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08-16 投稿


augural 中文意思翻译



augural 短语词组

1、augural shroud wow ─── 占卜裹尸布哇

2、augural shroud wow classic ─── 占卜裹尸布哇经典

3、augural flight ─── 占卜飞行

4、augural shroud ─── 占卜裹尸布

5、augural meaning ─── 占卜意义

6、augural conveyor ffxi ─── 全自动输送机ffxi

7、augural address ─── 占卜地址

8、augural definition ─── 占卜定义

9、in augural n.( ─── 尤指即将就任的美国总统的)就职演说adj.(演说)就职的,就任的;首次的,初始的

10、augural conveyor ─── 运输机

augural 相似词语短语

1、figural ─── adj.借喻的;具有人的形象的;比喻的

2、augured ─── v.预言;是……的预兆;占卜;n.预言者;占兆官;占卜师;n.(Augur)(美、英)奥格尔(人名)

3、augury ─── n.占卜;预言;预兆

4、aural ─── adj.听觉的;耳的;气味的;先兆的;n.(Aural)人名;(西)奥拉尔

5、augurs ─── v.预言;是……的预兆;占卜;n.预言者;占兆官;占卜师;n.(Augur)(美、英)奥格尔(人名)

6、anural ─── 每年的

7、inaugural ─── adj.开始的;开幕的;就任的,就职的;n.就职演讲;开幕辞

8、augur ─── v.预言;是……的预兆;占卜;n.预言者;占兆官;占卜师;n.(Augur)(美、英)奥格尔(人名)

9、fulgural ─── adj.闪电的;与闪电有关的

augural 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Rise in the morning brush his teeth to bleed, is be leukaemia augural ? Previously won't. 55. Be afraid of. A week. ─── 早上起来刷牙就流血,是白血病的前兆吗?以前都不会的.55。怕怕。一个星期了。

2、I augur from all circumstances it is a prosperous voyage. ─── 从各种情况推断,我预料航行将会顺利。

3、The rising tide of illiteracy does not augur well for America's industrial might. ─── 文盲不断上升的势头对美国工业说来并不是吉兆。

4、augur ill ─── 主凶

5、augur ill for ─── vt. 示吉兆

6、I augur from all circumstances a prosperous result. ─── 从各种情形来看,我预测有良好的结果。

7、Both do not augur well for the ‘largest Islamic party in the world’, as what Umno claims to be. ─── 无论如何,对巫统时常引以为傲的‘世界上最大的回教政党’来说,是一个很不好的预示。

8、I augur ill of his success. ─── 我看他的成功有问题。

9、to augur ill ─── 成为凶兆

10、Compare with other industry posture, insurance has a few immanent frangibility, expression plays occurrence trouble without apparently augural circumstance to often be in, produce the crisis even. ─── 和其他行业相比,保险业具有一些内 在的脆弱性,表现为往往在没有明显前兆 的情况下出现故障,甚至发生危机。

11、Does failure in Barcelona augur poorly for Copenhagen? ─── 巴塞罗那的失败是否是哥本哈根的不吉之兆?

12、Abstract:Ask: Is my father augural? ─── 正文:问:我爹爹是否脑卒中先兆?

13、Carbon nanotube semiconductors augur silicon replacement ─── 碳纳米管半导体问世预示硅半导体将被取代

14、When the earthquake comes, is what oneself place expression comes out augural what be? ─── 地震来临之时,自身所表现出来的前兆是什么?

15、While the record of recessions, combined with government spending and low interest rates, should augur well for the stock market, it is best to move ahead prudently and intelligently. ─── 尽管经济衰退的历史经验、政府支出和低利率都为股市向好提供了依据,您出手时最好还是保持谨慎和理智。

16、" The grand augur answered, "I can shake the earth. ─── 太卜回答说:“臣下能够使大地震动。”

17、Without rash of apparently augural and abrupt hair, arrive for syringe needle gram size is papula of compressed and contented sex, dark red, amaranthine or ecru. ─── 无明显前兆而突然发疹,为针头到绿豆大小扁平充实性丘疹、暗红、紫红或淡褐色。

