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nestling 发音

英:['nes(t)l??]  美:['n?stl??]

英:  美:

nestling 中文意思翻译



nestling 网络释义

n. 婴儿;未离巢的雏鸟v. 安顿下来;筑巢;把…安置于巢中(nestle的ing形式)

nestling 词性/词形变化,nestling变形

原型:nestle 名词复数形式:nestlings

nestling 短语词组

1、nestling verb ─── 嵌套动词

2、nestling kids ─── 雏鸟

3、nestling toy ─── 雏鸟玩具

4、nestling inc ─── 雀巢公司

5、hatchling nestling fledgling ─── 雏鸟

6、nestling ds3 ─── 雏鸟ds3

7、nestling def ─── 雏鸟def

8、nestling bird ─── 未离巢的雏鸟

nestling 相似词语短语

1、restyling ─── v.重塑;重新设计;改变……的款式;给……重新命名(restyle的现在分词)

2、bustling ─── adj.熙熙攘攘的;忙乱的

3、castling ─── n.王车易位;v.安居于;使(王)与车易位(castle的现在分词)

4、wrestling ─── n.摔跤;扭斗;v.摔跤;格斗(wrestle的ing形式);与…摔跤;使劲移动

5、nesting ─── n.布置当前环境事务的趋向;v.筑巢;使套入(nest的现在分词)

6、nettling ─── n.荨麻,荨麻科;v.惹怒,使恼火;用荨麻刺伤或鞭打(某人)

7、pestling ─── 纠缠

8、nestlings ─── n.未离巢的雏鸟;婴儿,小孩;v.安顿下来;筑巢;把……安置于巢中;依偎;位处,坐落(nestle的现在分词形式)

9、beetling ─── adj.突出的;悬垂的;n.搅打,捣碎;v.匆忙的来回(beetle的ing形式)

nestling 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Yet nestling amid the quarks and transistors and the nucleic acids and nanotubes, there is a question. ─── 但是安坐于夸克、电晶体、核酸和纳米管之中,问题也出现了。

2、One of the peaks soars in the center of the painting, nestling majestically between the other two. ─── 山的峰巅落笔在画面的中心点,在其馀两峰之间。

3、The child was nestling closely to its mother. ─── 这孩子紧紧贴在妈妈身边。

4、He points at a distant hamlet nestling amidst apricot blossoms ─── 牧童遥指杏花村。

5、Is there a difference between words and the cheeping of nestling birds or not? ─── 故有儒墨之是非,以是其所非而非其所是。欲是其所非而非其所是,则莫若以明。

6、Are there no rosy sunsets today and no rainbows and no haze nestling over villages,and are there no falling cataracts and gurgling streams and shady trees? ─── 落日的余晖、虹影和轻雾,今日不再笼罩在村落上了吗?世界上不再有直泻的瀑布、潺潺的流水,和多荫的树木了吗?

7、The Argentina captain's 12th minute shot took a deflection off Joseph Yobo before nestling into the bottom corner, with many crediting the effort as an own-goal by the Blues defender. ─── 阿根廷队长在第12分钟远射打中雅博折射弹入进网,而赛后许多热都表示这是来自蓝军后卫自家的乌龙球。

8、Nestling 595km north of Perth, it arose from a dispute in 1970 over wheat quotas. ─── 位于西澳首府珀斯以北595公里这个公国,起源于1970年的一场小麦生产份额争执。

9、The little girl is nestling closely up to her mother. ─── 小女孩紧紧地偎依在她妈妈身边。

10、Food Diversity of Three Species of Nestling Herons in Zipeng Mountains ─── 紫蓬山区三种鹭雏鸟的食物多样性比较

11、nestling bird ─── 未离巢的雏鸟

12、She lay in bed with her baby's head nestling in sleep against her breast. ─── 她躺在床上婴儿依偎在她的怀里睡着了。

13、In general, those investment diversities are the results of interactions of many biological traits to meet embryo and nestling development under the predation pressure and interspecies competition. ─── 总之,如此不同的投资差异是在捕食压力和种间竞争作用下以及亲鸟为满足鸟卵胚胎和雏鸟迅速生长发育的必要条件下,各种生物学特征协调的结果。

14、Technical Measure on Raise the Survival Rate of the Nestling ─── 提高雏鸡成活率的技术措施

15、Time moved on and so did the big ships, and in 1982 Walker’s Wharf, now called Pier One, became a sunburst of lights and bright colours nestling almost under the Bridge. ─── 时光流转,船只熙来攘往,1982年在沃克码头,也就是现在所说的桥墩一号成为了栖息海港大桥下的一抹亮色。

16、" And Cosette, nestling close to Marius, caressed his ear with an angelic whisper: "So it is true. ─── 于是珂赛特紧挨着马吕斯,在他耳边用天使般的妙音轻声说:“原来是真的。

