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altimeter 发音

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altimeter 中文意思翻译



altimeter 网络释义

n. 测高仪,高度计

altimeter 词性/词形变化,altimeter变形


altimeter 短语词组

1、electric capacity altimeter ─── [机] 电容高度计

2、recording altimeter ─── [机] 记录高度计

3、aneroid altimeter ─── [机] 无液高度计

4、altimeter station ─── [电] 高度计站

5、electric altimeter ─── [机] 电测高度计

6、electrical altimeter ─── [机] 电测高度计

7、absolute altimeter ─── [电] 绝对高度计

8、altimeter setting ─── 测高计调整,高度表定位[装定]

9、sonic altimeter ─── [电] 音波高度计

10、electrical capacity altimeter ─── [机] 电容高度计

11、sensitive altimeter ─── [机] 灵测高度计

12、Atmospheric Sounder and Altimeter ─── 大气探测仪和高度计

13、radar altimeter ─── [电] 雷达高度计

14、reflection altimeter ─── [电] 反射高度计

15、landing altimeter ─── [机] 降落高度计

16、optical altimeter ─── [机] 光测高度计

17、radio altimeter ─── [机] 无线电测高度计

18、Altimeter Check Point ─── 高度计检查点

19、master altimeter ─── [机] 校正用高度计

altimeter 常用词组

radar altimeter ─── 雷达高度计

radio altimeter ─── 无线电测高度计

altimeter 相似词语短语

1、autometer ─── n.(复印机的)自动测量计

2、multimeter ─── n.[电]万用表

3、actinometer ─── n.[光]化学光度计;光线强度计;[摄]露光计

4、salimeter ─── n.盐液比重计;含盐量测定计

5、acetimeter ─── 醋酸计;醋酸比重计

6、algometer ─── n.痛觉测验计

7、altimeters ─── n.[测]高度计;[测]测高计(altimeter的复数)

8、algesimeter ─── n.[医]痛觉计(一种测皮肤痛觉反应的仪器)

9、altimetry ─── n.测高法,高度测量术

altimeter 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Topex/Poseidon altimeter data ─── Topex/Poseidon卫星高度计遥感资料

2、In this paper,theresearch is only on that for the frequence flow and the specificationsanalysis of main parts and subsystems of Seasat Radar Altimeter system. ─── 文章仅限于研究该系统的频率流程和主要部件(和分系统)的指标分配。

3、A method combining pseudorandom modulation of the fiber laser and single-photon counting is proposed to realize a high spatial resolution for the space-borne laser altimeter. ─── 为使星载激光高度计实现高空间分辨率, 提出了一种联合采用伪随机码调制光纤激光器和单光子计数的测距方法。

4、Autonomous Navigation Using Radar Altimeter and Star Sensor Based on Parallel Navigation Computer ─── 利用雷达高度计及星敏感器的多处理器卫星导航

5、Satellite Autonomous Orbit Determination Using Magnetometers and Radar Altimeter ─── 基于三轴磁强计与雷达高度计的融合导航算法

6、Determination of sea surface heights close to the coast from retracking satellite altimeter waveforms ─── 从卫星测高数据确定近海岸的海平面高

7、The transmitter pointing determination in the Geoscience Laser Altimeter System ─── 地球科学激光高度计系统发射机点测定返回目录

8、In situ timing and pointing verification of the ICESat altimeter using a ground-based system ─── 利用陆基系统ICESat高度计的现场定时和标点的确定

9、The test results show that the altimeter is precise in location, low noise, high speed without bouncing, and offers ideal control effects. ─── 测试的结果表明:定位准确、低噪声、高速无抖动、低速无跳动,实现了比较理想的控制效果。

10、Spaceborne radar altimeter is an important active microwave remote sensor which is able to measure the oceans with high accuracy. ─── 星载雷达高度计是一种重要的对海洋进行精确测量的主动式微波遥感器。

11、Research on a Robust Radar Altimeter Tracking Algorithm ─── 一种鲁棒性雷达高度计跟踪算法的研究

12、A Modularization Miniaturized Radio Altimeter ─── 小型模块化无线电高度表

13、Research on Echo Tracking Algorithm and Some Dey Techniques of Imaging Altimeter ─── 成像高度计回波跟踪算法及若干关键技术研究

14、Mechanics analysis and its key techniques of strap-down gravity altimeter fuze ─── 捷联式重力定高引信的力学分析及其关键技术

