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08-16 投稿


facade 发音

英:[f??sɑ?d]  美:[f??sɑ?d]

英:  美:

facade 中文意思翻译



facade 短语词组

1、nativity facade ─── 耶稣诞生正面

2、stressed skin facade ─── 受力蒙皮立面

3、facade definition ─── 立面定义

4、facade of wealth ─── 卖富,显财露富,炫耀财富

5、rigorously intellectual facade ─── 严谨理智的外表

6、lateral facade ─── 侧面立面

7、facade tarot ─── 塔罗刺

8、facade tarot free reading ─── 正面塔罗牌免费阅读

9、arcade facade ─── 连拱立面

10、shop facade ─── [经] 铺面

11、facade game ─── 正面游戏

12、facade i ching ─── 立面易经

13、facade of neutrality ─── 貌似中立,表面上的中立

14、facade of honesty ─── 伪装诚实

facade 词性/词形变化,facade变形


facade 相似词语短语

1、falcade ─── n.法尔卡代(意大利地名)

2、arcade ─── n.拱廊;(内设投角子电子游戏机等的)游乐场;有拱廊的街道;vt.使有拱廊;n.(Arcade)人名;(西、法)阿卡德

3、cascade ─── n.小瀑布,瀑布状物;串联;vi.像瀑布般大量倾泻下来;vi.像瀑布般悬挂着

4、alcade ─── 范围

5、faced ─── adj.有某种面孔或表情的;有…表面的;v.面对(face的过去分词)

6、facades ─── n.外立面(facade的复数)

7、decade ─── n.十年,十年期;十

8、-cade ─── adj.离母而由人饲养的;n.杜松;n.(Cade)(美、英、法、加)凯德(人名)

9、saccade ─── n.眼睛飞快扫视;急速勒马

facade 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Third, thanks to Qaddafi's obsession with a facade of direct democracy, Libya has no experience of party politics and competing interests. ─── 再次,由于卡扎菲对于表面上实行直接民主有着特殊的偏好,利比亚不曾经历过政党政治和利益冲突。

2、For example, the facade facing the University Mall of the Centre for Chinese Art and Archaeology currently under construction will be a glass wall. ─── 中的中国考古文物及艺术中心,其位于林荫大道的一面墙将以玻璃建造,这是一个环保的设计,尽量。

3、She sat where she could watch the light glowing on the mellow facade of the old palace and syrinxes peeping between the reeds. ─── 她坐在一个地方,从那里她可以观察那古宫华美的正面上闪烁的光亮和草丛间时隐时现的小鸟。

4、Despite the facade that such people put up, bullies have low self-confidence and low self-esteem, and thus feel insecure. ─── 即使这样的人给自己撑出了一个表面形象,不过欺负者们还是低自信和低自尊,因此会感到不安全。

5、Here he lowered the facade of the clock to harmonize with adjacent buildings. ─── 在画中他降低了钟的正面,使之与毗邻的建筑物相称。

6、You push the cultured facade long enough, people forget you are a criminal. ─── 你用有修养的面具演示太久了,以至于人们都忘了你是个罪犯。

7、In his striving for wealth, power, or sexual satisfaction, he reverts to his true animal nature, and the facade of civilization falls away. ─── 在为财富、权力和性的满足奋斗时,人恢复了他真正的动物本性,文明的外观烟消云散。

8、The facade of stone drips, arcs , and blossoms as if it were vegetable. ─── 岩石滴水、圆拱和花朵的立面把它装点得如植物般花团锦簇。

9、The Tate Modern in London has commis-sioned six artists, whose work is intri-cately linked to the urban environment, to present works on its river facade. ─── 伦敦泰特现代美术馆委讬六位画家,在面对泰晤士河那面墙上展出他们独特的画作。

10、A house is an escarpment, a door is a refusal, a facade is a wall. ─── 一所房屋是一块峭壁,一扇门是一种拒绝,一座建筑物的正面是一堵墙。