17、The Growth and Development of White - Cheeked Starling's Nestling ─── 灰椋鸟雏鸟的生长发育

18、Nestling deep within the beautiful Lushan Mountain with verdant plants surrounded and tranquil environment, Universe hotel is the ideal place for relaxing gathering and leisure business meeting. ─── 酒店坐落于庐山南坡脚下,四周遍植茂密的珍稀林木,景色优美,幽静宜人,是来此旅游度假以及进行商务活动的理想下榻首先。

19、in both the water and the nestling food. ─── 在水和紧贴的食物。

20、On the Fine Arts Education of Nestling in the New Period ─── 浅谈新时期的幼儿美术教育

21、Located in the centre of the city, nestling in luxruiant trees, JingKou Hotel is a quiet spot in the nosiy neighbourhood with its tastefully surroundings. ─── 京口饭店地处江苏省镇江市市区中心地段,绿荫环抱,环境幽雅,闹中取静,设施齐全。

22、nestling down ─── 新羽

23、an unfledged or nestling hawk. ─── 羽毛未丰或未离巢的鹰。

24、The state is mostly rural and poor -- shacks and mobile homes nestling under the canopy of the forest, rusting pick-up trucks bouncing down dirt roads. ─── 该州大部分地区都是乡村,破旧的小屋和移动的房屋躺在森林的华盖之下,锈迹斑斑的搭人卡车沿着泥道磕磕绊绊地向前驶去。

25、A comparative study on asynchronous hatching and nestling growth of three heron species ─── 三种鹭异步孵化与雏鸟生长的比较研究

26、You will be attached to the feeling of nestling up to your lover; ─── 你将眷恋那份被你爱人关注的感觉;

27、Therefore drift on water of standing alone become nestling an eyes in of from , is for living to do which only causes trouble anotherly. ─── 因此,漂泊的孤独就成为安居者眼中的自虐,是为了活出别样的自讨苦吃。

28、As the epitome of this world, a powerful UN is the place nestling world hope. ─── 联合国是这个世界的缩影,一个强有力的联合国是世界希望之所在。

29、The baby cried out in its dream,nestling close to its mother. ─── 孩子在睡梦中哭了,靠向母亲。

30、villages nestling among the mountains ─── 位于群山间的村庄

31、Photo: Steve Bendix, VP of Operations, Nestl? ─── 图片:史蒂夫本迪克斯,业务副总裁,雀巢?

32、The materials about the number of laying eggs every year, thd alerting and the nestling sex rate are quite different from the records in the old textbooks or the monographs. ─── 其中画眉鸟每年产卵窝数、画眉鸟的机警性、窝雏性比等资料,与以往教科书或专著中有关记载颇不相同。

33、Davos--the highest Alpine resort in Europe--offers all the amenities of a small town,while nestling in landscape of unspoilt natural beauty and marvellous mountain splendour. ─── 达沃斯--欧洲最高的阿尔卑斯山度假胜地,掩映在未受破坏的自然美景中,层峦叠嶂,嵯峨壮观;城镇虽小,可各种舒适便利一应俱全。

34、an nestling hawk ─── 未离巢的鹰

35、As a child, his mother, sitting in the courtyard of the bench, nestling the mother of All moon. ─── 小时候,与母亲坐在庭院的长椅上,偎依着母亲,共赏明月。

36、A classic example is noisy begging by nestling songbirds when a parent returns to the nest with food. ─── 一个典型的例子就是鸣禽的雏鸟在父母带着食物归巢时所表现出的吵闹的乞食行为。

37、The Ocean Dream Coral bottle, created to portray the image of a treasure nestling in the sand, is presented in a clear tilting carton set against the background of a tropical seascape. ─── 海洋梦珊瑚瓶,创造描绘了一个在沙环抱珍惜形象,提出了明确的倾斜反对热带海景为背景的纸箱。

38、Without their services, the mail may never reach many remote villages and hamlets, perched atop ridges or nestling at the edge of icy brooks. ─── 没有他们的服务,信件可能永远都无法到达许多坐落在山脊上或位于冰冻的小溪边的那些偏远村庄和部落。

39、A little cottage nestling amidst the wayside trees, the blue smoke curling up against the green, and a bower of roses round the door; ─── 小小的农舍偎依在路旁的树丛中,绿色的屏障上,炊烟袅袅,荫凉的蔷薇丛环绕着门庭;

40、Tea Code Cup is not only catching the merry moment of every afternoon, but also keeping your tea bag nestling nicely in the cup. ─── 茶扣杯不只让你茶扣住悠閒的时刻,还将你的茶包紧紧扣住不再四处摇摆。

