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09-09 投稿


architectural 发音

英:[?ɑ?rk??tekt??r?l]  美:[?ɑ?k??tekt??r?l]

英:  美:

architectural 中文意思翻译



architectural 短语词组

1、architectural ornament ─── 建筑装饰

2、architectural difference ─── [计] 体系差异, 结构差异

3、architectural glass ─── [化] 建筑玻璃

4、architectural lime ─── [化] 建筑用石灰

5、architectural firm ─── [机] 建筑事务所

6、architectural study ─── [计] 体系研究, 结构研究

7、architectural engineering ─── 建筑工程

8、architectural bronze ─── [机] 建筑青铜

9、architectural plan ─── 建筑平面图

10、architectural definition ─── [计] 体系定义, 结构定义

11、architectural malpractice ─── [法] 建筑上的怠忽职守

12、architectural attributes ─── [计] 结构属性

13、architectural design ─── [计] 结构设计

14、architectural ceramics ─── [化] 建筑陶瓷

15、architectural feature ─── [计] 体系特征, 结构特征

16、cgto-architectural ─── [医] 细胞结构的

17、architectural ocustics ─── [机] 建筑音响学

18、architectural style ─── 建筑风格

19、architectural structure ─── [计] 总体结构

architectural 常用词组

architectural design ─── 建筑设计;结构设计

architectural style ─── 建筑风格

architectural engineering ─── 建筑工程

architectural 词性/词形变化,architectural变形

异体字: architectonical |副词: architectonically |

architectural 相似词语短语

1、architecturally ─── adv.建筑上地;关于建筑地

2、architected ─── n.建筑师;缔造者

3、architecture ─── n.建筑学;建筑风格;建筑式样;架构

4、architectonic ─── adj.建筑术的;组织的;知识体系的;n.体系论;建筑学(等于architectonics)

5、starchitecture ─── 星体结构

6、architects ─── n.[建]建筑师(architect的复数形式);v.设计;建造(architect的三单形式)

7、architectures ─── n.建筑;架构(architecture的复数)

8、architecting ─── n.建筑师;缔造者

9、architect ─── n.建筑师;缔造者

architectural 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A triangular, usually ornamental architectural section, as one above an archeddoor or window. ─── 三角形饰物如拱门或窗户上方的三角形装饰性的建筑部分。

2、LUSCOMBE, DESLEY (Australia), Education for Architectural Practice? ─── 以建筑实践为目标的教育?

3、The Cultural Origins of Chinese Architectural Decorative Art II. ─── 中国建筑装饰艺术文化源流2。

4、Beijing Institute of Landscape and Traditional Architectural Design and Research, URS Australia Pty Ltd. ─── 北京市园林古建设计研究院URS澳大利亚有限公司。

5、How do metros reach these goals from the beginning in respect of architectural and structural design and public art? ─── 因此如何在设计之初即从建筑、结构或公共艺术的手法达到此目标?

6、The total architectural floor area of the bonded logistic park is 506,607 m2. ─── 保税物流园建筑总面积为506670平方米。

7、Second, the region has created city images by giving prominence to local feature and architectural style. ─── 二是塑造城市形象,突出地方特色和建筑风格。

8、In 1968 Baker moved to Trivandrum and set up his unusual architectural practice. ─── 1968年,贝克搬到特里凡得琅[印度南部港市](喀拉拉邦首府)开始他与众不同的建筑实践。

9、It exhibits a synchronized blending of Chinese and Western architectural elements in structure, material and plan. ─── 它在建筑物结构、材料及规划方面,融合了中、西方的建筑特色。

10、Nestling at the foot of a hill and rising with it, it is a stupendous architectural complex that looks most imposing. ─── 它依山修造,逐级升高,规模宏大,气势非凡。

11、The fine proportion and solidity of structure in his novels were probably somewhat due to his architectural training. ─── 他的小说结构的匀称和充实,恐怕多少要归功于他在建筑学上的训练。

12、And it is an architectural masterpiece. ─── 它是一座山顶圣堂,印加人在这儿膜拜天神。

13、He's an architectural draftsman in the office where I work. ─── 他是位建筑制图员,和我同办公室工作。

14、And treated it plastically(plastically-plastical-plastic), creating an architectural form of society. ─── (创造了一种社会建筑形式)。

15、His high fever attested to his illness; The buildings in Rome manifest a high level of architectural sophistication. ─── 他发高烧证明他病了。

16、The architectural approach and frameworks discussed in this book make it easy to practice these principles. ─── 在这本书里面构架方法和框架讨论使这些原理简单的应用于实践当中。

17、Have over 2 years architectural and structural design experience. ─── 从事建筑设计,做过方案和施工图设计,2年工作经验。

18、An architectural support or base, as for a column or statue. ─── 基座一种垫于柱子或雕像等下面的建筑支撑物或底座

19、In the 1930s the field of Chinese architectural history was truly open to the excitement of unprecedented finds. ─── 在1930年代中中国的建筑历史的领域真实地对空前的发现刺激开放。

20、His architectural ecologies or arcologies can be built best from scratch. ─── 他的建筑生态学或生态建筑能够最好地从无到有地建造。