18、Shang Gong Sunshu as white, naturally think this is the best augur well, they really will be the Long a symbol of the emperor, they decided to proclaim oneself emperor here. ─── 因为公孙述尚白,自然以为这是个最好的吉兆,是自己将成为真龙天子的象征,便决定称帝于此。

19、Inept dynasties augur instability and are overthrown. ─── 坏的王朝就会出现不稳定预兆然后被推翻。

20、Despite signs that the economy is stabilizing, consumers remain reluctant to spend. That does not augur for a good holiday shopping season, a crucial time for retailers. ─── 撇开经济复苏的现象,消费者仍旧难以处理消费问题。这不是好的假日消费季,这对零售商来说是关键时刻。

21、The personage inside course of study thinks, this may be Hua You what will sell is augural. ─── 有业内人士认为,这可能是华友将出售的前兆。

22、Of leukaemia augural systemic float is planted such? Is one motion planted after all with respect to systemic float with what disease similar? ─── 白血病的前兆有全身浮种这样吗?一运动就全身浮种到底和什么病类似?

23、Have a person to often feel very desolate. Sadness. ? Do this consider what do not calculate depressed disease augural ? ─── 有没有人经常觉得很凄凉。悲伤。?这算不算抑郁症的前兆?。

24、augur n. ─── 占卦师;

25、I all over joint aches, especially what shoulder aches is fierce, be arthritis or is humeral week phlogistic augural ah? ─── 我浑身关节疼,特别是肩膀疼的厉害,是不是关节炎或者肩周炎的前兆啊?

26、Rise in the morning brush his teeth to bleed, is be leukaemia augural? Previously won't.55. Be afraid of. A week ─── 早上起来刷牙就流血,是白血病的前兆吗?以前都不会的.55.怕怕.一个星期了

27、I all over joint aches, especially what shoulder aches is fierce, be arthritis or is humeral week phlogistic augural ah? ─── 我浑身关节疼,特别是肩膀疼的厉害,是不是关节炎或者肩周炎的前兆啊?

28、But the economic fundamentals ,including the improved conditions in financial markets and the continued growth in productivity, augur well for the future. ─── 但是,包括发送的金融市场状况和生产力的持续增长在内的经济基础情况却预示着不错的前景。”

29、Lymphatic and intumescent can cause what kind of disease, perhaps say be those disease is augural? How should prevent and cure and to how should prevent and cure and treat? ─── 淋巴肿大怎样会引起什么样的病症,或者说是那些病的前兆?应该如何防治和治疗?

30、Me sits there with his augur's rod of ash, in borrowed sandals, by day beside a livid sea, unbeheld, in violet night walking beneath a reign of uncouth stars. ─── 我坐在那儿,手执占卜师的梣木杖,脚登借来的便鞋。白天我呆在铅色的海洋之滨,没有人看得见我;到了紫罗兰色的夜晚,就徜徉在粗犷星宿的统驭下。

31、Most of the current macroeconomic signals augur well Shengxi trend to raise interest rates should be the inevitable outcome of macro-control situation. ─── 当前多数宏观经济信号都预示着升息趋势,提高利率应该是宏观调控因势利导的必然结果。

32、" Yan-tse left with that word;the grand augur run into the palace and confessed to the king, "I am not really capable of shaking the earth.It is that the earth is going to have an earthquake itself. ─── 晏子离开后,太卜跑着去见齐景公,说道:“臣下并非能够使大地震动,而是大地本来就要发生地震了。”

33、Of the cold augural be sore throat? ─── 感冒的前兆是不是喉咙痛?

34、His view perhaps is lawsuit of a law is augural. ─── 他的说法也许是一个法律诉讼的前兆。

35、The quality of your work augur well for the examination next month. ─── 你的功课做得这么好预示下月准考得好。

36、Mounting sales augur a profitable year. ─── 不断增加的销售量预示着好年景。

37、to augur well ─── 成为吉兆

38、Of palace neck cancer augural what kind of ` be? ─── 宫颈癌的前兆是什么样的`?

