(the wardroom). ─── 在二楼,有大客厅,两间卧室和婴儿房,都在那里。

7、This was no wardroom. ─── 这个房间没有守卫。

8、Besides her steward work in the wardroom Able Seaman Green is a member of the ship's firefighting team, which is ready to respond to any fire or toxic hazard incident. ─── 除了军官室的干事工作,二等兵格林还是舰上消防队的一员,准备应付任何火警和防化事故。

9、You prescribe brandy for them, and I'll end up with a wardroom of closet drunks ─── 你替他们开白兰地的方子,结果我的军官室里岂不都挤满了醉鬼了吗?

10、Web Wardroom Helps Navy Officers Mentor ─── 美联社:海军军官上网学习

11、Sunny, whose service number is RN Parrot No.1, has now resumed her place in the wardroom among the officers. ─── 桑尼的服役编号是皇家海军一号鹦鹉,它现在重新回到了军官起居室的位置上,与军官们为伍。

12、Inside you have one room with the bed in the middle a small side table and a small kitchen area and wardroom area at the back. ─── 你有一个房间里的床上的一个小边桌,中部地区一个小厨房的面积和军官在后面。

13、What had once been luxuries in the Wardroom of H.M.S.Victory had become standard items of health and hygiene to the sailors on the gun decks of H.M.S.Warrior after 1860. ─── 曾经在皇家海军军舰“胜利号”上的军官起居室为奢侈品(的东东),在1860年之后,成为了皇家海军军舰的“勇士号”上枪炮甲板上所有水手的健康和卫生标准。

14、Now hear this. Meeting of all officers in the wardroom in ten minutes. ─── 现在大家注意听着,全体军官十分钟后在饭厅集合。

15、wardroom enteroom ─── 舰上军官休息室前厅

16、She often messes with the wardroom officers. ─── 她常和有授衔的军官一起吃饭。

17、On a lengthy voyage, the chef and his catering team of two sous chefs or "leading hands", four other chefs and three ship's stewards in the wardroom, may have to deliver more than 100,000 meals. ─── 大厨的伙食团队包括两位副厨师长或“上手师傅”,四位厨师,三位在管事室里的船上管事。在一次远航中,这个团队可能要提供超过100,000份的饭菜。

18、door to the tiny wardroom, where Natalie met two more young officers. ─── 他们迈过一道敞着的防水门,来到一间小军官室,这里,娜塔丽又见到两位军官。

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