22、There are no architectural structures in the Ten Thousand Trees Garden except for a few Mongolian yurts. ─── 万树园内不施土木,而按蒙古族的风俗设蒙古包数座。

23、KTP company is one of Germany's largest architectural firms. ─── KTP公司是德国最大的建筑设计事务所之一。

24、People are more impressed by the concrete architectural form. ─── 人们对建筑的感受,更多的是具象的建筑形式。

25、His architectural design broke new ground in the field. ─── 他的建筑设计在这个领域取得了新的进展。

26、The systematic representation and dimensional specification of mechanical and architectural structures. ─── 图样机械或建筑结构的系统表现与尺寸规范。

27、Her architectural designs have broken new ground. ─── 她的建筑设计开辟了一个新天地。

28、And people are beginning to appreciate it's architectural qualities, for it's strength and dynamism. ─── 人们已经开始欣赏巴比肯艺术中心在建筑方面的特色和风格。

29、From an architectural viewpoint, partial rendering doesn't add anything new. ─── 从体系结构观点看,部分呈现不添加任何新内容。

30、What is lost in Chinese Architectural Circles? ─── 中国建筑设计界丢失了什么?

31、The tomb has a unique architectural decor, with polychrome half-human, half-plant caryatids and painted murals. ─── 古墓内有独特的建筑装饰、彩饰的半人半植物女像柱和各种壁画。

32、But it will outlive the Guggenheim as an international architectural icon because it did all the difficult work first. ─── 但是,作为国际建筑的偶像,悉尼歌剧院将名垂青史,因为它是开路先锋。

33、A triangular, usually ornamental architectural section, as one above an arched door or window. ─── 三角形饰物如拱门或窗户上方的三角形装饰性的建筑部分

34、They form a graceful architectural complex of ancient temples. ─── 它们构成了优美的古庙建筑群。

35、In the whole article, it analysis the spirit of Zen in Tadao Ando architectural design works. ─── 在这篇文章中,针对安藤忠雄建筑设计作品中禅的精神来进行剖析。

36、A harmonious blend of architectural styles. ─── 各种建筑风格的完美的结合

37、The architectural structure of the Temple of Heaven is unique. ─── 天坛的建筑结构很别致。

38、For architects, keeping rational architectural design thoughts is commendable. ─── 对于建筑师,保持理性的建筑思维是难能可贵的。

39、They realized that the benefits of reuse at an architectural and design level would provide exponentially more value. ─── 他们意识到在体系结构及设计层次上的复用将带来相当巨大的收益。

40、TRACING FILE for Interior and Architectural Rendering. ─── 室内和建筑效果。

41、Use the Site Plan template to create architectural site plans and garden landscape plans. ─── 使用“现场平面图”模板可以创建建筑现场平面图和庭园景观平面图。

42、New rules on foreign investments in Architectural and Construction Design are issued. ─── 外商投资建设工程设计企业有新规定。

43、In her ceramic trees, natural motifs, as well as historical architectural details, are embedded in the walls, or applied to the surface. ─── 在她陶瓷树的作品中,自然主题以及历史建筑的细节被镶嵌在墙上或应用在表面。

44、It was the first of the many architectural field trips they were to share in the years to come. ─── 它是许多建筑的领域第一跌倒他们要分享数年来。

45、In general,information customization software has the following sorts of architectural properties. ─── 一般而言,信息定制软件具以有下结构特性。

46、Of or relating to an architectural style derived from medieval Gothic. ─── 哥特式建筑的源于中世纪哥特式建筑风格的

47、For decades, he created many architectural 1870s, and was building Liberty. ─── 几十年来,他创作了许多建筑设计名品,并获得建筑金鼎奖。

48、His architectural drawing shows the layout of all the rooms. ─── 他的建筑图纸展示了房间的布局。

49、Beijing Honest Architectural Design Ltd. ─── 北京奥思得建筑设计有限公司。

50、China's architectural experiment thus brims with both promise and misery. ─── 中国建筑的尝试因此充满了希望和痛苦。

51、Replicating foreign architectural styles turned out to be extremely difficult. ─── 事实证明,复制外国建筑风格极其困难。

52、Shanghai Baoguang Architectural Decoration Co., Ltd. ─── 上海宝光建筑装潢有限公司。

53、Later, stone lion designs were carved as decoration on important architectural features such as door lintels and eaves. ─── 后来就是在门枕、石门楣、檐角,栏杆等建筑部位,也雕刻上姿态各异的石狮子,成为古代建筑不可缺少的装饰。

54、The OMA Architectural Framework highlights the end-to-end view. ─── OMA架构框架重视端到端的视图。

55、A row of small corbeled arches used as an ornamental architectural feature. ─── 堞式建筑物用作建筑装饰特征的一排由梁托支撑的弓形结构

56、And operational instructions on Overall Energy Approach issued by the Director of Architectural Services. ─── 以及建筑署署长就整体能量方案发出的运作指引。

