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08-16 投稿


finer 发音

英:[?fa?n?r]  美:[fa?n?]

英:  美:

finer 中文意思翻译




finer 反义词


finer 同义词

discriminatingly | exceptionally | closely | magnificently | fine |delicately | thinly | subtly | exquisitely | daintily | excellently | keenly | outstandingly | superbly | lightly

finer 短语词组

1、finer things lyrics ─── 美好的事物歌词

2、finer form ─── 更精细的形式

3、niceness of loss finer ─── 损失的精确性更精细

4、finer designs ─── 更精细的设计

5、finer things club ─── 精品俱乐部

6、finer thing ─── 更好的东西

7、finer feelings ─── 美好的感情(歌曲名)

8、finer relation ─── 较细关系

9、finer woman ─── 更漂亮的女人

10、acoustic depth finer ─── [电] 声能深度探测器

11、finer femininity facebook ─── 更女性化的脸谱

12、coarser and finer topologies ─── 更粗糙和 ─── 更精细的拓扑

13、finer femininity ─── 更女性化

14、finer things ─── 更好的东西

15、coarser finer ─── 粗更细

16、finer particle size ─── 更细的粒度

finer 词性/词形变化,finer变形


finer 相似词语短语

1、finger ─── n.手指;指针,指状物;vt.伸出;用手指拨弄;vi.用指触摸;拨弄;n.(Finger)人名;(英、德、捷)芬格;(俄)芬格尔

2、fifer ─── n.吹横笛的人

3、fier ─── n.菲尔(人名);非夏尔区(阿尔巴尼亚费里州的一个区)

4、finner ─── n.脊鳍鲸;长须鲸;n.(Finner)人名;(英、德)芬纳

5、diner ─── n.用餐者;路边小饭店;餐车式简便餐厅;n.(Diner)人名;(法)迪内;(德、法、土、罗、塞)迪纳

6、finery ─── n.服饰;华丽的服饰,鲜艳服装;装饰

7、fiber ─── n.纤维(等于fibre);n.(Fiber)(匈)菲贝尔(人名)

8、finder ─── n.发现者;探测器;(照相机的)[摄]取景器;(大望远镜上的)[天]寻星镜;n.(Finder)访达;n.(Finder)人名;(英、德、瑞典、法)芬德

9、biner ─── 宾纳

finer 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He thinks fine clothes are a mark of gentility. ─── 他认为衣著讲究是身分高贵的标志。

2、Have you handed in your fine? ─── 你交了罚款了吗?

3、Burgundy is celebrated for its fine wines. ─── 勃艮第以其美酒而闻名。

4、He is a fine writer of lyrics. ─── 他是个优秀的抒情诗作家。

5、The place has a fine view of the lake. ─── 从那个地方可看到湖泊的美丽景色。

6、The designers in Milan seem to have produced one of the finer showings of Italian men's wear in some time. ─── 设计师在米兰似乎已产生一个微细的放映义大利男人穿一些时间。

7、He set up a fine example to all of us. ─── 他为我们树立了一个好榜样。

8、The farmer did not wish to sell his fine colt, but when the horse dealer tickled his palm with a few hundred dollars, he consented. ─── 农夫本来不打算卖他的小马,但马贩子将几百无钱赛到他的手中,他便同意了。

9、The cut in his finger was sewn up with a piece of fine silk. ─── 他手上的伤口用一根细细的丝线缝合起来。

10、Her sparkling jewellery served as the perfect foil for her fine complexion. ─── 她戴着闪闪生辉的首饰,更显得容貌姣好。

11、He's a fine baritone. ─── 他是个优秀的男中音歌手。

12、He is still a fine specimen of health. ─── 他仍是健康的典范。

13、He's a fine teacher.We've always looked up to him. ─── 他是一位优秀教师,我们一向很尊敬他。

14、It rained a while ago, but it's fine now. ─── 刚才下雨了,但现在天很好。

15、Fine feathers make fine birds. If Susan had as much time and money to spend on her appearance as those girls have, she'd soon put them in the shade. ─── 佛要金装,人要衣装。如果苏珊也像那些姑娘一样,有很多时间和金钱花在穿着打扮上,她很快就会使她们相形见拙的。

16、She won a gold medal for her fine performance in the contest. ─── 她在竞赛中成绩优异获金牌。

17、He is heir to his father's fine brain. ─── 他承袭了他父亲的聪明头脑。

18、He will be set free as soon as the fine is paid. ─── 只要交了罚款,他就会被释放。

19、Looks like a fine day today. ─── 今天看上去是个晴天。

20、He had to pay a walloping (great) fine. ─── 他得付一(大)笔罚款。

21、It must not be imagined that one fine morning all the treasures you want will come to you of their own free will. ─── 不能设想,在一个晴朗的早上,你想要的财宝会统统自动来到你身边。

22、I relied on an appeal to his finer feelings. ─── 我寄望能打动他的爱心。

23、Do you know who trained our secret police, that fine body of men? ─── 你知道是谁训练那队受人称赞的秘密警察吗?

