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08-16 投稿


bothy 发音

英:[?b??θi]  美:[?b?θi]

英:  美:

bothy 中文意思翻译



bothy 短语词组

1、bothy threads ─── 粗线

2、bothy band ─── 博蒂乐队

3、bothy threads xf ─── 瓶螺纹xf

4、bothy bag ─── 塑料袋

5、bothy cross stitch kits bothy ─── 十字绣套装

6、bothy tent ─── 鞋帐篷

7、bothy gin ─── 杜松子酒

8、bothy 2 ─── 两者2

9、bothy define ─── 拙劣的定义

bothy 词性/词形变化,bothy变形


bothy 相似词语短语

1、brothy ─── 肉汤的

2、botfly ─── 肤蝇;马蝇

3、bothan ─── 博坦

4、both ─── det.双方,两者;pron.双方,两者;adv.双方都,两者都;不仅……而且……;conj.既……且……;并;两者皆;n.(Both)博特(人名)

5、botty ─── n.(Botty)人名;(英、法)博蒂

6、bother ─── vt.烦扰,打扰;使……不安;使……恼怒;vi.操心,麻烦;烦恼;n.麻烦;烦恼

7、botany ─── n.植物学;地区植物总称

8、mothy ─── adj.虫蛀的;凹凸不平的

9、botchy ─── adj.弄得乱七八糟的,粗制滥造的

bothy 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Now 73, Leppard, an ex-special forces soldier, said: “I was perfectly happy in the bothy but I’m like everyone else I’m getting too old for that kind of life. ─── 汤姆在文身之后,独自来到苏格兰斯凯岛的海边,过起了逍遥自在的隐居生活。

2、You should know the poor's bothy and their industrious work and get to know majority living conditions of Chinese people. ─── 古今中外第一流的伟人如孔子、司马迁、鲁迅,又如伊索、苏格拉底、塞万提斯,他们都有过穷人的情感和耻辱的经历。

3、The Herberts have never owned a house of their own and they are presently renting a doll-size white washed “bothy”, overlooking the Spey valley. ─── 赫伯特的夫妇从未有过自己的房子。他们目前租了一间很小的“独屋”,从屋子往下看便是阿尔斯卑山谷。

4、The bothy turned to great building. We are very happy. ─── 我们的学校也变成了大楼,我们非常幸福。

5、The architectural proposal will consist of an offshore cultivation farm, farmers’ bothy, floating restaurant and new pier seaweed baths and drying tower. ─── 建筑的建议将包括一个离岸种植农场,农民bothy ,画舫和新码头海藻浴和干燥塔。

6、The Herberts have never owned a house of their own and they are presently renting a doll-size white-washed "bothy", overlooking the Spey valley. ─── 赫伯特夫妇从未有过属于自己的房子。他们目前租了一间很小的用白色粉刷的“独屋”,屋子俯视斯佩山谷。

7、The storm destroying their bothy, they had to take the cave as their shelter. ─── 4暴风雨吹毁了他们的茅屋,他们不得不住在山洞里。

8、The Herberts have never owned a house of their own and they are presently renting a doll-size white washed "bothy", overlooking the Spey valley. ─── 赫伯特的夫妇从未有过自己的房子。他们目前租了一间很小的“独屋”,从屋子往下看便是阿尔斯卑山谷。

9、4.The storm destroying their bothy,they had to take the cave as their shelter. ─── 4暴风雨吹毁了他们的茅屋,他们不得不住在山洞里。

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