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amblyopia 发音

英:[,?mbl?'??p??]  美:[,?mbl?'op??]

英:  美:

amblyopia 中文意思翻译



amblyopia 短语词组

1、hysteric amblyopia ─── [医] 癔病性弱视

2、reflex amblyopia ─── [医] 反射性弱视

3、nutritional amblyopia ─── [医]营养性弱视

4、alcoholic amblyopia ─── [医]醇毒性弱视,酒精性弱视

5、arsenic amblyopia ─── [医] 砷毒性弱视

6、quinine amblyopia ─── [医] 奎宁毒性弱视

7、postmarital amblyopia ─── [医] 婚后弱视, 伯恩斯氏黑蒙

8、crossed amblyopia ─── [医] 交叉性弱视

9、traumatic amblyopia ─── [医] 外伤性弱视

10、nocturnal amblyopia ─── [医] 夜发性弱视

11、toxic amblyopia ─── [医] 中毒性弱视

12、amblyopia alcoholica ─── [医] 醇毒性弱视

13、astigmatic amblyopia ─── [医] 散光性弱视

14、color amblyopia ─── [医] 色盲

15、amblyopia crapulosa ─── [医] 醇毒性弱视

16、amblyopia ex anopsia ─── [医] 废用性弱视

17、uremic amblyopia ─── [医] 尿毒症性弱视

18、tobacco amblyopia ─── 烟草中毒性弱视

19、amblyopia products ─── 弱视产品

amblyopia 词性/词形变化,amblyopia变形

形容词: amblyopic |

amblyopia 相似词语短语

1、Olympia ─── n.奥林匹亚(希腊一地名)

2、amberoid ─── n.合成琥珀;人造琥珀

3、myopia ─── n.[眼科]近视;目光短浅,缺乏远见

4、amblypod ─── 豚

5、amblyopic ─── adj.弱视的

6、ambrosia ─── n.特别美味的食物;神的食物

7、ambisonic ─── n.环绕声技术

8、ametropia ─── n.非正视眼;屈光异常

9、amblygonite ─── n.[矿物]锂磷铝石

amblyopia 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Results: The total effective rate was 91%, the younger age and milder amblyopia , the better effects. ─── 结果:总有效率为91%,年龄越小,弱视程度越轻,治疗效果越好。

2、A lot of strabismus, amblyopia children, the parents will feel that the older the child, strabismus amblyopia may be better, no need for one exotropia found that, on the low-vision surgery. ─── 很多斜视、弱视儿童的家长会觉得,孩子年龄再大一点,可能斜视弱视会好一些的,没有必要一发现斜视、弱视就做手术。

3、Amblyopia is a common ophthalmic disease,but the underlying neural mechanism is still not clear. ─── 弱视作为常见的儿童眼病,其发病机制自今仍未完全清楚。

4、Objective To observe the effects of levodopa on strabismic amblyopia model eyes in cats, and explore amblyopia pathogenesis. ─── 目的观察左旋多巴对猫弱视眼模型的作用,以探讨弱视的发病机理。

5、Keywords Child amblyopia;Detect early;Treat early; ─── 关键词儿童弱视;早发现;早治疗;

6、Partial blindness is called amblyopia ─── 不完全失明称为弱视。

7、Keywords preschooler;amblyopia;psychogenic behavior; ─── 学龄前儿童;弱视;心理行为;

8、Objective: To evaluate the long term effect of optometric methods combined comprehensive therapy in the treatment of hyperopic amblyopia. ─── 目的:了解验光配镜联合综合疗法治疗远视性弱视眼的临床疗效。

9、Keywords afterimage;eccentric fixation;amblyopia;Haidinger brush; ─── 后像;偏心注视;弱视;海丁格刷;

10、The incidence of amblyopia secondary to severe anisometropia in children is reaching to 66.67%,and 28.30% of which will lead to visual deformity. ─── 儿童严重屈光参差患者的弱视发生率高达66.67%,其中28.30%患儿终致视力残疾。

11、For example, children depried of normal isual stimulation during an early critical period of the first few years of life suffer the permanent isual impairment of amblyopia. ─── 例如,儿童在属于早期临界期的婴幼儿阶段被剥夺正常视觉刺激,就会患上弱视,导致永久性的视力缺损。

12、Therefore, it is vitally important for the plastic surgeon to bear in mind the severity of the disability and its resistance to treatment, and to prevent the amblyopia from the very beginning. ─── 以强调在发育期间遮盖眼睛的严重后果,进一步避免此等遮盖性弱视的形成。

