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08-16 投稿


benedictional 发音

英:[[ben?'d?k??n?l]]  美:[[ben?'d?k??n?l]]

英:  美:

benedictional 中文意思翻译



benedictional 短语词组

1、benedictional of st aethelwold ─── 圣埃特沃尔德祝福

2、benedictional meaning ─── 祝福意义

3、benedictional definition ─── 祝福的定义

benedictional 相似词语短语

1、noneducational ─── noneducational

2、remediational ─── 补救的

3、benedictionals ─── adj.赐福的;使人幸福的

4、benedictionale ─── 祝福的

5、Benedictines ─── (由意大利修道士圣本尼狄克创建的天主教)本笃会修士或修女(benedictine的名词复数);(由法国本笃会修士于16世纪首酿的)本尼狄克丁甜酒(benedictine的名词复数)

6、indictional ─── 起诉书

7、benediction ─── n.祝福;赐福;恩赐;祈求上帝赐福的仪式

8、Benedictine ─── n.一种甜酒;本笃会的僧;adj.本笃的;本笃会的

9、benedictions ─── n.祝福;赐福;恩赐;祈求上帝赐福的仪式

benedictional 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、General view of Vatican's Sistine Chapel as Pope Benedict XVI baptizes babies during a baptism ceremony, Jan. 7, 2007. ─── 今年一月七日教宗本笃十六世为婴孩举行受洗仪式时,西斯汀教堂的总览。(照片:法新社)

2、Benedict de Spinoza lived a life of blameless simplicity as a lens-grinder in Holland. ─── 巴鲁赫(本尼狄克).斯宾诺莎出生在荷兰的一个犹太商人家庭,年轻时进入培养拉比的宗教学校。

3、Italian film and opera legend Franco Zeffirelli has agreed to become an image consultant to Pope Benedict XVI, the director said in an interview published recently. ─── 义大利电影与歌剧传奇导演柴菲莱利已同意担任教宗本笃十六世的形象顾问,他在最近出版的一项访问中表示。

4、At the Vatican, Pope Benedict XVI arrived in St. Peter's Square. ─── 在梵蒂冈,教皇本笃十六世来到圣约翰广场。

5、A smiling Pope Benedict walked out of an Italian hospital after undergoing surgery to set a fractured right wrist he suffered after falling at his vacation home. ─── 喜气洋洋的本尼迪克特教皇从意大利的医院走了出来,他是由于在他度假的房子里摔了使得右腕的骨头断裂不得不进行手术。

6、There Benedict goes over computer print-outs analysing his plantings acre by acre. ─── 他伏案工作,把计算机对农作物逐亩分析的结果从头至尾看上一遍。

7、But Benedict's proposal for discerning the difference between healthy markets and pathological ones is uncompromising and offers no sops to the secular. ─── 但是本笃对于洞察健康市场和病态市场之间区别的提议是毫不妥协的,他没有分给俗人任何食物。

8、President Bush and Pope Benedict differ on issues such as the Iraq war and capital punishment and neither leader spoke about them in their public remarks. ─── 布什总统和教皇本笃在伊拉克战争和死刑问题上观点不一。两位领导人在公开讲话时都没有提到这些问题。

9、Ruth Benedict holds that with the possible human behaviors , different choices lead to discrepancy of cultures. ─── RuthBenedict认为 ,面对人类行为无数的可能性 ,不同的选择便形成了文化间的差异。

10、A newspaper had photos Benedict and one of his predecessors, Pope John XIII, wearing an ermine-trimmed hat and cape.It put the shots next to a picture of a live stoat. ─── 一家报纸曾发表本笃和前任教皇约翰十三世穿戴白鼬皮镶边的帽子和披风的照片,并将它们与一只活生生的白鼬的图片放在一起。

11、But the original purpose has remained intact: to offer a Catholic response to a global marketplace that in Benedict's elegant turn of phrase, “makes us neighbours but does not make us brothers. ─── 但是最初的目标未被撼动,那就是:对全球市场作出天主教的回应,用本笃优雅转变的用语即是,“以我为邻,而非以我为兄弟”。

12、During today's Epiphany Mass, Pope Benedict says he's worrying about military conflict in Gaza Strip and encourages the efforts to bring the violent struggle to an end. ─── 在今天主显日群众集会上,教皇本尼迪格说,他担心加沙地带的军事冲突,并促使有关各方努力以结束该地区的激烈战争。

13、At the Vatican Pope Benedict spoke about the world's children during the traditional midnight mass. ─── 在梵蒂冈,主教本尼迪克特在传统的子夜弥撒时大声说“世界的儿童”。

14、Hello? May I have a word with Mr. Benedict? ─── 喂?能和本尼迪克特先生通话吗?

