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08-16 投稿


avertible 中文意思翻译



avertible 词性/词形变化,avertible变形

形容词: avertible |动词第三人称单数: averts |动词过去式: averted |动词现在分词: averting |动词过去分词: averted |

avertible 短语词组

1、avertible definition ─── 可避免的定义

2、avertible def ─── 可避免的定义

3、avertible meaning ─── 可避免意义

avertible 相似词语短语

1、divertible ─── 转向的

2、invertible ─── adj.可逆的;倒转的

3、revertible ─── adj.应归还的;可恢复原状的

4、avertable ─── adj.可避开的;可防止的

5、assertible ─── 有主见的

6、convertible ─── adj.可改变的;同意义的;可交换的;n.有活动折篷的汽车

7、eversible ─── adj.可外翻的,可翻转的

8、unavertible ─── 不可用

9、averrable ─── 不可改变的

avertible 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Those were the evils which no forecast could avert. ─── 即使有先见之明,那些灾祸也无法避免。

2、Whoever was the culprit, in Garment's view, only radical surgery and the fullest admission of error could avert catastrophe. ─── 在加门特看来,不管谁是罪魁,只有彻底地动一次手术,全部承认错误,才能避免大场大灾难。

3、But they did avert disaster and committed only a few big blunders. ─── 但是他们的确避开了灾难,犯大错的次数也很少。

4、He gazed at her dress, then at her hair, where a becoming hat was set jauntily, then into her eyes, which she took all occasion to avert. ─── 他凝视着她的衣服,然后转向她的头发,头上很神气地戴着一顶合适的帽子,最后盯住了她的眼睛,她却竭力地避开他的目光。

5、Whatever they may be, I fervently beseech the Almighty to avert or mitigate the evils to which they may tend. ─── 不管这些错误是什麽,我恳切地祈求上帝免除或减轻这些错误所可能产生的恶果。

6、To avert a nation-wide fuel and banking crisis, the Kenyan police have offered to provide free escort to companies transporting money to banks and trucks carrying fuel. ─── 为了防止出现全国范围的燃料危机和金融危机,肯尼亚警方表示,将向押运现金的公司,以及运送燃料的卡车提供免费的护送。

7、Partly revolted, partly attracted by the sheer beauty of the image, we repeatedly avert our eyes and then look back in fascination. ─── 一边是厌恶的,一边又被它纯粹的迷人的影像所吸引,我们重复的把眼神移开又不断的往回看这份迷人的影像。

8、The neo-liberalism inherits the key value concept of liberalism, strives to avert state sovereignty and highly advocates global rule. ─── 全球化语境下的新自由主义传承自由主义的核心价值理念,是力图消弭民族国家主权、极力推崇全球统治的话语体系。

9、McAfee Avert Labs Rootkit Detective 1. ─── 1_清理劫持系统软件的程...

10、In order to avert spring diseases, medicines are given to every family in the village. ─── 为了防止春瘟的蔓延,村子里给每家都发了药品。

11、A last-ditch effort to avert the threatened strike. ─── 为避免这次即将发生的攻击所作的拼死的努力

12、Some improvement meth ods were obtained for avert the negative effects. ─── 介绍了几种改进措施以避免铅丹对电池的不利影响。

13、Kyrgyzstan, realizing crises in its police reform, is making an effort to avert this unfavorable situation. ─── 吉尔吉斯斯坦警务改革中意识到了危机感,正致力于缩小或改变这种不利状况。

14、The driver cannot but make a scram to avert two guys who rush the red light. ─── 司机不得不紧急刹车以避免撞倒两个闯红灯的行人。

15、For his life he could not avert that excess of emotion. ─── 他无论怎样也不能回避这种感情的泛滥。

16、A few days later, BP said it would avert a total shutdown by keeping one side of the oil field open while it replaced 16 miles of corroded or damaged pipeline. ─── 但在一些天之前,BP公司称它已经对长达16英里的被侵蚀和损害的油田管道进行了替换,这样可以保持一部分油田的开采,代替对工厂的全面停工。

17、Iceland is seeking a lifeline and trying to avert defaulting onits debt. That has some Asia watchers wondering whether this regionmay have an Iceland of its own. ─── 冰岛正在寻求一条救生索,努力避免陷入拖欠债务的境地。这使得亚洲一些观察人士担心,亚洲可能也会出现本地区的冰岛。

18、Allah will say): "Now have they proved you liars in what ye say: so ye cannot avert (your penalty) nor (get) help. ─── 主说:“他们确已否认你们所说的话,你们不能逃避刑罚,也不能自助。

19、Why could we not avert our eyes from her? Was it because she beckoned? Or was there something else we longed for? ─── 为何我们的视线无法从她身上移开?是因为她的召唤,还是那里有我们的渴望?

