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08-16 投稿


spruce 发音

英:[spru?s]  美:[spru?s]

英:  美:

spruce 中文意思翻译






spruce 短语词组

1、Engelmann spruce ─── 恩格尔曼氏云杉(产于北美洲);英国针枞

2、spruce creek ─── 云杉溪

3、blue spruce ─── 蓝叶云杉

4、big-cone spruce ─── [网络] 大锥云杉

5、eastern spruce un. ─── 东云杉 [网络] ─── 东部云杉; ─── 东岸云杉

6、spruce bark beetle ─── [网络] 云杉树皮甲虫

7、Norway spruce ─── 挪威云杉

8、douglas spruce =Douglas fir

9、spruce beer ─── 云杉啤酒

10、Engelmann's spruce ─── [网络] 恩氏云杉

11、Siberian spruce ─── [网络] 西伯利亚云杉;倒卵云杉;新疆云杉

12、red spruce ─── 红果云杉

13、Sitka spruce ─── [网络] 云杉;西加云杉;阿拉斯加云杉

14、Colorado spruce =blue spruce

15、silver spruce ─── 银云杉

16、black spruce ─── [机] 黑枞

17、oriental spruce ─── [网络] 东方云杉

18、Colorado blue spruce ─── [美国英语]=blue spruce

19、Brewer's spruce ─── [网络] 布鲁尔的云杉

spruce 词性/词形变化,spruce变形


spruce 常用词组

spruce up ─── 打扮整齐漂亮

sitka spruce ─── [植物]西加云杉;[植物]阿拉斯加云杉

spruce 相似词语短语

1、sprue ─── n.注入口,铸口;口炎性腹泻(热带病的一种);熔渣;浇铸道;炉口结渣;劣质芦笋;小肠吸收障碍症

2、Bruce ─── n.布鲁斯(男名)

3、sprucest ─── 云杉

4、sprucer ─── 注射器

5、spruces ─── vi.打扮整齐;使显干净;adj.整洁的;vt.打扮整齐;n.云杉

6、spree ─── n.狂欢;无节制的狂热行为;欢闹;vi.狂欢;狂饮;n.(Spree)人名;(德)施普雷

7、spruced ─── vi.打扮整齐;使显干净;adj.整洁的;vt.打扮整齐;n.云杉

8、sprack ─── 斯普拉克

9、sprucely ─── 整洁地;潇洒地

spruce 习惯用语

1、spruce up ─── [美口]打扮得整整齐齐

spruce 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A main axis of a plant, such as the trunk of a spruce, that maintains a single line of growth, giving off lateral branches. ─── 单轴植物的主轴,如云杉的树干,维持树木的生长并长出旁枝

2、Unwitting person says she is in good luck, as one used to do the wild cabbage young plant that others does not sell good price, became spruce sales however in her hand. ─── 不知情的人都说她走运,往常别人卖不到好价钱的甘蓝苗,在她手里却成了俏销货。她说:其实,这并不是我走运,而是我根据商品经济规律来决定生产经营的结果。

3、They put up a spruce tree, their Santa is called Ded Moroz and is dressed in robes. ─── 他们会植一棵云杉树,而他们的圣诞老人叫做森林爷爷,穿着一件长袍。

4、Not surprisingly, one study found that growth of Sitka spruce, the dominant streamside tree in the area, was three times greater along salmon streams than along nonsalmon streams. ─── 另一项研究则发现,该地区的优势溪岸树种美国西川云杉,在有鲑鱼溪流的地方,长得比没有鲑鱼溪流的地方还大三倍。

5、THE huge signs are up in town squares, city parks and myriad spots where men in overalls dig holes, lay pavements or spruce up public facilities. ─── 大批的西班牙人在市中心广场、城市公园和形形色色的类似场所找到了自己的“用武之地”,在那些地方,人们都在挖坑、铺路,或是“妆扮”公共设施。

6、Chris was looking spruce in his stiff-collared black shirt and new short hair cut. ─── 克里斯穿着那件衣领挺括的黑衬衫加上新剪的短发,看上去很整洁。

7、Behind the plate is the soundboard (usually made of spruce) which enables the strings' vibrations to be heard from a distance. ─── 在金属盘后部是响板(通常是云杉木制成的),是用来保证在一定距离之外都能听到琴弦的震动。

8、Production of: massive board from spruce, beech and oak, wainscot, cellular doors, timber, plywood, panels, veneers, blockboards. ─── 企业简介 : The first and sole producer in Europe of doorskins and high density fibreboard (HDF) doors.

