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08-16 投稿


abiogenetic 发音


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abiogenetic 中文意思翻译



abiogenetic 词性/词形变化,abiogenetic变形

形容词: abiogenetic |名词: abiogenist |

abiogenetic 短语词组

1、abiogenetic meaning ─── 无机成因意义

2、abiogenetic oil ─── 无机油

abiogenetic 相似词语短语

1、androgenetic ─── 产生雄性征的;有刺激雄激素作用的

2、biogenetic ─── adj.生物起源的;生物发生的

3、abiogenic ─── adj.非生物成因的

4、agamogenetic ─── adj.无配生殖的;裂殖生殖的

5、biogenetics ─── n.[遗]生物遗传学

6、autogenetic ─── adj.自生的;无生源说的;单性生殖的

7、abiogenetical ─── 无机成因

8、abiogenesis ─── n.[生物]自然发生;偶发;[生物]无生源说(等于spontaneousgeneration)

9、biogenetical ─── adj.生物成因的

abiogenetic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The gas genetic types are multiple, dominated by oil-type gas and coal-formed gas types, and then followed by other types such as the biogas, mixed gas, H2S-rich gas and abiogenetic gas etc. ─── 气藏中的天然气成因类型繁多,以油型气型和煤成气型为主,还有生物气型、混合气型、硫化氢气型和无机成因型。

2、Study on the Enrichment Laws of Abiogenetic Gas in Songliao Basin ─── 松辽盆地无机成因气富集规律研究

3、Abiogenetic Natural Gases in Songliao Basin and Their Exploration Prospects ─── 松辽盆地无机成因天然气及勘探方向探讨

4、Abiogenetic Feeling of Statistics and Life ─── 统计与生活偶感

5、The fluids developed in various spheres and layers in the earth interior are the foundation of forming abiogenetic natural gases. ─── 地球内部不同圈层内发育的流体是无机成因天然气形成的基础。

6、Abiogenetic Feeling of Statistics and Life ─── 统计与生活偶感

7、Keywords Songliao Basin;Abiogenetic gas;Distribution;Enrichment law; ─── 松辽盆地;无机成因气;分布;富集;规律;控制;因素;莫霍面;

8、abiogenetic alkane gas ─── 无机成因烷烃气

9、From the perspective of culture, evaluation culture belongs to university culture, and it is one kind of abiogenetic sub-cultures, which plays a very important role in building university culture. ─── 从文化学的视角看,评估文化属于院校文化范畴,是一种自然出现的亚文化,在院校文化建设中起到了非常重要的作用。

10、Keywords Jiyang Sag;CO_2 gas pool;noble gas;TanLu rift;abiogenetic; ─── 济阳坳陷;CO_2气藏;稀有气体;郯庐大断裂;无机成因;

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