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08-16 投稿


cleanser 发音

英:['klenz?]  美:['kl?nz?]

英:  美:

cleanser 中文意思翻译



cleanser 反义词


cleanser 同义词

rinse out | rinse | absolve | purge | wash | depurate | clear | acquit | purify | filter | bathe |clean

cleanser 词性/词形变化,cleanser变形

动词过去式: cleansed |动词现在分词: cleansing |动词第三人称单数: cleanses |动词过去分词: cleansed |

cleanser 短语词组

1、foaming cleanser cerave ─── 泡沫洁面陶瓷

2、foaming cleanser gel moussant ─── 泡沫洁面凝胶滑鼠粉

3、face cleanser ─── 洁面乳洗面奶洗面乳

4、cleanser essence ─── 洗洁精

5、gel to oil cleanser ─── 凝胶去油清洁剂

6、comfort cleanser ─── 舒适洁面乳

7、foam cleanser nettoyant mousse ─── 泡沫清洁剂nettoyant慕斯

8、deep cleanser ─── 深层清洁剂

9、foaming cleanser mousse ─── 泡沫洁面摩丝

10、hair cleanser shampooing ─── 洗发香波

11、foam cleanser zero ─── 泡沫清洁剂零

12、facial cleanser ─── 洗面奶;洁面乳

13、fresh cleanser ─── 清新洁面乳

14、antiseptic cleanser ─── 防腐清洁剂

15、grease cleanser ─── 润滑脂清洁剂

16、dermal clay cleanser ─── 洗脸的

17、face cream cleanser ─── 面霜洁 ─── 面乳

18、charcoal facial cleanser ─── 木炭洗面奶

19、delicate facial cleanser ─── 精致洁面乳

cleanser 相似词语短语

1、censer ─── n.香炉

2、cleaned ─── adj.净化的;v.打扫(clean的过去式);把…弄干净

3、cleansers ─── n.[化工]清洁剂;清洁用品;面部清洁(cleanser的复数)

4、cleanlier ─── 更干净

5、cleanses ─── vt.净化;使…纯净;使…清洁

6、cleanse ─── vt.净化;使…纯净;使…清洁

7、cleaner ─── n.清洁工;清洁剂,洗洁器;干洗店,干洗商;adj.清洁的,干净的(clean的比较级)

8、cleansed ─── adj.清洗过的;v.清洗;使纯净(cleanse的过去式)

9、-cleansed ─── adj.清洗过的;v.清洗;使纯净(cleanse的过去式)

cleanser 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Directions: wet face first, apply facial cleanser on palm, blend with warm water and scatter it, gently daub and circle, then rinse off with warm water. ─── 使用方法:先润湿脸部,再将洁面膏在掌心加温水混合打散,轻轻涂抹并打转,然后用温水洗干净。

2、Sodium lauryl sulfate is a classic cleanser which is used because it provides decent foam, it’s relatively mild, and it’s very inexpensive. ─── 十二烷基硫酸钠是一种典型的洗颜剂是用来,它可以产生大量的泡沫,它的性质相对温和,而且很便宜。

3、This emollient cream cleanser delivers moisturizing benefits as it gently washes away makeup and impurities, leaving skin white, fresh, soft, and smooth -- never stripped or tight-feeling. ─── 含有天然保湿因子、氨基酸、深沉海洋水等多种有效成份.柔和的洁面乳,滋润温和的洗净化妆品残留的杂质,留下美白,清新,柔和的肌肤,不会有紧绷肌肤的感觉。

4、This habit can be awful to break.Not only is it embarrassing when friends or family are visiting, but toilet cleanser may be harmful if swallowed. ─── 不仅会在亲戚朋友来家拜访时让主人大丢面子,还因为如果狗狗咽下洗手间的清洗液会是十分有害的。

5、How to use:Squeeze a small amount of cleanser into palm and work into a rich lather using cool or lukewarm water Massage over face withgentle circular motions.Rinse off thoroughly. ─── 使用方法:挤少量洁面泡沫于掌心,加清水或暖水揉起丰富泡沫,轻柔地以打圈动作按摩全面,最后撤底洗净.

