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08-16 投稿


convivial 发音

英:[k?n'v?v??l]  美:[k?n'v?v??l]

英:  美:

convivial 中文意思翻译



convivial 网络释义

adj. 欢乐的;欢宴的;酒宴的

convivial 短语词组

1、convivial means ─── 欢乐方式

2、convivial definition ─── 欢乐的定义

3、convivial production ─── 欢乐生产

4、convivial restaurant dc ─── 欢乐餐厅

5、convivial dc menu ─── 欢乐dc菜单

6、convivial dc ─── 娱乐中心

7、convivial toolbox ─── 欢乐工具箱

convivial 词性/词形变化,convivial变形

名词: conviviality |副词: convivially |

convivial 相似词语短语

1、convivialist ─── 欢乐者

2、conviviality ─── n.欢乐;高兴;宴乐;宴饮交际

3、nontrivial ─── adj.重要的,显要的

4、conviving ─── 欢乐

5、convive ─── n.共桌用餐的人

6、conveyal ─── 传送带

7、convictional ─── 有信念的

8、convivially ─── adv.欢乐地

9、colluvial ─── adj.塌积的

convivial 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、a convivial evening, atmosphere ─── 欢乐的夜晚、 气氛.

2、You want to have the necessary policies and procedures to ensure a safe, organized, convivial, empowering, nondiscriminatory workplace. ─── 你想有必要的政策和程序,以确保安全,有组织,有欢乐,授权,非歧视性的工作场所。

3、He had squandered a substantial fortune, he had been deplorably convivial, he was known to have gambled freely. ─── 他把一份殷实的家私挥霍光了,过着令人惋惜的吃喝玩乐的生活,据说还大手大脚地赌博。

4、It is indispensable for every literature, no matter it is of personal characteristics or of story plot, to have real and convivial details description. ─── 摘要任何一篇文学作品中,无论是人物性格的刻画,还是故事情节的展开,典型环境的描绘都离不开真实而生动的细节描写。

5、Ask for a booth, which I found more convivial for dining. ─── 我们要了一个高背椅的隔间,因为觉得这样就餐气氛更为热烈。

6、Still, an enforced bonhomie has set the tone for this visit, with Mr Hu planning a spot of convivial ping-pong. ─── 胡计划中快乐的"乒乓外交"已经为本次出访奠定了温和的基调。

7、and not averse to a drink, Nancy Wake could often be found cheering up a cocktail bar. ─── 一个善于交际的人,对喝酒也不反感,在鸡尾酒吧里,经常能看到她与人推杯换盏。

8、On the thirteenth night if the voyage, there was a convivial party below the deck. ─── 航行的第13天晚上,人们在船面下面举办欢欣的舞会。

9、Our open, convivial atmosphere pre-empts the usual corporate hierarchies, allowing you to do your best unencumbered. ─── 正在研制的自动零售系列产品将提供给大众一种愉悦高效的购买方式。

10、EXAMPLE: From the sidelines, the popular music industry may appear relaxed and convivial, but on the inside, it can be a ruthlessly competitive field. ─── 从局外人的角度看,流行音乐业似乎轻松而友好,但在它内部,竞争极为激烈。

11、After these historical events, this ritual became a convivial dish, which French people used to enjoy with family and with friends. ─── 当这些历史事件过去之后,这一形式演变成了一道欢宴菜肴,被法国人用来与家人和朋友共享。

12、After these historical events, this ritual became a convivial dish, which French people used to enjoy with family and with friends. ─── 当这些历史事件过去之后,这一形式演变成了一道欢宴菜肴,被法国人用来与家人和朋友共享。

13、(2)I found it odd to imagine a nation of convivial[4] diners surrendering their birthright. ─── 我很难想象一个具有喜欢宴会般热闹饮食的民族就此放弃了他们的特权。

14、a convivial meeting [ gathering ] ─── 联欢会,欢乐的宴会

15、convivial companions ─── 喜欢交际的朋友.

16、A convivial family room for 2 adults + 2 children. ─── 欢乐家庭房适用于2位成人+2位儿童。

17、Compared with its more familiar relative, Africa's chimpanzee, the red ape is serene rather than hyperactive and reserved socially rather than convivial. ─── 非洲的黑猩猩是我们比较熟悉的大猿,红毛猩猩与牠们是强烈的对比,安静而不好动,社会互动贫乏而不好交际。

18、St. Clare was invited out to a convivial party of choice spirits, and was helped home, between one and two o'clock at night, in a condition when the physical had decidedly attained the upper hand of the intellectual. ─── 圣·克莱亚应邀去赴一个宴会。宴会上有各种名酒。直到午夜一两点钟,人家才送他回来,看样子显然是肉体战胜了精神,以致喝得酩酊大醉。

