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08-16 投稿


dazzle 发音

英:[?d?z(?)l]  美:[?d?z(?)l]

英:  美:

dazzle 中文意思翻译




dazzle 网络释义

n. 耀眼的光;灿烂vt. 使……目眩;使……眼花vi. 眼花缭乱;炫耀

dazzle 短语词组

1、dazzle shadow ─── 眩目阴影

2、Dazzle (manga) ─── 炫目(漫画)

3、razzle-dazzle n. ─── 混乱, 骗局

4、dazzle light ─── 耀眼的光炫目灯光强光

5、dazzle fang ─── 炫芳

6、dazzle makeup ─── 炫目妆

7、dazzle paint ─── 伪装色彩

8、dazzle lighting ─── 耀眼的光炫目灯光强光

9、dazzle run angela ─── 炫跑安吉拉

10、dazzle with brillianc ─── 光彩夺目

11、dazzle with light ─── 光彩夺目

12、anti-dazzle glass ─── [机] 避眩玻璃

13、cat dazzle ─── 猫咪炫目

14、dazzle with brilliant ─── 耀眼夺目

15、dazzle reflex ─── [医]眩眼反射

16、dazzle beauty ─── 炫目美丽

17、dazzle with brillance ─── 光彩夺目

18、dazzle with wonder ─── 惊叹不已

19、dazzle amp ─── 炫目放大器

dazzle 词性/词形变化,dazzle变形


dazzle 相似词语短语

1、dazzles ─── n.耀眼的光;令人眼花缭乱的东西;令人赞叹的东西(dazzle的复数);v.闪烁;使…昏眩;引起赞叹(dazzle的第三人称单数)

2、razzle ─── n.旋转木马;喧闹

3、dazzler ─── n.引人注目的人

4、undazzle ─── 不起毛

5、frazzle ─── n.疲惫,精疲力竭;烫皱,煮烂;烧尽,烧焦;v.使……疲惫不堪;使……被烫皱

6、bedazzle ─── v.深深打动;(使)着迷;(使)眼花缭乱;迷惑

7、dazzled ─── adj.目眩的;眼花缭乱的;vt.感到眼花缭乱的

8、drizzle ─── vt.(毛毛雨似地)洒;(在食物上)浇(液态调料);vi.下毛毛雨;n.细雨,毛毛雨;(浇在食物上的)液态调料细流

9、adazzle ─── adj.闪耀着的

dazzle 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Understandably the fans want to see a little more razzle dazzle out of him and a little quicker action. ─── 球迷的心思我可以理解,他们想看到罗纳尔迪尼奥更眩目的表演,更快速的移动。

2、dip the headlights of a car,ie lower their beams(so as not to dazzle the driver of another car) ─── 将汽车前灯的远光调为近光(改用低位光束,以免使另一辆车上的驾驶者眼花)

3、the dazzle of powerful electric lights ─── 强力电灯的闪耀

4、Also popular were sequins and metallic embroidery adding dazzle to basic T-shirts, vests, skirts and dresses and show-stopping glamour to eveningwear. ─── 同样流行的还有圆形的闪光金属片以及金属色的刺绣,它们使T恤衫、背心、裙子和长裙增加了眩目效果,并使晚装增添了惊艳四座的魅力。

5、And, though the gleams blind and dazzle, yet they do convey a hint of beauty and serenity greater than we have known or imagined. ─── 尽管那光束时而耀眼时而诲暗,但它仍是传达给我们一些美丽而宁静的提示。超出我们已知和所能想像,

6、However, the i860 was "horribly behind schedule", so the NT team used an emulator before i860 prototype hardware (code-named Dazzle) was available. ─── [2]但i860“严重落后于计划”,于是NT小组在i860原型硬件(代号为Dazzle)交付之前使用了一个模拟器。

7、At the time, it was only an educated guess that this so-called dazzle camouflage would work. ─── 那个时候,炫目伪装能够起作用只是出于一种经验上的判断。

8、This growing soft power of China was strengthened by the 2008 Olympics extravaganza, and the Shanghai Expo next year will similarly dazzle. ─── 中国的软实力在08年的奥运盛事上得以加强和提高,2010年的上海世博会也会同样地令人惊叹。

9、“the spooky thioindigo red pan-blood shade, the intermittent cold air fearful heart”, has not taken the flash equipment to dazzle! ─── “幽幽红光泛血影,阵阵寒气慑人心”,还不拿着闪光的装备去炫炫?!

