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08-16 投稿


hammering 发音

英:[?h?m?r??]  美:[?h?m?r??]

英:  美:

hammering 中文意思翻译



hammering 词性/词形变化,hammering变形

名词复数形式:hammerings 现在分词:hammering 原型:hammer

hammering 短语词组

1、hammering chorea ─── [医] 拳击样舞蹈病(由于手肌的节律性痉挛)

2、hammering man n. ─── 锻工;铁腕人物

3、hammering out ─── 设计出;锤成;苦心想出

4、water hammering ─── [机] 水击作用, 水槌作用

5、hammering test ─── [机] 锤击试验

6、hammering motions ─── 锤击运动

7、hammering it ─── 敲打它

8、hammering out extracurricular ─── 敲定课外活动

9、hammering home ─── 再三强调到彻底了解

10、hammering away at ─── 不断地致力于……;一再强调

11、hammering press ─── [化] 锻压机

12、hammering ground rod ─── 锤击接地棒

13、hammering away ─── 苦心研究

14、hammering badge ─── 锤击徽章

15、hammering heart ─── 锤击心脏

16、cave paintings hammering ─── 洞穴绘画锤击

17、hammering down ─── 用锤钉上;敲紧;钉下去

18、hammering gif ─── 锤击gif

19、hammering guitar strings ─── 敲击吉他弦

hammering 相似词语短语

1、yammering ─── n.大而持续或重复的声音(抱怨、哀号等);v.喋喋不休地大声说;抱怨说

2、rehammering ─── 再安眠

3、hampering ─── vt.妨碍;束缚;使困累;n.食盒,食篮;阻碍物

4、chambering ─── n.炮眼扩孔;内腔加工;v.放在枪膛内;关在室内(chamber的ing形式)

5、chamfering ─── n.[机]倒角;去角斜切;v.切斜边(chamfer的ing形式)

6、stammering ─── adj.口吃的;v.结巴地说出(stammer的ing形式)

7、mammering ─── 妈妈

8、hammerings ─── n.锤击;锤打;抨击;v.锤击;敲打(hammer的ing形式)

9、shimmering ─── adj.闪烁的;微微发亮的;v.闪耀(shimmer进行式)

hammering 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、P> Hearing the sound of hammering from a side street, Reuben had an idea. ─── 听到街边传来的铁锤声,鲁本有了主意。

2、He kept hammering away at his demand for a public inquiry. ─── 他一再强调需要进行公众调查。

3、Seven Stars Buckle and thrust hammer. ─── 七星扣捶。

4、Could you please put back the hammer for me? ─── 您能替我把镐头放回原处吗?

5、They said it would serve them damn well right if they did get a hammering. ─── 他们说如果这几个人真的饱尝一顿老拳,那也是活该的。

6、Can we hammer out differences in discussion? ─── 我们能不能在讨论中消除分歧?

7、He is hammering at his studies recently. ─── 他最近正在刻苦钻研他的学业。

8、He was chipping away at the rock with a hammer. ─── 他用锤子一点一点地击碎那块石头。

9、Please hammer down the lid first . ─── 他先用钉子把盖子钉牢。

10、D: Me hammer is always ready, lads. ─── 俺的战锤随时待命,伙计。

11、Our football team took a terrible hammering today. ─── 我们的足球队今天一败涂地。

12、I could hear somebody hammering next door. ─── 我能听到隔壁有人在锤打东西。

13、He bruise his finger with a hammer. ─── 他的手指被锤子击伤。

14、He bashed her over the head with a hammer. ─── 他用锤子猛击她的头部。

15、Get me a hammer from the kitchen,will you? ─── 从厨房给我拿一个榔头好吗?

