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09-09 投稿


withdrawing 发音

英:[w???dr????]  美:[w???dr????]

英:  美:

withdrawing 中文意思翻译



withdrawing 词性/词形变化,withdrawing变形

原型:withdraw 现在分词:withdrawing

withdrawing 短语词组

1、withdrawing room ─── [古语] =drawing room

2、withdrawing record ─── [法] 撤回案件记录

3、withdrawing partner ─── [法] 退伙人

4、permit for withdrawing ─── [经] (税关的)出库许可证

5、withdrawing a juror ─── [法] 使一名陪审员回避

6、electron withdrawing group ─── [化] 吸电子基团

withdrawing 常用词组

withdraw from ─── v. 退出;离开

withdraw money ─── 取钱

withdraw cash ─── 取现;取钱

withdrawing 相似词语短语

1、wiredrawing ─── n.[机]拉丝,拖长;制造铁丝

2、wash drawing ─── 淡水彩画

3、unwithdrawing ─── 不透光

4、thrawing ─── 不符合;盘绕

5、withdraw ─── vt.撤退;收回;撤消;(从银行)取钱,提款;退股;vi.撤退;离开

6、withdrawment ─── 提款

7、misdrawing ─── n.错穿

8、outdrawing ─── v.比……更能吸引人;拔枪速度快于……

9、withdrawn ─── v.(使)撤离;撤销;取款;收回(前言);退出(withdraw的过去分词);adj.沉默寡言的;与世隔绝的

withdrawing 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Can I withdraw money before the due time if I have an urgent need? ─── 假如我有急用,我可以在到期前提取吗?

2、You can withdraw by choosing one of the methods below. ─── 你可以选择下面一中方式支付。

3、I withdraw some money out of my bank account. ─── 我从银行户头提取一些钱。

4、She can withdraw into herself as much as she wants or needs to. ─── 她可以完全按照自己的心愿和需要退缩到她自己的精神小天地里去。

5、Commission fee for withdrawing principal is 5%. ─── 取回本金收取5%的手续费。

6、The opposition mps force the minister to withdraw his statement. ─── 反对党的下院议员强迫部长收回他的声明。

7、When withdrawing cash, you must enter the amount required. ─── 取款的时候,您必须把所需的金额也输入。

8、You can withdraw the deposit at any time. ─── 可以随时支取存款

9、Can I withdraw from Participating? ─── 参与可以退出吗?

10、Why Bush Refuses to Withdraw from Iraq? ─── 布什为何不想退出伊拉克?

11、He stood to his offer of $100 and would not withdraw. ─── 他坚持要付100美元,不肯做丝毫让步。

12、There have been calls for Britain to withdraw from the EU. ─── 一直有人要求英国退出欧盟。

13、How much do you want to withdraw? ─── 你想取多少?

14、Then, like the long withdrawing sound of a receding wave, the sense of night and sea and warmth went from him. ─── 随后,象退潮时逐渐远去的悠长涛声一样,夜、海、温暖这些感觉全部离他而去。

15、She's beginning to withdraw into herself. ─── 她开始变得不爱与人交往了。

16、Without withdrawing his hand, he mouthed a threat at Teacher Fei, who lifted his arms as if surrendering and stood up to leave. ─── 男孩没有停手,而是对范老师发出威吓的声音,范老师举起双手做出投降的样子,然后起身离开了。

17、Nelson Mandela I cannot conceive of Israel withdrawing if Arab states do not recognize Israel , within secure borders . ─── 我认为,倘若阿拉伯国家不承认以色列的存在,以色列不会撤退到安全的边境内。

18、We may consider withdrawing the claim. ─── 我们可以考虑撤回索赔要求。

19、There is a limit on ATM for withdrawing money. ─── 从从ATM机取款是有额度限制的。

20、He advertised them of his decision to withdraw from the election. ─── 他告知他们自己要退出选举的决定。

21、He wanted to withdraw his name from the guest list. ─── 他想从客人名单中撤出自己的名字。

22、By withdrawing their forces, the generals hoped to attenuate the enemy lines. ─── 将军想撤退其部队,以此来削弱敌人的防线。

23、Jackson's men began to leave the next morning. Union soldiers watched as they marched away. General Hooker thought Lee was withdrawing. ─── 杰克逊的人马在第二天清晨开拔。在他们出发时,联盟军的士兵们监视着。胡克将军认为李正在撤退。

24、Why do you withdraw from the competition? ─── 你为什么从比赛中退出?

25、He would not withdraw Short's circular immediately. ─── 他是不会立即撤销肖特的通知的。

26、The act of withdrawing or going back. ─── 后退撤回或退回的行为

27、Deal evidently risky have decide withdraw. ─── 交易明显有危险,因此已决定取消。

28、Wish to withdraw your money. ─── 你要怎么取钱?

29、How much money do you wish to withdraw from your account? ─── 您想从您的帐户中取多少款?

30、The police tried to take the heat out of the situation by withdrawing for a while. ─── 警察暂时撤退,试图缓和一下局势。

31、What if I withdraw the earned interest each time? ─── 如果我每次都把获得的利息取出来,又会怎么样呢?

32、We felt it better to withdraw and leave them uninterrupted. ─── 我们觉得最好还是走开,不去打搅她们。

33、He made it clear he had no intention of withdrawing from the political arena. ─── 他明确表示他没有退出政治舞台的意图。

34、Wouldst thou withdraw it? for what purpose, love? ─── 你要把它收回去吗?为什么呢,爱人?