15、Doppler Velocity Altimeter Radar Set ─── 多普勒测速测高雷达装置

16、double - frequency radar altimeter ─── 双频雷达高度计

17、"SZ-4" space-borne altimeter ─── “SZ-4”飞船高度计


19、Low range radio altimeter system ─── 低高度无线电高度表系统

20、Hancock, G.S.Hayne, C.L.Purdy.NASA radar altimeter for the TOPEX/POSEIDON project.IEEE Proc. ─── 中分辨率机载海洋雷达高度计系统分析及接收系统的研制。

21、A Tracking and Height-Measuring Algorithm Applied to TERCOM Radar Altimeter ─── 一种应用于地形匹配雷达高度表中的回波跟踪与测高算法

22、I watched the altimeter on my wrist rise to 13,500 feet, which meant it was time to go. ─── 我看了看手腕上的高度计,已上升到了13,500英尺,这意味着往下跳的时候到了。

23、It includes the function of vacuometer, atmospheric pressure altimeter, thermometer (environment) and pressuremeter (for example the standard pressure meter of sphygmomanometer calibration). ─── 介绍一种便携、数字式的多用途仪器,它具有真空度计、气压高度计、(周围环境)温度计以及压力计(例如可作为校准血压计的标准器)等功能。

24、Callsign), check altimeter setting and confirm level/altitude. ─── 19“(呼号),检查高度表拨正值,证实高度。”

25、Neural Network Method for Retrieving Sea Surface Wind Speed from Satellite Altimeter ─── 基于神经网络的卫星高度计海面风速反演算法

26、The analysis of the characteristic of the wind and wave fields over the East China Sea by using TOPEX satellite altimeter data ─── 利用TOPEX卫星高度计资料分析东中国海的风、浪场特征

27、electrical capacity altimeter ─── [机] 电容高度计

28、The laser altimeter will bounce beams of light off of the surface to measure the heights of mountains and depths of valleys. ─── 激光测高仪通过物体表面反射的光束测量山脉的高度和峡谷的深度。

29、Automatic Test and Diagnostic System for Radio Altimeter ─── 无线电高度表自动测试与诊断系统

30、Keywords 3D-imaging altimeter;error analysis;compensation of signal distortion;calibration;imaging of moving target; ─── 三维成像雷达高度计;误差分析;信号失真补偿;系统定标;运动目标成像;

31、Digital Barometer Altimeter Setting Indicator ─── 数字气压计高度计安装指示器

32、sonic altimeter ─── 声波测高计

33、New models for satellite altimeter sea state bias correction developed using global wave model data ─── 使用全球波模式资料开发卫星高度表海洋状态偏离订正的新模式返回目录

34、On the Application of Altimeter Data to the Determination of the Earth Gravity Field ─── 卫星测高在确定地球重力场中的应用

35、Fortunately, it is possible to incorporate an altimeter in the system and practically eliminate this difficulty entirely ─── 幸好,在系统中加入一高度计后这一困难实际上可以完全解除。

36、The harmonic analysis along satellite orbit are used to withdraw tidal wave from TOPEX/POSEIDON satellite altimeter data in the Bohai Sea, Yellow Sea, East China Sea and South China Sea. ─── 文中对Topex/Poseidon高度计资料进行了沿轨调和分析。

37、Application of Return Signal Simulator in Radar Altimeter Ground-based Test and Calibration ─── 回波模拟器在雷达高度计地面测试和定标中的应用

38、where the altimeter stayed for most of the 14-hour journey. ─── 旅途中的大部分时间里高度计都停留在那个位置。

39、Precision and Accuracy of Satellite Radar and Laser Altimeter Data Over the Continental Ice Sheets ─── 在大陆性大冰原上方卫星雷达和激光高度计数据的精度和准确度

40、"RUNWAY 21, TAXI APPROVED, HOLD SHORT OF RUNWAY 18, WIND 200 AT 10, ALTIMETER 2979, ─── 丹佛地面管制,滑行到34跑道外,静风,高度表拨定值3004,检查高度计密度

41、Improving the Accuracy of Measuring Heights with Radar Altimeter ─── 提高雷达高度表测高精度的方法研究

42、10000 feet was read from the altimeter. ─── 从高度计来读数是10000英寸。

43、Physical characteristics of terrestrial surface targets are retrieved by information contained in laser pulse echo signal with laser altimeter. ─── 摘要激光测高仪依靠回波信号包含的信息来反演地面目标的物理特性,因此必须保持回波信号的保真度和高信噪比。

