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08-16 投稿


dissents 发音

英:[d??sents]  美:[d??sents]

英:  美:

dissents 中文意思翻译




dissents 常用词组

dissent from ─── 不赞同;与…意见不同

dissents 短语词组

1、dissents law ─── 异议法律

2、dissents meaning ─── 异议的含义

3、dissents crossword ─── 异议纵横字谜

4、dissents and ─── 异议和

5、dissents decision ─── 异议决定

6、dissents def ─── 异议定义

7、dissents definition ─── 异议定义

8、dissents synonym ─── 异见同义词

dissents 词性/词形变化,dissents变形

动词现在分词: dissenting |动词过去式: dissented |副词: dissentingly |动词过去分词: dissented |动词第三人称单数: dissents |

dissents 同义词

demur | oppose | rebel | divide | objection | discord | dissension | denial | disagreement | take | no | opposition | take exception | division |disagree | exception | take issue | refusal | rebellion | differ | heresy | vary | difference | dispute | protest | conflict | resist

dissents 反义词

consent |assent

dissents 相似词语短语

1、dissented ─── v.不同意;对国教(或东正教教义)不遵循;n.(意见的)不一致;不服从裁判;异议声明

2、dissensus ─── 解除契约的含意

3、dissenters ─── n.反对者(dissenter的复数形式)

4、disseats ─── vt.夺席位;使离座

5、dissent ─── v.不同意;对国教(或东正教教义)不遵循;n.(意见的)不一致;不服从裁判;异议声明

6、dissenter ─── n.持异议者;反对者

7、dissects ─── vt.切细;仔细分析;vi.进行解剖;进行详细分析

8、dissidents ─── 公开大唱反调者;持异议者;持不同政见者

9、disserts ─── vi.论述;写论文;讨论;作学术讲演

dissents 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He felt her shoulders gave a wriggle of dissent. ─── 他感到她的肩膀因为不同意而动了一下。

2、Nine time zones away, they profess to be new Lakers fans, save for one in the back who hollers "Denver Nuggets," proving there's always dissent. ─── 和遥远的洛杉矶相隔九个时区,这些孩子宣称他们是新的湖人球迷,除了一个在后面叫“丹佛掘金”,不过这也证明了世界是存在矛盾的。

3、In the translations available on top Chinese portals Sina, Sohu, the word "communism" is omitted and the paragraph on dissent was gone. ─── 在中国重要门户网站新浪、搜狐的翻译内容中,“共产主义”这个词被省略了,关于不同政见那一段也没有了。

4、At the same time, it edits many recent materials according to the misunderstanding and the reason why there are so many different dissents and also predicates the future of it. ─── 其中又针对该计划所提出的误解以及存在异议的原因整理了大量近期的调查资料且对其前景发展作出预测。

5、The Confucian ideal of loyalty can contort into a perverse concept of harmony that deprives people of voicing legitimate dissent. ─── 孔子理想的忠诚可能被扭曲为另外一种意义上的和谐,剥夺了人们提出合法异议的权利。

6、If enough members dissent, the new bill won't be approved. ─── 假如持异议的会员够多,新法案就不会被核准。

7、He showed with his eyes that he heard, but made no sign of assent or dissent . ─── 他瞧了他一下,表示他听见了,但没有表示同意或者不同意。

8、Even his dissents were widely quoted, and some prompted legislative changes. ─── 甚至他那些异议也被广泛引用,而且有的还促成了法律上的修改。

9、The exposure during the 1970's of the FBI's extensive efforts to suppress political dissent graphically illustrates this risk. ─── 70年代时期,联邦调查局大举镇压持不同政见者,即生动地证明了这一危险。

10、An Orwellian agency called Night Watch is stifling any signs of dissent, carting people off to be reeducated if they don't cooperate. ─── 一天,一艘地球联邦的星际驱逐舰在探索未知星际空间的时候遇到一艘不明星船,因为误判对方意图而先敌开火。

11、In the future, it could be another group and ultimately anyone who dissents. ─── 在未来,也可能是另一组,并最终谁流露出任何人。

12、Dissent, however, was not treated lightly. ─── 可是,不听号令者绝不轻饶。

13、Even the Japanese dissent in discreet ways. ─── 即使日本人,也是以谨慎的方式表示不同意。

14、In a democracy dissent is an act of faith. Like medicine, the test of its value is not in its taste, but in its effects. ─── 在民主中,异议是信心的行动。就像药物一样,它的价值不在于它的味道,而在于它的效果。