20、In 100, 000 births, a screening program would avert 187 neural tube defects. ─── 在100,000婴儿中,一项筛检可避免187个神经管缺陷。

21、Bruno Mattei, a philosophy professor, saw the ship's fate as ametaphor for an unjust world that may even have spotted its "iceberg" but is nonetheless unable to avert catastrophe. ─── 哲学教授布鲁诺·马太把这艘船的命运看做是对一个不公正的世界的隐喻,即使人们已经发现了危及社会的“冰山”,但仍然不能避开灾难。

22、He can only avert his eyes; he has never seen such an ugly sight . ─── 他只能避开眼去;他从未见过如此丑恶的景象

23、Can consecrated meat avert your punishment? ─── 你作恶就喜乐。

24、There he was stripped and searched and made to change into a British Army uniform to avert any possibility that he might be concealing poison in his clothes. ─── 他在那里被剥去衣服进行搜查,然后给他换上一套英国陆军制服,以免他可能在自己的衣服里暗藏了毒药。

25、They discovered the danger in time, and made shift to avert it. ─── 他们及时地发现了这个危险,连忙设法挽救过来。

26、Avert your eyes to the right side of the road and use the white line as a guide. Adjust your rearview mirror to its night setting. ─── 不要直接注视迎面来的车灯。将目光移向路的右边,利用白线作为指南。将后视镜调整到夜间设置。

27、Over the past year bank supervisors, central bankers and national treasuries have queued up to bail out European banks' shareholders and bondholders in a bid to avert panic. ─── 在过去的一年里银监会、央行和国库争先恐后的来挽救银行的股东和债权人以避免恐慌。

28、Uriel is considered the Angel who helps us with natural disasters and is called for to avert such events, or to heal and recover in their aftermath. ─── 乌列尔被认为是当发生天然灾害时来帮助我们的天使,召唤祂来避免灾害或者在灾后疗愈、重整。

29、How to avert the accidents in chlor-alkali production is analyzed and discussed by a host of living examples. ─── 以大量的实例分析、探讨了如何避免氯碱生产中的安全事故。

30、America and western Europe should certainly be criticised for failing to avert the terrible events in Rwanda and the Balkans. ─── 卢旺达大屠杀和巴尔干半岛局势的出现,美国和西欧理应受到指责。

31、But after 1979,China education came to turn to a new way of spurning all foreign modes and avert to mainland tradition. ─── 1957年后中国教育的发展逐渐走上了一条摒弃一切外国“模式”、复归本土“传统”的道路。

32、His new-found enthusiasm for NAFTA and free trade could help to avert a prosperity-destroying drift to protectionism. ─── 他对北美自由贸易协定(NAFTA)和自由贸易新发现的热情或许有助于避免其向保护主义漂移,那将是摧毁繁荣之举。

34、As it was, the "September miracle" could not avert Finis Germaniae, it could only postpone the doom. ─── 事实上,“九月奇迹”并不能改变德意志的灭亡,它只能延迟它的毁灭。

35、He apologized to avert trouble. ─── 他道歉以避免麻烦。

36、A change of tack, they feel, is necessary to avert a public backlash . ─── 他们感觉到,要避免公众反弹的压力,改变政策方针是必要的。

37、But, as the Clines, Allens and countless other parents can attest , there have been tragedies that technology can help avert. ─── 克莱及艾伦两对夫妇及无数其它家长可以证实,有些悲剧是科技能够帮助避免的。

38、A $30 billion bailout by the IMF helped Brazil avert the disaster. ─── 国际货币基金提供三百亿紧急援助帮助巴西避免了这场灾难。

39、In some countries, a division of power might be welcome, not least to avert the risk of too much accruing to one man. ─── 在一些国家,权力的分割也许是受欢迎的,尤其是为了防止权利过多的依附于一人所造成的风险。