44、Abstract:Deep-sea sonar altimeter is a depth sounder to equip deep-sea detection devices. ─── 摘要:深海声纳式高度计是装备在深海探测设备上的回声测深装置。

45、Abstract:Satellite laser altimeter return waveform was sensitive to the vertical canopy structure and the change of underlying ground elevation.It was optimal for mapping forest structure. ─── 摘要: 星载激光测高仪的回波信号能够灵敏反映地面植被组成和地表高度的变化,因此能够用于探测森林地貌。

46、On the Application of Altimeter Data to Hydrographic Survey ─── 卫星测高在海洋测绘中的应用

47、A micro altimeter was developed for use in micro air vehicles(MAVs). ─── 介绍一种适用于微型飞行器的新型微型高度计的设计技术。

48、LRRA Low Range Radio Altimeter ─── 低高度无线电高度表

49、Independent data including pelagic tidal constants from bottom gauges, and radar altimeter and crossover measurements were used. ─── 初步分析表明,浅海区域的海平面高度的误差仍然相当显著。

50、Research on Logic Decision Principle Applied In the LORA of Radio Altimeter ─── 无线电高度表修理级别确定方法研究

51、Preliminary Orbit Determination of Spacecraft Based on Double Satellite Positioning System and Radar Altimeter ─── 利用双星定位系统和雷达高度计的航天器初轨确定算法

52、Analysis of Altimeter Wet Troposphere Range Correction - ─── 中国海洋与湖沼学报:英文版 - 纪永刚,张杰,姬光荣

53、Keywords flying safety altitude;altimeter;speedometer;air temperature and pressure; ─── 安全高度;高度表;空速表;气压;气温;

54、Principle Model and Preliminary Flight Experiment of the Three-Dimensional Imaging Radar Altimeter ─── 三维成像雷达高度计机载原理样机及机载试验

55、The observed terrain elevation sequence is obtained from the barometer and the radar altimeter,but the low precision of the barometers limited their application on the aircrafts. ─── 实时测量的高程序列由惯导的高度通道和雷达高度表获得,首先对实测的和从电子地图中获得的地形高程序列分别进行零均值化处理,然后再运用相关法进行匹配。

56、Using A Dual-Frequency Adjustment Approach to Improve the Accuracy of Altimeter Retrieved Sea Surface Wind Speed ─── 利用双波段补偿法提高卫星高度计海面风速反演精度

57、Sperry Inertial Radar Altimeter ─── 斯佩里惯性雷达测高计

58、If the defective system can be determined, couple the functioning altimeter system to the altitude-keeping device. ─── 如果可以断定故障系统,将工作正常的高度表系统与高度保持装置耦合。

59、Altimeter dual-frequency observations of surface winds, waves, and rain rate in tropical cyclone Isabel ─── 伊莎贝尔热带气旋内地面风系、波和降水率的高度表双频观测值

60、Low Altitude Radar Altimeter ─── 低空雷达高度表

61、Altimeter IFR 45-20M, 20000ft, Millibar, with TSO certificate, 80mm 10001670 ─── 20M高度表,20000英尺,毫巴,附技术标准规则证书,80毫米

62、The bottom left knob sets whether to use the pilot's or copilot's altimeter when reporting altitude back. ─── 右下角的旋钮用于选择使用正驾驶的还是副驾驶的高度计数据进行回报。

63、The Realization and Airborne Flight Experiment Verification for the Tracker of the Spaceborne Ocean Radar Altimeter Based on Sub-Optimal Maximum Likelihood Estimation ─── 基于准最大似然估计的星载海洋雷达高度计跟踪器的实现及机载试验验证

64、This group specializes "in the analysis of satellite altimeter data related to problems in physical oceanography and marine geophysics." ─── 关键字|物理海洋学;海洋地球物理;遥感;地图;数据库

65、geodesic altimeter ─── 大地测量测高计

66、Cosmic rays and Geigertubes have been combined in a new altimeter to tell the pilots what their altitudes are. ─── 宇宙线兴盖氏管已过连接成为一种新的高度计用来告诉飞行员他们的高度是多少。

67、micro altimeter ─── 微高度计

68、In order to realize the high spatial and range resolution for a space-borne laser altimeter based on frequency-modulated fiber laser and heterodyne-range detection is proposed. ─── 为使星载激光高度计实现高空间分辨力、高距离精度,提出了联合采用调频光纤激光器和相干测距的方法。

