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lowermost 发音


英:  美:

lowermost 中文意思翻译



lowermost 网络释义

adj. 最低的;最底下的

lowermost 同义词

quell | mute | slump | abase | slope | modify | bring down | glare | dim | weaken | languish | submerge | fade away | taint | hand down | abate | disgrace | defame | extenuate | slacken | subordinate | depress | shadow | blacken | relieve |drop | defrock | let down | descend | ebb | droop | intermit | allay | diminish | lour | take down | appease | pout | deflate | darken | dive | demean | mope | immerse | becloud | stifle | overshadow | moderate | nose dive | alleviate | discredit | decline | fail | muffle | lessen | dwindle | stoop | vitiate | frown | depose | decrease | wane | dip | threaten | turn down | sulk | repress | dishonor | douse | disrate | modulate | lesser | declass | poorer | darkle | debase | soften | bury | humiliate | worse | cease | degrade | devaluate | mitigate | suppress | minimize | lower berth | cushion | demote | plunge | inferior | detract | get down | vail | reduce | junior | swag | belittle | shorten | deaden | sag | derogate | gloom | glower | incline | downgrade | depreciate | submerse | dull | ease | subside | devalue | let fall | flag | subdue | sink | disbar | humble | dusk | scowl | throttle | minor | cut | bate

lowermost 短语词组

1、lowermost revolt ─── 最低限度的反抗

2、lowermost part ─── 最下面部分

3、lowermost deck ─── 最下层甲板

4、lowermost meaning ─── 最低级的意思

5、lowermost definition ─── 最低定义

6、lowermost deck crossword ─── 最下层纵横字谜

7、lowermost deck of a ship crossword ─── 船的最下层甲板上的纵横字谜

8、lowermost def ─── 最低def

lowermost 反义词

heighten |raise | upper

lowermost 词性/词形变化,lowermost变形

动词现在分词: lowering/louring |副词: loweringly |动词第三人称单数: lowers/lours |异体字: lour |动词过去分词: lowered/loured |动词过去式: lowered/loured |

lowermost 相似词语短语

1、aftermost ─── adj.最后的;最后部的;最靠近船尾的

2、downmost ─── adj.最下面的;adv.最下面地

3、foremost ─── adj.最重要的;最先的;adv.首先;居于首位地

4、lower mast ─── 下桅

5、loweriest ─── 最低的

6、innermost ─── adj.内心的;最里面的,最深处的;秘密的

7、floweriest ─── adj.花的;华丽的;绚丽的;多花的(flowery的变形)

8、lattermost ─── adj.最后的;最后遇见的;最差的;上一次的;上一个的;刚提到的;仅存的(等于last);位于最末端的

9、flowerpot ─── n.花盆;花钵

lowermost 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、a sail (or either of a pair of sails) immediately above the lowermost sail of a mast and supported by a topmast ─── 在桅杆的最底下的帆上面的用中桅支撑的帆(或者是一双帆)

2、Soja reserve of the United States falls to come to 20 years lowermost level. ─── 美国的大豆储备降至20年来最低的水平。

3、For incentive author, start still set lowermost income line for authors even, 1200 yuan month income, plus commercial insurance, make authors perfect did not have trouble back at home. ─── 为了激励作者,起点甚至还为作者们设置了最低收入线,1200元的月收入,再加上商业保险,使得作者们全然没有了后顾之忧。

4、Lowermost in Order ─── 秩边

5、The hearth is the lowermost cylindric part of the furnace. It is used to contain molten iron and slag. ─── 炉缸在炉子的最下部,呈圆柱形。其作用是容纳铁水和炉渣。

6、Below condition of socialist market economy, how to decide attrib border grade and lowermost industry grade, it is current open to question problem. ─── 在社会主义市场经济条件下,如何确定边界品位和最低工业品位,是目前有争议的问题。

7、The ground or lowermost surface, as of a forest or an ocean. ─── 底底层或最低层,如森林或海洋的最底层