40、President Obama announces an ambitious plan to avert home foreclosures of people with troubled mortgages by coercing lenders to lower interest rates. ─── 奥巴马总统公布了一项宏伟计划,通过强迫贷款机构降低利率以防止那些难以还贷的人们丧失房屋赎回权。

41、His finals were something from which he preferred to avert his mind. ─── 他不愿去想他的学期成绩。

42、He managed to avert suspicion. ─── 他设法避嫌。

43、It is supposed that in order to avert some social catastrophe officials of the system fabricate evidence on which he is charged, tried, convicted and sent to prison or death. ─── 在此,我将考虑旨在表明下列情况的努力:将惩罚限于罪犯,是构成惩罚之正当目的的任何原理(报应或功利)的无条件的结果。

44、He can only avert his eyes; he has never seen such an ugly sight. ─── 他只能避开眼去;他从未见过如此丑恶的景象。

45、King Abdullah II of Jordan said he hoped the feuding sides would “engage in dialogue to come to an agreement to avert an explosive situation. ─── ” 约旦国王Abdullah二世说他希望长期争斗的两方将参与到对话当中来,达成一致去扭转这一触即发的局面。

46、She apologized to avert trouble. ─── 她因躲避困难而表示歉意。

47、Beijing knows the Fiji economy is in trouble and, as an investor in the island nation, will be keen to do what it can to help Fiji avert a financial catastrophe. ─── 北京知道斐济经济困难,作为一个岛国的投资者,会非常热心帮助斐济度过经济难关.

48、He can only avert his eyes; He have never see such an ugly sight. ─── 他只能避开眼去;他从未见过如此丑恶的景象。

49、Thus we should take even crippling action to avert trivial hardships that may befall our long, long line of descendants. ─── 因此,我们应该施尽浑身解数,避免哪怕一点点的苦难,可能降临到我们将会绵延许久的子孙后代身上。

50、Ms.Chu's results fells short of the majority required to avert a runoff on July 14. ─── 但赵美心的得票没有达到所要求的多数,因此还要在7月14日再进行一次决定性的选举。

51、He could only avert his eyes; he had never seen a woman naked. ─── 他只能避开眼去;他从未见过裸体的女人。

52、In order to encourage the exchange of ideas and mutual respect between different cultures and religions, and thereby to avert war and conflict, the Museum of World Religions was born. ─── 为了鼓励不同的文化和宗教之间进行思想上的交流,并且相互尊重,从而消除战争与争斗,所以世界宗教博物馆就产生了。

53、After the vetoes, Bob Rubin took the unusual step of borrowing $61 billion from retirement funds to pay our debt and avert default for a while longer. ─── 在我做出否决后,鲍勃,鲁宾采取了不寻常的措施,向退休基金借用610亿美元,用来偿还国家贷款,暂时使政府脱离目前这种欠债的状况。

54、He made clear the dangers of rapid climate change, urging the world to act “boldly, swiftly and together” to avert an “irreversible catastrophe”. ─── 他明确阐述了气候快速变动的危害,促使世界“勇敢的、迅速的和共同的”行动起来以避免“不可回避的灾难”。

55、He did his best to avert suspicion. ─── 他尽量避嫌。

56、To avert such a fate, the party is turning to a time-honoured technique in times of domestic uncertainty: tapping the wellsprings of nationalism. ─── 为了避免这种命运,党开始把目光投向在国内局势晦暗不明之时采用的一种由来已久的统治方法,也就是开始拨动民族主义这根琴弦。

57、To avert such economic and religious massacre, they reverted to a transliteration system of these amulets. ─── 为了转变这种经济和宗教的残杀,他们改用了一种这些护身符的翻译体系。

58、With nefarious players on either side, Spawn must carefully navigate his obsessive revenge to avert the destruction of the human race. ─── 同时,他发现了爱妻云达已改嫁他人,西蒙怨恨谋杀自己的凶手改变他一生,遂决定逮出凶手,找寻真相。

59、REWE proactively tackles the conversion issue far ahead of the deadline to avert any risks including penalties. ─── REWE选择在限期前提早解决制冷剂更换问题,以化解包括罚款方式的任何风险。