6、The surface of the art can be cleared by with water but in short time and avoid using cleanser as could as possible. ─── 作品正面可以带水清洁,但不宜长时间浸水,且尽量避免使用清洁剂。

7、Usage: Wet face at first, press some cleanser on palm, plus a little water and knead to generate foam, massage face gently with fingertips, and then rinse with clean water. ─── 使用方法:将脸部先润湿,挤出适量于手心,加水揉出泡沫,用指尖轻轻按摩脸部,再用清水充分洗净即可。

8、Purify Facial Cleanser is recommended for all skin types, particularly normal, oily and combination skin and highly beneficial for blemished skin. ─── 净化洁面胶适合所有皮肤类型,尤其是普通,油性及混合性皮肤,并对暗疮形肌肤极为有效。

9、Stained with oil on the ground in the kitchen, you can use the same cleanser and scrubbing wire, on the ground will not have any small scratches or dirty. ─── 在厨房地面沾有油渍时,可以用一般的清洁剂和金属丝擦洗,不会在地面上产生任何细小划痕或者污浊。

10、As for salicylic acid, no studies have been done." In both cases, she says, it's safe to use in a cleanser, which is rinsed off the skin. ─── 关于水杨酸,目前没有任何相关的研究被完成”,但是她说在清洁产品中的水杨酸是安全的,因为接触时间短,很快会被冲洗掉。

11、Hexachlorophene-containing skin cleanser is substituted when allergy to shellfish or iodine is present or suspected. ─── 在怀疑或患者确实存在对碘及贝类动物过敏时,可以改用含有六氯酚的皮肤消毒液。

12、Rare-earth oatmeal milk facial cleanser ─── 天然泥土燕麦牛奶洁面乳

13、Market Analysis Potassium hydroxide is mainly used as a chemical material in potass salt, dye, cleanser, polyester fiber, washing articles, accumulator, medicines, etc. ─── 三、前景预测 氢氧化钾主要用作无机钾盐、有机染料、清洁剂、聚酯纤维等制造的化工原料,也可用作洗涤用品、碱性蓄电池、电镀液、医药工业的原料。

14、Do not clean battery with water or any impregnant cleanser ,and put battery into water . ─── 不要用水或有机溶剂清洗电池,也不要把电池浸入水中。

15、Dried paint giblets can be wiped off by paint cleanser. ─── 干燥的油漆残余物可用油漆清洁剂擦掉。

16、Efficacy: It is specially designed for oily skin. The crystal cleanser will form abundant bubbles promptly, control oil effectively and avoid moisture losing. Skin will become fresh, pure and clean. ─── 功效:为油性肌肤度身订制的清洁产品;如水晶般晶莹剔透的洁肤素会迅速转化成丰富的泡沫,有效控制油脂,同时又确保水份不会流失;令肌肤变得更清新,更清澈,更洁净。

17、When the solvent was seawater, the surfactant of Befit hand cleanser should be chosen preferentially, and the best concentration of hydrogen peroxide was 5%. ─── 在以海水为介质的漂白体系中,表面活性剂贝芬家用洗手液使用效果较优,双氧水体积分数为5%,效果最佳。

18、Rranquil body Cleanser and Bath gel ─── 安宁洁体液、浴胶

19、Smooth on Albolene Moisturizing Cleanser, tissue off and see how much cleaner and softer your skin can be. ─── 之后用纸巾擦掉就可以看到你的皮肤有多么的干净,就能体会到你的皮肤有多么的柔软。

20、The experimental results show that the surface of glass would be anti-resoiling,antifogging,more hydrophilic,fast drying and anti-spotting after cleaning with the polymer-containing cleanser. ─── 实验结果表明:用含有这种聚合物的清洗剂清洗玻璃后,赋予玻璃表面抗再次污染、表面亲水性更强、防雾、快干、不留痕迹的优异性能。

21、Apply some cleanser on the stain and brush it, then wash with water. For stubborn stains, add up dosage or wash after dipped. Usually apply this product once a week. ─── 将少量本品滴于污垢处,用刷子轻刷并用水冲净,对顽固污垢后多滴几滴或浸泡片刻后再冲洗,一般每周清洗一次即可。