16、Dual action: hammer drilling and hole drilling. ─── 二模式动作:锤钻及单钻孔。

17、He sat at his desk till midnight hammering out his speech for the next day . ─── 他坐在书桌前干到深夜,撰写第二天要用的演说稿。

18、They could not hammer any new idea into their grandfather's head. ─── 他们无法向祖父灌输任何新思想。

19、Our big guns have been hammering away at the enemy positions. ─── 我们的大炮已向敌人的阵地发起连续轰击。

20、They decided to bring the property to the hammer. ─── 他们决定把这份产业拿出去拍卖。

21、Test hammering the nuts of the bolts for looseness. ─── 以锤敲击螺帽检查松动。

22、He opened the box to put in the hammer. ─── 他打开工具箱把锤子放里。

23、If you're a hammer, everything looks like a nail. ─── 如果你是一个铁锤,你看什么都是钉子。

24、He bashed his finger with a hammer. ─── 他用锤子砸伤了自己的手指。

25、The wiry Brazilian flicked the ball over the heads of two opposing defenders before hammering into the far corner with a left footed volley. ─── 这个瘦小精干的巴西小伙子用他的左脚在对方两名防守队员解围前将球挑过他们的头顶。

26、George wants Dan to give him a hammer. ─── 乔治想让丹拿给他一把锤子。

27、An ax having a hammer face opposite the blade, used to slaughter cattle. ─── 屠斧一端有刃一端有锤面的斧子,用来屠宰牲畜

28、Can I see Mr. Hammer sometime this week? ─── 我们能不能在这个星期跟Hammer先生见个面?

29、We can flatten out a piece of metal by hammering it . ─── 我们可以用锤子把一块金属敲平。

30、Sarcasm became a sledge hammer in their debate. ─── 在他们的辩论中,讽刺成为强有力的武器。

31、He struck the rock a mighty blow with a hammer. ─── 他用铁锤使劲地猛击那块岩石。

32、She heard a low hammering sound in the bed-room. ─── 她听见他的寝室里有一种低沉的捶打声音。

33、B: I know you are really angry with him, but I just wish you wouldn't keep hammering away at it. ─── 我知道你很生气。我真希望你不要一直骂个不停。

34、He cracked the nuts with a hammer. ─── 他用锤子击破坚果。

35、A flat-faced swage or hammer used by blacksmiths. ─── 平整工具铁匠用的一种平面铁模或铁锤

36、He was hammering at the keys. ─── 他在使劲敲击琴键。

37、Our team took a terrible hammering . ─── 我们队一败涂地.

38、The workman flatten a piece of metal by hammer it. ─── 工匠将一块金属锤平。

39、Can I see Mr. Hammer sometime this week ? ─── 我们能不能在这个星期跟hammer先生见个面?

40、Hammering on this topic reminds me how I once sent a patient to AA who told me that those meetings ruined him as an alcoholic. ─── 谈这个话题时,我想起了我送一个病人去匿名戒酒者协会时,他说这个聚会差点把他当酗酒者给毁了。

41、The blunt or broad end of a tool such as a hammer or an ax. ─── 工具较钝或较宽的一端,如锤子或斧头

42、A hammer is used for driving in nails. ───  子是用来钉钉子的。

43、He hit the nail into the wall with a hammer. ─── 他用一把锤子把钉子打进墙里去。

44、Why do you hammer at the subject day after day? ─── 你为何日复一日地钻研那个科目?

45、He was hammering the sheet of copper flat. ─── 他正把铜片锤平。

46、He tried to hammer the thought into the boys. ─── 他想把那种思想灌输给少年们。

47、He would hammer a nail into the wood with a series of blows that continued to down long after the head was flush with the boards. ─── 他老是连续不断地锤击,把钉子敲进木头,而且钉头与板面平齐之后,还是一个劲儿地敲。

48、He went to the door and, hammering with a revolver, demanded drink. ─── 他来到门口,一面用枪托猛敲店门,一面吆喝着要喝酒。

49、First hammer the tent pegs into the ground, then tie the ropes onto them. ─── 先把系帐篷的桩子打进地里,再把绳子系在桩子上。

50、They tried to hammer the rules into my head. ─── 他们企图把那些规则硬性灌输进我的大脑。

51、Joe hammer a tack into the wall to hang a picture. ─── 乔用锤子把一只大头钉敲进墙中用来挂一幅画。

52、Here, cop hold of the screwdriver while I try the hammer. ─── 喂,握住这把改锥,我用鎯头试试。