24、He is famous for his fine acting. ─── 他以演技精湛著称。

25、Fine clothes make the man. ─── 人靠衣装,佛靠金装。

26、It's fine today, let's go to the park. I'll go along with that. ─── 今天天气很好,我们去公园吧。我同意。

27、By jingo! this is a fine rose! ─── 哎呀!这是一朵美丽的玫瑰花。

28、A skirt sewed with fine flat seams. ─── 一条缝制得线缝细密平整的裙子

29、As she bent forward, her fine black hair fell over her cheek. ─── 她身子前倾时,她那纤细的黑发飘逸到她的脸蛋上。

30、It poured all morning, but turned fine later. ─── 下了一上午的瓢泼大雨,後来才转晴。

31、She paid the fine under protest. ─── 她争执一番後,无可奈何地缴纳了罚金。

32、He was a fine actor but he's a bit passe now. ─── 他曾是优秀演员,但现在最红时期已过。

33、He had no sooner returned to England than he bought a fine house and went to live there. ─── 他一回到英格兰就买了一幢美丽的房子并在那儿定居。

34、Elaborate adornment, especially fine clothing and accessories. ─── 华丽的服饰奢华的装饰,尤指浮华衣着和小件衣饰

35、Ragged colts may make fine horses. ─── [谚]别看小狗现在丑,长大可能成骏马。

36、She has the makings of a fine teacher. ─── 她具备做一个优秀教师的素质

37、Like many senior churchmen of his time, he enjoyed the finer things in life and was as much a politician as a scholar. ─── 他像那个时代的许多高级教士一样,享受着生活中各种的好事,他同时也是一个学者和政治家。

38、She boasted of having a fine voice. ─── 她夸耀自己有优美的歌喉。

39、He has flung away a fine opportunity. ─── 他已经丧失了一个好机会。

40、Don't bank on the weather being fine for the picnic. ─── 别指望去野餐时会有个好天气。

41、"Most of them would look a lot finer in gray uniforms and in Virginia, " she said, and she did not trouble to lower her voice. ─── “他们中的大多数人,要是穿上灰制服出现在弗吉尼亚,还会漂亮得多呢,”媚兰这样说,并没有想到要把声音放低一点。

42、It's a fine day today, and the sky is blue. ─── 今天天气很好,天空晴朗无云。

43、Whether (she is) sick or fine, she is always cheerful. ─── 不管她生不生病,她总是开开心心的。

44、How long do you think this fine weather will last? ─── 你看这样的好天气能持续多久?

45、The human brain contains several billion nerve cells, which are connected with one another by fine nerves. ─── 人类的大脑含有几十亿个神经细胞,这些细胞由纤细的神经将彼此连接起来。

46、Her skillful fingers spun the wool out to a fine thread. ─── 她那灵巧的手指把羊毛纺织成了细线。

47、She's got the business of buying birthday presents down to a fine art. ─── 她对购买生日礼品的事非常在行。

48、His fine clothes are a mere facade, facade. ─── 他漂亮的衣着只是虚有其表而已。

49、"They" are "the people at the top", "the higher-ups", the people who give you the dole, call you up, tell you to go to war, fine you, "talk posh", "are all twisters really". ─── "他们"是"上流社会人物", 是"达官显贵"。他们给你一点施舍,动员你去服役,让你去打仗,调教你,"说起话来像上层社会那样咬文嚼字", 事实上他们"全是骗子"。

50、A fine script is the most important factor in producing a successful film. ─── 一个好的电影剧本是制作一部好影片的重要因素。

51、Everything was to be fine and dandy once Peter started his new job. ─── 一旦彼得有了新工作,一切都会好的。

52、She cut it fine when she got to the airport only five minutes before the plane took off. ─── 她把时间抠得真紧,到达飞机场时离飞机起飞的时间就差5分钟了。

53、There was in him, in some nebulous, unrecognizable form, a great artistic reality which was finer than anything she could plan for herself. ─── 他的身上有一种依稀难辨的,伟大的艺术意境,比之她自己所设想的还要高明得多。