8、the lowermost portion of a structure partly or wholly below ground level; often used for storage ─── 一所建筑中部分低于或完全低于地平面的最低的那一部分;通常是作储藏之用

9、Study on Aquifer Parameters of the Lowermost Cenozoic Unconsolidated Strata in the Banji Coalfield and Its Influence on Coal Mining Activites ─── 板集井田新生界底部松散层富水性分布规律及其对煤层开采影响研究

10、The light-wave bath house that there still is card of a few essays on the market sells, woodiness, charge for the making of sth. is a few coarser, lowermost price also wants 8000 yuan of above. ─── 市场上还有一些小品牌的光波浴房出售,木质、做工都粗糙一些,最低的价格也要8000元以上。

11、At present townsman provide for the aged, unemployed, medical treatment is sure to be advanced in the round, lowermost life ensures system construction to be strengthened further. ─── 目前城市居民养老、失业、医疗保险全面推进,最低生活保障制度建设进一步加强。

12、Flowers subtended by a primary bract and 2 bracteoles, sessile, usually 4-merous, minute, lowermost ones female, uppermost ones male, sometimes middle ones bisexual. ─── 花具一原生苞片和2小苞片,无梗,4瓣,雌花的小,最下,雄花的最上的通常被包着,雄花:花萼2-4深裂;

13、5. a sail (or either of a pair of sails) immediately above the lowermost sail of a mast and supported by a topmast. ─── 在桅杆的最底下的帆上面的用中桅支撑的帆(或者是一双帆)。

14、Fiducial yield is one of main judgement basises that investor has investing an opportunity choosing, it is the lowermost expectation requirement that investor invests project yield to its. ─── 基准收益率是投资者进行投资机会选择的主要判断依据之一,是投资者对其投资项目收益率的最低期望要求。

15、By was seleted lowermost the amount of tax to be paid 2008 321 million yuan of estimation, hand in those who be in the ratal 2008 greatly to decrease in 5 into above. ─── 按2008年入围最低税额3.21亿元估算,深交所在2008年的纳税额的减少在5成以上。

16、Income repartition system and social security system make group of social weak force obtained lowermost life safeguard, get all sorts of systems help social reborn. ─── 收入再分配制度和社会保障制度使社会弱势群体获得了最低生活保障,并得到社会再生的各种制度援助。

17、Basal and lowermost leaves dentate, serrate, or subentire; style absent, obsolete, or rarely to 0.1 mm. ─── 基部和最下的叶具牙齿,使成锯齿波,或近全缘;花柱无,淘汰,对0.1毫米的或很少(10

18、racemes elongate or reduced to fascicles of a few spikelets, spikelets usually paired on short pedicels, the lowermost often reduced. ─── 总状花序拉长或退化至束簇的几小穗,小穗通常在短上配对,这退化的最下通常。

19、lowermost packer ─── 最下部封隔器

20、Storefront cost 1200 yuan, increase employee deduct a percentage of what, at least should add on 300 yuan to serve as minimum price, lowermost price is 1500 yuan. ─── 店面成本1200元,加上员工提成什么的,起码应该加上300元作为最低价,最低售价为1500元。

21、In pairs of lowest, highest air temperature is broken autumn since lowermost lukewarm record. ─── 最低、最高气温双双打破入秋以来最低温记录。

22、leaf sheaths longer than internodes, scabrid, lowermost with ciliate margins; ─── 叶鞘长于节间,粗糙,最下的具具缘毛的边缘;

23、The lowermost life that after two models are calculated, reachs result addition is forecasted ensures line amount, have very strong intuitionistic sex. ─── 两个模型计算后得出结果相加猜测的最低生活保障线金额 ,具有很强的直观性。

24、the ground or lowermost surface,as of a forest or an ocean ─── 底层或最低层,如森林或海洋的最底层

25、Abstract: The objective allowance in system of prospective residence safeguard may be cent 3 grade: Cheap hires house-owner to want to face lowermost life to ensure the family under the line; ─── 正文:将来住房保证系统中的实际物件帖给可能,将分成三个级别:廉租屋重要面对最底生计保证线以下的家廷;