13、lazy eye (amblyopia) occurs. ─── 懒惰眼”(弱视)的形成。

14、Light peak (LP), potential difference (PD) and Arden ratio appeared significant increase in deprivation amblyopia. ─── 形觉剥夺性弱视组的光峰电位、电势差值和Arden比明显偏高 ;

15、The major reason which led children to amblyopia was that many parents or teachers had less knowledge about amblyopia and the checkout ways to find the disease. ─── 多数家长及教师对儿童弱视的基本知识及常用的儿童视力的主客观检查方法了解不足,是导致儿童弱视不能早期发现的一个重要原因。

16、Keywords severe strabismic amblyopia;operation;timing; ─── 关键词重度斜视性弱视;手术;时机;

17、The study of the relationship of anisometropia and the degree of amblyopia ─── 屈光参差及其与弱视程度的关系探讨

18、The treatment effect of myopic amblyopia in children relates to the age、the time with spectacles、the degree of myopia and amblyopia. ─── 儿童近视性弱视的治疗效果与戴镜年龄、戴镜时间、近视和弱视程度有关;

19、Combined with practice, some aspects easy to overlook in expertise such as ametropia, amblyopia as well as some effect element by original and systematic diseases were also discussion. ─── 在大量眼科法医学鉴定中,就法医学鉴定中易忽略的屈光不正、弱视与视力障碍和原发性疾病在外伤转归中的影响以及全身性疾病在眼外伤中的影响等方面进行了法医临床学讨论。

20、Amblyopia is a common visual disease in development of the children. ─── 弱视是儿童发育过程中最常见的视力障碍。

21、Irene Gottlob, Jacques Charlier, Robert D Reinecke. Visual acuity and scotomas after one week levodopa administration in human amblyopia[J]. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci, 1992,33:2722. ─── 张辉,胡聪,杨先.左旋多巴对屈光参差性弱视患儿水平平滑追随眼动的影响[J].中国斜视与小儿眼科杂志,1999,7(3):26

22、Therefore, if the children have strabismus, amblyopia should take the best treatment, not to delay treatment. ─── 因此,一旦发现孩子有斜视、弱视应把握最佳治疗期,切莫耽搁诊疗。

23、18 years old does amblyopia cure cure likely still? ─── 18岁了弱视治疗还有可能治好吗?

24、Pattern reversal visual evoked potential of hyperopia amblyopia in children ─── 儿童图形翻转视觉诱发电位对远视性弱视视功能研究

25、The treatment effect of moderate amblyopia is not so good, which may be related to the eyeground changes due to high degree of myopia. ─── 中度弱视治疗效果差,可能与高度近视眼的眼底病变有关。

26、What is the reality for a child with undetected vision impairments, such as amblyopia (lazy eye), strabismus (crossed-eyes), or severe nearsightedness or farsightedness? ─── 如果一个孩子患上了未觉察到的视力缺陷,诸如弱视,斜视或严重的近视或远视,会有什么后果呢?

27、Clinical analysis of the children whose monocular amblyopia. ─── 单眼弱视的临床分析。

28、causes of children's amblyopia ─── 弱视原因

29、Therefore, if the children have strabismus , amblyopia should take the best treatment, not to delay treatment. ─── 因此,一旦发现孩子有斜视、弱视应把握最佳治疗期,切莫耽搁诊疗。

30、Guidance on treatment of 560 cases of patients with amblyopia ─── 弱视患者560例治疗指导

31、The key of reducing the attack rate and improving healing efficacy of amblyopia is effective screening of amblyopiogenic risk factors in early time. ─── 弱视相关因素的早期有效筛查是减少弱视发病率,提高弱视疗效的关键。

32、The more serious amblyopia occurs, the higher recurrence ratio occurs. ─── 弱视程度越重,复发率就越高;

33、Eye misalignment can cause amblyopia in children. ─── 儿童眼位偏斜可以导致弱视。

34、Gottlob I, Charlier J, Reinecke RD.Visual acuities and scotomas after one week levodopa administration in human amblyopia[J].Invest Ophthal Vis Sci, 1992,33 (9): 2722. ─── 全国儿童弱视斜视防治学组.弱视的定义分类及疗效评价标准[S].中国斜视与小儿眼科杂志,1996,4(3):97.

