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08-16 投稿


compromising 发音

英:[?kɑ?mpr?ma?z??]  美:[?k?mpr?ma?z??]

英:  美:

compromising 中文意思翻译




compromising 网络释义

adj. 妥协的;让步的v. 妥协;让步(compromise的ing形式)

compromising 常用词组

reach a compromise ─── 达成妥协

make a compromise ─── 妥协;折衷;做出让步

missouri compromise ─── 密苏里妥协案

compromising 反义词


compromising 同义词

flexible | conciliatory

compromising 短语词组

1、compromising fox ─── 妥协的狐狸

2、compromising mean ─── 折衷平均数

3、compromising synonym ─── 妥协同义词

4、compromising positions ─── 妥协立场

5、compromising define ─── 妥协定义

6、compromising in a relationship examples ─── 在关系中妥协的例子

compromising 词性/词形变化,compromising变形

动词现在分词: compromising |动词过去式: compromised |动词第三人称单数: compromises |动词过去分词: compromised |名词: compromiser |

compromising 相似词语短语

1、compromisingly ─── 妥协地

2、comprising ─── vt.包含;由…组成

3、compositing ─── n.影像合成;v.使合成(图片);使混合(composite的现在分词)

4、composing ─── n.组成;[印刷]排字;adj.起镇静作用的;v.组成;写作(compose的ing形式)

5、uncompromising ─── adj.不妥协的,不让步的;坚定的

6、compromise ─── n.妥协,和解;妥协(或折中)方案;达成妥协;v.妥协,折中;违背(原则),达不到(标准);(因行为不当)使陷入危险,名誉受损

7、compromis ─── 妥协

8、compressing ─── v.压缩;精简;被挤压在一起;把……紧压在一起;摘要叙述(compress的现在分词);n.压缩

9、chromising ─── n.渗铬,铬化

compromising 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、1 Each athlete will stand or kneel at the shooting peg without compromising safety. ─── 1在沒有安全上的顧慮下,每位選手將可以在發射區使用站姿或跪姿。

2、During surgery,adequate levels of anesthesia are very important for the patients without compromising thier haemodynamics. ─── 在手术过程中,对患者麻醉深度的监测是极其重要的。

3、If you start compromising too early . . . they niBBle you to death ─── 如果你过早妥协,他们会一点一点地把你吞噬

4、If you start compromising too early . . . they nibble you to death(People) ─── 如果你过早妥协,他们会一点一点地把你吞噬(民族)

5、And once a hub has been infected, it will pass the virus to numerous other sites, eventually compromising other hubs, which will then spread the virus throughout the entire system. ─── 一旦有集散点受感染,就会把病毒传染给其他无数的网站,最后侵袭其他集散点,使病毒传遍整个系统。

6、Biotechnology companies patent genes, the very stuff of life, while scientists worry that this risks compromising basic research. ─── 生物技术公司为基因申请专利,基因是生命元素。而科学家担忧这样作会有致使基础研究覆灭的风险。

7、You can't do it. It's impossible. The only way you will be able to live with your roommates is by compromising. ─── 你不能做什么。那是不可能的。只有一种方法可以使你和室友生活在一起,那就是妥协。

8、He was photographed in compromising situations with a call-girl. ─── 他和应召女郎在有伤风化的情况下让人拍了照片。

9、Bizarre and compromising scenarios abound as these three very off couples reveal their deepest secrets, confuse the clearest of issues and stumble through the minefield that is love. ─── 他们用尽一切方法,从咖啡厅及饭局,走到酒吧和睡床,尝试了解世上最微妙的两性关系。

10、With the added light and color provided by these windows, the architects created an ethereal ambience without compromising structural integrity. ─── 借着这些窗户呈现的光线和色彩,建筑师营造出了天境般的氛围,同时也兼顾了结构上的完整性。

11、Provide as much assistance as you can, without compromising the town's defense. ─── 在城镇不失守的前提下,尽可能的帮助他们。