22、Research on the preparation of the carpet cleanser ─── 地毯清洁剂的研制

23、Fermented tofu or miso also provides certain friendly bacteria?to one's digestive system much like eating yogurt or acidophilus, and acts as a blood cleanser. ─── 发酵的豆腐或酱也为消化系统提供了某些有益菌丛,就像食用酸奶或嗜酸品一样,可以净化血液。

24、Brightening Cleansing Foam is a very gentle face cleanser that's enriched with Immortelle floral water and citrus fruit peel to lighten and brighten the complexion. ─── 性质温和的泡沫洁面产品,彻底清除杂质、彩妆及日间或晚间积聚的污垢。

25、It lifts away dirt, oil, and make-up without over-drying or aggravating even very sensitive skin.This cleanser is gentle enough to use every day. ─── 并有效地清除污垢、油脂和化妆品,且无干涩紧崩感或损害极敏感性皮肤,适合于每天使用。

26、For reducing the corrosive function of the acid cleanser for water segregator of terrestrial heating pipe and pump, we added a solid corrosion inhibitor YD in the cleanser. ─── 为了降低酸洗剂对地暖管分水器及输液泵材质等引起的腐蚀作用,在清洗剂中配入了固体缓蚀剂YD。

27、Pumice Medicated Acne Scrub is a highly effective medicated scrub and cleanser for the treatment of acne, razor bumps, and rough skin of the face and body. ─── 含过氧化苯的磨砂,适用于暗疮、刮刀刮伤、或面上身体上的粗糙皮肤,能消除暗疮及防新暗疮的形成。

28、Use toilet cleanser. ─── 使用卫生间清洁剂。

29、However, with milk before washing, cleaning of the application Cleanser dirt, water with milk after face wash. ─── 但用牛奶洗面前,应用洁面乳先清洗污垢,过水之后才用牛奶洗面。

30、Usage: Apply evenly to face and neck after cleanser, gently tap to absorb. ─── 使用方法:洁面后,取适量本品均匀拍于面部及颈部.

31、To use as a daily cleanser: Wet face with warm water. Squeeze cleanser into hands and work into a rich lather. Massage gently on face. Rinse thoroughly. ─── 作为日常清洁:用温水湿润面部,挤出适量于手中,搓出泡沫后按摩搓洗面部皮肤。用水冲洗干净。

32、Naturalization Trend of Household Cleanser ─── 家居清洁剂趋向天然化

33、It is a powerful and effective product that contains oil-solvent cleanser, suitable for the cotton mop in large-area moping. ─── 使用说明:含油溶性清洁剂,对静电吸尘有很高附着力。

34、Chewing gum, once bought primarily by adolescent boys, is now featured in commercials as a breath freshener and teeth cleanser for use after a meal. ─── 曾经主要由青少年购买的口香糖,现在在广告中被用作饭后的口气清新剂和牙齿清洁剂。

35、The Gentle Cleanser for combination skin can be mixed with Instant Foaming Cleanser Fleur de Vigne before rinsing with water. ─── 对混合性皮肤来说,可以搭配使用洁面慕丝清洁脸部,再用水清洗。

36、The usage of STPP in the cleanser has become a environmental pollution all over the world. ─── 三聚磷酸钠在洗涤剂中使用,已形成了全球公害。

37、This lightly-foaming luxurious cleanser deep cleans and de-toxifies,quickly and gently melting away dirt,makeup and impurities without stripping skin's essential oils. ─── 丰富奢华的洁面乳轻起微沫,深层清洁,快速排毒,温和有效地溶解灰尘、化妆品及污垢,而不使皮肤干燥或紧绷。

38、Use no halogen cleanser for insulation material and smeary seriously components. ─── 对绝缘材料和严重污染的元件,用无卤清洁剂。

39、Ingredient: Deep sea cleanser gene, natural willow extraction, bee gel extraction, corn mint and herbs extraction. ─── 成分:海洋深层洁肤因子、天然柳树皮萃取液、蜂胶萃取液、清爽薄荷和草本植物精华成分。