10、Info:Specifications: Material: polyester dazzle, tricot and mesh European Size: S, M, L, XL ─── 主要材质:涤纶次要材质:涤纶尺码:全码适用人群:男人

11、3: Conversation should have self-restraint, others is not debased while dazzle is rich. ─── 三:说话要有涵养,炫富的同时不要贬低别人。

12、Soft light,no dazzle,no UV light ,excellent heat dissipaion. ─── 光线柔和,无眩光,不含紫外线,散热效果好。

13、A stunning work of art with intricate graphics that both amaze and dazzle the visitor. ─── 包含复杂图片的精美作品,既让访问者感到惊讶,又让他们眼花缭乱。

14、To grasp one's heart and dazzle one's eyes ─── 夺人心目

15、anti dazzle ─── vt. 防眩

16、To dazzle, as with strong light. ─── 使目眩使人眩惑,如因强光

17、In post of the hair in this tutorial person be opposite with the snout that teach many " Fu Tie of dazzle of commodities from abnormal channel " undertook sneering at tartly. ─── 在这篇教程里发帖者以教导的口吻对不少“水货炫富帖”进行了辛辣的嘲讽。

18、What about DiTan Temple Fair? A variety of opera performances, acrobatics shows, paintings,calligraphy and food will dazzle you. ─── 地坛庙会怎么样?各种戏剧表演,杂志表演,绘画,书法和食物会让你眼花缭乱。查看全文来源分类:中国介绍

19、dazzle paint ─── n. 伪装色彩

20、Please give me a chance, I will have to dazzle the eyes of your splendor. For the interview with you! ─── 请给我一次机会,我必将还您以夺目的光彩,期盼与您的面谈!

21、No. No, no, no, no. You obviously think you have some insight into my soul, so please go ahead. Dazzle me. ─── 不,不,很显然你觉得你看穿了我那么来吧,说说看。

22、They are complaining about the lack of much razzle - dazzle in modern football. ─── 他们抱怨现代足球中缺乏使对方眼花缭乱的球艺。

23、Stevie Franchise could do things that could dazzle your imagination and frazzle your patience, often in the same game. ─── 在同样一场比赛里,斯蒂夫.弗朗西斯可以做一切,无论你怎么发挥想象力都赶不上,但也可以让你所有的耐心都耗得一干二净。

24、Regarding inner experiences, I had a very good experience during my initiation; four or five times, I saw spots of light grow into brilliant spheres and dazzle me. ─── 关于体验方面,我印心时体验很好,看到光点变成光团,亮个四五次。

25、"Tell me what you do all day, " he said, crossing his arms under his tilted-back head, and pushing his hat forward to screen the sun-dazzle. ─── “告诉我你整天干些什么,”他说,一面把两臂交叉在后翘的头下面,并把帽子向前推了推,挡住日射。

26、P. class, so did I.I threw myself into class discussions, attempting to dazzle him with my intelligence and intrepidity.Making friends with his friends, I dogged his steps. ─── 回顾你高中校内校外的生活,并将之放到你人生这样一个更大的构架中去思考,然后问问你自己将走向何方。

27、the dazzle of publicity ─── 令人眼花缭乱的宣传广告

28、Children rs foods whose names are of every description dazzle people. ─── 如今名目繁多的儿童食品让你眼花缭乱。

29、dazzle lamp ─── 强光前灯汽车头灯

30、The dazzle of stardom and status attracts them. ─── 明星和身份的耀眼光环吸引着他们。

31、Furniture appropriate chooses natural look is; White causes dazzle light easily to the eye. Bookcase crosses deep colour to create oppressive sense on the vision. ─── 家具宜选择自然色系;白色轻易对眼睛造成炫光。书柜过深的色彩在视觉上造成压迫感。

32、"dazzle:To dim the vision of, especially to blind with intense light." ─── "使目眩,使眼花:使视线变得模糊,尤指被强光把眼睛弄花的."

33、dazzle lamps ─── 强光前灯

34、And, though the gleams blind and dazzle, yet they do convey a hint of beuty and serenity greater than we have known or imagined. ─── 尽管微弱的光忽明忽暗,然而他们仍然相信那一定是在传达一种超乎我们知道或想象美丽与平静。

35、You can dazzle members of the opposite * with your quick wit and aggressive charm. ─── 你的敏捷智慧和闯劲强烈地吸引着异性。

36、8.Stevie Franchise could do things that could dazzle your imagination and frazzle your patience, often in the same game. ─── 在同样一场比赛里,斯蒂夫.弗朗西斯可以做一切,无论你怎么发挥想象力都赶不上,但也可以让你所有的耐心都耗得一干二净。收藏指正

37、On a cheaper front there's the Bodyguard system designed to detect laser designators and dazzle them (another explanation is that they emit duplicate laser strobes to confuse the incoming weapon). ─── 在更靠近前线的地方,“保镖”系统将用于发现激光指示器并对其进行干扰(另外一种说法是它们会发出同样的激光信号迷惑前来攻击的武器)。