26、They move through the cytoplasm to the lowermost cell surface.See gravitropism. ─── 它们可以从细胞质运动到细胞最低处的细胞表面位置。

27、Racemes ebracteate or only lowermost few flowers bracteate; fruit 1-2 mm wide; seeds 0.8-3 mm. ─── 总状花序无苞片的或只最下的很少花具苞片;果1-2毫米宽;种子0.8-3毫米(14

28、The lowermost part of an entablature in classical architecture that rests directly on top of a column. ─── 楣梁,柱顶过梁古典建筑中上横梁的最低部分,直接置于柱头上。

29、in fishes with branched caudal rays, the count includes the branched rays plus the uppermost and the lowermost rays which are unbranched. ─── 在具有分枝的尾部鳍条的鱼中,计数包括分支鳍条加上最上面的与最下面的不分枝鳍条。

30、Basal and lowermost cauline leaves trifoliolate, rarely 1 simple; ─── 具三小叶的基部和最下茎生叶,单的1的很少;

31、When feeling is in lowermost cereal, be to want to abandon or continue hard? ─── 当感情处于最低谷时,是要放弃还是继续努力?

32、"Legislative should according to lowermost standard, and not should the standard according to company of medium-sized large perhaps game. ─── “立法应该按照最低标准,而不应该按照中型或者大型游戏公司的标准。”

33、Of the lowermost creed of the party and highest creed adj and unified the scientific result that the creed China that is Marxism party turns. ─── 党的最低纲领和最高纲领的辩证统一是马克思主义党的纲领中国化的科学结果。

34、Fiducial yield is the lowermost investment effect that shows place of some industry infrastructure is achieved. ─── 基准收益率是指某一行业基本建设所达到的最低投资效果。

35、Bid in highway project in, bid how the unit commands good unit price, the work out gives him can susceptive minimum quoted price is lowermost key. ─── 在公路工程投标中,投标单位如何控制好单价,编制出自己所能承受的最低报价是投标的要害。

36、In fact, 52 weeks before going up greatly, the top share price that divides numerous medium is 66.3 dollars, lowermost share price is 22.48 dollars, suffer oscillation torment. ─── 事实上,在大涨之前的52周,分众传媒的最高股价为66.30美元,最低股价为22.48美元,饱受振荡折磨。

37、Memory the expression of this week should be to make everybody satisfactory quite, the time of a week depreciates 25 yuan (HY256M DDR) , basic had been fall after a rise arrived on lowermost price. ─── 内存本周的表现应该是比较让大家满意的,一周的时间就降价25元(HY256M DDR),基本已经是回落到了最低价位上。

38、The one we have installed has not reached the lowermost position yet. You might as well open it and press it down to see if it will sink. ─── 我们组装好的那个没有达到最低位置,你可以打开,往下压,看是否下沉。

39、Remember telling lowermost budget stylist before decorate, ask him to make the soundest plan, ask he reports construction progress to you at any time. ─── 记得在装修前将最低预算告知设计师,请他做出最合理的计划,并要求他随时向你汇报施工进展。

40、Hu Lubin says, if deduct seasonal element, the lowermost amplitude that will be recently this months 20 years. ─── 胡鲁滨称,如果扣除季节性因素,该月将是最近20年的最低增幅。

41、The lowermost capillary fringe is a zone in which the pressure is less than atmospheric. ─── 最下面的那个毛细水带中的压力小于大气压。

42、Should be to have a lowermost discharge level additionally, do not show any data or curve under the website of the doorsill. ─── 另外应该是有个最低流量标准,低于门槛的网站不显示任何数据或曲线。

43、the lowermost portion of a structure partly or wholly below ground level; often used for storage. ─── 一所建筑中部分低于或完全低于地平面的最低的那一部分;通常是作储藏之用。

44、Why does chaos of the metropolis when the lowermost cereal in the mood consider the person? ─── 为什么人在情绪的最低谷时都会乱想呢?

