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08-16 投稿


eyre 发音

英:[er]  美:[e?]

英:  美:

eyre 中文意思翻译




eyre 短语词组

1、Jane Eyre ─── 简爱; ─── 简.爱; ─── 简?爱; ─── 简·爱; ─── 简。爱

2、Eyre's nutrose agar ─── [医] 埃尔氏钠酪蛋白琼脂

3、adjournment in eyre ─── [法] 巡回法庭休庭

4、eyre crossword ─── 爱纵横填字游戏

5、Lake Eyre ─── [网络] 艾尔湖;埃尔湖;盐水湖艾瑞湖

6、eyre bus ─── 爱尔巴士

7、Eyre Peninsula n. ─── 艾尔半岛

8、eyre highway ─── 艾尔公路

9、Eyre's nutrose culture-medium ─── [医] 埃尔氏钠酪蛋白培养基, 钠酪蛋白琼脂

10、eyre bus schedule ─── 爱尔巴士时刻表

11、eyre square ─── 爱广场

12、jane eyre studio ─── 简爱工作室

13、eyre square galway ─── 高威爱广场

14、eyre travel ─── 爱之旅

eyre 词性/词形变化,eyre变形


eyre 相似词语短语

1、Tyre ─── n.轮胎,轮箍;v.装轮胎于……;n.(Tyre)(美、英、加)泰尔(人名)

2、ere ─── prep.在……以前;conj.在……以前;宁可,宁愿

3、eyry ─── n.雏;巢(等于eyrie)

4、byre ─── n.牛棚,牛栏

5、Eyre ─── n.巡回法院,巡回;n.(Eyre)人名;(英)艾尔;(法)埃尔;(瑞典)艾勒;(西)埃雷

6、eyres ─── n.巡回法院,巡回;n.(Eyre)人名;(英)艾尔;(法)埃尔;(瑞典)艾勒;(西)埃雷

7、eyrie ─── n.(鹰等的)巢;高山住屋(或城堡)

8、eye ─── n.眼睛;视力;眼光;见解,观点;vt.注视,看;n.(Eye)人名;(德)艾厄;(英)艾

9、eyra ─── n.美洲南部所产之小野猫

eyre 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Trans-Century Effect of Female Senses in Jane Eyre ─── 《简·爱》女性意识的跨世纪效应

2、Poly System Studies as Viewed From Different Translated Versions of Jane Eyre ─── 从《简爱》的不同译本看多元系统理论

3、Three in one-The Relationship among Jane Eyre, Helen Burns and Bartha Mason ─── 三位一体:解读简·爱、伯莎·梅森和海伦·彭斯

4、It pleases me now to draw you out to learn more of you, sit down, Miss Eyre?no, no further back, down just here, Listen? ─── 到后来几乎也就望了,但现在问题已经被解决,这的确令我很高兴,今天晚上我想痛痛快快地知道更多有关你的事,请坐下吧,简小姐。

5、The kings control and administer the local society by the feudal law and the common law, and reinforce the nexus between the central and the locality by sending the justice in Eyre. ─── 他通过封建法与逐渐形成的普通法对地方社会进行管理与控制,并派出巡回法庭加强中央与地方的联系。

6、Jane Eyre pursuit of economic independence, she did not have access to the money as the only goal. ─── 简爱追求经济上的独立自主,她没有把获取金钱作为唯一目标。

7、Its highest point is the summit of Mount Kosciusko and its lowest point is Lake Eyre ,which falls to nearly 12m below sea level. ─── 在它的西部海岸是印度洋和东面的珊瑚海斯曼,南太平洋。

8、Jane Eyre, is it you and your magic? ' he asked. 'Have you put a spell on me again? Did you intend to drown me this time? ─── “简·爱,是你和你的魔法吗?”他问。“你是不是又对我念了咒语?这次是想淹死我吗?”