12、Several female celebrities were embarrassed when photos depicting them partially nude and in compromising positions were posted on the internet. ─── 一些女性的名人被困窘当部份地描述他们裸体画的相片和在妥协处理位置方面在英特网上被寄。

13、By using lasers, says Kuznetsova, they were able to break down the molecules without compromising the data encoded in them. ─── 通过使用激光,库兹涅佐娃说,他们能够在不影响数据编码的同时把分子分解成单原子。

14、He certainly would be willing to surround her with little offices of compromising kindness ─── 他将愿意用仁慈的让步对她略加照料。

15、Tor provides the foundation for a range of applications that allow organizations and individuals to share information over public networks without compromising their privacy. ─── Tor为一系列应用提供了基础,通过这些应用,组织和个人可以在公开的网络上分享信息而不必担心隐私受到威胁。

16、In data security,pertaining to software and hardware systems that have been designed,and verified,to avoid compromising,corrupting or denying sensitive information. ─── 在数据安全技术领域,用于修饰或说明软件系统和硬件系统,这种系统已经设计好并进行过验证,可以避免(产生)泄露、传送出错或拒绝敏感信息。

17、We are able to meet short-term demand without compromising our long-term vision. ─── 在不与公司远景冲突的情况下,我们能够满足短期的需要。

18、But on the eve of the judgement day, he received yet another threatening letter. Without compromising his principle, he reiterated his stance. ─── 可是,宣判前一天,他又再收到类似的恐吓信,但他依然强硬地重申自己的立场,没有要求保护,或加强保安措施。

19、She turned red and then white in the most compromising fashion. ─── 她的脸始而变红,继而转白,一副妥协的样子。

20、compromising ranking method of the upper (lower) approximations with the interval number. ─── 区间数上(下)近似集折中排序方法。

21、Of course, if you can offer easier or more powerful idioms without compromising the interaction for intermediate users, that is often best. ─── 当然了,如果你设计的产品在不影响中间用户交互使用的情况下还能考虑到即容易且强大的习惯用法,那么肯定是再好不过了。

22、The desmoid tumor began to grow following these surgeries and became so large that it was compromising his vital organs. ─── 他的硬纤维瘤是在术后开始长出,并且逐步长大以致危及到重要脏器。

23、A strict, conservative teacher is lured by three of his beautiful, nubile young female students into a compromising situation. ─── 一个严厉保守的老师被三个年轻貌美的女学生所勾引,从而开始一步步地妥协。

24、"If you start compromising too early... They nibble you to death"(People) ─── “如果你过早妥协,他们会一点一点地把你吞噬”(民族)

25、Stay away from social unpleasantness. Legal matters that have been pending may be alleviated through compromise. Compromising could be on the agenda this week. Talk to others about your plans. ─── 交际时,不要扫大家的兴。要是能妥协的话,一些未解决的法律问题可以得到缓解。本周可能需要妥协。向别人谈论你的计划。

26、You can be assured that choosing anti-allergenic carpet doesn't mean compromising on style, quality or value. ─── 也许您认为防菌地毯大多都风格单一,质量平平,不够高档。

27、Whereas, the deficiency both in electronic device and technology results in that the ideal software radio can hardly be realized and people have to seek a compromising and feasible method. ─── 但现阶段由于电子器件以及技术上的不足,理想的软件无线电还无法实现,因此人们在寻找一种折衷可行的方法。

28、If you want to create a rich, expansive soundscape in a smaller room without compromising sonic accuracy, it delivers the full benefit of KEF’s latest design thinking. ─── 在一个较小的房间里,不损害音响精度而获得丰满宽广的音域,正是 KEF 最新设计理念优点的所在。

29、Nation is the Outcome of Games: A Compromising View ─── 国家是博弈的结果:一个折衷的观点

30、The truth and the work of God are unappreciated by a world-loving and compromising Christianity. ─── 上帝的真理和作为,决不是贪爱世俗和与罪恶妥协的基督徒所能领会的。

31、Again, without compromising on principle," he said. ─── 再说一遍,我们没有在原则上妥协。”

32、"If you start compromising too early . . . they nibble you to death" (People) ─── “如果你过早妥协,他们会一点一点地把你吞噬”(民族)