41、The Growth of Nestling of Crested Ibis Hand-rearing ─── 笼养条件下朱鹮雏鸟的饲养管理和生长发育

42、Small red tomatoes nestling among green peppers, sliced carrots and spring onions not only brighten up a salad but also give some protection against a wide variety of cancers. ─── 依偎在青椒、胡萝卜片和青葱之中的小块红色番茄不仅使沙拉増彩生色,而且提供一些对于各种各样癌症的防护。

43、Therefore, a begging nestling that secures food at the expense of its siblings might actually leave behind fewer copies of its genes overall than it might otherwise. ─── 因此,一只以其兄弟姐妹为代价来获取食物的乞食雏鸟实际上可能会比其它雏鸟留下更少的基因副本。

44、Not far from the boat are dainty little villas and summer pavilions nestling at the foot of the mountains, the walls ochre and the roofs green ─── 池畔,绿树掩映下是依山而建的绿顶黄墙的别墅、凉亭。

45、To investigate, scientists reared more than 100 nestling garden warblers and Sardinian warblers. ─── 为了进行调查,科学家饲养了100多只园莺和撒丁岛莺的雏鸟。

46、Cryptographic recording of hologram nestling closely to phase plate ─── 位相板紧贴全息图的加密记录

47、Simla - the capital city of Himachal Pradesh, nestling 7000 feet above the sea level in the western Himalayas has been a popular hill-station since ages. ─── 西姆拉-首都印度HimachalPradesh,雏鸟7000英尺以上的海平面在西部喜马拉雅山一直是热门山站自不可少的.

48、Some businesses can be found nestling close to Brazilian multinationals, in the way that growing companies cosy up to American universities. ─── 许多企业都在巴西的跨国公司旁边安家,就像一些成长性企业通常靠近美国的大学一样。

49、Typical for rural Iceland are the isolated valley farms nestling against mountains. ─── 依山坐落、孤立的山谷农庄是冰岛农村的一个特色。

50、I saw a cottage nestling in the woods. ─── 我看到隐映在树林中的乡村别墅。

51、This international hotel nestling within the impressive Shanghai Football Stadium is within walking distant to both the subway and overhead train stations. ─── 这家国际化大酒店与上海足球场相连,是观赏足球比赛的最佳场所。

52、Sanya, a beautiful metropolis nestling against mountains and facing the sea, features star-studded scenic spots and tourist resources of different styles as a rare tropical seaside scenery. ─── 三亚,依山面海的美丽之都、星罗棋布的旅游景点、风情万种的旅游资源构成了罕见的热带滨海风光。

53、are so fond of nestling. ─── 如此喜欢雏鸟。

54、I have travelled a great deal and seen great sights, but none more charming than this tiny village cheerfully nestling at the foot of the hill which shelters it. ─── 我旅行过不少地方,看见过很多壮丽的景色,但是没有看到过比这个恬静地坐落在山脚下的小乡村更优美的地方了。

55、Comparison of growth on different numbers of suckled nestling pigeons of american King pigeon ─── 白羽王鸽不同育雏数量的生长情况比较

56、a village nestling among the hills ─── 群山环抱的村庄

57、Children of the heav'ly Father Safely in His bosom gather Nestling bird nor star in Heaven Such a refuge e'r was given. ─── 天父儿女何等平安聚集环抱在他胸前飞鸟有巢明星在天不如天父怀里安全。

58、Across hills and rivers, they walked more than two hundred kilometres and arrived at a little hamlet nestling in the green mountains. ─── 他们跋山涉水, 步行二百余公里, 来到了一个青山环抱的小村庄。

59、Children of the have'ly Father Safely in His bosom gather Nestling bird nor star in Heaven Such a refugee'r was given . ─── 天父儿女何等平安聚集环抱在他胸前飞鸟有巢明星在天不如天父怀里安全。

60、The research of embossed hologram nestling closely to phase plate ─── 模压全息图的紧贴加密研究

61、Evaluation of cyst excision nestling up again st the cyst wall dissecting for choledochal cysts ─── 紧贴囊壁剥离法切除胆总管囊肿的临床评价

62、Nestling 700ft up in the Palani Hills of Tamil Nadu, this little hill-station town has plenty of expat history. ─── 戈代加讷尔位于泰米尔纳德邦帕拉尼山700英尺高的山腰上,这个小山村有很悠久的殖民历史。

63、nidicolous nestling ─── 留巢鸟

64、Being different from others, its beautiful feathers fall off, like a nestling without feathers. ─── 寒号虫却与众不同,它那身美丽的羽毛反而脱光了,活像一只还未长毛的雏鸟。

65、He was thinking that when all the rest had turned their backs upon him, it would be pleasant to have this little creature adoring him and nestling against him. ─── 他在想的是,等到所有其他人都转背不理睬他的时候,有这么一个小东西崇拜着他,偎依着他,倒还仍然是一件愉快的事。