57、One of the primary architectural philosophies used in building WPF was a preference for properties over methods or events. ─── 生成WPF时使用的主要体系结构原理之一是首选属性而不是方法或事件。

58、his designs received honourable mentions, and were reproduced in architectural journals. ─── 他的设计获得荣誉奖,并在建筑杂志中刊登。

59、They are amongst the elite in the architectural and engineering fields. ─── 他们是场地建筑学和工程学中间的精英。

60、On the other hand, they offer quite a bit of bang for the buck, so to speak, in terms of architectural code coverage. ─── 而另一方面,就架构性代码覆盖率来讲,系统测试是一件极为划算的事情。

61、Their unique architectural style is a reinterpretation of European Baroque by Chinese and Philippine craftsmen. ─── 它们那独特的欧洲巴洛克式的建筑风格在中国和菲律宾工匠的手中得以再现。

62、To Compare with the Arts of Chinese and West Traditional Architectural Adornment. ─── 中西方传统建筑装饰艺术比较

63、It took 14 years to create this architectural masterpiece, which was opened in 1973 by Queen Elizabeth II. ─── 历时14年,悉尼歌剧院于1973年落成揭幕,英国女王伊丽莎白二世专程前来剪彩。

64、Anderson was the 2004 AIA/ACSA Topaz Laureate, the highest American award in architectural education. ─── 安德森教授在明尼苏达和加里福尼亚的大学里接受了建筑学教育,后获哥伦比亚大学艺术史博士。

65、Participants studied the architectural characteristics of Wong Tai Sin Temple. ─── 参加者考察黄大仙庙的传统中国建筑特色。

66、The tower is not the only architectural treasure in Venice under threat. ─── 在威尼斯,圣马克钟楼并非是惟一的濒危文化遗产。

67、The Pantheon is an impressive example of the exquisite architectural technique of ancient Rome. ─── 万神殿是古罗马精湛建筑技术的典范。

68、To the south of the last-named is a smaller architectural unit called Peng'Lei'Ge and right on the lake Ying'Xun'Ting. ─── 在香殿南面,还有一组小型建筑,名“蓬莱阁”,临水处有迎薰亭。

69、Architectural League of New York. ─── 对建筑、设计领域中的重要作品和理念的探讨。

70、The client can understand and evaluate the various architectural options and their financial implications. ─── 客户可以了解和评估各个体系结构选项及其财务负担。

71、Because of its mountaintop setting, Orvieto has managed to preserve its architectural and historical integrity. ─── 因为坐落在山顶,奥维多很好的保存了古建筑和其它历史遗迹。


73、Research about the usability of architectural renderings supports this notion. ─── 关于建筑渲染的可用性研究支持上面提到的这种观点。

74、New Enlightenment of Chinese Architectural Culture: When do treat? ─── 中国建筑文化的新启蒙:更待何时?

75、The woodmen were very keen for the veneer to be used for a major architectural project and sold in a single lot. ─── 护林员非常希望这棵橡树生产的贴面可以批量销售,用在一栋较大的建筑工程中。

76、You can also take in some of the notable architectural monuments. ─── 你也可以将一些著名的纪念性建筑包括在参观的项目中。

77、Secure computing paradigms impose new architectural challenges for general-purpose processors. ─── 安全计算范式向通用处理器提出了新的体系结构上的挑战。

78、His interest in science and technology was leavened by a genuine passion for architectural history and theory. ─── 对建筑历史学和其理论的热爱使他对科学和技术的兴趣更加浓厚了。

79、How about visiting the Summer Palace first? It is of high architectural value. ─── 先游览颐和园怎么样?它有很高的建筑艺术价值。

80、KOW is one of the largest independent architectural firms in the Netherlands. ─── KOW是荷兰最大的独立建筑设计公司之一。

81、In August, the Committee requested architects from both at home and abroad to submit architectural designs. ─── 八月,小组公开徵求海内外建筑师提供建筑设计构想,前后收到四十三件。

82、It is helpful to apply AR technique to the scene planning for architectural designers or beauty spot developers. ─── 利用增强现实技术 ,设计人员能够有效地进行建筑布局的规划和设计 .

83、The demand for architectural design and construction appeared limitless, save for the menace of Japanese militarism. ─── 对建筑的设计要求和被显得无限的建筑,为日本军国主义的威胁解救。

84、He constructed his house with an eye to architectural beauty. ─── 他在建造房屋时着眼于建筑之美。

85、For a quarter century after his death, she maintained his studio, more like a cult than like an architectural firm. ─── 在莱特死后的四分之一个世纪里,奥吉维娜一直维持着莱特的工作室,那里更像是一个对莱特的崇拜场所而不是一个建筑设计公司。

86、The contacts he made led him to outsource some architectural business to India. ─── 他在那里建立了人脉关系,从而把部分建筑生意外包给了印度。

87、An ornament, a symbol, or an architectural form having the appearance of a trifoliate leaf. ─── 三叶形有车轴草外形的装饰、符号或建筑形式

88、In this regard, Tongji University Architectural Design Institute senior engineer cars Xueya introduced. ─── 对此,同济大学建筑设计院的高级工程师车学娅作了介绍。

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