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08-16 投稿


cheapness 发音

英:[['t?i:pn?s]]  美:[['t?i:pn?s]]

英:  美:

cheapness 中文意思翻译



cheapness 同义词

competitively | reasonably | stingily |economically | tattily | chintzily | on the cheap | modestly | inexpensively

cheapness 短语词组

1、cheapness thesaurus ─── 廉价同义词库

2、cheapness means ─── 廉价意味着

3、cheapness definition ─── 廉价性定义

4、cheapness meaning ─── 廉价的含义

5、cheapness crossword ─── 廉价填字游戏

6、cheapness quotes ─── 廉价报价

cheapness 反义词


cheapness 相似词语短语

1、cheesiness ─── 干酪味;酪皮(漆膜病态之一);劣质庸俗;不值钱

2、cheapens ─── vt.减去…的价格;贬低;vi.减价;跌价

3、cheapies ─── 便宜货

4、cheeriness ─── n.开心,快活

5、campness ─── 露营

6、chestiness ─── 胸脯

7、cheekiness ─── n.厚脸皮

8、chewiness ─── n.咀嚼性;咀嚼度(chewy的名词)

9、cheapest ─── adj.最便宜的(cheap的最高级形式)

cheapness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He's making himself cheap by his unpleasant behaviour. ─── 他那令人讨厌的行为有损他自己的身份。

2、It sounds too much like a cheap romance. ─── 它听起来象是一个拙劣的传奇故事。

3、They bought two cheap standby tickets for Rome. ─── 他们买了两张便宜的去罗马的备用机票。

4、So "economization" is not your friend. Cheapness can be value-less. ─── 所以“缩减开支”不是你的朋友,而同样购买廉价商品也是没有价值的。

5、How buy cheap furniture at e-home furnishings? ─── 如何买到更便宜的家具?

6、She's not that kind of girl. She's not cheap. ─── 她决不是那种姑娘。她不是个轻浮的丫头。

7、Natural vegetable fibres are all cheap. ─── 天然植物纤维都便宜。

8、And the hostel is cheap and convenient. ─── “住宿舍既便宜又方便。”

9、Everything went cheap on that special day of sale. ─── 在特价那天,所有的东西都降价出售。

10、We eventually pick two meals, marvelling at the cheapness. ─── 最后我们点了两个菜,对价钱的便宜甚感惊讶。

11、The cheap wine will rot your stomach. ─── 劣质葡萄酒会伤胃。

12、And that negates some of the advantage of their initial cheapness. ─── 而且这也否定了太阳能电池最初的廉价的一些优势。

13、It has four characteristics, including the virtuality, the directness, the equality and cost of cheapness. ─── 它具有虚拟性、直接性、同等性和用度廉价性的特性。

14、His camera was a cheap one and didn't take good pictures at close range. ─── 他的照相机是个便宜货,在近处也照不出好相。

15、It may be cheap, but it is dirty. ─── 可能便宜点,但是不干净。

16、The cheapness of coach travel is its only recommendation. ─── 乘长途汽车唯一可取之处就是旅费便宜。

17、The peddler sold his wares cheap. ─── 小贩廉价出售货物。

18、Children' s shoes aren' t cheap quite the reverse. ─── 儿童的鞋并不便宜--反而更贵.

19、Do not undertake this on the cheap. ─── 切勿草率行事。

20、It has the advantage of cheapness. ─── 它有便宜的优点。

21、Her shoes look cheap. ─── 她的那双鞋看上去很便宜。

22、He would not annoy her by such a cheap retort. ─── 他并没有用那种肤浅无聊的话怄她。

23、You should not hold it cheap. ─── 你不能轻视此事。

24、A cheap skate thinks only himself so he has no friends at all. ─── 一个自私而吝啬的人考虑的只是他自己,所以他根本不会有朋友。

25、Won't he feel cheap when he gets the go-by? ─── 他不被理睬,不觉得丢脸吗?

26、They also could supply your need of cheap goods. ─── 他们还能满足你买廉价货的需要。

27、The cheap buyer takes bad meat. ─── [谚]便宜无好货。

28、Similarly, the new types of ETF no longer offer the cheapness and diversification of the early varieties. ─── 相似地,这种新类型的ETF不再能提供早期类型的那些便宜和多样性。

29、Don't buy that coat,it looks cheap and nasty. ─── 别买那件外套,一看就是便宜货。

30、Violins like this don't come cheap. ─── 像这样的小提琴不会便宜。

31、Will you still keep friendship with a cheap skate? ─── 你会跟小气鬼交朋友吗?

32、Her dresss was bedaubed with cheap finery. ─── 她的衣裙上俗气地缀满了便宜的饰品。

33、A flood of cheap imports has come into the shops. ─── 大量廉价进口商品涌入商店。

34、He sales bad pork at cheap price. ─── 他以便宜的价格出售坏猪肉。

35、A public place of entertainment, especially a cheap or disreputable music hall or theater. ─── 低级娱乐场所一种尤指廉价或低级音乐厅或戏院等的公共娱乐场所

36、"Cheap!" cried a shrill voice in Mr. Bumble's ear. ─── “便宜?”一个尖厉的声音在布班布尔先生耳际大叫。

37、Her skirt was bedaubed with cheap finery. ─── 她的裙子上俗丽地缀满了便宜华丽的饰品。

38、A cheap victory; cheap laughs. ─── 垂手而得的胜利; 很容易就逗人发笑

39、A spectator in the cheap standing-room section of an Elizabethan theater. ─── 后座站票观众坐在伊丽莎白式剧场的廉价座位上的观众