15、During his harmony homily , Pope Benedict addressed the issue of unity, which has been the a theme of his visit. ─── 布道时,教皇提出了团结的问题,这是他此行的主题之一。

16、Pope Benedict XVI has used his traditional Christmas message to the world to call for a solution to conflicts, especially those in the Middle East, Africa and Sri Lanka. ─── 教宗本笃十六世在向全世界发表的圣诞节传统讲话中呼吁和平解决冲突,特别是中东、非洲和斯里兰卡的冲突。

17、"It is the first family's backyard," says former chief usher Gary Walters, a refuge that offers the President and his wife room to bid farewell to Pope Benedict XVI. ─── “这是第一家庭的后院。”前首席招待加里.沃特尔说道,“一个可以让总统和妻子在这里同教皇本笃十六世道别的安全场所。”

18、As head of a small state, Pope Benedict can draw on an extraordinary range of talent and expertise in formulating his policy towards the Muslim world. ─── 作为一个小国的首领,教皇本笃可以在制定针对穆斯林世界的政策时征求广泛的专家意见。

19、He has the quick wit and comic timing to match Hermione in her verbal aggressiveness, to tease her, to play Benedict to her Beatrice. ─── 他有急智,也会把握时机,足以和赫敏抗衡,还敢去逗惹她,他们俩是天生一对欢喜冤家。

20、Following this logic, American generals Benedict Arnold and Richard Montgomery led an attack on Quebec City in 1775 against the British general Guy Carleton. ─── 因此,美国将领贝纳狄克特.安诺德和理查.蒙哥马利一七七五年率兵进犯魁北克市,和英国将领盖.卡尔顿对敌。

21、During his trip to the United States Pope Benedict will mark two personal milestones.His 81st birthday is Wednesday and Saturday will mark the third anniversary of his election as pontiff. ─── 在他访问美国的旅途中,教皇B.也将完成他个人的两个里程碑.周三是他的81岁生日周六则是他当选罗马教皇的第三个纪念日.

22、Italian animal rights campaigners are urging Pope Benedict to stop wearing ermine on his hats and robes, appealing to his reputation as a cat lover. ─── 意大利动物权益保护分子向教皇本笃十六世发出呼吁,鉴于他是个相当出名的爱猫之人,请不要再穿戴白鼬皮的衣帽了。

23、The saints were canonized in a Vatican ceremony this morning by Pope Benedict. ─── 五名新圣人于今天早上由教皇班尼迪在梵帝冈封圣的。

24、The Vatican released a letter Thursday in which Benedict praised the "positive spirit" behind the gesture, and its "call for a common commitment to promoting peace. ─── 教皇星期四在梵蒂冈发表的公开信中对此举背后的“积极精神”以及“共同努力促进和平的呼声”表示赞扬。

25、No, the big disappointment is over the message delivered by Pope Benedict XVI during his visit to Yad Vashem - the most important leg of his Holy Land pilgrimage, from a Jewish perspective. ─── 不是这个原因,从犹太人的角度来看,我深感失望,是对教宗本笃十六世在朝圣之旅最重要的行程,即访问大屠杀纪念馆期间所发表的信息感到失望。

26、VI and II. Popes Paul VI and John Paul II, whose visits are commemorated in Monument Park. Here's wishing the best for Benedict XVI today. ─── 六和二。教宗保禄六世、二世都来过洋基球场主持仪式。今天到访球场的则是本笃十六世。

27、 双语使用场景

28、The three drops of Benedict reagent were put into 1? ml sample of milk and boiled for 5 minutes. ─── 在 1ml待检牛奶中加入 3滴Benedict试剂 ,煮沸 5min。

29、In 2005, a few months after his election, Benedict presided at a meeting of his former doctoral students at which the topic was Islam. ─── 2005年,在他当选几个月之后,本笃教皇主持了一场他以前的博士生的报告会,会议主题就是伊斯兰教。

30、In 2007 Benedict cleared the way for wider use of the old, Tridentine Latin mass. ─── 在2007年Benedictx为更广泛地使用旧的拉丁文弥撒铺了平道路。