39、The front half of the church is characterized by two steepled stone towers, which augur loyalty to the God. ─── 教堂前半部都是两座巍峨高耸的尖顶石塔,寓意是向天升华,皈依上帝。

40、Who to see occasionally not pleasing to the eye, be still troubled by is listening to this is depressed disease augural ah? ─── 有时候看谁都不顺眼,还闹听这是不是抑郁症的前兆啊?

41、Is nosebleed of without reason shedding is leukaemia augural? ─── 无故流鼻血是白血病的前兆吗?

42、augur well ─── 主吉

43、Globalization has no inherent tendency to promote the free market or liberal democracy.Neither does it augur an end to nationalism or great-power rivalries. ─── 全球化并没有内在的驱动来促进自由市场或自由的民主政治,它也没有预言国家主义或强国竞争的完结。

44、Industry thinks extensively, AOL recruits Armstrong to take up the post of what CEO is a success to lift, the likelihood is all or what tear apart AOL partly is augural. ─── 业界广泛认为,AOL聘用阿姆斯特朗出任CEO为成功之举,可能是全部或部分分拆AOL的前兆。

45、to divine; to augur; to practice divination ─── 占卜

46、Yet the new German assertiveness does augur a certain convergence. ─── 然而,德国的自信预示着两国无疑会走上同一条道路。

47、I augur from all circumstances a prosperous voyage. ─── 从各种情况推断, 我预料航行将会顺利。

48、That Beijing's first instinct when the going gets tough is to re-institute price controls is a bad augur for the Year of the Rat. ─── 在形势严峻时,北京方面恢复价格控制的第一本能反应对鼠年来说未必是好的征兆。

49、One might take it, after all, as an augur of the better social order, for the things which they satisfied here, though sensory, were not evil. ─── 毕竟,人们可以把到这里来看作是领略上流社会生活。 他们到这里来,追求的虽然是感官的满足,毕竟算不得邪恶。

50、Is those who become lunatic augural what be? ─── 变成疯子的前兆是什么?

51、The formation of a coalition government based on the popular mandate will augur well for the transition to a full-fledged democratic system. ─── 在民意基础上筹组起来的联合政府过渡到一个完全成熟的民主制度呈现好兆头。

52、I would like to, it will certainly augur well for the arrival of a good thing to be. ─── 我想,它一定预兆着好事将要来临。

53、Gomphonema augur ─── n. 顶尖异极藻

54、The quality of your work augur well for the examination next month ─── 你的功课做得这麽好预示下月准考得好

55、Recent events do not augur well for world peace. ─── 从最近发生的事情来看,并没有世界和平的好兆头。

56、"This is Chongqing, not augur well. ─── “这对于重庆来说,绝不是一个好兆头。”

57、Just as a depletion in the state coffers was an early sign that Ireland's boom was ending, healthier revenues augur well for recovery. ─── 一如国库几乎亏空显示爱尔兰的经济繁荣已经面临尾声,表现更为良好的税收也预示着复苏的开始。

58、The success of the Olympic bid and joining the WTO two good news to the market next year augur well, but at the same time to make the competition more intense. ─── 奥运申办的成功和加入WTO两个利好消息给明年的市场带来好的预兆,但同时使竞争更加激烈。

59、The look on her face did not augur well. ─── 从她脸上的表情看,事情不妙。

60、It is surprising that an augur can see an augury without smiling. ─── 出乎意外,占卜家能知预兆而不笑。

61、What does leukaemia have augural expression? ? ─── 白血病有什么前兆表现??

62、Lymphatic and intumescent can cause what kind of disease, perhaps say be those disease is augural? ─── 淋巴肿大怎样会引起什么样的病症,或者说是那些病的前兆?

63、Is those who get leukaemia augural what be? ? ? ─── 得白血病的前兆是什么???

64、After a long and mutually destructive rivalry co-operation between the PPP and PML(N) might augur this. ─── 巴基斯坦人民党与巴基斯坦穆斯林联盟(纳瓦兹)在经历一次长久并相互伤害的竞争式合作之后,人们就也许能知道结果会如何。

65、A year only then, our augur market is popular what. ─── 一年之始,我们占卜市场流行什么。

66、Is leucorrhoea ever more is those who be pregnant augural is still be menstruation augural ? ─── 白带曾多是怀孕的前兆还是月经的前兆?