35、Amblyopia, sometimes referred to as "lazy eye", is poor vision in an eye (less frequently, both eyes) that did not develop normal function during childhood. ─── 弱视是导致视力降低的一种常见病,一般认为它和早期的异常视觉经验密切相关。

36、In order to improve the functions of magnifying optics and image expanding machine of amblyopia, we develop a special image enhanced system for amblyopic patients. ─── 在视觉障碍患者中,我们针对弱视的患者给予一套特定的影像强化系统,以改善目前光学放大镜及扩视机之功能。

37、The recurrence ratio of anisometropic amblyopia and strabismic amblyopia is higher than that of ametropic amblyopia significantly. ─── 屈光参差性弱视和斜视性弱视的复发率明显高于屈光不正性弱视的复发率;

38、John T. Levodopa and childhood amblyopia: Disdussion. J Dediatr Ophtha lmol Strabismus, 1992, 29:299. ─── 中国斜视与小儿眼科杂志2000年第2期第8卷特约笔谈作者:周子杰单位:100034北京大学第一医院医学统计室...

39、Investigation on amblyopia among 10585 children and the methods of prevention and treatment of amblyopia. ─── 厦门市10585名儿童弱视调查及防治。

40、Experimental study of levodopa for strabismic amblyopia model eyes in 14 cats. ─── 左旋多巴对14只猫斜视性弱视模型的实验研究。

41、SZS sight enhancing device in the treatment of 34 children amblyopia ─── 应用SZS增视仪综合治疗儿童弱视34例


43、Keywords Amblyopia;Penalization;Occlusion;Congenital cataract; ─── 先天性白内障;弱视;压抑疗法;遮盖疗法;

44、monocular deprivation amblyopia ─── 剥夺性弱视

45、Conclusion: The effects of treatment are associated with types, degree, age of amblyopia. ─── 弱视程度越轻,开始治疗越早,疗效越好。

46、The reason for this might be poor or incomplete compliance with amblyopia treatment at home. ─── 这可能是较差的或不完整的家庭弱视治疗依从性的原因。

47、Amblyopia therapeutic instrument ─── 增视治疗仪

48、Treatment and Nursing Care of Children With Amblyopia ─── 弱视儿童的治疗及护理

49、Refractive correction of hyperopia during the treatment of amblyopia ─── 在治疗期间弱视眼的屈光矫正问题

50、The study of amblyopia can provide an important guideline for the ophthalmologists in treating of it. ─── 对于弱视发病机理的研究可以为其治疗提供重要的指导作用。

51、Study on factors correlated with amblyopia in preschooler ─── 学龄前儿童弱视相关因素的调查

52、Correlation study of anisometropia, amblyopia and stereopsis on children ─── 儿童屈光参差与弱视、立体视相关性的研究

53、Studies on the Expression of NGF in the Visual System of Kitten Amblyopia Model ─── 弱视模型视觉神经系统的神经生长因子表达特征研究

54、"Joyful eye needles" is safe, effective, and irresilient.It gives children suffering from amblyopia and heterotropy a clear future. ─── “快乐眼针”,安全、有效、不反弹,给弱视斜视儿童一个清晰的未来。

55、The treatment effect of moderate amblyopia is not so good, which may be related to the eyeground changes due to high degree of myopia. ─── 中度弱视治疗效果差,可能与高度近视眼的眼底病变有关。

56、Prejudicial looked attentively at the amblyopia cure henceforth to bring very great difficulty. ─── 偏心注视给今后的弱视治疗带来了很大困难。

57、She is an expert in clinical low vision, children amblyopia, and general eye diseases in the department of ophthalmology of Beijing Tongren Hospital. ─── 北京同仁医院眼科临床低视力、儿童弱视与眼综合疾病专家。

58、The train of binocular single vision in the treatment of amblyopia ─── 双眼视功能训练在弱视治疗中的作用

59、We find that amblyopiatrics curative effect were mutually redated with amblyope s age,the kinds of amblyopia,the methods of amblyopiatrics and patient cooperation. ─── 其中130例治愈,治愈率为52%。结论弱视治疗的疗效与年龄、弱视的种类、程度、治疗方法及配合治疗程度有密切的关系。

60、Keywords children;amblyopia;visual electrooculogram; ─── 儿童;弱视;视觉眼电图;

61、The amblyopic was 60% of before school age and 40% students at school age,The strabismus amblyopia dioptric amblyopia , anisometropia were 53.03%,37.56% and 9.39% reapectively. ─── 学龄前弱视患儿占 6 0% ,学龄期弱视患儿占 40% ,斜视性弱视占 5 3 0 5% ,屈光不正性弱视占 37 5 6% ,屈光参差性弱视占 9 39% ;

62、A new instrument which is different with the traditional ones,for healing amblyopia is introduced.The hardware and software design of it are also describled. ─── 介绍了一种新型的半导体激光弱视治疗仪及其硬件、软件方面的设计。

63、No significant difference of mfVEP in strabismic amblyopia was found between mild amblyopia and serious amblyopia. ─── 内斜性弱视波形异常程度大于外斜性弱视。