66、One feels good nestling like a baby on its breast. ─── 一个人象婴孩那样地偎依在它的怀中时感觉很舒服。

67、The $65 million state - of - the - art museum nestling on the shores of Lake Geneva brings together relics of the origins of the Ancient Greek Games. ─── 采用最新技术的博物馆座落在日内瓦河畔,它投资6500万美元,荟萃了古希腊奥运会起源的所有遗物。

68、And with the sun warm on the back of his neck and the two bottles of beer nestling comfortably in his stomach I could divine that he felt pretty good. ─── 阳光煦暖着他的后颈,再加上肚子里很爽的两瓶啤酒,他感觉好极了,这我看得出。

69、Nestling in a quiet corner, a couple enjoys a private moment at Pleasure Beach, an amusement park in Blackpool. ─── 一对情侣相拥在游乐滩一个安静的角落,享受属于他们的二人世界。游乐滩是当地的一个游乐场。

70、Effects on Nestling Growth by Brood Manipulation in Two Passerine Birds ─── 窝雏数处理对两种雀形目幼鸟生长的影响

71、Faber passed through Crawford, nestling in green hills. ─── 费伯穿过绿山环抱的克劳福。

72、Today's wireless device is the sleek mobile phone nestling in your pocket. ─── 如今,无线设备则成了时髦雅致、光滑小巧的手机,尽可以在口袋里安睡。

73、One, taken in July 2006, shows sea ice still nestling close to the shore. ─── 一张摄于2006年7月,那时海洋冰层仍然紧靠海岸;

74、Nestling at the heart of these worries is land. ─── 而这些忧虑的核心问题是土地。

75、nidifugous nestling ─── 离巢鸟

76、Some businesses can be found nestling close to Brazilian multinationals, in the way that growing companies cosy up to American universities. ─── 许多企业都在巴西的跨国公司旁边安家,就像一些成长性企业通常靠近美国的大学一样。

77、Nestling against Mount Li on the south, the mausoleum commands a view of River Wei to the north, the tumulus being the converging point of the nine ridges of Mount Li which lie like nine undulating dragons giving protection to it. ─── 秦陵南依骊山,北瞰渭水。 骊山的东绣岭、西绣岭九座山梁相向交聚,好像九条游龙环抱拱卫秦陵的封土堆。

78、The Nestling of Black Stork was First Found in Chaoyang Area ─── 朝阳地区首次发现黑鹳幼鸟

79、Situated in an exclusive residential area nestling in the Buda Hills, this hotel offers the ideal starting point to your trip. ─── 坐落在专访住宅区雏鸟,在布达的山丘,这家酒店提供了理想的起点,您的旅程。

80、A preliminarystudy on the feather growth of nestling of the birds was ─── 研究表明,幼鸟羽毛发育有严格的规律性。

81、and again, Mr. Heaney returns to the image of the pen. He began his long career writing of such a pen, nestling snug as a gun between finger and thumb. ─── 希尼先生一次又一次回到了“笔”这个意象中。他开始了他漫长的写作生涯,这支笔就像一支枪,舒适地依偎在他的手指和拇指之间。

82、a nestling hawk or falcon,especially one to be trained for falconry ─── 未离巢的鹰或猎鹰,尤指要训练成猎鹰的

83、The village was set around the crescent harbor that faced east, perhaps two hundred houses unlike any he'd ever seen nestling at the beginning of the mountain which spilled down to the shore. ─── 布莱克松看到,自己所在的村庄整个面向东面,环抱着月牙形的海湾而建,一共大约有两百间房屋背山面海,散布在山脚下。这些房屋的建造样式他以前从未见过。

84、Nestling at the foot of a hill and rising with it, it is a stupendous architectural complex that looks most imposing. ─── 它依山修造,逐级升高,规模宏大,气势非凡。

85、1. The little girl is nestling closely up to her mother. ─── 小女孩紧紧地偎依在她妈妈身边。

86、We find a place with beautiful views that nestling under a mountain and near a river. ─── 我们找到了一个漂亮的地方,那儿依山傍水。

87、Wherever he looked there was a duck in mid-flight or nestling among reeds at the edge of a lake. ─── 无论他在何处看在湖的边缘有在芦苇之中的在- 之中飞行或刚孵出的雏一只鸭子。

88、‘Thank you, Jack, may I cling to you? I feel tired.’ She says nestling to him. ─── ‘谢谢,杰克,人家想靠你一会儿,有点儿累。’

89、And ever and again, her wandering glance reverted to the frail atom of humanity nestling by her side. ─── 她一次又一次地回过头来看着蜷缩在身边的那个脆弱的小生命。

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