35、Withdraw fifty dollars from the savings account. ─── 从存折中支取50美元。

36、withdrawing the funding, the government signed the project's death warrant. ─── 政府撤回资金,也就是对这项工程判了死刑。

37、To withdraw in disgust is not apathy. ─── 嫌恶的撤回并不代表冷漠。

38、Our forces have been withdraw from the danger area. ─── 我们的部队已从危险地带撤出。

39、One of the company's backer have withdraw. ─── 公司的赞助人之一已经退出。

40、He has decided to withdraw from the political arena. ─── 他决定从政治舞台上退出。

41、Your principal investment will not expire until you withdraw it. ─── 取出本金以前,你的投资一直有效.

42、There was no breeze among the trees and with the darkness they were withdrawing into their solitude. ─── 树丛里没有微风,在黑暗中它们回归到自己的孤独中。

43、You needn't fill out of the withdraw slip. ─── 不必填写取款单。

44、Will his parents withdraw him from school ? ─── 他的父母会让他退学吗?

45、If you wish to withdraw your appeal. ─── 如果您希望撤销您的上诉。

46、He promised to withdraw his army from the Holy Land. ─── 他答应从圣地撤军。

47、He was convinced to withdraw his candidacy. ─── 他被说服退出竞选。

48、One way is to withdraw from the world. Withdraw. ─── 就是收回,撤消的意思。

49、Tell the men to withdraw from their new position. ─── 告诉那些人从新的阵地上撤出。

50、People panicked. They rushed to withdraw their hard-earned savings. ─── 人们惊惶失措,一窝蜂地去挤兑他们辛苦赚来的积蓄。

51、There is credit limitation to withdraw from ATM . ─── 从ATM机取款是有额度限制的。

52、Cash machines permit you to withdraw money at any time. ─── 取款机可让你随时取款。

53、He may withdraw into his own private world. ─── 他可以蜷缩在个人的小天地里。

54、He should ask Vietnam to withdraw all its troops from Kampuchea. ─── 他要越南从柬埔寨全部撤军。

55、They determined to withdraw the troops from the front line. ─── 他们决定把部队从前线撤退。

56、They argued him into withdrawing his complaint. ─── 他们说服他撤回了投诉。

57、I shall withdraw my custom(ie stop buying goods)from that shop. ─── 我不再去那家商店买东西了.

58、Kid Withdrawing funds from an account. ─── 小孩从帐户取钱。

59、He proposes that you withdraw your attack. ─── 他建议你停止进攻并撤回去。

60、With an apology for my intrusion, I was about to withdraw. ─── 我为自己的唐突表示歉意,我想退出。

61、I think their withdrawing is in your favour. ─── 我以为他们的退庭是于你有利的。

62、He stood to his offer of$100 and would not withdraw. ─── 他遵守提供100英镑的允诺,决不食言。

63、How do you wish to withdraw your money? ─── 您希望怎样支钱?

64、We were on the point of signing a lucrative contract when the bank pulled the rug from under out feet by withdrawing their financial support. ─── 我们正到了要签订一份利润颇丰的合同的时刻,不料银行停止了对我们的贷款,坏了我们的好事。

65、I withdraw $500 from a bank account. ─── 我从银行提取500美元。

66、She has to withdraw some money from the ATM. ─── 她得从自动提款机提领一些钱。

67、She only laughed a little and made no attempt to withdraw. ─── 她只是笑了笑,并没有要挣开的意思。

68、He will withdraw money from the bank. ─── 他将去银行提款。

69、Please bring your passbook when you deposit or withdraw money. ─── 存取款时请带存折。

70、He had the good sense to withdraw from the election contest. ─── 他很明智,退出了竞选。

71、He is planing to withdraw from the activity. ─── 他打算退出这项活动。

72、Teller: Certainly. How much do you want to withdraw? ─── 出纳员:当然可以,你想提多少呢?

73、Why did Russia withdraw from WWI in 1917? ─── 为什麽俄罗斯在1917年从第一次世界大战退出?

74、When a country kicks you in the teeth,withdraw aid? ─── 当一个国家背叛你的时候,取消对它的援助吗?

75、He has decided to withdraw from the competition. ─── 他已决定退出竞赛。

76、What kind of currency do you want to withdraw? ─── 您要取哪种货币?

77、Would you like to deposit or withdraw something? ─── 您要存取什么吗?

78、Any Participant may withdraw from participation at any time. ─── 任何关系人随时可以退出参与。

79、The general decided to withdraw his soldiers. ─── 将军决定撤出他的士兵。

80、He has the good sense to withdraw from the election contest. ─── 他很明智地退出了竞选。

81、If the client demurs, the lawyer shall withdraw. ─── 委托人提出异议的,律师应当予以回避。

82、They refused to withdraw in spite of repeated protests from China. ─── 尽管中国一再抗议,他们仍拒不撤走。

83、I also need to withdraw some money form the ATM. ─── 如果没有的话,最好能在出国前事先订好饭店。

84、You want to withdraw one thousand U.S. dollars. ─── 您要提1000美元。

85、He didnt withdraw in the face of failure. ─── 在失败面前,他没有退缩。

86、How much money will you like to withdraw? ─── 您要提多少钱?

87、You are too consistent to withdraw the hand. ─── 你是坚定不移的,不会把手再缩回去的。

88、To withdraw from(an enterprise or a plan) before completion. ─── 中途退出在完成之前从(某项计划或事业)中退出

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