11、evening the facade is floodlit. ─── 晚上,建筑物的正面是用泛光灯照明的。

12、The Session Facade pattern is the basic building block for many other design patterns, and its advantages go well beyond those discussed here. ─── 会话虚包模式是许多其它设计模式的基本构件,其优点远远不止这里所讨论的。

13、Facade objects are often Singletons because only one Facade object is required. ─── 外观对象(具体可见外观模式)通常就是单例模式。

14、Her very normativeness is being demonstrated as a facade for Hitchcock's mocking imagery. ─── (4)她的一本正经做派,使希区柯克的影片又加深了一层嘲弄色彩。

15、As the wooden facade is vertically extended, the roof provides a hidden garden with a maximum of privacy. ─── 同时由于木横条在建筑外墙面的使用,使得屋顶成为一个拥有最大私密性的花园。

16、The patten, the facade may use material quality processing and so on stainless steel, acrylic fabric, stone material, prevents the pet to scratch the destruction. ─── 墙脚、门面可以用不锈钢、压克力、石材等材质处理,以防止宠物抓伤破坏。

17、A marbled facade. ─── 大理石门面

18、Another option is to put the business logic in a Business delegate, a facade that acts as the model. ─── 另一种选项是,将业务逻辑放在Business代表中,后者充当模型。

19、Due to the facade design, the mosaic of cut stone, a strong and weighty feature, appears weightless as if floating over the parking area. ─── 表皮的设计呈现出切割石头的马赛克排布,形成强烈厚重的特征,但是在这里却显得很轻盈,如同漂浮在停车场之上。

20、The facade of the utility model can be sat, and the other face can be used for a simple pillow after turning over. ─── 本实用新型结构紧凑,便于携带,特别在旅行中正面可坐,翻过来可做简易枕头。

21、He/ She could be deep in debt to maintain the facade. ─── 他/为了撑起门面,可能正债台高筑。

22、The elaborate facade contrasts strongly with the severity of the interior. ─── 精致的门面同室内的简朴形成强烈反差。

23、Elsewhere, giant, inflatable plastic tubes span the windows of a building’s facade, becoming a twisted (but highly regular) latticework of impossible passageways. ─── 在另一场地,巨大膨胀的塑料管贴附在一座建筑的外墙上,形成了缠绕在一起(但又十分规整)无法企及的网状通道。

24、Otto Neben GmbH &Co. KG informs you about Roofing as well as about Facade construction. ─── KG是一家诚信的、高效能的生产商和服务商,该公司提供新型的、专门的产品,例如屋顶,屋面,屋面建造。

25、One of the projecting towers in the facade contain the Baptistery that, clad entirely in locally made tiles, rises to the full height of the tower. ─── 两个突出的塔中的一个,包含着洗礼池,由当地制造的瓷板贴面,塔的整堵墙全部贴满了。

26、The cathedral was eventually completed in 1490, though the Gothic facade remains unfinished. ─── 大教堂在1490年终于完工,虽然哥特式的正面仍未建好。

27、Although they put up a facade of honesty, they were involved in various criminal activities. ─── 他们虽装出一副诚实的虚表,实际上参与了各种犯罪活动。

28、The Taj Mahal, the famous ancient domed mausoleum built in 17th century in India, is suffering from air pollution with its white marble facade apparently turning yellow. ─── 印度著名的17世纪古迹泰姬陵,在空气污染侵害下,白色大理石的外观逐渐发黄,政府决定使用具有美白效果的火山泥浆膜,帮助泰姬陵去除污垢,但结果却适得其反。

29、Minimum 2 years experience made on similar responsibility with a large facade and window &door or hard ware system company. ─── 在大型门窗、幕墙公司或五金系统公司至少3年的相关工作经验。

30、Mr.Gittes presented the Landmarks Preservation Commission with his plans for a new facade with a three-story-high limestone bay, large windows and a rooftop addition. ─── 吉茨先生向风貌建筑保护委员会提交了将其正面改造成三层高石灰石立面,带有大窗户和附加屋顶的改造计划。

