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08-16 投稿


harpsichord 发音

英:['hɑ?ps?k??d]  美:[?hɑ?rps?k??rd]

英:  美:

harpsichord 中文意思翻译



harpsichord 短语词组

1、harpsichord buy ─── 购买大键琴

2、harpsichord concerto ─── 大键琴协奏曲

3、harpsichord tuner ─── 大键琴调谐器

4、harpsichord sound ─── 大键琴音

5、harpsichord piano ─── 大键琴

6、harpsichord history ─── 大键琴历史

7、harpsichord instrument category ─── 大键琴乐器类

8、harpsichord clavichord ─── 大键琴古钢琴

9、clavichord vs harpsichord ─── 古钢琴vs大键琴

10、harpsichord instrument ─── 大键琴

11、harpsichord invented ─── 发明了大键琴

12、play the harpsichord ─── 弹大键琴

13、harpsichord sonata in g major g ─── 大调 ─── 大键琴奏鸣曲

harpsichord 词性/词形变化,harpsichord变形

名词: harpsichordist |

harpsichord 相似词语短语

1、Terpsichore ─── n.忒耳西科瑞(司舞蹈和合唱的女神)

2、hartshorn ─── n.鹿角精;鹿角;氨水溶液

3、harmonichord ─── 和弦

4、trichord ─── n.三弦琴;三弦乐器;adj.三弦的

5、harmonichords ─── 和弦

6、harpsichords ─── n.羽管键琴,大键琴

7、clarichord ─── 单簧管

8、heptachord ─── n.七弦琴;七音音阶

9、harpsichordist ─── 演奏大键琴者;大键琴师

harpsichord 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、J. S. Bach, the Six Sonatas for Violin and Harpsichord BWV 1014-1019 ─── 巴赫-吉他演奏.小提琴.大提琴.(小提琴奏鸣曲六首

2、Keep your harpsichord away from draughts and direct sunlight, and close the lid when your instrument is not in use. ─── 避免让您的乐器受到阳光直接注射。当您的乐器不在使用中,把键琴盖板关上。

3、By the time he was 14, Mozart had composed many pieces for the harpsichord, piano and violin, as well as for orchestras. ─── 莫扎特到14岁的时候,不仅已经谱写了很多管弦乐曲,还谱写了许多拨弦键琴曲,钢琴曲和小提琴曲。

4、The piano was perfected in the early eighteenth century by a harpsichord maker in Italy (though musicologists point out several Previous instances of the instrument). ─── 18世纪早期的意大利,钢琴在一位拨琴钢琴制造者手中得到完善(尽管音乐理论家们指出有更早的例子)。

5、The predecessor of the piano harpsichord, also known as harpsichord. ─── 钢琴的前身是拨弦古钢琴,也称作羽管键琴。

6、I like the arrangement of the song particularly the use of harpsichord and string quartet mixing irreverently a bit of blues with a very Bach inspired chordal progression. ─── 我喜欢这首歌的编曲,尤其是使用了大键琴与弦乐重奏,并将互不相干的些许蓝调混入巴哈式的和弦走法中。

7、Polish-born harpsichordist who was largely responsible for the modern revival of interest in the harpsichord ─── 波兰裔的大键琴演奏家,对于现代古钢琴演奏的复苏起了决定性作用

8、Now, unlike the harpsichord which came before it, the piano is a percussion instrument. ─── 不像之前的羽管键琴,如今的钢琴是一种打击乐器。

9、6 His father was astonished at how quickly he learnt to play the harpsichord. ─── 翻译:他将爬上那个长长的矮矮的在乐器前面的凳子,弹奏他姐姐表演过的有趣的曲子。

10、A stringed keyboard instrument, such as a harpsichord. ─── 键盘弦乐器,如大键琴

11、the plangent sound of the harpsichord ─── 拨弦键琴如泣如诉的声音

12、Polish - born harpsichordist who was largely responsible for the modern revival of interest in the harpsichord. ─── 兰多夫斯卡,旺达1879?-1959波兰裔的大键琴演奏家,对于现代古钢琴演奏的复苏起了决定性作用

13、It doesn't sound like a real harpsichord to me, not poignant enough. ─── 第一感觉就是声音飘,还以为是音色造成的, 回家比较一下再说;

14、and later in 2009 my transcriptions of Vivaldi's Concerto Opus 3 Number 9 (for solo guitar - also based on Bach's arrangement for solo harpsichord) and Valses Poeticos by Enrique Granados. ─── 2009年将会出新专辑还是新改编曲谱:维瓦尔第和格拉纳多斯的作品?