53、The only tools in the house are a hammer and a saw. ─── 屋子里仅有的工具是一把锤子和一把锯。

54、One of the US astronauts who made the first deep space walk on the moon dropped a hammer and a feather together. ─── 一位首次在月球上进行太空行走的美国宇航员让一把锤子和一根羽毛一齐落下。

55、"I'll watch the blacksmith hammering out horse-shoes for the drive". ─── “我要去看铁匠打马蹄铁,为这次放牧作准备。”

56、He shivered the mirror with a hammer . ─── 他用铁锤打碎镜子。

57、The doctor hit my knee with a hammer to test my reflexes. ─── 医生用锤子敲敲我的膝盖,看看有没有反应。

58、He has been hammering away at an article for a week. ─── 他一周来一直埋头撰写一篇文章。

59、He drove a nail into the wall with his hammer. ─── 他用锤子把一个钉子钉进墙里。

60、A good anvildoes not fear the hammer. ─── [谚]好砧不怕锤打。

61、He scarred the door with a hammer. ─── 他用锤子将门敲得疤痕累累。

62、He crushed the rock to small pieces with a hammer. ─── 他用铁锤把石头砸碎。

63、He is hammering a tack into the wall to hang a picture. ─── 他正往墙上钉一枚平头钉用来挂画。

64、The president sat at his desk till midnight hammering out his speech for the next day. ─── 校长坐在桌旁反复推敲明天的发言稿,直到午夜。

65、He drove in the nail with one stroke of the hammer. ─── 他铁锤一敲就把钉子钉进去。

66、Someone was hammering at the door. ─── 有人在砰砰地打门。

67、grandfather was busy in his little shop, and a sound of hammering and sawing could be heard. ─── 爷爷在他的小店里忙着,可以听到敲敲打打和锯木头的声音。

68、Our team took a real hammering in the first half. ─── 上半场我队吃了个大败仗。

69、He cracked the chestnuts with a hammer. ─── 他用铁锤把核桃砸开。

70、George: Give me that hammer please. Fred. ─── 乔治:请把那把锤子给我,弗雷德。

71、I want to hammer is a few facts if I can. ─── 如果有可能,我要反复强调几个事实。

72、Grab that hammer and stop acting so left-handed. ─── 快拿那把锤子吧,做事不要这么笨手笨脚的。

73、You may crack these nuts with a hammer. ─── 你可以用锤子把这些坚果敲开。

74、Harry made a racket hammering in the basement. ─── 哈利在地下室丁丁当当地敲打,声音很大。

75、He stops his work and puts down his hammer. ─── 他停下手里的活儿,放下榔头。

76、We are not hammering together a cozy global village. ─── 我们共同打造的不是一个舒适的地球村。

77、You are currently a sledge hammer member. ─── 你当前的成员级别。

78、A screwdriver and a hammer are the only tools you need. ─── 你需用的工具只是改锥和锤子。

79、Hearing the sound of hammering from a side street, Reuben had an idea. ─── 听到街边传来的铁锤声,鲁本有了主意。

80、We could hear the neighbours going at each other hammer and tongs. ─── 我们可以听见邻居大吵大闹的声音。

81、He sat at his desk till midnight hammering out his speech for the next day. ─── 他坐在书桌前干到深夜,撰写第二天要用的演说稿。

82、HS type Ring Hammer Coal Crushe. ─── HS型环锤式碎煤机。

83、She smashed the hammer down onto the box. ─── 她用锤子猛击箱子。

84、Hearing the sound of hammering from a side street, Reuben had an idea . ─── 听到小街传来的铁声,鲁本有了个主意。

85、Chinese cities are known for tightening security and hammering down on political dissent in the lead-up to major events. ─── 中国的城市一向有在举行重大活动前强化安全措施并打击政治异议人士的习惯。

86、Hearning the sound of hammering from a side street,Reuben had an idea. ─── 听到小街传来的铁锤声,鲁本有了主意。

87、The child was hammering away at his father to let him ride. ─── 小孩一再恳求他父亲让他骑自行车或骑马。

88、Hail was hammering down onto the roof. ─── 冰雹砸得屋顶咚咚响。

89、Get me a hammer from the kitchen, will you? ─── 你从厨房里拿一把铁锤给我好吗?

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