31、KWP Facade has a strong presence in Asia with offices in Hong Kong, Shanghai and Beijing. ─── KWP外墙在亚洲势力雄厚,办事处遍及香港,上海,北京。

32、Otto Neben GmbH& Co. KG informs you about Roofing as well as about Facade construction. ─── KG是一家诚信的、效能的生产商和服务商,该公司提供新型的、门的产品,例如屋顶,屋面,屋面建造。

33、Visit craft exhibitions, and admire the huge Advent calendar created from 24 of the windows on the palace facade. ─── 参观艺术展馆,在皇宫的正面,你会惊叹羡慕24扇巨大的门窗,看到基督降生的日历。

34、A GBean makes a great facade for a manageable service. ─── GBean为可管理的服务提供了良好外观。

35、The Church will have three grand facades: the Nativity facade to the East, the Glory facade to the South (centre) and the Passion facadeto the West. ─── 在巴塞罗那。。。。这个应该不是最大的。。。。这个人只是要把圣经里面的情节,从耶稣诞生到受难到重生的故事做在他的建筑里。。。

36、Upon further investigation I have sensed horrendous visions of a gnarled doom, decorated as a picturesque facade in this endless autumn dusk. ─── 在进一步调查我感觉了粗糙的死命的可怕视觉,装饰作为在这个不尽的秋天黄昏的一个美丽如画的门面。

37、In the foreground, then, stands the imposing facade of grand humanistic ideals-and behind it crouches the modest family house of a socialist bourgeois. ─── 因此,在某个前景中,站立着那个崇高的人类理想欺骗()的外观,而在其背后,蹲伏着一个谦恭的社会主义的资产阶级家庭。

38、The palace as it's seen today with the grand Baroque facade, was designed by Italian architect Bartolomeo Rastrelli, who also designed the Winter Palace. ─── 今天我们看到的宫殿奢华的巴洛克立面由冬宫的设计师,意大利建筑师巴扥洛米欧·斯崔利设计。

39、His powerfulness was concealed by a gentle facade. ─── 他的强大隐藏在和善的外表之下。

40、In addition, instantiating a facade initializes the PureMVC framework by creating the model, view and controller singletons. ─── 在此外,实例化的幌子初始化puremvc的框架内建立模型,检视和控制器的单身人士。

41、Messages enter the gateway and are routed onwards to an end provider, to a provider facade or to a further mediation flow. ─── 消息进入网关,并路由到最终提供者、提供者Facade或其他中介流。

42、If they want to find a spotless white facade, they must go back to the poor village where they were born. ─── 如果他们想找到一堵极其洁白的前墙,那就必须回到他们出生的那个穷村子里去。

43、KWP is directed by North American Facade experts with experience in all climatic conditions throughout the globe. ─── KWP外墙由北美的专家策划管理,所有这些专家都具有在全球不同气候地域的外墙工作经验。

44、If you look carefully, you can see through Bob's facade. ─── 如果你仔细观察,你就能看穿鲍勃的外表。

45、Once the facade interface has been implemented, the final step is to expose it as a Web service. ─── 一旦已经实现了facade接口,最后的步骤是使其作为Web服务公开给外部。

46、At least 3 years experience with Design works in Building External Facade, curtain wall, louver / window systems. ─── 在建筑物外墙,幕墙,百叶/天窗系统等方面至少拥有3年工作经验;

47、Facade of the Museum of Basketball at the top of the gold plate "paste" into the jagged uneven, as if the cooked wheat-like waves in the wind. ─── 在篮球馆外立面的顶部,金色铝板被“贴”成参差不齐的锯齿状,犹如熟透的麦穗般随风荡漾。

48、Located on the waterfront of the old port the facade and silhouette of the building impacts the skyline of the district seen from the old town. ─── 位于海滨的老港外墙和轮廓的建设影响的地平线区从老城区。

49、Construction work on the block appeared to have been nearly completed, with windows fitted and a tiled facade. ─── 正在装配窗户和外墙瓷砖的这座楼,施工工程似乎已近完成。