60、Cathay Pacific management and pilots will meet again on Friday morning in a last-ditch attempt to avert threatened industrial action. ─── 国泰劳资双方将在周五早上尽最后努力,希望成功取消工业行动。

61、All, equally, are in peril, and, if the peril is understood, there is hope that they may collectively avert it. ─── 大家都是面对同样的危险,如果大家明白这种危险,就有希望通过集体努力避免它的发生。

62、And shadow for companion, the one who be good at to avert from to go in secret shiningly is the most suitable match a behind the scene activity of role. ─── 与阴影为伴,善于避开光亮的潜行者是最适合在幕后行动的角色。

63、You cannot afford to give up any elbow-room, for the extra idle card is needed to avert the self-squeeze in spades. ─── 你不可能放弃选择空间,因为在黑桃上的自身挤牌需要这个额外的闲张。

64、With the support of the international community, the UN employs integrated prevention strategies to avert the enormous material, human and moral costs of conflict. ─── 在国际社会的支持下,联合国采取综合预防战略来避免冲突所造成的巨大的物质、 人身和道义上的损失。

65、Fling eject derive originate avert. ─── 嘲笑放逐缘于发明了避免.

66、A time traveler from the past seeks to avert Nazi Germany's alterations to the present. ─── 一位来自过去的时间旅行者试图阻止纳粹德国对现在的改变。

67、It is hoped that counselling and testing for HIV in a woman's blood stream before,or very early in pregnancy,can avert this human tragedy from increasing any more than it already has. ─── 人们希望,通过在妇女怀孕前和怀孕初期进行HIV的检验和咨询,能够避免增加更多的艾滋病患者这一人类悲剧的发生。

68、Meanwhile, the British government is scrambling to avert a similar fiasco. ─── 同时,英国政府正力争避免类似的惨况。

69、She was so striking that I had to avert my somewhat startled eyes. ─── 她是如此鲜艳夺目,我不禁打了个愣怔,连忙把眼睛转向别处。

70、All dreaded it , all sought to avert it. ─── 大家都害怕它并竭力避免。

71、In order to avert blurring of images against fast passing vehicles, a prise beam splitter like a multilayered filter is installed. ─── 为了避免快速行驶车辆所造成的图像模糊 ,安装了一个相当于多层过滤器的棱形电子束分裂器 ,通过调整其入射光与透射光的强度比率来实现图像获取。

72、Sir, we have done everything that could be done to avert the storm which is now coming on. ─── 为了阻止这现正来临的风暴,一切我们能力做到的都已做了。

73、The people of the whole country must be on their guard to avert the danger of civil war and make efforts to bring about the formation of a democratic coalition government. ─── 全国人民必须注意制止内战危险,努力促成民主联合政府的建立。

74、P>Leader can stare If you look at your dog do not avert your eyes first - wait till he does. ─── “瞪赢的就是老大”当注视狗狗时,不要比他先移开视线,要等到他自己先移开视线才行.先移开的,就没被看在眼里啦!

75、Nay, it may come to them all of a sudden and confound them: no power will they have then to avert it, nor will they (then) get respite. ─── 但复活时将突然来临,而使他们惊慌失措,他们不能抵抗它,也不蒙展缓。

76、A bill designed to help avert some foreclosures has been under discussion by senators this week. ─── 参议院这个星期已经开始讨论一个旨在帮助避免一些房屋被收回的法案。

77、It is imperative to oppose the second policy, to reject the second set of measures and to avert the second perspective. ─── 一定要反对第二种方针,反对第二套办法,避免第二个前途。

78、But some way must nonetheless be found to send in aid and avert a humanitarian crisis in the occupied territories. ─── 但是,毫无疑问一些事情必须要做,给被占领地区的人们援助,来扭转那里的人道危机。

79、EXAMPLE: To avert disaster, all traffic over the harbor bridge was halted during the typhoon. ─── 为了避免灾祸,台风期间暂停了港口桥梁上的一切交通。

80、 双语使用场景

81、But they discovered the danger in time, and made shift to avert it. ─── 好在他们及时发现了这一险情并设法阻止了它。

82、At root, FX reserves exist to avert currency crises: when devaluation spirals out of control, dollars can be deployed to buy up the local currency. ─── 从根本上说,外汇储备的作用在于避免货币危机:当贬值趋势失控,就可以调用美元来够买本币。

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