40、One point in favour of her plan is its cheapness. ─── 她的计划可取之处是花费少。

41、Nothing is cheap if you do not want it. ─── 不要的东西,再便宜也贵。

42、Most beer is quite cheap, but some is expensive. ─── 啤酒大都很便宜,但是也有贵的。

43、He was drinking cheap champagne with a raffish air. ─── 他喝著廉价的香槟酒,样子十分放荡。

44、She fritters away all her money on cheap clothes. ─── 她老是买便宜的衣服,把钱都浪费了。

45、In old China that capitalist got his factory working round the clock, churning out cheap cloth for the market. ─── 在旧中国,那个资本家使工厂日夜开工,大量生产劣质布倾销市场。

46、That's pretty cheap price to pay for joy,isn't it? ─── 以这样一个廉价的方式获得快乐,何乐而不为呢?。

47、I was surprised at the cheapness of everything. ─── 出乎意料之外,东西都很便宜。

48、A peddler or dealer of cheap goods. ─── 小贩卖廉价货的小贩或商人

49、Children's shoes aren't cheap quite the reverse. ─── 儿童的鞋并不便宜--反而更贵。

50、She made herself cheap by her own behavior. ─── 她以自己的举止使她变得卑贱。

51、She whiled away the afternoon reading cheap thrills. ─── 她看廉价的惊险小说消磨了一个下午。

52、Lu Qing seized ready to not let cheap. ─── 不能让陆青来捡现成便宜。

53、Being tired of shelling out on repairs to his bicycle, he sold it cheap. ─── 他再也不愿为修自行车而花钱,于是便廉价把它卖掉了。

54、A cheap day return to King's Cross, please. ─── 买一张去 king's Cross当天往返票。

55、It's no longer possible to find a cheap flat in central London. ─── 在伦敦市中心区再也不可能找到租金低廉的公寓了。

56、Do you think you can lay hold of some cheap whiskey for me? ─── 你认为你能为我搞到些廉价的威士忌酒吗?

57、She's expert at making cheap, but stylish clothes. ─── 她做便宜而时髦的衣服很在行。

58、He has been grinding out cheap romantic stories at the rate of one a week. ─── 他一直以每周一篇的速度生拼硬凑廉价的浪漫小说。

59、They rushed out 1,000 cheap copies of the Queen's wedding dress. ─── 他们照著女王的结婚礼服赶制了一千件廉价仿制品。

60、Nothing is cheap if you don't want it. ─── [谚]不要的东西,再便宜也贵。

61、Don't let your house go too cheap. ─── 不要把你的房子卖得太便宜。

62、It is also hard for buyers of such products to see hope beyond the cheapness. ─── 对购买这种便宜货的顾客来说,除了商品,他们很难看到其它希望。

63、Terra-cotta objects are usually left unglazed and are often of a utilitarian kind, because of their cheapness, versatility, and durability. ─── 通常不上釉,是最具实用价值的一种陶器,价格低廉,用途广泛,经久耐用。

64、"That you're cheap," I said with a sly grin. ─── “我很便宜。”我不好意思地笑着说。

65、The use of cheap labour helped to keep costs down. ─── 使用廉价劳动力有助于降低成本。

66、If you are under 26,you can buy cheap rail tickets. ─── 26岁以下者可购买廉价火车票。

67、The pager is cheap but only handles minimal amounts of information. ─── 传呼机便宜但只能处置少量的信息。

68、It's cheap,but on the other hand it isn't good. ─── 东西倒是便宜,就是不好。

69、She bedizened herself with cheap jewels. ─── 她以廉价珠宝饰物把自己打扮得俗不可耐。

70、Human life and turnip remain cheap and plentiful. ─── 人命与萝卜依然是多而且便宜。

71、The odor of cheap perfume is penetrating. ─── 劣质香水的味道太冲了。

72、They are not interested in cheap knock-offs. ─── 他们对廉价的低端产品不感兴趣。

73、She felt cheap about her mistake. ─── 她为自己的错误感到惭愧。

74、Cheap things aren't always the best. ─── 便宜无好货

75、That doesn't erase the advantage of increased cheapness, however. ─── 但是,这改变不了成本下降带来的趋势。

76、He is always trying to get things on the cheap. ─── 他总是想贪便宜。

77、Wherever did you buy such a cheap thing? ─── 你到底在什么地方买来的这么便宜的东西?

78、It's wrong for you to hold such advice cheap. ─── 你不重视这样的忠告是不对的。

79、God, how bad literature has become! Common! Cheap! ─── 上帝啊,文学已经变得这么糟糕啦!庸俗!浅薄!

80、George has made himself cheap by his dishonorable behaviour. ─── 乔治品行不端,使自己名声扫地。

81、You not the important cause is cheapness for my skirt, despise me. ─── 你不要因为我的裙子便宜,就轻视我。

82、The dictionary sells on its merits alone, without the aid of any premium of cheapness . ─── 这部词典的销售全凭自身质量,而不是靠廉价优惠。

83、He' s expert at / in cooking good cheap meals. ─── 他善於烹制又好吃又便宜的饭菜.

84、The country has fallen behind several of its competitors in the manufacture of cheap cotton goods. ─── 在制造廉价棉织品方面,那个国家已落在几个竞争者的后面。

85、He also bought a cheap lamp to help him. ─── 他还买了一座便宜的台灯来帮忙。

86、Rooms in cheap hotels are often dingy. ─── 在低级旅馆中全是又黑又脏的房间。

87、Shoddy goods imported from the Far East are held cheap by British importers. ─── 从远东进口的劣质商品受到英国进口商的鄙视。

88、He bought a second-hand car at very cheap price. ─── 他以很低的价格买了一辆二手车。

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