33、The lady pulls out a photo of a man and a woman in a compromising position and shows it to the chemist.The photo shows her husband with the chemist's wife. ─── 女士抽出一张一个男人与一个女人在作爱的相片给药剂师看,相片显示是她的丈夫与药剂师的太太。

34、Take up only those projects that you know you can complete without compromising the quality of your usual work. ─── 额外接活的时候,只选择那些不会影响你日常工作品质的项目。

35、Unlike previous works, we can optimize the total power consumption, the level shifter overhead, and the power network complexity without compromising the wirelength and the chip area. ─── 与以往的研究相比,我们可以最佳化整体功率消耗、电位移转器负担、电压网路复杂度,并且不会牺牲掉线路长度跟面积。

36、What bargaining style did the parties exhibit: accommodative, competitive, compromising, avoiding, collaborative, or mixed? ─── 双方各采用什麽样的协议型态:调解性,竞争性,妥协性,避免性,合作性,或是混合的型态?

37、compromising photos/circumstances ─── 不宜泄露出去的照片/情况

38、The ability of an industry to price its product at a profitable level without compromising its business pros-pect is important, and this is affected by many factors. ─── 一个行业如果能将产品定在盈利水平却又不致于影响商业前景很重要的,但这点受到许多因素的左右。

39、In these situations, certain rights must be delegated to all personnel so that they may complete their job functions without compromising the operational and security boundaries. ─── 在这些情况下,必须为所有各方委派确定的权利,以使他们可以在不破坏操作边界和安全边界的情况下完成规定的工作职能。

40、She hated the daughter who had taken her lover, but at the same time she was powerless to prevent the marriage without compromising herself. ─── 她恨女儿夺去了自己的情人,却不能阻止这桩婚事,因为那样做会损害她自己的名声。

41、Each country or institution has its own interpretation on sustainability. In GHD, it means “Improving human wellbeing without compromising the local or global environment over the long term”. ─── 各个国家或各个机构都有其对可持续性的理解。在GHD,可持续性意味着“短期内改善人类生活条件且从长远意义上无损于当地及全球环境的途径”。

42、How ConcurrentHashMap offers higher concurrency without compromising thread safety ─── ConcurrentHashMap如何在不损失线程安全的同时提供更高的并发性

43、She found herself in a compromising situation. ─── 她发现她的名誉受到危及。

44、Combine the right location with .NET serialization, and it's easy to have your application provide a personalized appearance for each user without compromising security. ─── Net的序列化组合正确的位置,这样可以很容易的给每个用户一种个人的感觉,而不用对安全问题进行折衷。

45、Sustainable development aims to meet present needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs. ─── 可持续发展的目标是不应仅满足现有需求,而考虑我们后代的持续发展能力。

46、Their best hope will be to find ways to offer cheaper goods without compromising their image. ─── 他们最希望的就是提供更便宜的商品而有不会损害自己心目中的形象。

47、In children who are on chronic peritoneal dialysis, peritonitis is the primary complication compromising technique surial, and the optimal therapy of peritonitis remains uncertain. ─── 因腹透技术导致的腹膜炎是影响长期腹膜透析儿童预后的一个主要并发症,目前仍缺乏最佳地治疗方法。

48、They can easily be pruned without compromising quality. ─── 削减一些开销并不会影响作品的素质。

49、Do you cater to third world countries by offering reasonable prices without compromising quality? ─── 你为第三世界国家提供价格合理且不损害质量的服务吗?

50、Negotiations are often carried out in secrecy to avoid compromising the safety of hostages. ─── 商议经常是秘密进行,以防止危及到人质的安全。

51、A high quality Barlow must be properly designed and manufactured in order to avoid compromising a telescope's color and spherical aberration corrections. ─── 一个高品质巴卢必须妥善设计及制造,以避免损害望远镜的颜色和球面像差改正。

52、Night's here already became the stray cats are ruling the kingdom early, we in resenting, the innermost feelings actually are always compromising and the default. ─── 夜晚的这里早已经成为野猫们统治着的王国,我们总是在愤恨,内心却总是在妥协与默认。

53、A strict, conservative teacher is lured by three of his beautiful, nubile young female students into a compromising situation. ─── 一个严厉保守的老师被三个年轻貌美的女学生所勾引,从而开始一步步地妥协。

54、He was photographed in compromising situations (ie ones that showed him behaving immorally ) with a call-girl. ─── 他和应召女郎在有伤风化的情况下让人拍了照片.