19、A convivial atmosphere at the reunion. ─── 团聚时的欢乐气氛

20、I found it odd to imagine a nation of convivial diners surrendering their birthright. ─── 我发现很难想象让这样一个喜欢热热闹闹吃饭的民族放弃他们的习惯。

21、It's a very convivial dish since everybody around the table uses the same boiling broth to cook their meat. ─── 它是一种很有气氛的餐饮,每个人都围在同一张餐桌来煮肉。

22、Yi Yang, which means “Near to the Sea” in Chinese, has been designed as a convivial gathering place for friends and family. ─── 顾名思义,倚洋的意思为聚首一堂,故此装饰设计成为供亲朋好友共聚饮宴之地。

23、a woman of convivial nature; ─── 喜好社交的女人;

24、"He was a convivial fellow." Meaning he was an alcoholic. "He valued his privacy." Gay. "He enjoyed his privacy." Raging queen. ─── “他深谙今朝有酒今朝醉的道理。”就是说他是个酒鬼。“他看重自己的私生活。”同性恋。“他很享受自己的私生活。”龙阳泣鱼。

25、WHEN friends go out to dinner, the convivial atmosphere can be shattered once the waiter brings the bill. ─── 朋友们在一起吃饭,一旦服务员拿上账单,愉悦的气氛就被破坏。

26、763. convivial : festive; ─── 763 。欢乐:节日;

27、Bosons, in contrast, are convivial copycats and readily gather in identical states. ─── 相对地,玻色子天生喜欢当跟班,很容易聚集在同一个量子态上。

28、convivial company ─── 快乐的伙伴

29、a convivial party ─── 欢乐的聚会

30、The three spend a convivial evening together. ─── 3人一起度过了一个欢乐的夜晚。

31、Fahmy was at once transparent and subtle, convivial and abrasive, suave and prickly ─── 法赫米这个人既开朗又阴沉,善于交际而又喜欢磨人,说话和蔼而又带刺。

32、Many a researcher has returned from an international conference with a napkin or beer-mat covered in jottings from a spontaneous and convivial late-night collaboration. ─── 许多研究者仅从国际研讨会中带回一张写满缩略笔记的餐巾纸或者啤酒杯垫,而这些则是来自自发、愉快的午夜协作的成果。

33、Yet,instead of losing myself to the convivial surroundings of food,drink and conversations,I found myself retreating back into my head all the way to China where the subject of American sociality is of great interest. ─── 然而,我并没有沉浸在吃喝谈话的友好气氛中,我的思潮回到了中国。在那里,有关美国社交活动是个极有趣的话题。

34、Pisces love convivial gatherings, so although the last of the 12 signs they will most likely be one of the first to accept your invitation. ─── 双鱼座:尽管是12星座里的最后一个,喜欢热闹的鱼儿却是最有可能第一个接受你邀请的客人哦。

35、He worked as a teacher in Beijing, spoke fluent Chinese and was bright and convivial. At the moment he was also a bit confused. ─── 他在北京当教师,能讲流利的汉语,生性乐天开朗,但当时他也有一点摸不着头脑。

36、They tend to be sociable and convivial and "like a laugh". ─── 他们具有乐天的个性,喜欢放声大笑。

37、Everyone likes to have dinner with her because she is such a convivial person. ─── 每个人都喜欢和她共进晚餐,因为她是个相当友善的人。

38、a convivial evening/atmosphere ─── 欢乐的夜晚/气氛

39、If he could land himself a convivial employer with many friends it would mean about ten banquets a month and an extra two or three dollars for him in tips. ─── 遇上交际多,饭局多的主儿,平均一月有上十来个饭局,他就可以白落两三块的车饭钱。

40、Exceedingly red-eyed and grim, as if he had been up all night at a party which had taken anything but a convivial turn, Jerry Cruncher worried his breakfast rather than ate it, growling over it like any four-footed inmate of a menagerie. ─── 他双眼通红,脾气很大,仿佛彻夜不眠参加了晚会回来,而那晚会又无丝毫乐趣。 他不是在吃早饭,而是在拿早饭发脾气,像动物园里的居民一样对它嗥叫。

41、We were all devoted into the game and the whole ground was full of convivial laughter and hurried talks. ─── 干部们都十分投入游戏,紧张的气氛,欢乐的笑声,急促的语言充斥了整个场地。

42、The 'Ramblers' Ramblers are a distinct breed of walker, convivial, joiners-in, who value the talk as well as the walk. ─── 漫游者是一类特别的步行者,他们乐天好交际,随时加入,不仅喜欢漫步,而且喜欢漫谈。

43、Until modern society, it has evolved into a convivial holiday when different peoples enjoy celebrating and communicating. ─── 在新的时代条件下,踩花山已从最初的祭奠祖先或男女交游演变为各族人民相互交往、共同欢乐的节日。

44、9 see joke: Armour: "You know people is in convivial when, why to touch goblet? ─── 9看笑话: 甲:“你知道人们在欢宴时,为何碰酒杯吗?”