31、To his defenders, Benedict is a rare, politically incorrect voice in a world cowed by intellectual conformity. ─── 他的辩护人,笃是一种罕见的,在政治上不正确的发言人在一个权威的世界。

32、But Pope Benedict, for all his concern with cosmic issues, is certainly not watering down his insistence on old-fashioned religious virtues, including caution and sobriety. ─── 但是教皇本笃虽然非常关心宇宙的问题,也绝未放松他对传统宗教美德,包括审慎与清醒的坚持。

33、But since Pope Benedict took office last year, the Vatican's attitude has become fractionally, but unmistakably, less emollient. ─── 但教皇本笃去年即位以来,梵蒂冈的态度毫无疑问的变得略微强硬了。

34、But in the U.S. of 1978, Pat Benedict is archetypal of the farmers who make U.S. agriculture the nation's most efficient and productive industry and by far the biggest force holding down the trade deficit. ─── 但在1978年的美国,帕特·本尼迪克特却具有代表性。农场主们使美国的农业变成了这个国度里效率和产量都居首位的行业,而且还是防止贸易赤字上升的最大力量。

35、"Benedict XVI said: "To be worthy ministers you will have to unceasingly nourish yourselves by the Eucharist, the source and summit of Christian life. ─── 善牧是福音中耶稣自我比喻的形象,这个形象具有很深的神学意义。教宗在弥撒讲道中这麽说:“耶稣说他自己是善牧,善牧把自己的永恒生命赐给他的羊。

36、Pope Benedict described the situation as an injustice and said that, large scale, it is necessary to convert the mordel globel development. ─── 教皇描述说这种情况是不公平的,他指出,要造成大范围的影响,改变世界的发展模式是很有必要的。

38、Tens of thousands of worshippers packed the stadium on a crystal clear day as Pope Benedict, dressed in scarlet vestments, arrived in the white popemobile. ─── 在这个万里无云的晴朗日子,身著红色长袍的教皇本笃乘坐教皇专车,抵达挤满成千上万名信徒的体育场。

39、Small farmers, who do not have the technical expertise, are rapidly leaving the land. Large farmers, like Benedict, who know how to use credit and the latest in agricultural science, are gaining an ever greater share of the market. ─── 小农场主由于缺乏技术专门知识,正在很快脱离农事,而像本尼迪克特这样的大农场主,他们既懂得如何使用贷款又会利用农业科学的新成果,所以正在获取更大的市

40、Although she was an atheist, she had found a “soul-mate” in Pope Benedict XVI, and would have revelled in his unwise words about Islam. ─── 尽管他是一个无神论者,然而她却认为教宗本笃十六世是自己的知音,并且对他那关于伊斯兰教不明智的发言欢心不已。

41、As Pope Benedict XVI thanks journalists, the Vatican prepares for the open-air mass in St. Peter's Square that will formally install him as pontiff. ─── 在罗马教皇致词感谢新闻界时,梵蒂冈正在为其在圣彼得广场的露天弥撒做准备,以使他正式就任罗马教皇。

42、China's Philharmonic Orchestra will perform a landmark concert for Pope Benedict at the Vatican today (Wednesday), aimed at warming ties between Beijing and the Holy See. ─── 中国爱乐乐团今天(星期叁)将在教廷为罗马天主教皇本笃十六世举行一场具有里程碑意义的音乐会,其目的使北京和罗马教廷之间关系升温。

43、Bush along with their daughter J made the unusual gesture greeting Pope Benedict at the airforce base the first time the President has welcomed a foreign leader there. ─── 总统携其夫人和女儿在空军基地展示了不同寻常的欢迎举动,这是首次总统在该地点欢迎一名外国元首。

44、He became our guardian while still a benedict. ─── 他新婚不久就成为我们的监护人。

45、To criticize or disparage, often spitefully or unfairly: "those cross-Atlantic aficionados who persistently idolize the British theater and bad-mouth Broadway" (Benedict Nightingale). ─── 批评或毁谤,通常怀有恶意或有失公平:“那些穿越大西洋的狂热爱好者一直都崇拜英国戏剧却恶意批评百老汇音乐剧”

46、In his homily, Benedict issued an appeal for children who are abused, forced to live on the street or serve as soldiers. ─── 教皇在布道时为那些受到虐待、被迫在流浪街头或者当儿童兵的孩子们发出诉求。