9、The novel Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte has remained a best seller since it was published in the 19th century. ─── 夏洛蒂·勃朗特的小说《简·爱》自19世纪发表以来,一直有着长盛不衰的魅力。

10、The author to its characterization aspect is the big expense words, is not parsimonious, thus Jane Eyre's individuality can be so prominent. ─── 作者在对其性格描写方面是大费笔墨,毫不吝啬,因而简爱的个性才能如此突出。

11、Crowe, Eyre Alexander Barby ─── 克劳

12、The Soul That Fights For Equality----An Analysis of Jane Eyre's Aspiring after Equality ─── 为平等而战的灵魂---浅析简爱对平等的追求

13、adjournment in eyre ─── [法] 巡回法庭休庭

14、Jane Eyre. ─── 《简爱》。

15、Jane Eyre: A Model Novel of Female Literature in the Victorian Times ─── 《简·爱》:维多利亚时代女性文学的范本

16、Charlotte Bronte and Emily Bronte, known as the famous women writers of 19th century in Britain, wrote Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights. ─── 夏洛特·勃朗特和埃米丽,勃朗特是十九世纪英国著名的女性作家。

17、A Review of Jane Eyre's Character in Jane Eyre ─── 关于简爱的性格评论

18、Jane Eyre: A Double Projection from Both Biblical and Prebiblical Scenes ─── 《简爱》:圣经与前圣经场景的双重投影

19、"Jane Eyre" is a dramatic and entertaining version of the Charlotte Brnete classic. ─── 《简?爱》是根据夏洛蒂?勃朗特的小说改编的情节曲折动人的电影。

20、Jane Eyre ─── n. 简爱(人名)

21、The Analysis of Mr.Rochester Who is the Male Protagonist in Jane Eyre ─── 《简·爱》男主人公罗切斯特读解

22、"Well, you have been crying, Miss Jane Eyre; can you tell me what about? Have you any pain?" ─── "瞧,你一直在哭,简·爱小姐,你能告诉我为什么吗?哪儿疼吗?”

23、“Really, Miss Eyre,”said Miss Abbott, “how could you hit him? He's your young master! ─── “说真的,爱小姐,”阿伯特小姐说,“你怎么能打他呢?他是你的小主人啊!”

24、London : Eyre Methuen, 1976. ─── 出版商: Sydney : Currency Press ;

25、Jane Eyre, I think, can be read as a love letter to a big house. ─── 我想,《简·爱》其实是一封写给大房子的情书。

26、Charlotte Bronte Jane Eyre Excerpt ─── 夏洛特勃朗特简爱节录四

27、One day Rivers learns that an uncle of Jane's, John Eyre, has recently died in Madeira and has left Jane 20, 000 pounds. ─── 一天,里弗斯获悉简的一个叔叔约翰•爱最近在马德岛去世,给简留下了两万英镑的遗产。

28、One day Rivers learns that an uncle of Jane's, John Eyre, has recently died in Madeira and has left Jane£20,000. ─── 一天,里弗斯获悉简的一个叔叔——约翰·爱最近在马德拉岛去世,给简留下了二万英镑遗产。

29、But you'll find, Miss Eyre, ─── 你以后慢慢就会发现,

30、This article portrays the immortal image of Jane Eyre through her harmonious unity of female consciousness and rebellious character and embodies her fearless spirit of fighting against the old custom and unfair social system. ─── 从简·妇女意识与反抗性格的和谐统一再现了一个不朽的妇女形象,突出表现其反抗旧制度和不公平社会制度的无畏精神.