15、He felt her shoulders give a wriggle of dissent. ─── 他觉出她的肩膀扭动一下,表示她的反对。

16、One who refuses to accept the doctrines or usages of an established or a national church,especially a Protestant who dissents from the Church of England. ─── 不服从国教者拒绝接受已有的教义或国教者,尤指不服从英国国教的新教徒。

17、Dissent among the senior members was the main cause of the disintegration of the club. ─── 俱乐部分裂的主要原因在于高级会员之间的不和。

18、"The religion most prevalent in our northern colonies is a refinement on the principles of resistance: it is the dissidence of dissent" (Edmund Burke). ─── “北方殖民地普遍的宗教是对拒绝原则的巧妙的改进:它是对持不同意见人的异议” (爱德蒙德·伯克)。

19、More a tribe than a party, its members equate morality with loyalty rather than with principled dissent. ─── 与其说它是一个党派还不如说是一个部落,成员将道德等同于忠诚,而不是看成原则性的异议。

20、He has tallied three straight dissents against the FOMC's decisions to lower interest rates. ─── 他连续三次对联邦公开市场委员会下调利率的决定提出异议。

21、Kaijie meets up with Lin Fei's father Desheng and confesses that he likes Lin Fei and is willing to donate his bone marrow; Desheng neither consents nor dissents. ─── 凯杰和林菲父亲德生见面,表示自己喜欢林菲,愿意捐献骨髓给她,德生不置可否。

22、From the beginning, dissenting justices have been heard and their dissents published alongside the majority opinion (or opinions). ─── 从一开始,有异议的大法官就在合议庭发表自己的意见,而他们的不同意见也与多数大法官的意见一起发表。

23、Ethics argues for an environment where employees can voice loyal dissent within a company and where Li Yi must not succumb to group pressure. ─── 伦理学支持在一个公司里忠诚的反对意见应该有表达的渠道,李易不应该屈从于团队的压力。

24、So the political legacy of the Scientific Revolution includes not just democracy... but also the role of dissent in a democracy. ─── 因此,科学革命的政治遗产不仅包括民主,而且包括持不同政见者在民主体制中的作用。

25、He tossed his head to show his dissent. ─── 他摇头表示不同意。

26、That, anyway, has always been the premise. But here Samuelson dissents . What if the lower-wage country also captures the advanced industry? ─── 无论如何,首先得有个前提。可是萨墨尔森持不同意见。若是低工资国家掌握了先进技术又将怎么办呢?

27、As opposed to initiating serious changes within UMNO, Najib is widely expected to curb dissent to his rule using various preventive laws. ─── 因为反对巫统内部的激烈改变,纳吉被广泛认为将在任内以预防性法令打压异议。

28、In the international Criminal field, the Criminal dissent from trial jurisdiction in America is a best example for us to learn. ─── 在国际刑事司法领域中,美国刑事管辖权异议制度具有很大的优越性,很值得我们去借鉴。

29、In a free society, diversity is not disorder. Debate is not strife. And dissent is not revolution. ─── 他说:"在自由社会,多元不是混乱,辩论不是冲突,而异见更不是革命。

30、Those who dissent from anglican teachings could be heavily fined. ─── 反对英国国教教义的人在过去可判巨额罚款。

31、A person who holds controversial opinions, especially one who publicly dissents from the officially accepted dogma of the Roman Catholic Church. ─── 信奉邪说的人持有有争议观点的人,尤指公开反对官方承认的罗马天主教教义的人

32、Disagreement, as of opinion or belief; dissent. ─── 不一致,如意见或信念; 异议

33、The unrepeatable test shall not be retested. The client shall give up the right of dissent. ─── 不可重复性试验不进行复检,委托单位放弃异议权利。

34、But it thought that such a humanitarian proposal was one way of calming domestic dissent. ─── 但它觉得这类人道主义的建议不失为平息国内不满意见的一种办法。

35、While disavowing any malicious intent with his hacking, he said: 'A lot of Chinese activists and dissents are using Gmail. ─── 他否认自己的黑客行有任何恶意,他说很多中国活动人士和异见人士都使用Gmail。

36、Justice Kennedy, however, has demonstrated that his support for the Roe decision is minimal at best, through his dissent in Stenberg v. Carhart, decided in June 2000. ─── 可是法官Kennedy通过其在2000年6月Stenberg v. Carhart案件中的不同意见证明了他对roe案件判决的支持最多是很有限的。

