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08-16 投稿


contemporaneity 发音


英:  美:

contemporaneity 中文意思翻译



contemporaneity 短语词组

1、contemporaneity principle ─── 同时发生原则

2、contemporaneity def ─── 当代定义

3、contemporaneity meaning ─── 当代意义

4、contemporaneity synonym ─── 同期 ─── 同义词

5、contemporaneity definition ─── 当代性定义

6、contemporaneity journal ─── 当代期刊

7、contemporaneity rule ─── 同期性规则

contemporaneity 相似词语短语

1、contemporary ─── adj.发生(属)于同时期的;当代的;n.同代人,同龄人;同时期的东西

2、cotemporaneous ─── adj.同时代的(等于contemporaneous)

3、contemporanean ─── 同时代的

4、contemporaneous ─── adj.同时期的;同时代的,同时发生的

5、contemporarily ─── adv.当今;时下;眼前

6、extemporaneity ─── 即席

7、contemporaneously ─── adv.同时地;同时代地

8、contemporaries ─── n.同龄,同辈人(contemporary复数形式)

9、contemporaneans ─── 当代的

contemporaneity 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The modernity and contemporaneity of these issues can be confirmed by some relevant arguments advanced by Max Weber and Daniel Bell, both of whom are non-Marxist scholars. ─── 该命题所指涉问题的现代性和当代性,在马克斯·韦伯、丹尼尔·贝尔这两位非马克思主义学者的相关论说中可得印证。

2、And contemporaneity, of the industry that 93 substation compose builds, agriculture, self-supporting economy " 3 yuan of economy.. ─── 而同一时期,九三分局构建的工业、农业、自营经济的“三元经济...

3、The enterprise culture has the contemporaneity,the mutual recognition, the humanity and the continuous characteristics. ─── 企业文化具有时代性、共识性、人文性和延续性的特征。

4、As a traditional culture of Chinese writing, the art of lantern riddles has its distinctive contemporaneity and folkways. ─── 摘要灯谜是一种中华传统汉字文化艺术,从它的诞生、发展来看,它具有鲜明的时代性、民俗性和艺术性。

5、Acton's thought of history exceded any historian's in his contemporaneity. ─── 他的思想超越了同时代的史家。

6、In this contemporaneity, the urban position of Suzhou also is climbed successively litre. ─── 在这同一时期,苏州的城市地位也节节攀升。

7、For both personal and industrial and commercial establishments that computer is considered an important tool of contemporaneity. ─── 对个人及工商机构两者而言,计算机被视为现代的重要工具。

8、The pattern possessed the compatibility and contemporaneity and variety. ─── 但具有时代性和兼容性,因而是多样的。

9、On the Essential Characteristics, Contemporaneity and Others of Public Management ─── 论公共管理之本质特征、时代性及其它

10、Chinese's name has the contemporaneity and also glittering the historical arc light, for example: The end of the Qing improved character's name,youwei, keqiang ,juemin and so on. ─── 中国 人 的 名字具有时代性,也闪烁着历史的弧光,如:清末改良人物的名字,有为、可强、觉民等。

11、The content that publishs here is picked from this book the 4th chapter " the competition of the super economy big country with contemporaneity new group and collaboration " . ─── 这里刊载的内容摘自该书第四章”同世界新的超级经济大国的竞争与合作”。

12、This paper begins with the concept of architectural form, and discusses problems of form in the background of clashion and covergence of tradition and contemporaneity, west and east. ─── 本文从建筑中关于形式的概念出发,在古典与当代、西方与东方的冲突、交汇的广阔背景中探讨建筑中关于形式的问题。

13、Contemporaneity, like villages and towns electric appliance chain-like, the response country electrical appliances go to the country, the new rural reconstruction request. ─── 时代性,如乡镇电器连锁,响应国家家电下乡、新农村建设的要求。

14、Integrates during the modern design the propitious child graph energetic element to be able to cause our design surely to have the national cultural property and the contemporaneity. ─── 把吉祥儿童图形的精神元素融入现代设计之中必定会使我们的设计更具民族性和文化性。

15、The Hunan contemporaneity writers studying in Japan and their characteristics ─── 湖南现代留日作家群及其特点

16、The climate pattern mostly appears contemporaneity of warming and humidifying, wich is different from the situation of whole China. ─── 气候型大多为暖湿同期,这与全国其它区域的状况不同。

17、Contemporaneity Securities Business on theWay of Electron ─── 现代证券市场电子化

18、The cases attempted to approximate the range, depth, and contemporaneity of vicarious experience. ─── 这些案例试图尽可能地还原当时的情境。

19、Reforming and opening promoted the development that country of each country of bound of our country contemporaneity concerns, promoted the comprehensive cooperation of mutiple level, much territory. ─── 改革开放促进了我国同世界各国国家关系的发展,推动了多层次、多领域的全面合作。

20、2001, china becomes member of World Trade Organization formally, this is indicating Chinese economy is be in harmony of contemporaneity bound economy an organic whole. ─── 2001年,中国正式成为世界贸易组织成员,这就标志着中国经济将同世界经济融为一体。

21、As a traditional culture of Chinese writing, the art of lantern riddles has its distinctive contemporaneity and folkways. ─── 灯谜是一种中华传统汉字文化艺术,从它的诞生、发展来看,它具有鲜明的时代性、民俗性和艺术性。

22、Ma's practice focuses on the representation of the contemporaneity and the exploration of the harmonious combination of architecture, urban environment and lifestyle in a digitalized time. ─── 他所做出的建筑设计是实践自己提出的MAD要反映现代艺术、探索应用数字化时代设计的城市环境和生活的有机建筑语言。