50、His fine clothes are a mere facade,facade. ─── 他漂亮的衣著只是虚有其表而已。

51、Behind the gleaming facade of modern Singapore lies a treasure trove of old historic buildings and sites. ─── 在现代新加坡闪亮的外表后面隐藏着许多古老的历史性建筑和遗址的宝藏。

52、A struggling, bit part actor's job as a hotel custodian is a facade for his profession: being rented out as a gigolo by his woman supervisor. ─── 在旅馆工作的女主角,反覆租看同样的录影带,因为他心仪的男同事,在里面负责跑龙套。

53、Facade spatula with wooden handle stainless blade. ─── 不锈钢木柄大刮刀。

54、"Function" Represents the mainstream thinking of the architectural design, emphasizing building facade shape, faithfully reflect the inside Functional. ─── “功能”:代表主流建筑设计思想,强调建筑立面形态,忠实地反映其内在功能。

55、Don't be fooled by the man's cheerful and easygoing facade; he is a serious businessman. ─── 别被那个人爽朗随和的外表愚弄了;他可是个严肃的生意人。

56、A session facade EJB business methods call more than one DAO to save on more than one table. ─── 会话外观EJB业务方法调用了一个以上的DAO来将其保存在一张以上的表中。

57、"The facade of her prosecution is made more monstrous because its real objective is to sever her bond with the people for whom she is a beacon of hope and resistance," Brown said. ─── “因为起诉昂山素姬的真正目的是要切断昂山素姬和民众的联系。而在民众的心目中,她是希望和抵抗的引路灯。因此这种表面的起诉行径变得更无耻。”

58、Yet the facade of China's urban coastal economy hides problems that.sooner or later.are sure to put a damper on the celebration. ─── 中国沿海都市的经济表面掩藏着很多问题.迟早.在庆祝的同时会置入减震器的.

59、Water, a source of life that provides refreshment, comfort and atmosphere, along with cascading vegetation links this prominent facade to the rooftop park. ─── 代表生命之源的流水引出清爽舒适的气氛,并与渐层式的绿化景观共同将宏伟的外立面与屋顶花园连接起来。

60、All that he needs is hypocrisy, all that he needs is cunningness, all that he needs is a facade to hide behind. ─── 一切他所需要的就是虚伪和狡猾,以及一个可以让他隐藏在背后的假面具。

61、A facade, especially an ornamental facade. ─── 主立面建筑正面,尤指有装饰的正面

62、The methods on a Service POJO are one-to-one with the Session Bean facade. ─── Service POJO的方法与Session Bean外观的方法是一对一的。

63、Inevitably they will do everything they can to preserve this facade, but they will do very little to develop their inner value and personal growth. ─── 他们势必尽一切可能来保全这种表面形象,却很少会去培养自己内在的价值和注重个人的成长。

64、Innovative characters,electric parameters,structure type and the constructing process of a new photovoltaic facade(PV) paper were introduced. ─── 介绍了一种新型光伏幕墙的创新点、电气参数、结构形式以及建造过程。

65、He had to fight to keep from laughing. She was good at dalliance. He wondered how experience she really was, under her facade. ─── 他拼命憋着不笑。她很会调情。他倒想知道在她的正面的下部,她真的是有经验么。

66、The fight was nearly a draw, until Aayla goaded Aurra, piercing through her icy facade to describe the wounded, lonely, abandoned child within. ─── 两人几乎打成平手,直到艾拉用言语挑衅,刺穿了她冰冷外表下受伤的、孤独的、遗弃子内心。

67、Today, the Park Hotel stands in a forest of high-rises, like a stately grande dame, retaining its elegant and reserved facade in the face of Shanghai's dramatic change. ─── 今天,国际饭店矗立于高楼丛林之中,如同一位威严显赫的贵妇人,在上海巨大变化的面貌中保持其优雅的立面。

68、But the court did not demand he restore the walls and facade to their original state, disappointing the prosecutors. ─── 但是法庭没有要求他重新将墙刷回原貌,这让检举人很失望。