37、He showed with his eyes that he heard, but made no signof assentor dissent. ─── 他瞧了他一下,表示他听见了,但没有表示同意或者不同意。

38、But his recent moves to quash dissent only emboldened it. ─── 但近年来穆沙拉夫打击异己的做法却适得其反。

39、At the same time, courts began to support students who were being punished for political and social dissent. ─── 同时,法院由于政治的和社会的意见分歧而开始支持那些受到处罚的学生。

40、Officials in both fear internal dissent and fear setting a precedent that would allow others to criticize their own repressive ways. ─── 两国官方恐惧内部异议,也恐惧开启先例将允许它国批判内部的镇压。

41、Four proud infidels alone proclaimed their dissent. ─── 四个骄傲的不信教的人单独宣告他们不信教。

42、The hall rang with the cries of dissent. ─── 大厅里满是反对声。

43、One who refuses to accept the doctrines or usages of an established or a national church, especially a Protestant who dissents from the Church of England. ─── 不服从国教者拒绝接受已有的教义或国教者,尤指不服从英国国教的新教徒

44、In the Lochner vs New York case, the dissents of Mr. ─── 在洛克纳诉纽约州一案中,霍姆斯的异议在后来逐渐上升为确定的学说。

45、He was an honest man, oppressed by the inroads of dissent. ─── 他是个诚实的人,为不信教者的侵蚀所苦恼。

46、In China the intellectuals' silence is easier to forgive because voicing dissent is still sharply controlled. ─── 在中国,知识分子的沉默很容易得到原谅,因为不同意见被严格地控制。

47、The hall resounded with cries of dissent. ─── 大厅里充满了反对的叫声。

48、and you cannot have any dissents. ─── 而你们不能有任何异议。

49、He has had his bust ups with a few players and he has been known to coerce players who dissent from the ranks. ─── 他在一些球员的弃留上失策,对不服从管理的球员,其手腕严厉也是众所周知的(以伊布为例)。

50、He has tallied three straight dissents against the FOMC's decisions to lower interest rates. ─── 他连续三次对联邦公开市场委员会下调利率的决定提出异议。

51、Each party has demonized the other and embraced the notion that dissent can have no moral or intellectual value. ─── 两个党派都妖魔化对方,并且臣服于“异议既不道德,也无智慧”这一信条。

52、The hall reverberated with cires of dissent. ─── 大厅里充满反对的叫音。

53、Dissent used to be strong in this part of England. ─── 在英国的这一地方过去曾激烈反对国教。

54、His record of dissent had already earned him a file in the French police dossiers. ─── 因为理念和法国政权相左所留下的抗争纪录,已经让法国警方留有他的案底。

55、Good intentions may be misconstrued and, of course, dissent can also be hijacked. ─── 善意可以被曲解,异议当然可以被骑劫。

56、The right to dissent: the right to keep one's own ideas different from others. ─── 保持不同意见的权利。

57、In his dissent in Branzburg, Justice Stewart said, “As the years pass,the power of government becomes more and more pervasive. ─── “布莱兹伯格案”中的斯图尔特法官曾说过:“随着时光流逝,政府的权力将渗透到各个角落。”

58、He insisted I fomenting dissent , and he said he would have to terminate me. ─── 他一口咬定我煽动不满,还说要解聘我。

59、Whistleblowing should always be the last resort in voicing dissent. ─── 告密应该是表达异议的最后途径。

60、"Three dissents on Fed policy is pretty close to mutiny, " he said. ─── “美联储政策遭遇三票反对接近于发生了‘哗变’,”他表示。

61、He said there would always be some voices of dissent. ─── 他说永远都会有不同意见的声音。

62、Added Encrypt/Decrypt lvl's, IC, Distance, Dissent, Open/Closed Policy and interventionism effects for cost and chances to Intelligence. ─── 增加了加密/破译等级,IC、距离(政策差异?)、不满度、开放/保守社会和干涉主义都会对情报的花费和效果有影响

63、Dissent was not tolerated because, Ferguson claimed, he did not have the time to deal with it, especially during a match interval. ─── 在那里,反对意见是绝对不能容忍的,因为弗格森称他没有时间去处理它,尤其是在比赛中场休息时。

64、The religion most prevalent in our northern colonies is a refinement on the principles of resistance:it is the dissidence of dissent(Edmund Burke. ─── 北方殖民地普遍的宗教是对拒绝原则的巧妙的改进:它是对持不同意见人的异议(爱德蒙德·伯克)。

65、Weakened by revolts and internal dissent, they submitted to Charlemagne in 805. ─── 后来国力为叛乱和内部纷争所削弱,805年臣服于查理曼。

66、And even if they did, they'd have to be careful, as China is infamously intolerant of political dissent. ─── 即便他们做到了,他们也必须小心翼翼,因为中国对于政治异己的容忍度方面声名狼藉。

67、There is some dissent within the committee on this issue. ─── 在这个问题上,委员会内部有些分歧。

68、Is the Big Green Gathering another victim of the crackdown on dissent? ─── “绿色大聚会“是打压不同政见者的另一个受害者吗?