31、So, Elizabeth Bennet and Jane Eyre are two different Cinderellas in the 19th century. ─── 伊丽莎白·班纳特和简·爱是十九世纪英国文学中两个完全不同的灰姑娘。

32、On his way back to the West Indies, Mr Mason stopped in Madeira and stayed with Mr Eyre, who mentioned that his niece was going to marry a Mr Rochester. ─── 在回西印度群岛的路上,梅森在马迪拉停留,住在爱先生那儿,并听他说他的外甥女要和一位罗切斯特先生结婚。”

33、So, I began to think about why "Jane Eyre" Let us moved, not put it down - that her independent character, exciting charisma. ─── 所以,我开始去想,为什么《简爱》让我们感动,爱不释手——就是她独立的性格,令人心动的人格魅力。

34、9.The author, Charlotte Bronte, through deep writing style and true female experience, described one new female figure with strong treacherous consciousness and opposable spirit-Jane Eyre. ─── 作者夏洛蒂?勃朗特以真实的女性体验,深刻的笔触塑造了具有强烈的叛逆意识和抗争精神的女性新形象-简爱。

35、Three Pictures: Day Dream of Jane Eyre ─── 三幅画:简·爱的白日梦

36、The author, Charlotte Bronte, through deep writing style and true female experience, described one new female figure with strong treacherous consciousness and opposable spirit-Jane Eyre. ─── 作者夏洛蒂?勃朗特以真实的女性体验,深刻的笔触塑造了具有强烈的叛逆意识和抗争精神的女性新形象-简爱。

37、Jane Eyre,on the way to seek the ideal life of happiness,encounters many hardships and frus-trations,and takes a series of unyielding fights. ─── 在追求理想、幸福的道路上,简爱遇到了很多困难和挫折,她做出了不屈不挠的斗争。

38、Probing into Charlotte Bronte's Tragic Consciousness Through Jane Eyre ─── 从简·爱看夏洛蒂·勃朗特的悲剧意识

39、"Abbot and Bessie, I believe I gave orders that Jane Eyre should be left in the red-room till I came to her myself. ─── “艾博特,贝茜,我想我吩咐过,让简.爱呆在红房子里,由我亲自来过问。”

40、I was looking at him, he suddenly turned, and asked me: "Do you think I'm handsome, Miss Eyre?" ─── 我正看着他,他突然转过身来问我:“你觉得我帅吗,艾尔小姐?”

41、Oh! Good morning, Miss Eyre. ─── 呵!早晨好,简爱小姐。

42、You examine me, Miss Eyre? ─── 你在观察我吗?简小姐。

43、"Is there a little girl called Jane Eyre here?" she asked. I answered "Yes," and was then lifted out; my trunk was handed down, and the coach instantly drove away. ─── “有个叫简·爱的小姑娘吗?”她问。我回答了,声“有”之后便被抱了出去,箱子也卸了下来,随后马车立即驶走了。

44、'What shocking conduct, Miss Eyre, to strike a young gentleman, your benefactress's son! Your young master.' ─── 什么德行,艾尔小姐,去攻击一个年轻绅士,他是女恩人的儿子,是你年轻的主人

45、The image of Jane Eyre is brilliant for her rebellious character. ─── 主人公简·因其性格中所具有的强烈反抗意识而特别地引人注目。

46、I hear you are a wicked child, Jane Eyre. ─── 听说你是个坏孩子,简爱。

47、Jarrell, Randall. "A Sad Heart at the Supermarket." In A Sad Heart at the Supermarket: Essays and Fables. London: Eyre &Spottiswoode, 1965. ─── 兰德尔·杰瑞尔,《超级市场的伤心人》,载于《超级市场的伤心人-短文和寓言》。伦敦:艾尔 &斯普提斯伍德出版社,1965年版。

48、How dare you affirm that, Jane Eyre? ─── 你怎么敢说这话,简·爱?

49、You see this? This girl! Her name is Jane Eyre. Be on your guard against her. Avoid her company. Shut her out of your conversations. ─── 你们都看见了吗?这个女孩,她叫JaneEyre。小心提防她,不要与她作伴,不能和她说话。

50、‘Really, Miss Eyre, ' said Miss Abbott, ‘how could you hit him? He's your young master! ' ─── “说真的,爱小姐,”阿伯特小姐说,“你怎么能打他呢?他是你的小主人啊!”

51、, Romeo and Juliet, Jane Eyre, Wuthering Heights, Wide Sargasso Sea, etc. ─── 喜欢的书:Any Anne Rice Novel, Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?