67、"I like to hear you speak thus, and I augur well for Edmond from it." ─── “我很高兴听到您这样说,我相信可以从您这番话上得到爱德蒙的喜讯。”

68、Investment, construction, marketing a simultaneous growth trends indicate increased confidence in the market, particularly obvious growth area home sales, market supply and marketing augur badly. ─── 投资、开工、销售呈同步增长的趋势,表明对市场信心增强,特别是商品房销售面积增长明显,预示市场供销两旺。

69、How does the occurrence eye of can abrupt sex see not fair thing? Be glaucoma augural? Meeting blindness? ─── 怎么会突然性的出现眼睛看不清楚东西?是青光眼前兆吗?会失明吗?

70、ex: fly heading 270 vector for spacing, expect resume to augur / flash / frank... ─── 所以在引导时,可以告知预计恢复的方式

71、SAP's bungled launch of a cloud version of its small- and medium-size business package doesn't augur well. ─── SAP推出专为中小成长型企业的云计算服务,但并未获得好评。

72、But aggressive measures to cool the property market, for example, do not augur well for the construction sector. ─── 不过,举例来说,旨在给房地产市场降温的大力度举措,对建筑业不是好兆头。

73、Red mole grows on the body, still can itch, be what disease the delegate has augural ? ─── 身上长红痣了,还会痒,是代表有什么病症前兆吗?

74、Have a person to often feel very desolate. Sadness. ? Do this consider what do not calculate depressed disease augural? ─── 有没有人经常觉得很凄凉.悲伤.?这算不算抑郁症的前兆?

75、In the early 1990s, optimism was understandable. The collapse of the communist empire and the apparent embrace of democracy by Russia seemed to augur a new era of global convergence. ─── 20世纪90年代前期,西方世界的乐观主义思潮是不难理解的。社会主义帝国土崩瓦解,俄罗斯皈依民主制度,一切的一切似乎都预示着一个全球大一统时代的到来。

76、Augur of the fever's end, ─── 死亡将临的兆征,

77、But meanwhile, a variety of challenges that the concealed in instantly China mobile Internet shows, make Yang Xianghua personal experience those who come from an industry to shuffle augural. ─── 但与此同时,当下中国移动互联网中隐现的种种挑战,让杨向华切身感受到来自行业的洗牌前兆。

78、Graphiphora augur ─── n. 割夜蛾

79、The (people) said: "for us, we augur an evil omen from you: if ye desist not, we will certainly stone you.And a grievous punishment indeed will be inflicted on you by us. ─── 他们说:“我们确已为你们而遭厄运,如果你们不停止宣传,我们誓必辱骂你们,或以痛苦的刑罚加于你们。”

80、Conflicts among the various groups do not augur well for the future of the peace talks. ─── 各派之间的冲突对和平谈判不是一个好兆头。

81、I augur well for the reforms. ─── 我预料改革会成功。

82、What actually Long Fei cares most is, do according to what collect tax augural? ─── 其实龙飞最关心的是,办照是不是收税的前兆?

83、Is leucorrhoea ever more is those who be pregnant augural is still be menstruation augural? ─── 白带曾多是怀孕的前兆还是月经的前兆?

84、This clearly does not augur well at all for intra-BN democracy. ─── 然而身为槟城行政议员的杜乾焕,却获得其上司的“包容”。

85、Who to see occasionally not pleasing to the eye, be still troubled by is listening to this is depressed disease augural ah? ─── 有时候看谁都不顺眼,还闹听这是不是抑郁症的前兆啊?

86、Is nose itchs is long mite bug augural? ─── 鼻子痒是不是长螨虫的前兆啊?

87、Firstborn n&v snuffle is caused by what, what catch a cold is augural, it what drug take is better to what drug take? ─── 初生儿鼻塞是由什么引起的,是不是感冒的前兆,吃什么药比较好?

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