69、Senators will use the hearing to show voters they get it -- and then, with some dissents, extend Mr. ─── 人们指责,华尔街得到了援助,而普罗大众却被搁在一边。

70、That was the end of organised dissent. ─── 于是,这次有组织的抗议就此收场。

71、Laws criminalize peaceful expression of political dissent. ─── 2)立法将和平的政见表达列为触法行为。

72、Any political system refusing to allow dissent becomes a tyranny. ─── 任何不允许不同政见的政治体制都会变成专制。

73、One dissent application may involve one class of commodities or services, or involve two or more classes of commodities or services. ─── 一件异议申请可以涉及一个类别的商品或服务,也可以涉及两个或者两个以上类别的商品或服务。

74、They expressed their dissent from official policy. ─── 他们对官方的政策表示出异议。

75、The dissent should be made within 30 days after the goods arrive at the destination port. ─── 品质异议需在货物到达目的口岸30日之内提出。

76、Neither state tolerates any kind of political dissent - nor does it see any immediate need for general elections. ─── 两个国家都不能容忍任何政治异见,也都看不出进行全民选举的迫切需求。

77、The top echelons of politics and the clergy are riven with dissent. ─── 不满情绪使得政府高层以及宗教上层出现严重的分歧。

78、Putin.It also foists a stark choice on the Kremlin: to stifle dissent, or to placate protesters to provide some kind of pressure outlet. ─── 它也给克里姆林宫提出了一个艰难的选择:是打击异见人士,还是安抚抗议者、给人们提供一些释放压力的出口。

79、In the event of dissents concerning interpreting the bidding documents in different languages, the Chinese version shall prevail. ─── 对不同文字文本投标文件的解释发生异议的,以中文文本为准。

80、There were murmurs of both assent and dissent from the crowd. ─── 人群议论纷纷,赞成和反对的都有。

81、Even the Japanese dissent indiscreet ways. ─── 即使日本人,也是以谨慎的方式表示不同意。

82、Previously, dissent had been crushed, most visibly when Ms Fiorina set about merging HP with Compaq. ─── 在此之前,费奥瑞纳着手惠普和康柏的合并时,很明显所有异议都遭到压制。

83、In a free society, diversity is not disorder, debate is not strife and dissent is not revolution. ─── 在一个自由的社会里,差异性不是混乱,辩论不是冲突,不同意不是革命。

84、Another result is the quick passage of the PATRIOT Act and the deprivation and limitation of civil liberties and the suppression of dissent under the name of anti-terrorism. ─── “恐惧政治”作用之二则是通过《爱国者法案》在反恐的名义下 ,限制公民自由 ,压制不同意见。

85、However, the ISA was usually abused by the ruling group to silence the dissents on the ambiguous definition of the "threaten to the safety". ─── 但由于“对安全威胁”规定的模糊性,内安法令经常被执政集团滥用以对付对其执政前景造成威胁的集团。

86、Beijing tolerates little dissent and frequently decries foreign interference in its internal affairs. ─── 北京容忍一点点不同意见,经常谴责外国对其内政的干涉。

87、The local tyrants, evil gentry and lawless landlords have been deprived of all right to speak, and none of them dares even mutter dissent. ─── 土豪劣绅,不法地主,则完全被剥夺了发言权,没有人敢说半个不字。

88、"When I see peaceful dissent being suppressed, wherever that takes place, it is of concern to me and it's of concern to the American people. ─── 他说:“当我看到以和平方式表示不同政见而遭到镇压,不管这种情况发生在什么地方,我和美国人民都会予以关注。

89、This foolish oratorical provocation has been matched by increasing intolerance of dissent, suspicion of many Tamils and threats against those seen as Tiger “collaborators”. ─── 与这愚蠢的演说挑衅相匹配的还有日益不容异说、对许多泰米尔人的怀疑及对那些貌似猛虎“合作者”的威胁。

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