69、Satellite laser altimeter (SLA), focus and trend of application in space, calls for the key parameters of the laser transmitter. ─── 摘要 星载激光测高系统以独特的应用背景而备受关注,其整体性能对关键件激光器的技术参数提出了高需求。

70、Correction of atmosphere delay for geoscience laser altimeter system ─── 地球科学激光测高系统大气延迟修正算法

71、We have developed many kinds of MAVs since 1999. We also developed MEMS-based autopilot, altimeter, airspeed meter, onboard micro communication and video system. ─── 我们自1999年研制成功多种微型飞行器,包括微型机载电子设备,如自动驾驶仪、高度计、空速计、微型通讯、微型摄像等。

72、The orbit design of satellite altimeter need to consider orbit height,eccentricity,orbit inclination and repeat cycle etc.parameters. ─── 卫星高度计轨道的选取需要综合考虑到轨道高度、偏心率、轨道倾角和重复周期等多种因素。

73、A new approach to improved SST anomaly simulations using altimeter data: Parameterizing entrainment temperature from sea level ─── 一个使用高度计资料改进SST不规则模拟新方法:来自海平面的参数化卷入温度

74、One such satellite, NASA's ICESat, carries a laser altimeter to measure the height of the ice surface. ─── 其中的一颗卫星,美国宇航局的icesat就携带着一个激光高度探测仪来探测冰面的高度。

75、Digital Spectrum Analysis based on DSP and its Applications in Radio Altimeter ─── 基于DSP的频谱分析方法在弹载无线电高度表中的应用

76、The zonal distribution features of high frequency oscillations in the oceans derived from satellite altimeter data ─── 全球海洋高频波动主振荡周期的纬向带状分布特征

77、Achievement of Pulse Compression Radar Altimeter at Full Altitude ─── 全高程脉冲压缩雷达高度表的实现

78、Fixed cistern barometers are used as a standard for checking altimeter. ─── 固定槽式气压计可以作为标准件去检验测高计。

79、RTMS device communications protocol, data acquisition preservation, for the application of wireless traffic radar altimeter data can refer to. ─── RTMS设备通讯协议,数据采集保存,对于应用无线雷达测流量数据的可以参考。

80、An approach of static simulation of altitude measurement using a KGW-XX radio altimeter installed in a target drone model is introduced, experimental data are presented, and testing results are analyzed in theory. ─── 摘要介绍某型拖靶使用的KGW-XX型无线电高度表静态模拟测高试验方法,给出了试验数据,并对试验结果进行了理论分析。

81、Development of return signal simulator for chinese satellite altimeter prelaunch performance assessment ─── 回波模拟器的研制及对卫星雷达高度计发射前的性能评估

82、This image was generated the by Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter, or MOLA, an instrument that was aboard NASA's Mars Global Surveyor. ─── 这张图片是由NASA得火星探测器上的火星轨道激光测高仪(MOLA)拍摄生成的。

83、Design of a Digital Atmospheric Pressure Altimeter ─── 数字式气压高度表的设计

84、I dial my altimeter until it reads zero feet in the HUD so I have above-ground-level readings during the routine. ─── 在平显上,我使用的是标准的平显数据,并没有试飞时所包含的侧滑角的显示。

85、Inversion of Gravity Anomalies from Along-track Vertical Deflections with Satellite Altimeter Data and Its Applications ─── 卫星测高数据的沿轨迹重力异常反演法及其应用

86、A Mixed Logic Model Method in the Radio Altimeter Test Diagnosis ─── 无线电高度表测试诊断中一种混合逻辑模型方法

87、Based on TOPEX/Poseidon (T/P) and ERS-1 and -2 satellite altimeter data between October 1992 and December 2000, high frequency oscillations with periods less than 150 days are analyzed and their spatial distributions are described. ─── 主要结果如下:在大洋Rossby波动方面,基于1992年10月至2000年12月的TOPEX/Poseidon(T/P)和ERS-1/2卫星高度计资料,本文分析了周期短于150d的高频波动及其空间分布特征。

88、Radar altimeter simulator of the design problems were analyzed, and points out the direction for improvement. ─── 对该型雷达高度表模拟器设计中存在的问题进行了分析,并指出了改进方向。

89、Analysis of laser altimeter echo energy attenuation in atmosphere transfer medium ─── 大气传输介质引起的激光测高仪回波能量衰减分析

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