45、Having the lowermost leaves reduced to small scales. ─── 最下部的叶退化成小的鳞片。

46、Get the influence of element of inside and outside, end China economy showed contractive sign 2008, GDP of the 3rd quarter is added fast put delay to 9.9% , was 2004 the lowermost value since. ─── 受到内外因素的影响,2008年末中国经济显示出收缩的迹象,第三季度GDP增速放缓至9.9%,是2004年以来的最低值。

47、Racemes few to many flowered, ebracteate or rarely lowermost flowers bracteate, elongated in fruit. ─── 具数花至多花总状花序,最下的无苞片或很少开花,在果期拉长。

48、Trace Fossils of the Meishucun Stage(Lowermost Cambrian)from the Meishucun Section in China ─── 云南梅树村剖面早寒武世梅树村阶的遗迹化石

49、About lowermost cash deposit, I cannot publish a comment with respect to financial clause. ─── 关于最低保证金,我无法就财务条款发表评论。

50、Lowermost mantle ─── 下地幔底部

51、There is a sweater in the lowermost drawer. ─── 最低层的抽屉里有一件毛衣。

52、2.When pressing the cutting board and touching the cutter, it can cut automatically and slowly to make that no size error between the uppermost layer and lowermost layer of the cutting material. ─── 裁断板下压接触裁刀时自动慢切,使裁断料最上层与最下层没有尺寸误差。

53、Racemes ebracteate or only lowermost flowers bracteate, elongated or not in fruit. ─── 在果期没有的总状花序无苞片的或只最下的花具苞片,拉长的或。

54、Tropical and extratropical tropospheric air in the lowermost stratosphere over Europe: A CO-based budget ─── 在欧洲上空最下部平流层热带和副热带对流层大气:一个基于CO预算

55、This woodland moss grows with N. complanata in lowermost Schnalstal. ─── 这种疏林带藓类与扁枝平藓都长在许纳斯佗的最低处。

56、The meeting in the process that convenient installation way is installing reduces noise and dust to lowermost rate. ─── 方便的安装方式在安装的过程中会把噪声和粉尘减少到最低程度。

57、The lowermost part of an entablature in classical architecture that rests directly on top of a column. ─── 楣梁,柱顶过梁古典建筑中上横梁的最低部分,直接置于柱头上

58、This report points out, this also is IT industry, include software field among them since 1995 lowermost level. ─── 该报告指出,这也是IT行业、其中包括软件领域自1995年以来的的最低水平。

59、Main reason is the enterprise can use lowermost cost to extend brand-new market. ─── 主要原因就是企业可以用最低的成本去拓展全新的市场。

60、Cannot read elementary school smoothly commonly, can learn to fend certainly skill, maintain lowermost life level. ─── 一般不能顺利读完小学,能学会一定的谋生技巧,维持最低生活水准。

61、In the meantime, want problem of bequeath of pair of among them disorders, history, difference to adjust lowermost level. ─── 同时,要对其中的混乱、历史遗留问题、差异调整到最低水平。

62、the lowermost portion of a structure partly or wholly below ground level; ─── 一所建筑中部分低于或完全低于地平面的最低的那一部分;

63、Be in especially instantly, when economy faces unprecedented dilemma, what can let each have wisdom is individual win monetary get one's own back with lowermost doorsill. ─── 特别是在当下,经济面临前所未有的困境之时,能够让每一个有智慧的个体以最低的门槛获得金钱回报。

64、In the past 52 weeks, its are highest share price is 28.5 dollars, lowermost share price is 9.16 dollars. ─── 过去52周,其最高股价为28.50美元,最低股价为9.16美元。

65、Such, lowermost industry grade truly.. ─── 这样,将最低工业品位确...