47、Pope Benedict XVI made the final stop of his trip to France, visiting the pilgrimage city of Lourdes. In his homily the Pontiff focused on the ills of modern materialism . ─── 教皇B十六世到达了他法国行程的最后一站---拜访圣城洛德斯。在他的布道中,他集中抨击了现代唯物主义的弊端。

48、Order of Saint Benedict. ─── 圣本笃会

49、President Bush meets Pope Benedict XVI defending his humanitarian record after the Pope expresses concerns about what he calls the worrisome situation in Iraq. ─── 布什总统会见罗马教皇尼迪克特十六世进行了会面,在教皇表示了关注对伊拉克动荡局势的不安之后,布什对自己的人道主义立场进行辩护。

50、Pope Benedict says he regrets Israel's construction of a barrier, walling off Palestinian areas in the West Bank. ─── 教宗本笃十六世说他为以色列在约旦河西岸修筑围墙隔绝巴勒斯坦感到遗憾。

51、Thousands of finely dressed Cameroonians danced and sang at the roadside this week as Pope Benedict XVI arrived on an inaugural African tour that will also take in Angola. ─── 上千名喀麦隆人盛装着在街头载歌载舞欢迎教宗本笃十六世的来访。这是教宗此次非洲之行的一部分,不日教宗还将前往安哥拉。

52、In his first interview as pontiff, Pope Benedict XVI warned yesterday that Europe was caught up in a crisis of "self-pity" and lacked belief. ─── 就任后第一次受访,教宗本笃16世在15日提出警告,表示欧洲陷入自怜的危机,并且缺乏信仰的力量。

53、Saint Benedict himself prophesied that before the end of the world his Order, known also as the Olivetans, will triumphantly lead the Catholic Church in its fight against evil. ─── 圣本笃修他本身预言在世界结束前,他的橄榄分会将胜利的领导天主教会对抗邪恶。

54、Pope Benedict XVI asked worshipers to defend Christmas from secular trends during his last general audience before the holidays on Wednesday. ─── 教宗本笃十六问祈祷捍卫去年圣诞节期间从长期趋势一般观众面前假期周三。

55、Pope Benedict expressed the hope that a French-brokered cease-fire between Georgia and Russia will turn into a stable peace. ─── 天主教教皇本笃表示,希望由法国调停的格鲁吉亚和俄罗斯之间的停火变成稳定的和平。

56、"Our children are not individuals whose rights and tastes are casually respected from infancy, as they are in some primitive societies" (Ruth Benedict). ─── “我们的孩子不是那种从婴儿期起,其权力和爱好就好象他们在低等社会那样被漫不经心地看待的人” (露丝·本尼迪克特)。

57、In 1780, British spy John Andre was captured along with papers revealing Benedict Arnold's plot to surrender West Point to the British. ─── 1780年的今天,英军间谍安德烈约翰背俘获,气携带的文件显示阿罗德本尼迪克特图谋西点投降英军。

58、During his presidential campaign in 2004, John Kerry waged a rhetorical assault on the 'Benedict Arnold CEO's who outsourced their company's workforce to 2007, Sens. ─── 在2004年总统竞选期间,克里就曾口头攻击过将公司业务外包给中国的“卖国CEO”。

59、Benedict who founded Benedictine Rule about 529 A.D. ─── 公元529年左右,本尼迪克特建立了本尼迪克特教规。

60、David Sachs and Benedict Cosimi, of Harvard Medical School, have been working for some time to find a way around these problems. ─── 哈佛大学医学院的DavidSachs和BenedictCosimi一直致力于找到一种方法避免这类问题。

61、Pope Benedict's thoughts on Palm Sunday were for the thousands of illegal immigrants who every year attempt a perilous journey from Africa to Europe in search of a better life. ─── 教皇在圣枝主日为从非洲来到欧洲的非法移民们祷告,他们每年都经过一次危险的旅程只为获得更好的生活。

62、Benedict -- delineating the ideal image of the monk. ─── 他通过着本书来描绘理想的隐修士形象。

63、During his trip to the United States Pope Benedict will mark two personal milestones. ─── 在他的访问美国期间,教皇本笃会经历两个个人的里程碑。

64、During a French pilgrimage Pope Benedict is encouraging a role for religion in shaping public policy.That has angered advocates of secularism in that country. ─── 在法国参加朝圣活动的教皇本笃十六世鼓励宗教在制订公共政策方面发挥作用,这让法国宗教教育分离制的倡导者非常恼火。