9、I've just realized that this kind of floral patterns is an abstract image of the spruce tree. ─── 我今天才发现这种花纹简直是云杉林的抽象画。

10、Overseas, have " soft gold " beautiful praise sale of market of high-grade adornment data tightens cork with each passing day spruce, euramerican market demand is very big. ─── 在海外,拥有“软黄金”美誉的软木高档装饰材料市场销售日趋紧俏,欧美市场需求量很大。

11、There are abundance wilding plant resources including cypress, poplar, spruce etc. ─── 山中野生植物资源丰富,盛产云杉、柏、杨等木材。

12、Farther on he knew he would come to where dead spruce and fir, very small and weazen, bordered the shore of a little lake, the TITCHIN-NICHILIE, in the tongue of the country, the "land of little sticks". ─── 他知道,再往前去,就会走到一个小湖旁边,那儿有许多极小极细的枯死的枞树,当地的人把那儿叫做"提青尼其利"--意思是"小棍子地"。

13、Park vegetation mainly mountainous coniferous forests, subalpine forest and Citigroup pine needles, white spruce, Picea, and so on. ─── 园内植被主要有山地针叶林、亚高山针叶林和花旗松、白云杉、云杉等。

14、If your idea of creative landscaping is a statue of a deer next to your blue spruce, you live in Ontario . ─── 如果你的创造性的园林设计就是一个鹿的塑像挨着蓝衫树,那你是住在安大略省。

15、Mother told us to spruce the parlor for Christmas. ─── 妈妈要我们把客厅收拾整洁过圣诞节。

16、Male pupal weight ranked east-liaoning oak> wild apricot > cathay poplar > prince rupprecht larch > dragon spruce > chinese pine >chinese juniper. ─── 取食量和排粪量排序分别为云杉>山杏>辽东栎>油松>桧柏>华北落叶松>青杨和油松>云杉>辽东栎>华北落叶松>山杏>青杨>桧柏。

17、CheaperFender products tend to be occasionally guilty of lacklusterworkmanship, but, considering the solid spruce top, this guitar couldbe attractive to newbies. ─── 便宜的护舷产品往往是偶尔犯不振手艺,但考虑了坚实的云杉顶端,这吉他可以吸引新手。

18、You might want to channel this energy into writing, painting, or perhaps just adding little touches to spruce up your living room. ─── 你或许会想将这股精力投入到写作,绘画,或者是美化你的起居室。

19、Of or relating to the forest areas of the northern North Temperate Zone, dominated by coniferous trees such as spruce, fir, and pine. ─── 北温带北部森林地区的北温带北部森林地区的或与之相关的,主要植物为针叶树,如云杉、枞树和松树

20、He looks very spruce in his new suit. ─── 他穿着新西装,看上去很帅。

21、Under the canopy of the pioneering trees oak maple linden elm and spruce regenerate. ─── 在它们林荫的庇护下,橡树、枫树、菩提树、榆树和云杉也都欣欣向荣。

22、Most promissory notes looked like paper currency, but scrip was also printed on leather, metal, fish-skin parchment and, in Tenino, Wash., on slabs of two-ply Sitka Spruce. ─── 大多数作为借据的代币看起来都很像纸钞,但也有印在皮革、金属和仿羊皮纸上的,在华盛顿州的Tenino,借条居然印在西特加(SitkaSpruce)杉木胶合板上。

23、Small spruce of boggy areas of northeastern North America having spreading branches with dense foliage,inferior wood. ─── 北美东北沼泽地区的小型云杉,树枝外展,叶茂密,低等树种。

24、The growth of spruce and fir needles is determinate. ─── 云杉和冷杉的针叶生长是有限的。

25、Tall Sitka spruce trees fringe streams on valley bottoms where salmon still run. ─── 其间的山谷底下有高耸的云杉,衬托著鲑鱼悠游其中的溪流。

26、Advances in Genetic Improvement of Spruce in Abroad and Breeding Strategies of Picea asperata Mast. ─── 国外云杉遗传改良现状和粗枝云杉育种策略。

27、There are abundant wilding plant resources including cypress, poplar, and spruce. ─── 山中野生植物资源丰富,盛产柏、白杨、云杉等木材。

28、They argue about the wood, because they want Brazilian rosewood all the time and German spruce. ─── 他们跟你要求木材,因为他们每次总是想要巴西玫瑰木和西德松。