40、"ONE-STEP CLEANSER" removes all traces of makeup even from the delicate eye area and leaves my skin feeling clean, supple and nourished.It's both easy and effective. ─── "One-Step Cleanser"可以完全去除你的所有彩妆甚至是最娇嫩的眼妆,让我的皮肤感觉清爽,滋润。

41、The experimental results show that that the surface of glass would be anti-resoiling, antifogging, more hydrophilic, fast drying and anti-spotting after cleaning with the polymer-containing cleanser. ─── 实验结果表明:用含有这种聚合物的清洗剂清洗玻璃后,赋予玻璃表面抗再次污染、表面亲水性更强、防雾、快干、不留痕迹的优良性能。

42、ECOBATH is a premium shower bath, hair shampoo and lotion skin cleanser combination, formulated and designed to cater to the high standards of discriminating users. ─── ECOBATH是沐浴露、洗发水和洁面乳的高级组合产品,开发并设计此类产品是为了满足有品味用户的高端标准。

43、Ginkgo Natural Body Cleanser Feature ─── 婵真银杏天然沐浴液

44、Even if your skin is oily, even if you are not accustomed to using Cleanser after Ni Hua feeling a little face. ─── 哪怕你是油性肤质,哪怕你不习惯洁面乳用完后脸上有点腻滑的感觉。

45、Powder cleanser must not be used on the fiberglass bathtubs. ─── 在玻璃纤维做的浴盆上不能使用洗涤粉。

46、Prior to your procedure, the treatment area will be thoroughly cleansed, usually with an alcohol-based cleanser. ─── 在治疗之前,治疗区域要彻底清洗,通常是用酒精为基础的清洁剂。

47、Squeeze Gerber Toddler Tooth &Gum Cleanser onto bristles of toothbrush.Use small circular brushing motion to help remove food and plaque. ─── 使用方法:将牙膏挤到刷毛上,用转圈圈的手势刷洗食物残留。

48、Content: Rose essential oil, Herb cleanser, high effective moisture gene, Grape seed essence, VA. ─── 成份:玫瑰精油、植物洁肤因子、高效保湿因子,葡萄耔精华、精纯VA等。

49、Easy to wipe clean makeup. When in use, first with the eye water cleanser wet cosmetic cotton, from the top down to remove Mascara. ─── 易地将眼妆拭净。使用时先用眼部卸妆水沾湿的化妆棉,由上往下先卸睫毛膏。

50、Pump cleanser into hands and work into a foamy lather. ─── 压出卸装乳到手心上并用双手搓出泡沫。

51、Relax Allergy &Repair Cleanser(115ml) Ingredients: Dextrose indican surfactants, Green algae extract, HA, amino acid, Natural plant essence(chamomile), etc. ─── 主要成份:葡萄糖苷表面活性剂、天然海藻精华、透明质酸、氨基酸、天然植物洋甘菊精华等。

52、Black may be coated to what some of aloe vera gel, or facial cleanser, groups like this. ─── 去黑头或许涂一些芦荟胶什么的,或洗面奶,团体是这样的。

53、Cucumber is a natural cleanser. ─── 黄瓜是天然的洁面剂。

54、Ingredient: Tanshinone, Ginkgo, Honeysuckle, Azaleas, Aloe Extracts, Amino Acids Cleanser Factor, etc. ─── 主要成份:银杏、丹参酮、金银花、杜鹃花、芦荟、氨基酸洁肤因子等。

55、"I think I saw a can of cleanser by the sink in the coat room," I said as I raced to find it. Precious minutes were ticking away. ─── “我想我在更衣室的水槽边看到过一罐清洁剂,”我一边说一边跑过去找到了这罐清洁剂。珍贵的时间一分一分地溜走。

56、The turmeric acts as a natural cleanser and disinfectant and will not turn your skin yellow. ─── 姜黄起着自然清洁剂和消毒剂的作用,却不会使你的皮肤变黄。

57、Do not use erosional chemical product, cleanser or scour to clean mobile . please dip little suds with soft towel to clean. ─── 勿用腐蚀性化学制剂,清洁剂或强力洗涤剂来清洗手机。请使用软毛巾蘸少量肥皂水擦拭。

58、Instead of using cleanser, you would use this. -You would use that. Let's see, what else? Oh, this gets rid of bacteria and mold. Great! ─── 你可以不使用清洁剂,而是使用这个。-你可以使用那个。让我们看看,还有什么哦,这能去掉细菌和霉菌。棒极了!