69、The innovative silicone resin/binder in combination with integrated Nano-Quartz particles generate water-repellent, highly water vapor permeable facade paint coating. ─── 创新的有机硅树脂结合纳米石英颗粒组成的粘结剂,形成了一个高防水性和水蒸气扩散性的外墙涂料。

70、But Blanc's recently completed facade for the Athenaeum hotel in London (shown) could be his most high-profile project yet. ─── 但是,白朗最近在伦敦完工的雅典娜宾馆的正面墙花园(如图)却是他最引人注目的作品。

71、Public entrances and facilities are placed to one side, accessible via an open arcade in the facade. ─── 公共入口和设备放置在一端,可通过正面开放的拱廊进入。

72、Her honesty was all a facade. ─── 她的诚实只是一种表面现象。

73、The eastern facade is composed of loggias covered in bamboo. ─── 东部的门面是由凉廊中涉及竹子。

74、Seventy-eight percent of respondents in a 2003 survey said that democracy is a facade for a government controlled by rich and powerful cliques. ─── 2003年的一次调查中78%的人回答说民主被财阀所控制的政府的虚伪外表。

75、Remove the Facade Alignment Fixture after fixing. ─── 侍安装固定石材后,可取出平石调较码。

76、He is the author of Athena and Eden: The Hidden Meaning of the Parthenon's East Facade, and Athena and Kain: The True meaning of Greek Myth. ─── 他是雅典娜和亚当:帕特农神宙东面的隐义和雅典娜和该隐:希腊神话的真实意义的作者。

77、They appear on the cover as wooden cocoons and are randomly oriented to diversify the views and rhythm to the facade. ─── 他们出现在封面上木制蚕茧和随机面向多样化的意见和节奏的门面。

78、At work, they put on a facade of living it up in glitz and glamour, but at home, they live as ultimate sexless slobs! ─── 在同事的婚礼上,小萤仍一直闷闷不乐,无法提起精神,高野作为嘉宾的致辞说话,却让小萤有所启发。

79、Facade, the spirit mark of the building. ─── 外立面,建筑的精神标记。

80、But underneath its tranquil facade, it buzzes with biochemical chatter. ─── 不过在平静的表面以下,它的生化分子在吵吵哄哄.

81、At the beginning of the 17th century the Rathaus was enlarged and the now bigger facade was painted by Hans Bock with mock architectural features. ─── 17世纪初,市政大厅进行了扩建,Hans Bock将更宽更长的墙面进行了粉刷,具有仿建筑学的特点。

82、Minimum 5 years experience made on similar responsibility with a large facade maker. ─── 在大型幕墙公司至少5年的相关工作经验。

83、Then we use these kinds of photoelastic material to make out the flank and facade model of cervical spine. ─── 三个实验的结果基本一致,且在一些方面可起到互相补充,互相验证的作用,使结论更可靠。

84、Throughout her life she has hidden her insecurities behind a facade of, at times, overweening self-confidence. ─── 在她一生中,她常常靠摆出泰然自若的样子,来掩饰内心的犹豫不定。

85、Do you see no further than this facade, this smooth and tolerant manner of me? ─── 你是否只看到我的这一面,我的温良宽厚的风度,而没看到别的?

86、Behind the facade of a two-dimensional line seethes a chaotic mixture of forces driving the line. ─── 在一个二维曲线的表面背后,活跃着驾驭这条曲线的力量的混乱组合。

87、Alternating between lightly touching the ground and lifting the facade, the Culture Bazaar offers passer-bys views into the public lobby and further into the performance hall. ─── 之间轮流轻轻触摸地面和解除门面,文化集市提供过路人停车处的意见纳入了公共前厅和进一步融入表演大厅。

88、Today, the Palace Tombs of Petra, with the 42-meter-high Hellenistic temple facade on the El-Deir Monastery, are impressive examples of Middle Eastern culture. ─── 古埃及金字塔是人类史上最完美的建筑,它们是为永恒而诞生的。

89、His fine clothes are a mere facade, facade. ─── 他漂亮的衣着只是虚有其表而已。








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