65、Conservatives, including non-believers, also consider a church led by Pope Benedict to be a stout bulwark against Islamic fundamentalism. ─── 保守派,包括无信仰派,也将本笃教宗领导的教会看成对抗伊斯兰原教旨主义者的坚固堡垒。

66、Finally, Pope Benedict is quickly earning the reputation as "a green pope".Solar panels are being installed on the top of the papal audience hall. ─── 因为太阳能电池板被装在了教会大厅的顶部,最终使得教皇本笃十六世迅速赢得了“绿色教皇“的美名。

67、The incumbent pope is Benedict XVI (born Joseph Ratzinger), who was elected at the age of 78 on 19 April 2005. ─── 当前的教宗是本笃十六世(原名约瑟夫拉青格),2005年4月的时候,78岁的他当选了教宗。

68、A leading Italian rabbi has accused Pope Benedict XVI of turning back the clock on 50 years of Catholic-Jewish dialogue, an editorial in a Jesuit journal. ─── 一位重要的意大利犹太教教士在一篇耶稣会会士刊物中,指责教皇本笃十六世违背了50年以来所遵循的同犹太人展开对话的立场。

69、Since becoming pope, Benedict XVI has 23) criticized Europe for allowing 24) abortion to continue. ─── 成为教宗之后,本笃十六世批评欧洲允许堕胎风潮持续下去。

70、On the flight from Rome, Benedict said the scandal involving sexual abuse of children by Catholic priests has caused great suffering for the church in America and for him personally. ─── 从罗马起飞的航班途中,本尼迪克特说天主教神父虐待儿童的性侵害丑闻为教会和他本人造成巨大的伤害。

71、In his greeting to English-speaking pilgrims, Pope Benedict told them: “In these final weeks of Lent, let us intensify our prayer, fasting and almsgiving. ─── 亚细西的圣方济各说得好:在施与的时候,我们领受;

72、Pope Benedict XVI has made the improvement of often-tense relations with China a priority of his papacy, and he is keen on restoring diplomatic relations with Beijing. ─── 教宗致中国天主教会的牧函于2007年6月30日正式对外公布。根据教廷新闻室发布的消息,与会的人员将包括教廷有关部会的官员及中国主教团代表。

73、At first the Vatican reacted coolly, but Pope Benedict XVI eventually agreed to receive some of the signatories. ─── 一开始,梵蒂冈对此表现得冷淡,但教皇本尼迪克特十六世最终同意接见部分的信件签名者。

74、It was only when he received the Volkswagen's registration papers that he learned it had once belonged to Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, the German cleric who became Pope Benedict XVI last month. ─── 就在他收到这部福斯汽车的过户资料时,才发现这部车原属于德国天主教神职人员,约瑟夫‧拉辛格枢机,也就是在上个月登基的教宗本笃十六世。

75、It could also be a variation of Gwyneth or the male name Benedict. ─── 它能也是Gwyneth或男性命名本尼迪克特的变异。

76、Father Schall: My own opinion is that Benedict was not surprised by these reactions. ─── 夏尔:本笃提到“文化对话”这一事实,表明他心中装着的不只是西方和伊斯兰;

77、In his homily, Pope Benedict said God appeared as the baby Jesus more than 2,000 years ago to ask for love the same way every child asks for love. ─── 在布道中,教皇本尼迪说,2000多年前,上帝以圣婴耶稣的身份出现,要求得到爱,跟每个孩子要求得到爱是一样的。

78、What cannot be known yet is what issues he may confront as Pope Benedict XVI and that is why his first public statements are being studied so closely. ─── 在作为教皇的第一次讲话中,本笃十六世表示他将会继续贯彻梵蒂冈第二届大公会议的决定,努力推进基督教的现代化进程。

79、Benedict, Michael Les. "The Supreme Court and Conservative Constitutionalism. ─── 所著的<最高法院和保守的立宪主义>。

80、Pope Benedict named five new saints on Sunday, including a Catholic clergyman who cared for people in a leper colony. ─── 如果你去非洲,在路上你可能会遇到狮子或者其它吓人的动物。

81、Mr. Bush began his day in Rome with a stop at the Vatican, and a meeting with Pope Benedict. ─── 布什星期五的行程是从罗马开始的。他在梵蒂冈停留,并且与教皇本笃十六世举行了会谈。

82、Therefore, it is indeed a strange twist in history that Pope Benedict was very graciously received at Yad Vashem. ─── 因此,教宗本笃在大屠杀纪念馆获殷勤款待,扭转了历史,确实令人感到奇特。

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