64、Now many accessory therapies are enhanced instead of classical therapies,such as application of some therapeutic instruments for amblyopia,acupuncture and Chinese traditional medicine. ─── 在没有科学的随机对照研究结果报告之前,我们仍推荐采用经典的治疗方法:光学矫正、遮盖疗法和光学药物压抑疗法。

65、The study of compliance on treatment of amblyopia ─── 弱视治疗中依从性的研究

66、Recent advances in occlusion treatment of amblyopia ─── 弱视遮盖治疗的新进展

67、Better effects were found in mild ametropic amblyopia. ─── 屈光程度和中心抑制暗点大小与疗效无关。

68、Early optometry and correct ametropia were key in prevention and treatment of cerebral palsy with amblyopia. ─── 及早验光、矫正屈光不正是小儿脑瘫弱视防治的关健

69、Treatment of ametropic amblyopia ─── 屈光不正性弱视

70、Clinical observation of relationship between edema -proteinuria-hype rtension syndrome and amblyopia in low birth weight infants. ─── 妊高征与低体重儿弱视关系的临床观察。

71、What is the final result of monocular amblyopia? ─── 单眼弱视的最终结果是什么?

72、The observed effect of therapy in various types of ametropic amblyopia ─── 各类屈光不正性弱视的疗效观察

73、Correlative Study between Children Crook of Refraction and Amblyopia ─── 儿童屈光不正与弱视关系探讨

74、Treatment for Amblyopia of Elder Children and Adult with Weak Laser ─── 弱激光治疗大龄儿童及成人弱视

75、Perceptual salience of global structures and the crowding-effect in amblyopia ─── 图形结构的知觉显著性与弱视眼的拥挤效应

76、Analysis of the astigmatic state of ametropic amblyopia in children ─── 儿童屈光不正性弱视的散光状态分析

77、Analyzing ametropia of children with antimetropia amblyopia ─── 儿童屈光参差性弱视屈光状态分析

78、Clinical analysis of the children whose monocular amblyopia. ─── 单眼弱视的临床分析。

79、Comparison of the gray matter in children with amblyopia by VBM study ─── 弱视儿童和正常儿童的灰质VBM比较研究

80、Keywords amblyopia multifocal visual evoked potential children; ─── 关键词弱视;多焦视觉诱发电位;儿童;

81、Keywords amblyopia;high-order aberration;wavefront aberrations; ─── 弱视;高阶像差;波前像差;


83、Keywords Amblyopia;Ametropic;Combined treatment; ─── 弱视;屈光不正;综合治疗;

84、examination and treatment of amblyopia ─── 弱视检查与治疗

85、Primary study of Si Li Ba on treatment for amblyopia of children. ─── 思利巴治疗儿童弱视的初步临床观察。

86、Amblyopia is a common developmental disorder of spatial vision, which main associated risk factors are strabismus, anisometropia and visual deprivation before the age of 7 years. ─── 弱视是一种常见的空间视觉发育混乱,其主要的相关危险因素有7周岁前的斜视,屈光参差,视觉剥夺等。

87、amblyopia treating instrument ─── 弱视治疗仪

88、Keywords anisometropia;amblyopia;binocular vision;children; ─── 屈光参差;弱视;双眼视;儿童;

89、Should correctional glasses compare amblyopia general myopia (far-sighted) does degree want low? ─── 弱视矫正眼镜是不是要比一般近视(远视)度数要低?



视力一般用eyesight,视力差poor eyesight。

例:1.My eyesight is getting worse.我的视力越来越差。

2.I have a very poor eyesight.我视力差。

3.He is wearing a pair of round-framed glasses due to his poor eyesight


延伸一下,由视力差我们可以联想其他视力方面的相关英语表达。1.近视 shortsighted/nearsighted.例:He becomes shortsighted as he always watch TV at close distance for a long time.他由于经常近距离长时间看电视成立近视2.远视 long-sighted/far-sighted例:With age increasing,old people are easily getting long-sighted.3.斜视strabismus/弱视amblyopia例:Strabismus and amblyopia are the most common eye diseases for children with cerebral palsy 近视和斜视是脑瘫儿最常见的眼疾4.散光astigmatism例:It is difficult to correct serious astigmatism by these lenses.这种镜片对于校正严重散光还是很难的。






sight美 [sa?t] 视力


He is very short-sighted他高度近视

视力用英语可以说:eyesight 美 ['a?sa?t]

I have poor eyesight.我视力差


How strong are your glasses? 你近视多少度?不要按中文直接翻译How many degrees are your glasses?这样显得比较中式。

glasses美 ['gl?s?z]眼镜

或者说:What's the power of your glasses?


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