29、And he could not understand how a man could contrive to look neat and spruce and do anything else. ─── 他弄不明白有人是如何做到既穿得整洁漂亮法国留学在线,又能做事的。

30、Soil samples were collected from spruce, hemlock and pine forests in central Taiwan. ─── 土壤样品采自台湾中部的云杉、铁杉林与草地。

31、Its trees include big leaf maples, western hemlock, and Sitka spruce. ─── 它的树木包括大叶枫,美国西部铁杉,和北美云杉赤松。

32、Should owners feel obligated to spruce up the interior, the tuning firm also offers an aluminum gear knob and pedal set as well as several velour floor mats. ─── 如果业主觉得有义务美化内部的调整公司还提供了一个铝齿轮旋钮和踏板设置以及几个天鹅绒地毯。

33、In person Dr. Proudie is a good-looking man, spruce and dapper and very tidy. ─── 就仪表而言,普劳迪博士是一位仪表堂堂的人,潇洒,漂亮,十分整饬。

34、Trees such as spruce, pine, and oak have been planted. ─── 像云杉、松树和橡树之类的树已经种了。

35、Fine quality Violin. Solid aged spruce top, highly flamed maple back. ─── 呵呵,开开玩笑。别在意。您下面就写得很好呀:

36、Alexander J D , Donnelly J R , Shane J B. Photosynthetic and transpirational responses of red spruce understory trees to light and temperature[J ] . ─── 丁圣彦,宋永昌.浙江天童常绿阔叶林演替系列优势种光合生理生态的比较[J].生态学报,1999,19(3):318-323.

37、"What need you getting drunk then, and cutting up, Prue?" said a spruce quadroon. ─── “谁叫你老喝得醉醺醺的,自寻烦恼呢?蒲璐?”一个漂亮的公仆说。

38、But Shanghai wants to spruce up its image. It is expecting millions of visitors for the World Expo fair. ─── 但是上海想改善它的外在形象。它正在预备举办世界博览会而期望迎来数百万外国游人。

39、A week or so later Drouet strolled into Fitzgerald and Moy's, spruce in dress and manner. ─── "个把星期以后,杜洛埃打扮得漂漂亮亮,举止潇洒地走进费莫酒家。

40、The dragon is surrounded by spruce trees and assorted rare flowering plants in blue, white, red, and purple. ─── 两旁森林,全是高大云杉。 林间地上,多奇花异草,或蓝或白,或红或紫,灿烂如缤纷。

41、Spruce and pine are evergreen trees. ─── 云杉和松树都是常绿树木。

42、He needs to spruce it up a bit. ─── 他需要把它稍微修饰一下。

43、It was made of soft lumber, spruce by the look of it. ─── 它是软木做的,看样子是云杉。

44、A man looks up while standing among old-growth Sitka spruce trees on June 20, 2007, near Long Beach, Washington, US. ─── 去年六月二十日,一位男子在美国华盛顿州长堤附近的锡特卡云杉神木群下抬头仰望。

45、Too much colour contained in Chinese red series, but do not escape " red " word, in one caboodle element is static in the form that can discover its charming is spruce. ─── 中国红系列里蕴涵了太多的色彩,但都逃不开一个“红”字,在一堆素静中就能发现它娇俏的身影。

46、Tempting though the offer to spruce up one of France's most important companies must have been, it came at a bad time. ─── 尽管能对法国最重要的公司之一标致雪铁龙集团进行整顿是份十分诱人的工作,但这份聘书来得并不是时候。

47、Major tree species in the southwest include the dragon spruce, fir and Yunnan pine, as well as teak, red sandalwood, camphor, nanmu and padauk. ─── 其次为西南天然林区,该区主要树种有云杉、冷杉、云南松,还有珍贵的柚木、紫檀、樟、楠、红木等;

48、It lives and attacks on both armand pine and likiang spruce, and its sexual generation takes place on the first host. ─── )和其有性世代。 华山松球蚜有完整的生活周期即有有性世代 (以前研究者所观察到的华山松球蚜仅有无性世代 ) ,它在两种寄主华山松和丽江云杉上完成一个完整的生活周期。

49、They are characteristically lightweight and are made from poplar, spruce, and even mahogany. ─── 他们特有制成轻质、杨树、云杉、连桃花心木。