59、Ingredients: Active Pearl Extract,Amino Acid,Vitamin C Derivative,Green Tea Extract , Mild Cleanser Elements. ─── 成份:珍珠活性精华、氨基酸、维生素C衍生物、绿茶萃取精华、温和清洁元素。

60、She scoured the saucepan with cleanser. ─── 她用清洁剂把锅擦亮。

61、Main products: cleanser series, feeling agent series, brightener series, filler series, oil-side series, oil sensitizer series, Crazy Horse oil series, waterproof series, dye series and so on. ─── 主要的产品:清洁剂系列、手感剂系列、光亮剂系列、填充剂系列、边油系列、油感剂系列、疯马油系列、防水系列、染料系列等等。

62、"I think I saw a can of cleanser by the sink in the coat room, " I said as I raced to find it. Precious minutes were ticking away. ─── “我想我在更衣室的水槽边看到过一罐清洁剂,”我一边说一边跑过去找到了这罐清洁剂。珍贵的时间一分一分地溜走。

63、Licking your pow is just the first step,after that,you need to use a good antibacterial body wash, then a exfoliating herbal facial scrub, followed by avocado moisturizing cleanser... ─── " 舔你的爪子只是第一步,接着,你需要一个好的抗菌浴液,然后是一个用鳄梨保湿洗面乳去除死皮角质的脸部擦洗。

64、Point by point the winter cleanser nourishes it, that I have not used charcoal pollution, but the name that a bit of a clean too. ─── 冬天用点滋养点的洗面奶吧,那个竹炭污染的我没用过,不过一听这名字觉得就有点洁净过度。

65、Dried paint giblets can be wiped off by paint cleanser. ─── 干燥后的油漆残余物可用去漆水去除。

66、That's right, it's a blood cleanser. ─── 为什么我们中的许多人会超重?

67、Enriched with Verbena extracts, this gentle &effective daily cleanser is ideal for even the most sensitive skin.Its clean &long lasting fragrance leaves a delicate sensation of freshness on your skin. ─── 功效:本品蕴含多种浓缩植物精华,迅速清洁皮肤污垢,补充皮肤水份,清新的香味可舒缓疲劳,减轻压力,用后身体散发自然清香。

68、Unlike soap, Gentle Skin Cleanser is completely non-alkaline, non-comedogenic, and fragrance free. ─── 与肥皂,温和清洁皮肤完全非碱性,非粉刺,以及香料。

69、Cannot use sand paper, burnish implement, steel is brushed, puissant household cleanser or metallic tool clear compound wood floor. ─── 不能使用砂纸、打磨器、钢刷、强力去污粉或金属工具清理复合木地板。

70、Main Ingredients: Plant placental element, NMG moisturizing compound, arbutin, CEA whitening ferment, Jojoba Oil, MAP cleanser, lemon extract, etc. ─── 主要成份:海藻养颜美白因子、NMG保湿复合物、熊果苷、CEA美白酵素、霍霍芭油、MAP清洁乳、柠檬萃取液等。

71、This alcohol-free toner eliminates any traces of cleanser or makeup. More than a basic toner, the formula moisturizes skin and leaves complexion radiant. ─── 不含酒精,令洁肤效果更完美,使皮肤感觉舒适、柔软,饱满;肤色亮泽、有光彩。

72、Cleanser Strong cleaning chemicals,cleaning the PU and PVC,pre-cleaning TPR and EVA shoes, strong cleanser for shoes surface. ─── 901清洗剂强力型清洗用化学品,可去PU,PVC污渍,可做TPR,EVA鞋前期清洗,亦可做强力鞋面清洗剂

73、To analyze the reason of fabric damages and change of the bullet-proof caused by ageing of Kevlar fabric in sea water, bleach and cleanser for five month latter. ─── 并基于克维拉纤维与纱线浸泡于海水、清洁剂与漂白水5个月后所造成之老化现象,进而分析其织物破坏之原因及对抗弹性质之改变。