15、It did not mean playing a harpsichord strung with modern steel, or fussy ornamentation as a piece was played. ─── 或是弹奏带有现代钢弦的羽管键琴,或是在演奏曲目时加入讲究的装饰音。

16、An iconoclastic hip-hop band, who doesn’t hesitate to use classical instruments such as harpsichord, clarinet or violin. ─── 一个破坏偶像的嘻哈乐队,毫不犹豫地使用了古典乐器,像琴,单簧管和小提琴。

17、Mr Leonhardt's life-work was to persuade the world how beautiful the harpsichord was, and how the harpsichord repertoire should be played. ─── 莱昂哈特先生的毕生心血都花在让世界了解羽管键琴是多么美好的一种乐器,以及应该怎样弹奏羽管键琴曲目上面。

18、3.By the time he was 14, Mozart had composed many pieces for the harpsichord, piano and violin, as well as for orchestras. ─── 莫扎特到14岁的时候,不仅已经谱写了许多管弦乐曲,还谱写了许多拨弦键琴曲、钢琴曲和小提琴曲。

19、a legless rectangular harpsichord; played (usually by women) in the 16th and 17th centuries. ─── 无腿方形的大键琴;在、世纪通常由女性演奏。

20、by a harpsichord maker in Italy. ─── 由意大利一位伟大的键琴 制作者.

21、For example, in their transcriptions of harpsichord pieces the pair have to play what one person would normally play. ─── 例如,在他们改编的大键琴作品中,两人必须演奏一个人才能正常演奏的东西。

22、Download Video; Share Video; Author: 5121mq; Tags: Trio sonata in minor MOV 1st and 2nd-G. P. Telemann recorder oboe Baroqur harpsichord University Marshall room ─── 泰勒曼g小调三重奏奏鸣曲,由木笛,巴洛克双簧管,和大键琴共同演出,演出的地点在波士顿大学

23、I'm a German weirdo.I had to have a bloody German accent and play the harpsichord. ─── 作为一个奇怪的德国妞,我一定要穿那种该死的德式衣裙弹大键琴。”

24、harpsichord: A keyboard instrument whose strings are plucked by means of quills or plectrums. ─── 大键琴:一种用拨子或琴拨来拨动琴弦的键琴。

25、A violin concerto was re-written as concerto for harpsichord, and so on. ─── 此曲第二乐章有两处插入了非常华丽的大键琴华彩。

26、Some hold that since Bach's work were created for harpsichord and ancient piano, using pedal would influence the works' original style. ─── 有的认为巴赫作品是为羽管键琴和古钢琴所创作的,使用踏板会影响作品的原始风貌。

27、And the harpsichord; that was lovely. ─── 还有那架可爱的古钢琴。

28、His orchestral legacy is limited to the Symphony in B flat, the Concerto for Harpsichord in A major, and his Overture in D major. ─── 他的学生阿尔韦尼斯、格拉纳多斯、法利亚是20世纪西班牙民族乐派的代表,在不同程度上都受法国印象派的影响。

29、Both instruments are plucked with the fingernails, with the pipa producing a sound resembling that of a harpsichord. ─── 二者都用指甲拨奏,琵琶的声音近似拨弦键琴。

30、I can tune the harpsichord as well as play it. ─── 我会弹奏大键琴,同样地,我也会给大键琴调音

31、In the seventeenth century the organ, the clavichord, and the harpsichord became the chief instruments of the keyboard group, a supremacy they maintained until the piano supplanted them at the end of the eighteenth century. ─── 17世纪时风琴、敲弦琴和拨弦琴成为键盘乐器类的主要成员。 这种至高无上的地位一直为它们所保持,直到18世纪末期钢琴将它们取代。