50、If you are using a potted pine or spruce tree, you can replant it after using it which will preserve the tree's life and beautify where ever you decide to replant it. ─── 如果你用一棵盆栽松树或云杉树,用完后可以再种,不仅可以保持树的生命力,还可以美化你打算重种树的那个地方。

51、Australian graphic designers Buro North claim their plywood Christmas tree is “80% more environmentally friendly” than a traditional fir or spruce. ─── 他说:“他们用夹板做成的树比天然的赤木或纵木多了80%对环境的友好”。

52、A reafforestation programme has favoured spruce, pines larches and fir. ─── 再造林工程更青睐北美云杉、松树,落叶松和冷杉。

53、"It was a big surprise because we thought until (now) that this kind of spruce grew much later in those regions," he said. ─── 卡尔曼教授说:“这个发现让我们很意外,因为我们一直认为这种云杉是在很多年后才开始在这一带生长的。”

54、European Spruce and Maple for musical instruments.Red Cedar tops,Mahogany,Zebrawood and many more . ─── 制作乐器的欧洲云杉和枫木,上等红雪松,桃花心木,热带美洲产木材等等。

55、The world's oldest living tree on record is a nearly 10,000 year-old spruce that has been discovered in central Sweden, Umeaa University said on Thursday. ─── 位于瑞典西北部的优密欧大学于上周四公布,(研究人员)在瑞典中部发现了一棵有近万年树龄的云杉,据考证这棵云杉是目前世界上现存的最古老的树。

56、Go and spruce yourself up. ─── 去打扮打扮。

57、Spruce up old dressers and buffets found on Craigslist with a bit of paint, and use them anywhere in the house. ─── 整理一下从Craigslist找到的带点漆面的旧橱柜和餐具架,这些可以在家里的任意地方使用。

58、For a few hundred bucks, you can have a gardener come in and spruce up the outside of your home, and end up adding thousands to the sale price. ─── 为几百蚊,你可以有园丁进来以及清洁以外你的家,数千尾,加上售价为。

59、Two astronauts are on a spacewalk to spruce up the international space station's new Japanese lab. ─── 两位宇航员正在进行太空行走,以整理国际空间站中的新的日本实验室。

60、She looked around and padded off across a ravine, toward the edge of the blue spruce and Douglas fir forest that would be her new home. ─── 她环顾了四周一下,便健步越过沟壑,跑向她的新家-一片由蓝色云杉和道格拉斯冷杉组成的丛林。

61、The spruce bark beetle is the major tree-killing insect pest of Alaska spruce forests. ─── 云杉树皮甲虫是阿拉斯加云杉树林中危害树木的主要害虫。

62、The main tree species are fir, spruce, alpine oak, walnut, sumac, green water, and even incense, Davidia, birch and so on. ─── 主要树种有冷杉、云杉、高山栎、核桃、漆树、水青、连香、珙桐、桦木等。

63、"It was a big surprise because we thought until (now) that this kind of spruce grew much later in those regions, " he said. ─── “那真是令人惊讶,我们猜想至今发现生长得最古老的云杉树,”他说道。

64、Four species, White Spruce (Picea glauca), Engelmann Spruce (Piceaengelmanni), Lodgepole Pine (Pinus contorta), and Alpine Fir (Abieslaciocarpa) comprise the spruce-pine-fir species group. ─── 云杉-松-铁杉由四种树种组成:白云杉、英格曼云杉、小干松和阿尔卑斯铁杉组成。

65、Spruce up your house for Spring. ─── 为了春天把你房子化妆一下。

66、The main species are pine, spruce, fir, Cheng Chi, Euptelea, Cercidiphyllum, and so on. ─── 主要品种有红松、云杉、冷杉、赤桦、领春木、连香树等。

67、Unlike the oil powers of the Middle East, most African nations can ill afford to spruce up their arsenals. ─── 大多数非洲国家和中东的石油国不一样,它们实在负担不起更新军备的费用。

68、Look upon it as an opportunity to spruce up your existing site and start afresh! ─── 就把重建网站看作是一个重新调整,全新开始的机会,否则这些错误会把你拖垮。

69、Jean: They wash the body with germicidal soap and dry it. They spruce up the body as well to give the face a lifelike appearance. ─── 他们用杀菌肥皂擦身体然后擦干。他们也给死者化妆打扮,为了能让他们看起来跟生前一样栩栩如生。

70、The violin's body is a sound box made from wood, the thinner the better: spruce for the front, maple for the back, the neck and the ribs. ─── 小提琴的琴体实际上是一个木质的音箱,所用木板越好:琴身的正面要用云杉木材,背面,琴枕和侧板和要用枫树木料。