38、Dongrun Fun Dazzle Popular Science Entertainment Co., Ltd. ─── 东润翻斗乐科普娱乐有限公司。

39、dazzle painting ─── 伪装漆法

40、They dazzle the penetration of the composer. ─── 他们使作家的洞察力混乱。

41、You get me to teach you a few kitchen tricks to dazzle the boss and then you blow past me? ─── 你把我教给你的厨艺献宝给主厨,然后一脚把我踢开。

42、You want the diamonds you buy, no matter what the size, to dazzle her completely. ─── 不论你想买什么样的钻石,最重要的是她的钟爱。

43、To dazzle so completely as to make blind. ─── 使眼花太刺眼而致眼睛全看不见了

44、Home decorating supplies, wall decorations, Frameless Dazzle canvas -I2068-1,I2068-2 ─── 居家装饰用品,墙上装饰,炫彩油画布无框画I2068-1,I2068-2

45、We sparkplug: Gain congenial to join together, Dazzle all capable splendid showing. ─── 倡导的是:“聚”出志趣相投的收获,“炫”出皆有可能的精彩。

46、If you can't dazzle them with your brilliance,baffle them with your bullshit. ─── 如果你无法用你的才能说服别人,就用你的废话迷惑别人吧!

47、Even if your headlamps are dipped, do not drive so close behind another vehicle as to dazzle the driver. ─── 即使你已改用低灯,也不可过分驶近前车,以免本身车辆的灯光,使前面的驾驶人目眩。

48、"can dazzle anyone anywhere with his facile tongue" (Suzanne Perney). ─── “能用他的三寸不烂之舌使任何地方的任何人眼花缭乱” (苏珊娜·帕内)。

49、The Lion's dazzle, and your refined nature balances out quite nicely. ─── 他的耀眼夺目和你的温文尔雅结合得天衣无缝。

50、The depths of the sky are a jade Blue flecked with scudding clouds, white clouds whose chyle-tinted edges almost dazzle the eye. ─── 天空最高处是玉蓝色,有几朵白云飞驰;白云的边缘色如乳糜,叫人微微眩目。

51、Despite a lot of razzle - dazzle, the home - town basketball team is beat by 20 point. ─── 当地的篮球队尽管有许多迷惑人的假动作,但仍以20分之差被打败。

52、able to dazzle with his facile tongue; silver speech ─── 会为他的能说会道头晕目眩;雄辩的言语

53、He had an almost uncontrollable impulse to stand up and do one of his routines, dazzle them, show them what real talent looked like. ─── 他差点控制不住自己的冲动,想要站起身来露一手,叫他们眼花缭乱,见识见识真正的天才到底是怎么回事。

54、He had an almost uncontrollable impulse to stand up and do one of his routines, dazzle them, show them what real talent looked like. ─── 他差点控制不住自己的冲动,想要站起身来露一手,叫他们眼花缭乱,见识见识真正的天才到底是怎么回事。

55、Dazzle: to amaze, overwhelm, or bewilder with spectacular display ─── 使惊奇;对壮观的场面不知所措

56、Fame did not dazzle him. ─── 他没有被名望冲昏头脑。

57、dazzle 'em with some smoke and mirrors and then get the hell back to Spain. ─── 弄点烟雾和精子让他们烟花缭乱, 然后赶紧的溜回西班牙

58、In truth that which you call freedom is the strongest of these chains, though its links glitter in the sun and dazzle the eyes. ─── 事实上,你们所谓的自由是镣链中最坚实者,它的炼环在太阳光下闪闪发光而眩惑了你们的眼睛。

59、dazzle system ─── 伪装装置

60、When 'twixt their arms the moon takes shape, The dazzle of riches will leave all agape. ─── 两臂之间,月相有所改变炫目的财宝将使你眼花缭乱。

61、If you can't dazzle them with your brilliance, baffle them with your bullshit. ─── 如果你无法用才能说服别人,就用废话迷惑别人吧!

62、The diamond ring worn in her bridle hand's third finger dazzle against firelight. ─── 她左手无名指上戴的钻石戒指在火光下闪闪发亮。

63、Unlike Broadway’s secularity or New York’s dazzle, it keeps you calm but refreshed, like what is played at a country club. ─── 听地道的古巴音乐就如同吃到最刺激味觉神经的辣味道的酱汁,火热从舌尖传到身体各个部分,越刺激,越想吃。

64、The theatre was a dazzle of bright lights. ─── 剧院是一片光芒耀眼的明亮灯光。

65、Radio can't dazzle us with visual spectacles,it has to capture and hold our attention aurally. ─── 广播不可能用壮观的画面使我们倾倒,它只能通过听觉效果吸引我们。