55、Only the atomistic thinking of the dogmatic individualist could deny that a new, homogeneous whole rather than compromising patchwork may be the result. ─── 只有最固执己见的个体主义者才会认为结果只可能是妥协和拼贴的作品而非全新的整体。

56、In general, a stiffer structure allows firmer suspension tuning without compromising ride comfort. ─── 一般来说,更严厉的结构允许坚定暂停调整而不损害乘坐舒适性。

57、At a news conference announcing Mr Childs' arrest, Kamala Harris, the district attorney, said: "This involves compromising a public system that we rely on. ─── 在公布查尔兹被捕的新闻发布会上,区域律师,卡玛拉.哈瑞斯说:“这牵涉到我们依靠的公共系统的的综合考虑。

58、One method to improve fluid flow without compromising product quality wou ld be to confine process temperature in creases to around the evaporator outlet. ─── 一种能改善磷脂流动性又不损害磷脂质量的方法是提高浓缩器出口范围的温度。

59、They were discovered together in a compromising situation. ─── 他们被人发现在一起,场面有伤风化。

60、In fact, the chances of compromising their communications were slim. ─── 事实上,危及他们通信的机会是很少的。

61、If the mentalist holds onto it, the details could be discretely changed (as they often are), compromising the integrity of the prediction. ─── 如果可能分离改变精神论者举行在它上,细节(当他们经常是),减弱预言的正直。

62、In data security, pertaining to software and hardware systems that have been designed, and verified, to avoid compromising, corrupting or denying sensitive information. ─── 在数据安全技术领域,用于修饰或说明软件系统和硬件系统,这种系统已经设计好并进行过验证,可以避免(产生)泄露、传送出错或拒绝敏感信息。

63、Jae Gyeong and Jun Pyo's mom catch him and Jan Di in a compromising position. ─── 在京与巫婆看到俊表与丝草的暧昧姿势。

64、Mme. Walter was the only one at the magnificent church wedding to show any signs of sadness. She hated the daughter who had taken her lover, But at the same time she was powerless to prevent the marriage without compromising herself. ─── 在教堂举行的盛大婚礼上,华代尔夫人是唯一伤心的人。她恨女儿夺去了自己的情人,却不能阻止这桩婚事,因为那样做会损害她自己的名声。

65、But it’s time some papers stop pretending to be relevant, if that relevancy means compromising journalistic integrity to en masse photos and graphics signifying nothing. ─── 但它的一些文件有时要及时停止,如果相关手段损害了新闻的完整性,集体照片和图形象征了什么?

66、You can't do it. It's impossible. The only way you will be able to live with your roommates is by compromising. ─── 你不能做什么。那是不可能的。只有一种方法可以使你和室友生活在一起,那就是妥协。

67、These small numbers indicate that the procedures are difficult and risk compromising hearing and that a ery small population of patients require surgical treatment of BPP. ─── 为了尽量保存听力手术中困难很大并且风险也大,这使得手术适应指征非常少。只有极少数的良性阵发性位置性眩晕患者需要进行外科手术治疗。

68、It may not be possible for struggling nations around the world to resist compromising their environment and their culture to lure affluent foreigners and their dollars. ─── 对世界上那些穷困国家而言,为了吸引大量外国游客和充裕外资,它们很难不危害到自己的环境和文化。

69、Humanlike robots run the risk of compromising people's comfort zones. ─── 人形机器人也有让人感到不舒服的危险。

70、In a relationship, wonders the art of compromise becoming compromising? ─── 在一段感情中,妥协的艺术何时派上用场?