71、However, the low exchangeable caution of cation is one of the reason about spruce death. ─── 但是土壤阳离子代换量低可能是云杉死亡的一个因子。

72、The maximal water holding rates (MWHR) of moss and litters in spruce plantations are lower than those in natural secondary series. ─── 人工云杉林苔藓和枯落物的最大持水率均低于自然恢复演替系列。

73、Member companies' products include remanufactured hardwood blanks and components, flooring, staircases, mouldings, and pre-coated Spruce exterior siding. ─── 会员厂商之产品如下:回收再制的胚料和部件、地板材、(木制)楼梯、线脚条、及预涂底漆的外墙云杉板壁。

74、Having a single, undivided trunk with lateral branches, as in spruce trees. ─── (茎)贯顶的,(树性)塔状的主轴延伸成不分枝的茎或杆的,如云杉

75、Farther on he knew he would come to where dead spruce and fir, very small and wizen, bordered the shore of a little lake, the TITCHIN-NICHILIE, in the tongue of the country, the“ land of little sticks. ─── 他清楚再往前走他就会到达一个当地人称之为“提奇因尼其利”意思是“小棍子地”的地方,那儿有一个小湖,周围有许多枯死的极细小的枞树。

76、Fir: The price is about same to that of hemlock spruce. ─── 冷杉木:和铁杉木价格差不多。

77、In order to spruce up the competitive advantage, Hotel Conglomerating has been regard as the best option. ─── 为提高酒店的竞争优势,酒店集团化发展已经成为公认的方向。

78、Around the spruce, fir and other rare trees around growth, tree tall and straight Junxiu, Huguang and the shore Xuefeng snow Xiangying, charming charming. ─── 周围云杉、冷杉等珍稀树木环湖生长,树型挺拔俊秀,湖光与岸边雪峰积雪相映,妩媚迷人。

79、They wash the body with germicidal soap and dry it. They spruce up the body as well to give the face a lifelike appearance. ─── 他们用杀菌肥皂擦身体然后擦干。他们也给死者化妆打扮,为了能让他们看起来跟生前一样栩栩如生。

80、The year after its eruption in 1980, spruce seedlings were coming up in the volcanic ash on Mt. St. Helens. ─── 1980年圣海伦火山爆发之后,仅过一年,云杉幼苗就在火山灰上生长起来了。

81、The violin's body is a sound box made from wood, the thinner the better: spruce for the front, maple for the back, the neck and the ribs. ─── 小提琴的琴身是木材制成的音箱,越薄越好:云杉做面板,枫木做背板、琴颈、骨架。

82、In order to spruce up the Vette's dull cabin, the company adds lightweight carbon fiber seats, and an Alcantara steering wheel and shift knob. ─── 为了美化的克尔维特的暗舱,该公司增加了轻质碳纤维座椅,和阿尔坎塔拉方向盘和换档把手.

83、It happens at Rockefeller Center. A man leaning over the railing to get a better look at an 80-foot spruce suddenly notices some mustard running down his shoulder. ─── 在纽约洛克菲勒中心,一位先生正探身栏杆外欣赏一棵80英尺高的云杉。

84、Simulating effects of short-term and long-term are acceptable for spruce and fir dominated mixed uneven-aged stands in Changbaishan forest region. ─── 具体应用到长白山林区云冷杉为主的混交异龄林的径阶动态模拟,短期和长期模拟效果都较好.

85、Some even scoff at the store's efforts to spruce up its image. ─── 尽管沃尔玛努力改善公司形象,也有人将其拿来大加嘲讽。

86、He looked spruce in his best clothes. ─── 他穿了最漂亮的衣裳,看来很神气。

87、Some visitors spend weeks seeking more remote and even more pristine sanctuaries islanded with towering pines and spruce. ─── 一些游客在耸立着松树和云杉的小岛上消磨数星期的时光来寻求更多的清静和纯净的庇护。

88、Guitar features a solid sitka spruce top, with nato back and sides. ─── 吉他的特点了坚实的锡特卡云杉顶端,与北约的背板和侧板。

89、The family of bedroom space insecurity had better not install the lamps and lanterns with too luxurious spruce flower, because such meetings add crowded touch. ─── 居室空间紧张的家庭最好不要装过于豪华花俏的灯具,因为这样会增加拥挤感。

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