66、reflected dazzle ─── 反射眩光

67、Once a member of a secluded troll tribe before a hostile scourge takeover, Dazzle was highly revered as a master of the supporting magics. ─── 在天谴军的邪恶侵攻以前,戴佐曾是某个隐蔽的食人妖部族之中的一员,以精于辅助魔法而受到敬重。

68、Hatton doesn't dazzle anyone with his quickness or athletic ability.He can't take you out with one punch. ─── 哈顿从未以速度和竞技技能让谁眼花缭乱过,他也没有一拳制胜的能力。

69、It is of great KNOWLEDGE and of a LIGHT that would dazzle your human eyes . . . and yet . . . dearest beloved friends . . . ─── 它就是巨大的知识宝库,一股会让你们人类的眼睛眼花缭乱的光芒…但是…最亲爱的朋友们…

70、dazzle lamps [lights] ─── (汽车的)强光前灯

71、As well as palace interiors that would dazzle the eye, China's most expensive production to date, ─── 以及让人眼花缭乱的宫廷内景。是中国迄今为止最昂贵的电影

72、I fear the light might dazzle her eyes and wake her, so I brought it here. ─── 我害怕灯光照她的眼睛,把她照醒,因此把它拿到这里来了。

73、And everywhere, an everchanging dazzle of colour, pattern, and movement animals anchored to the rocks beneath them create fantastic underwater gardens. ─── 在珊瑚礁上栖息着的各种动物,构成了奇特的水下花园。

74、You can dazzle members of the opposite with your quick wit and aggressive charm. ─── 你可以在异性面前炫耀自己过人的才智和独特的魅力。

75、Vivid as the flowers that fuel their hovering flight, hummingbirds,such as this steely-vented variety in Colombia, do more than dazzle the eye. ─── 它们的翅膀快速舞动,快得眼睛都跟不上,像花一样灿烂。

76、acoustic dazzle ─── 声昏迷

77、There are too few such inspirational figures around today to dazzle and excite. ─── 如今,能够迸发出耀眼光芒并让我们为之激动、给我们灵感的人太少了。

78、When I opened my eyes, the glow from the lone cupboard-bulb seemed to set the polished walls shimmering, and I could feel what Sol must have felt, dazzle and darkness. ─── 当我睁开眼睛,灯泡从孤单的橱柜散发出光晕,似乎使光洁的墙发出闪烁的微光,这样我便能感觉到索尔感受过的耀眼的强光以及无尽的黑暗。

79、You can utilize your versatile mind and dazzle others with your speed and accuracy. ─── 凭借惊人的速度和准确性,你能充分展示自己的多项才能,这让他人对你刮目相看。

80、During operation, the multimedia touching control keys can along with the operation twinkle, let your every action and every movement dazzle ten feet. ─── 在操作的同时,多媒体触摸控制键更能随着操作闪烁,让你的一举一动都炫目十足。

81、The Chinese routinely turn powerful lasers skywards, demonstrating their potential to dazzle or permanently blind spy satellites. ─── 中国人经常将强大的激光射向天空,展示其使间谍卫星暂时失明或永久性失明的潜力。

82、It (light) can shine, flash, sparkle, gleam, glimmer, flicker, tremble, stab, burn and dazzle; it can be strong, weak, bright, feeble, faint, dull, piercing, lurid, dazzling and pure. ─── 三、要有良好的汉语修养,特别是要能用汉语写通顺、流畅乃至漂亮的文章。要知道有时越是简单的词汇和句子,越难翻译。

83、able to dazzle with his facile tongue; silver speech. ─── 会为他的能说会道头晕目眩;雄辩的言语。

84、"And, though the gleams blind and dazzle, yet do they convey a hint of beauty and serenity greater than we have known or imagined. " ─── 尽管这光芒耀目得使人睁不开眼睛,但它实实在在地带来了我们从未感受过或无法想象到的美和宁静的启示。

85、The designing idea and means of the power supply and distribution are described, which include illumination and homogeneity, dazzle control, light source and lamp and lighting control. ─── 具体阐述了照明设计思路和安全可靠的供配电方式,包括:照度与均匀度、光控制、源和灯具,灯光控制等。

86、The furniture color of student study is unfavorable use white, white can make the person produces dazzle light, can make eyestrain, touch ash easily again. ─── 学生书房的家具颜色不宜采用白色,白色会使人产生炫光,会使眼睛疲惫,又轻易沾灰。

87、It's hard to dazzle us. But for twenty-five years the United States space programme has been doing just that. ─── 很难有什么会使我们赞叹不已。 但是美国航天计划25年来做的正是如此。

88、Your ability to communicate will dazzle others. ─── 你的沟通能力,将耀眼等。

89、You can utilize your versa tile mind and dazzle others with your speed and accuracy. ─── 你可以运用你的多才多艺,以你的速度和准确度让别人惊奇不已。

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