32、Preludio for Guitar and Harpsichord ─── 为吉他与大键琴而作的前奏曲

33、The piano was perfected in the early eighteenth century by a harpsichord maker in Italy(though musicologists point out several previous instances of the instrument). ─── 18 世纪早期的意大 利,钢琴在一位拨琴钢琴制造者手中得到完善(尽管音乐理论家们指出有更早的例子)。

34、Sonata for Guitar and Harpsichord ─── 为吉他与大键琴

35、There is a melody which she plays on the harpsichord with the touch of an angel ─── 她在琴键上用天使一般的技巧奏出美妙的音调。

36、Pinnock's harpsichord playing is superb.The English Concert's musicianship is excellent, as always.The acoustics are fine. ─── 3个乐章:1.快板,2.比较慢的慢板,自由的巴沙加牙舞曲,3.从容的快板。

37、The Harpsichord Riddle is an adventure where your decisions lead you through more than 100 scenes in the border zone that separates reality and magic. ─── 一款冒险游戏,它将带你经过游离在现实和魔幻之间的超过100个的场景。

38、Arne: Sonatas or Lessons for the Harpsichord ─── 阿恩:为大键琴所作的练习用奏鸣曲

39、After studying mathematics, work in biochemistry, and a career as a harpsichord maker, David Jencks returned to an early interest in software engineering. ─── 研究过数学,从事过生物化学,做过大键琴制作者之后,David Jencks又对软件工程发生了兴趣。

40、Can we dance to the harpsichord? ─── 我们能跟着大键琴一起跳舞吗?

41、"And the harpsichord; that was lovely. ─── “还有可爱的旧式钢琴,我妹妹经常弹它。

42、The larger zither family includes such instruments as the Aeolian harp, autoharp, cimbalom, dulcimer, koto, and even the clavichord, harpsichord, and piano. ─── 齐特族乐器品种不一,包括如风鸣琴、自动竖琴、小提琴、扬琴、日本古琴,以及击弦键琴、大键琴和钢琴。

43、I needed the sound of a harpsichord, celesta to be played along with my 12 string guitar. ─── 我需要大键琴的声音,钢片,以发挥连同我的12弦吉他。

44、She has performed solo recitals on the harpsichord, organ, and pedal harpsichord to critical acclaim throughout the United States and in Germany. ─── 她曾在美国各地和德国演奏过古键琴、管风琴、脚踏古键琴的独奏会,备受好评。

45、From the teaching point of view,The third and the forth chapters discuss the use of the pedals in the works of the harpsichord and clavichord ,as well as the principal of the pedaling. ─── 第三部分和第四部分从钢琴教学的角度,研究了在钢琴上演奏早期古钢琴作品时踏板的运用和踏板的使用原则。

46、Throughout the baroque era, the bass viol joined the harpsichord in the basso continuo. ─── 在持续低音中低音古提琴给予拨弦键琴合适的衬托。

47、2.By the time he was 14, Mozart had composed many pieces for the harpsichord, piano and violin, as well as for orchestras. ─── 在莫扎特14岁的时候就已写了许多大键琴曲,钢琴曲和小提琴演奏曲,同时也写了很多适合乐队演奏的曲子。

48、A small, legless rectangular harpsichord popular in the16th and17th centuries. Often used in the plural. ─── 维吉诺古钢琴在16世纪到17世纪流行的一种长方形无足的小型古钢琴。常用作复数

49、COUPERIN, F. : Suites for Harpsichord Nos. 6, 8 &11 ─── 库普兰,弗朗索瓦:羽管键琴组曲集(第2辑)

50、They also transcribed music for the instrument from many sources, most notably the harpsichord, violin and piano. ─── 他们从多种渠道为吉他改编了许多音乐,大多数源于著名的大键琴、小提琴及钢琴音乐作品。

51、Elliot Carter's Double Concerto for Piano and Harpsichord premiered in New York City. ─── 美国作曲家埃里奥特-卡特(1908-)的钢琴和管风琴协奏曲在美国纽约首演。

52、The lyrics were spoken, frequently to the accompaniment of a harpsichord. ─── 歌词是在频繁的羽管键琴伴奏下唱出来的。

53、After playing a little on the harpsichord, he asked for a theme ─── 贝多芬在大键琴上演奏了一会儿后,向莫扎特要了个主旋律。

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