54、His bully make a mock of all the fine thing he say about kindness to others. ─── 他那恃强欺弱的行为对于他所说的待人友善的漂亮言词是一个嘲弄。

55、On some occasions it may be necessary to debug the problems of your annotator by retrieving UIMA log messages of a finer level. ─── 在某些情况下,有必要从更细的级别获取UIMA日志消息来调试注释器的问题。

56、His grandfather was a fine raconteur, dredging up quite effortlessly, and with a great wealth of detail, scenes and incidents from his early life. ─── 他的祖父是位很会讲故事的人,不费吹灰之力,就把他年轻时事情、场景,极详细地描绘出来。

57、He got off with a small fine. ─── 他交了一小笔罚款了事。

58、He's grown into a fine young man. ─── 他成长为一个优秀的青年。

59、For such a serious offence he was lucky to get away with a fine. ─── 他犯了那么严重的过失,却侥幸只交罚款了事。

60、Fine words dress ill deeds. ─── [谚]花言巧语足以粉饰恶行。

61、You're doing fine. ─── 你现在干得不错嘛。

62、It's all going to be fine. ─── 一切都会好的。

63、Say all you want about her (ie Despite any criticism you can make), she's still a fine singer. ─── 不管你怎麽说,她唱得还算不错。

64、You can rant and rave at the fine, but you'll still have to pay it. ─── 你闹也好,骂也好,罚金还是得交。

65、You may consider cooling your heels just a little bit, or at least until you've got to know their faults as well as their finer points. ─── 你应该考虑放慢脚步冷静一下,或至少对他的缺点与优点同样了解。

66、We shall go provided that the weather is fine. ─── 只要天晴,我们就去。

67、If we only allow five minutes for catching our train, we'll be cutting it too fine. ─── 假如我们只留五分钟的时间赶火车,那麽我们卡的时间就太紧了。

68、He is a very fine musician. ─── 他是个卓越的音乐家。

69、Fine clothes added to his strikingly handsome appearance. ─── 华丽的服装使他那极其英俊的外貌更为增色。

70、I understood in general what she was talking about, but some of the finer details were beyond me. ─── 我大致知道她在说什么,但是一些更具体的细节没弄明白。

71、She strung the beads with a fine nylon. ─── 她用细尼龙线把珠子串了起来。

72、Frank sends his best wishes, and he says to be sure and tell you how delighted he is to hear about your fine progress. ─── 向你表达良好的祝愿。他让我一定转告你,他得知你的病情; 好转后十分高兴。

73、The good news put him in fine fettle. ─── 喜讯传来,他心情很好。

74、You are making very fine distinctions. ─── 你做的区分非常精细。

75、He labours under the delusion that he's a fine actor. ─── 他有个错觉,以为自己是个好演员。

76、The struggling for knowledge hath a pleasure in it that of wrestling with a fine woman. ─── 为知识而奋斗自有其乐——有如与美人角力之乐。

77、Her book is a fine piece of scholarship. ─── 她写的那本书是一部卓越的学术著作。

78、His new job is a fine plum. ─── 他的新工作是件美差。

79、If you want to go by bus, that suits me fine. ─── 你要是想坐公共汽车去,那对我很方便。

80、It won't grind down any finer than this. ─── 不能磨得比这个再细了。

81、He took up with fine art [the idea of becoming a musician]. ─── 他爱上了艺术[想成为一个音乐家]。

82、In fine weather I can drive my car with the hood down. ─── 天气好时我可以敞著顶篷开车。

83、He accustomed to eating seven-course dinners and sleeping between fine linen sheets at home. ─── 他习惯于在家里一餐吃7道菜和睡优质亚麻布床单的人来说。

84、She likes to show off her fine clothes. ─── 她喜欢炫耀她的精美衣服。

85、The force of collision spewed large amounts of debris into the atmosphere, darkening the skies for several years before the finer particles settled. ─── 碰撞的力量将大量碎片喷射到大气中,在更细的粒子落下之前,天空会变暗几年。

86、It's such a fine day today, we can see many people disporting themselves in the park. ─── 今天天气如此好。我们可以看到公园里有许多人游玩。

87、She gave birth to a fine healthy baby. ─── 她生了一个健康漂亮的婴儿。

88、A fine crack in a surface or glaze. ─── (陶瓷器)表面的裂缝

89、It's all very fine ..., but ... ─── [口。讽]。。。好倒是好,但是。。。

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