74、Skin-care products made from papain such as papain whitening soap, soap, facial cleanser and body wash can help remove cuticle, thus making you skin soft, tender and full of vigor. ─── 以木瓜酶为主成分制成的木瓜白肤香皂、肥皂、洗面奶、沐浴露等美容护肤产品可有效去除死皮,令肌肤鲜嫩柔和,充满活力。

75、You can use a gentler,cream-based facial cleanser,and always remember to follow that with a thick moisture. ─── 你可以用比较柔和、霜状基础的洗面奶,而且永远记得洗完脸后要擦上滋润型的保湿霜。

76、A gentle cleanser to refresh and moisturise Baby's hair and skin. ─── 天然温和,能轻柔洁净、保湿婴儿的头发及肌肤。

77、Use a disinfecting cleanser once a week on the bathroom floor and sides of the tub and shower; rinse well and dry the surfaces with a towel. ─── 每周用消毒清洁剂清洗浴室地面、浴缸外侧以及淋浴间,然后用毛巾擦干。

78、Natural cleansing components, papaya and saponaria enzyme, in Bubble Enzyme Cleanser clean your skin gently. The bubble washes inside pores without skin dryness or stimulus. ─── 具有天然洗净成分的木瓜,皂树酵素成分温和无刺激洁净皮肤。能干净地清除毛孔内的老化角质,洗脸后皮肤没有紧绷的感觉,温和无刺激的酶成分是泡沫型的洗面乳。

79、He bought a heavy-duty cleanser to clean his greasy oven. ─── 他买了强力清洁剂来清洗油污的炉子。

80、SkinMedica Calming Masque;Murad Soothing Gel Cleanser;B. ─── 参考产品:AESOP Damascan Rose Facial Treatment;

81、Wash your skin with a gentle cleanser. Wash your face before going to bed and in the morning. Do not over wash, as this will cause drying. ─── 使用比较温和的清洁产品来清洁肌肤。每晚睡前和早上起床洁面。不要清洁过度,否则会导致皮肤干燥。

82、Remember that toners may not adequately remove all traces of a make-up cleanser so you should use a lathering cleanser first, especially if your skin is oily. ─── 很多化妆水里还含有乙醇酸或者水扬酸,它们有去除死皮的功效。

83、FUNCTIONS: Uses high-tech technique to converge surfactants, the amino acid has good relation to the skin.It is gentleness and without stimulation.The cleanser appeases and calms skin, cleans skin. ─── 主要功能:本品采用高科技技术,有效将雪莲纯露与表面活性剂聚合,具有很好的亲肤性,温和无刺激;

84、A cleanser with effective cum clarifying action not only washes but also lift off layers of dead cells on skin surface to let skin breathe better, increasing its capacity for absorption. ─── 具备有效磨砂及净化作用的洁面霜不仅有效洁面,而且能去除肌肤表面的死细胞层以促进肌肤的透气功能和提高吸收能力。

85、It's a mild cleanser made from water-loving glycerin combining easily with water that washes away. ─── 它由易溶于水的甘油提练而成,可用清水洗净,不会留下任何残余物。

86、Keywords Carbureter;Cleanser;Atomizer;Fuel mixture; ─── 化油器;混合气;雾化器;净化器;

87、Use as a daily cleanser to kill blackhead and breakout causing bacteria. ─── 使用作为日常清洁杀死黑头和分组致病细菌。

88、A light-weight, low foaming and non-comedogenic cleanser which cleanses your skin which cleanses your skin without stripping away all of its ingredients, leaving you feeling fresh. ─── 娇柔洁肤泡'能柔和的清洗与去除多馀的油脂和皮脂。它能帮助重现皮肤的细致柔滑,让您展现发自内在的光彩。

89、This exceptional, non-foaming gel cleanser has been formulated from the gentlest cleansing agents and is effective without stripping the skin. ─── 以温和柔细的泡沬洁净肌肤,而不会对肌肤构成任何伤害。


softening cream cleanser的中文翻译softening cream cleanser 柔软洁面乳

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