45、The application Kaspersky Internet Security 7.0integrated the advantages of the preceding version and enriched thanks to newtechnologies by performances and with a more convivial user interface. ─── 卡巴套装7.0的这个版本集成了以往版本的各种优点,并因为新技术的应用而使得它性能倍佳,用户界面也更舒适自然。

46、When the final tally of risks and benefits is in, let us hope there is room for women to have a convivial drink with friends or a romantic dinner with wine. ─── 我们希望,当最终的风险和好处的统计数据出来的时候,我们能够留有余地,让女性朋友能够和她们的朋友欢快的喝酒或者是享受一个浪漫的红酒晚餐。

47、We were all devoted into the game and the whole ground was full of convivial laughter and hurried talks. ─── 干部们都十分投入游戏,紧张的气氛,欢乐的笑声,急促的语言充斥了整个场地。

48、St Clare was invited out to a convivial party. ─── 圣?克莱亚应邀去赴一个宴会。

49、a convivial meeting [gathering ─── 联欢会, 欢乐的宴会

50、Finally, the Kursaal has opened in the end of May, which makes the city much more convivial! ─── 一年一度的城市型的游乐场终于在5月底开始了,让本来很安静的城市变的热闹了很多!

51、a convivial meeting ─── 联欢会

52、a convivial atmosphere at the reunion; a woman of convivial nature; he was a real good-time Charlie. ─── 团聚时的欢乐气氛;喜好社交的女人;他是一个无忧无虑的人。

53、Fahmy was transparent and subtle, convivial and abrasive ─── 法赫米这个人既开朗又含蓄,善于交际而又喜欢磨人。

54、Although another thing that makes city life more convivial is being able to eat good food without necessarily having to cook it yourself. ─── 不过,能令城市生活变得更多姿多彩的另一件事就是不必自己动手也能吃到美食。

55、Afterwards a leisurely and convivial debrief is held over breakfast at one of West Ends' cafe.All riders, all levels of fitness and experience are welcome. ─── 说明 The West End Saddle Rashers is a fun, social cycling group who meet every Saturday and Sunday morning to cycle Brisbane's classic River Ride.

56、The Postimpressionists often exhibited together but, unlike the Impressionists, a close-knit, convivial group, they painted mainly alone. ─── 后印象主义画家们常共同展出作品,但同印象主义不同的是,他们不集体作画,而主要是单独创作自己的作品。

57、This convivial went up to also place balloonfish. ─── 这次酒宴上也摆出了河豚。

58、Convivial merriment or celebration. ─── 欢闹宴饮的欢闹或庆祝

59、The Company offers attractive remuneration f right cidate including annual bonus, training opptunity both in China in France convivial wking environment. ─── 中法合资上海雷迪埃电子有限公司成立于1995年,由法国雷迪埃股份有限公司、香港雷迪埃(亚洲)有限公司与上海飞乐股份有限公司共同投资建立。

60、This type of drinker could be a man or a woman. They tend to be sociable and convivial and "like a laugh". ─── 这类人男女都有可能。他们喝酒是为了社交。他们具有乐天的个性,喜欢放声大笑。

61、Although another thing that makes city life more 4)convivial is being able to eat good food without necessarily havingto cook it yourself. ─── 不过,能令城市生活变得更多姿多彩的另一件事不必自己动手也能吃到美食。

62、Lunch. Now you can taste and enjoy your own culinary creation in a convivial Thai setting at the Blue Elephant Restaurant. ─── 午餐时间,你可以在蓝象餐厅内品尝自己所料理之美食。

63、Yet,instead of losing myself to the convivial surroundings of food,drink and conversations,I found myself retreating back into my head all the way to China where the subject of American sociality is of great interest. ─── 然而我并没有沉浸在吃喝谈话的友好气氛中,我的思潮回到了中国。 在那里,有关美国社交活动是个极有趣的话题。

64、The ' Ramblers ' Ramblers are a distinct breed of walker, convivial, joiners-in, who value the talk as well as the walk. ─── 漫游者是一类特别的步行者,他们乐天好交际,随时加入,不仅喜欢漫步,而且喜欢漫谈。

65、Fahmy was transparent and subtle, convivial and abrasive. ─── 法赫米这个人既开朗又含蓄,善于交际而又粗暴。

66、The atmosphere was quite convivial. ─── 气氛很欢快。

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