23、But in contemporaneity, of industry of acting industry of overall brilliant circle compound year add rate general to achieve 21% . ─── 但在统一时代,总体晶圆代工工业的复合年增率将达到21%。

24、This unfortunate community existed since old times, because love and the marriage do not have the contemporaneity . ─── 这个不幸群体自古就存在,因为爱情和婚姻并不存在时代性。

25、It was put forward that utilizing sufficiently and innovating the Calligraphy art has the far-reaching meanings for modern packaging design combined with contemporaneity art technique. ─── 并指出结合当今的艺术表现手法,充分利用和创新书法艺术对现代包装设计具有深远的意义。

26、The investment here and two contact that yielding is contemporaneity are different the numerical value of the thing. ─── 这里的投入与产出是同一时期的两个有联系的不同事物的数值。因此,两者的对比是从静态上来评价国民经济活动成效的。

27、Speaking of the essence, the antithetical couplet has the historicity, the political nature, the contemporaneity and the esthetic attribute one kind of literary style form. ─── 就本质而言,对联是有历史性、政治性、时代性和审美属性的一种文体形式。认识这一点对写作对联创出新意很有协助。

28、Description about Reason, Grounds and Method of the Contemporaneity by Marx's Philosophy ─── 阐扬马克思哲学当代性的缘由、根据和方法

29、The selected topic must have the scholarly research value, contemporaneity, practical significance and creativity. ─── 选题要具有学术研究价值;具有时代性和实践性意义;要有创意。

30、law of contemporaneity ─── 同时性法则

31、Similar moral value exists for its particularity and contemporaneity as well as its universality and immutability. ─── 类道德价值既有其存在的特殊性和时代性,也有其存在的普遍性和永恒性。

32、Its policy directs the side key of the each industry policy to contemporaneity differs somewhat, noticed the harmonious sex of all sorts of policy tools. ─── 其政策导向对同一时期的各产业政策的侧重点有所不同,并注重了各种政策工具的协调性。

33、Another when reporter place masters bank Jiang Hao curtilage plot, taste with Shang Chen almost belong to same level, contemporaneity, the position is a bit poor. ─── 记者所把握的另一块滨江豪宅地块,几乎与汤臣一品属于同一级别、同一时期,位置稍差。

34、In both definitions the lithologic-time marker is critical because it represents contemporaneity of deposition ─── 在两个定义中,岩石时间标志层是关键的,因为它代表着同时沉积。

35、Appropriate Technology, a sort of Technique Based on Indigenousness and Contemporaneity--The Thinking Caused by two Hospitals of the Aga Khan Award ─── 适宜技术,基于建筑本土性和当代性的技术话语--由两所获阿卡·汗奖的医院引发的思考

36、Sedimentary Process and Water Chemistry Property of Contemporaneity Sinter in Baishuitai ─── 白水台钙华区水化学特征及泉华沉积过程研究

37、thirdly, we must rightly deal with the relationship between nationality and contemporaneity; ─── 必须正确处理好民族性和时代性关系;

38、A Brief Introduction of Contemporaneity Financial Intermedia Theory ─── 现代金融中介理论简介

39、The climate pattern mostly appears contemporaneity of warming and humidifying,wich is different from the situation of whole China. ─── 气候型大多为暖湿同期,这与全国其它区域的状况不同。

40、Russia and China are the road that is on market reform in contemporaneity almost, this already was not what secret. ─── 俄罗斯与中国几乎是在同一时期走上市场改革之路的,这已不是什么秘密。

41、contemporaneity principle ─── 同时发生原则

42、Along with contemporaneity match become denser and change of regulate,then use match replace training has been more and more renovate. ─── 随着训练模式的不断更新,过度训练的发生率明显提高。

43、Representing the contemporaneity of society and culture has, without doubt, become one of the major concerns of present-day ink artists. ─── 体现社会文化的当代性也无疑是水墨艺术家重要的关注点。

44、This unfortunate community existed since old times, because love and the marriage do not have the contemporaneity. ─── 这个不幸群体自古就存在,因为爱情和婚姻并不存在时代性。

45、Study on Allocation,Deformation and Metamorphism Contemporaneity of Early Precambrian Intrusives ─── 谈早前寒武纪侵入岩定位、变形、变质的同期性

46、His movie has become the contemporaneity and a human nature result with joint forces. ─── 他的电影成为了时代性与人性合力的一个结果。

47、I will give some examples of artist and their works to emphasize the notion of modernity and contemporaneity discussed above. ─── 我将以一些艺术家和他们的作品为例,从而强调以上所论述过的现代性和当代性概念。

48、Her artistic practice provoked a reflexion on sculpture volume in the contemporaneity, and reflects her accumulated experience in reaserch, exhibits and lectures in Brazil-where she lives-and abroad. ─── 她的艺术探索在同一时期的雕塑领域里有所体现,同时也反映了她在巴西国内外的研究,展览以及演讲方面不断积累的丰富经验。

49、It is also proper to dispose the connection of tradition and contemporaneity,theory and practice; ─── 此版教材的思想主旨明确,很好地处理了传统与现代、理论与实际的关系;

50、Lecture: Modernity and Contemporaneity: Chinese Visual Culture in the 21st Cen ─── 现代性与当代性:21世纪的中国视觉文化

51、Multi-Confrontation between Contemporaneity and modernity-Inner Contradictions of the Trend of Literary Thought in China and Their Evolving Tracks ─── 现代性与近代性的多元对抗--论中国新文学思潮的内在矛盾及其演变轨迹

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