71、Marguerite, alone at Bagneres with her maid, and in any case having nothing to lose by compromising herself, granted the Duke what he asked. ─── 和玛格丽特一起到巴涅尔去的只有她的侍女,再说她也不怕名声会受到什么损害,就同意了公爵的请求。

72、He made the fatal mistake of compromising early. ─── 他犯了妥协早了的致命错误。

73、Both sides are committed to concluding the negotiations as soon as possible,but without compromising the shared objective of achieving a high-quality FTA that will have real and mutual benefits for the two economies. ─── 在不影响达成高水准及为两个经济体系带来实质利益的自由贸易协定的前提下,双方均有决心尽早完成谈判。

74、But newer surgical procedures help presere a woman's fertility without compromising surial. ─── 但新的手术操作在不影响生存的前提下帮助保存妇女的生育能力。

75、Conflict resolution techniques that may be used on a project include: Withdrawing, compromising, controlling, and forcing. Controlling, forcing, smoothing, and withdrawing. Confronting, compromising, smoothing, and directing. ─── 可以运用于项目中的冲突解决技巧包括:撤退,妥协,控制和强迫控制,强迫,圆滑和撤退面对问题,妥协,圆滑和指示圆滑,面对问题,强迫和撤退。

76、Potentially compromising information about your Web site can be exposed to anyone who can cause an error to occur on your site. ─── 任何人都可以访问对网站安全存在潜在威胁的信息,包括可能会导致站点发生错误的人员。

77、Decision on Severely Punishing Criminal Elements Seriously compromising Social Order ─── 关于严惩严重危害社会治安的犯罪分子的决定

78、They asked 74 university students to take a timed, easy general-knowledge quiz which they were asked to finish as quickly as possible without compromising accuracy. ─── 在保证正确率的基础上,他们要求74名大学生尽快完成一份计时的、一般知识测验。

79、Compromising Rationality and Social Harmony ─── 妥协理性与社会和谐

80、Attempts to remake the partner rather than compromising causes constant friction. ─── 不是以协商的方式,而是以改造伴侣的方式将会带来持续的摩擦。

81、Compromising natural animal, cultural animal and other garden factors, reposing personal character and sentiment, life philosophy and ideal pursue are main ways of expression. ─── 主要表达手法是采取自然动物和文化动物与其他园林要素融合,点题寓意,寄托品德情操,人生哲理,生活情趣和理想追求。

82、PLAYBOY: What would you do if you had to choose between compromising search results and being unavailable to millions of Chinese? ─── 如果在搜索结果上让步和失去数百万的中国用户之间选择,你们会怎么做?

83、In that February is Heart-Healthy Awareness Month, Dei Fratelli hopes to assist consumers in meeting their goals for low sodium diets without compromising taste. ─── 在这2月是心脏健康的宣传月,上帝兄弟希望能帮助消费者在履行其目标低钠饮食又不损害口味。

84、AACO allows the user to extract maximum detail from shadow areas, without compromising the highlights. ─── AACO让用户最大限度地提取到阴影区域的细节,并且不对高亮区域产生影响。

85、They are compromising and hypocritical, and the sin of hypocrisy is detestable to God. ─── 他们妥协,也假冒伪善,可是上帝非常痛恨假冒伪善的罪。

86、Its support for granular access control, inheritance, and delegation of administrative task gives you the flexibility to secure resources without compromising your network's purpose. ─── 它支持管理任务的粒状通路控制、继承和授权,使用户能灵活保护资源而不会泄露计算机网络目的。

87、The built-in banquette seating for two was designed specially to give the patrons a sense of intimacy without compromising the view. ─── 位于外滩3号顶楼,以360度鸟瞰浦东、浦西繁华景色的同时为人们提供极致的用餐享受。

88、They developed this product for a wide range of consumers who wish to have the convenience of a flexible multi-function car hauler without compromising style, quality and functionality. ─── 他们开发了这一产品广泛的消费者谁希望有方便灵活的多功能车辘不损害作风,质量和功能。

89、this compromising picture come into the possession of the press? ─── 这张有损名声的照片是怎么到了媒体手里的?




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