52、"I'm Not an Angel; I'm Myself" -- On Jane Eyre's Rebellious Spirit ─── "我不是天使,我是我"--论简·爱的反叛性格

53、On a lonely stretch of Eyre Highway in Australia's Golden Outback, the air is still, dry, and very hot. ─── 图为澳洲黄金内陆孤寂延展的艾尔公路。这里的气候依然很干热。

54、Different Characters, Different Destinies--Images Comparison Between Jane Eyre and Tess ─── 两个性格两种命运--简·爱和苔丝的形象比较

55、Bronte used features of the Gothic novel, including the supernatural, mysteries, and unrequited romances, to temper Jane Eyre and give it a darker, more tragic bent. ─── 为了锻练简爱,朗特运用各种歌德式小说的特色,超自然现象﹑秘事件﹑求回报的罗曼史,也让故事比较有神秘感,添加悲剧气氛。

56、Eyre rs nutrose agar ─── 埃尔氏钠酪蛋白琼脂

57、A camel, a wombat, and a kangaroo cross the road: It sounds like the setup for a joke, but there was nothing funny about the Eyre Highway. ─── 一只骆驼,一只袋熊和一只袋鼠穿过公路。这听起来像是一个笑话设施,但是艾尔高速公路一点都不好笑。

58、Eyre rs nutrose culture-medium ─── 埃尔氏钠酪蛋白培养基

59、"A camel, a wombat, and a kangaroo cross the road: It sounds like the setup for a joke, but there was nothing funny about the Eyre Highway. ─── 一只骆驼,一只袋熊和一只袋鼠穿过公路。这听起来像是一个笑话设施,但是艾尔高速公路一点都不好笑。

60、Claude John Eyre Auchinleck (1884~1981) ─── 奥金莱克,C.J.E.(1884-1981)

61、9. The author, Charlotte Bronte, through deep writing style and true female experience, described one new female figure with strong treacherous consciousness and opposable spirit-Jane Eyre. ─── 作者夏洛蒂?勃朗特以真实的女性体验,深刻的笔触塑造了具有强烈的叛逆意识和抗争精神的女性新形象-简爱。收藏指正

62、Don't be afraid of me, Miss Eyre. ─── 别怕我,爱小姐。

63、By using super artistic skill, Charlotte Bronte vividly described Jane Eyre's unyielding spirit in her miserable life and her bold pursuit for true love and ideal marriage. ─── 女作家夏洛蒂·勃郎特以高超的艺术手段,通过孤女简·爱坎坷的一生,生动形象地刻画了简·爱不屈不挠的反抗性格以及对平等爱情和理想婚姻的大胆追求.

64、The Eyre Peninsula,South Australia,makes up the southern part of the Gawler Craton. It contains a major portion of Archean to mid Proterozoic crystalline basement province of the Gawler Craton. ─── 南澳的EYRE半岛位于GAWLER克拉通南部,包含了GAWLER克拉通太古界至中元古界结晶基底的主要部分。

65、To exemplify what I mean, let us look at C.Bronte's Jane Eyre. ─── 举个例子来阐述我的观点,请看勃朗特的《简爱》。

66、In the year 1847,she published her masterpiece Jane Eyre with her pen name Currer Bell, which shocked the Great Britain and made her very famous. ─── 1847年,她以柯勒·贝尔为笔名发表了其代表作《简·爱》,在当时社会引起轰动,她也因此一举成名。

67、"No, Miss Eyre ,you are less than a servant, because you do not work," replied Miss Abbott. They both looked at me as if they strongly disapprove of me. ─── “不,爱小姐。你连仆人都不如,因为你不干活。”阿伯特小姐答道。她们瞪都着我,好像很不赞同我。

68、The archetype of Jane Eyre belongs to the series of Cinderella . ─── 《简·爱》这部具有经久性魅力的作品,追寻其原型,属于“灰姑娘”系列或“灰姑娘”童话的变体。