66、Choose cost, it is the critical factor that selects a system, what expend cost (moving cost, interpose cost, own cost) lowermost arrangement and choice, namely most system choice of economy. ─── 选择成本,是选择制度的决定性因素,所费成本(运行成本、干预成本、自主成本)最低的安排和选择,就是最为经济的制度选择。

67、lowermost belly of omohyoid muscle ─── 肩胛舌骨肌下腹

68、Lowermost mantle layer and its significance in the Earth's material evolution ─── 地幔底层及其在全球物质演化中的意义

69、and a second clamp between the first clamp and a lowermost end of the vibration horn. ─── 以及位于所述第一钳与所述振动臂的最下端之间的第二钳。

70、Research on Lowermost Cost of Teamwork of Construction Machinery For Big Earthwork Project ─── 大型土石方机械化施工成本控制

71、The risk that invests water supply enterprise lowers lowermost rate, in order to assure project yield the biggest change. ─── 把供水企业投资的风险降低到最低程度,以保证项目投资收益的最大化。

72、Is a trip to the upper right-hand corner of the progress, success is the lowermost stratum arrived. ─── 右上角是一个行程的进度条,到达最底部就是成功。

73、Make be not durative element to drop lowermost limit, implementation agriculture develops continuously, it is us.. ─── 使非持续性因素降低到最低限度,实现农业持续发展,是我们...

74、Cauline leaves 2-6; fruiting pedicels filiform, lowermost often recurved; abaxial surface of basal leaves with forked or 4-rayed stellate trichomes with unbranched rays. ─── 茎生叶2-6;果梗丝状,最下的通常下弯;背面基生叶具分叉或星状毛具4伞辐不分枝伞辐。(56

75、Lowermost is an enterprise, it is 28359 yuan, 97.0% be countrywide average level. ─── 最低的是企业,为28359元,是全国平均水平的97.0%。

76、The spectrum analyzer that operates series of any a kind of HP8590A needs those who have lowermost limit to groom only. ─── 操作任何一种HP8590A系列的频谱分析仪只要要进行最低限度的培训。

77、venation pinnate, lowermost pair of veins originating at very leaf base, forming basal margin. ─── 羽状脉,最下面一对脉正好发生于叶基部,形成基部的边缘。

78、Seismic PKP arrivals are sensitive to P velocity structure in the lowermost mantle. ─── PKP震相包含了下地幔底部P波速度结构的重要信息。

79、Ammoniac nitrogen enters salt of nitric acid of the translate into after soil, the chroma when arriving at groundwater is less than 30 milligram / litre, far be less than the lowermost standard with drinkable groundwater. ─── 氨氮进入土壤后转化为硝酸盐,到达地下水时浓度小于30毫克/升,远小于地下水饮用的最低标准。

80、Petiole of lower stem leaves less than 3 cm; leaf blade broadly cuneate to attenuate at base; pedicels of lowermost flowers less than 2(-3.2) cm. ─── 下部茎叶少于3厘米的叶柄;对渐狭的在基部宽楔形的叶片;最下的花少于2(-3.2)厘米的花梗(22

81、About lowermost cash deposit, I cannot publish a comment with respect to financial clause. ─── 关于最低保证金,我无法就财务条款发表评论。


83、In the past 52 top share price is Zhou Ji 3.3 dollars, lowermost share price is 0.93 dollars. ─── 过去52周其最高股价为3.30美元,最低股价为0.93美元。

84、3 decorative horizontal band again it is divided into three parts, of which lowermost of three concave openings. ─── 门洞上方是所谓的“国王廊”,上有分别代表以色列和犹太国历代国王的二十八尊雕塑。

85、The lowermost room was as untenanted as before, but the door leading to the stone passageway was shut. ─── 最底层的房间象之前一样空无一人,可这通向石头过道的门关上了。

86、As the China of the developing country, what can use WTO is regular, master the active advantageous position that produce market opens, fall the risk that the market opens to lowermost limit. ─── 作为发展中国家的中国,可以利用WTO的规则,把握农产品市场开放的主动权,把市场开放的风险降到最低限度。

87、Stems erect, simple, lowermost part sparsely pubescent with stellate or simple and forked trichomes, glabrous elsewhere or throughout. ─── 茎直立,单,最下深裂疏生短柔毛具星状或单的和分叉毛状体,在别处或全部。

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