69、Cheyenne-Arapaho filmmaker Chris Eyre is leading the movement. ─── 兼有夏安族和阿拉帕霍两种血统的电影制作人克里斯?爱领导了这次运动。

70、Two Female Images Who Reach Different Goals by the Same Route--Comparison of Two Female Images of Jane Eyre and Zi Jun ─── 同途殊归的两个女性形象--简·爱与子君形象比较

71、You are born to strive and endure (jane eyre) ─── 人自出生就意味着奋斗和忍受《简爱》

72、"Well, Jane Eyre, and are you a good child?" ─── “瞧,简·爱,你是个好孩子吗?”

73、Eyre Alexander Barby Wichart Crowe ─── 克劳(1864-1925),英国人,外交家。

74、As a romance, Jane Eyre extends the tradition of sentimental concern for common folk and harsh judgment of those who exploit them within an industrialized or class-stratified social order. ─── 作为一个浪漫故事,这部作品拓展了传统中对普通人不无伤感的关注,并对在工业化与阶级分层化的社会秩序中剥削下层人民的人进行了有力抨击。

75、There is a close relationship between Jane Eyre and the Bible. ─── 《简·》和基督教《圣经》紧密相联。

76、Do you think I'm handsome, Miss Eyre? ’ he asked. ─── “你认为我英俊吗,爱小姐?”他问。

77、From two perspectives of the repressive aspect of Victorian wifehood and miserable condition of the Creole, this thesis presents a symbolic understanding on the imprisonment of Bertha Mason, a mad woman in Jane Eyre. ─── 从维多利亚时代婚姻中女性受到压抑以及从克里奥尔混血人种在当时的悲惨境遇的两个视角,解读一书中疯女人伯莎·梅森被囚禁的象征含义.

78、Jane Eyre, a representative work of Charlotte Bronte (1816-1855), a British novelist in the nineteenth century, depicts an intricate love story of Jane Eyre and Mr. ─── 《简·爱》是十九世纪英国女小说家夏洛蒂·勃朗特(1816-1855)的代表作之一。

79、Jane Eyre and the Bible ─── 《简·爱》与圣经

80、The more solitary, the more friendless, the more unsustained I am, the more I respect my self...----Jane Eyre ─── 三年抱俩,哈哈,真是多子像啊,要在中国,婆婆肯定乐坏了

81、Jane Eyre and Edward Rochester fall in love with each other. ─── 一个学期过去了,也对研女有了很多认识和想法。

82、Eyre's agar ─── 埃尔(氏)钠酪蛋白琼脂:钠酪蛋白琼脂

83、I had not told my Reed cousins about our wedding, but I had written to my uncle, John Eyre, in Madeira. ─── 我没有把婚礼的事告诉里德家的表姊妹,但给马迪拉的约翰·爱舅舅写了信。

84、Shanghai Lihua Wood's currently has three major brands, Jane Eyre series, Saint-EU campaign, Li Boya series. ─── 上海利华木业旗下目前有三大品牌,简爱系列、欧圣宝系列、利博亚系列。

85、Jane Eyre was the first full-length English novel I read. ─── 《简爱》是我读的第一本英文长篇小说。

86、Comparison of Elizabeth and Jane Eyre ─── 伊丽莎白与简爱的比较

87、If the new release of JANE EYRE at the movies moves many to take another look at the novel, Stevenson's masterful narration would be an excellent choice.C.R. ─── 以通俗易懂、引人入胜的表述方式介绍了有关生长发育和医学问题的最新研究成果,并且针对这一特殊阶段要经历的心理和生理变化,提出了很多实用性的建议。

88、As we went downstairs the lawyer said to me, ‘I know you weren't aware of this, Miss Eyre. ─── 下楼时律师对我说:“爱小姐,我知道你不了解这一切。

89、Eyre's agar nutrose culture-medium ─── 埃尔(氏)钠酪蛋白培养基:钠酪蛋白琼脂

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