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09-09 投稿



frothing 发音

英:[?fr??θ??]  美:[?fr?θ??]

英:  美:

frothing 中文意思翻译



frothing 词性/词形变化,frothing变形

形容词最高级: frothiest |名词: frothiness |副词: frothily |形容词比较级: frothier |

frothing 短语词组

1、frothing milk methods ─── 起泡奶法

2、frothing agent ─── [化] 起沫剂

3、frothing and fragrant ─── 头韵

4、frothing milk without machine ─── 无机器发泡牛奶

5、pre-frothing ─── [化] 预发泡

6、mechanism of frothing ─── 起泡机理

7、frothing milk ─── 起泡的牛奶

8、frothing tea ─── 泡沫茶

9、frothing means ─── 起泡意味着

10、frothing definition ─── 泡沫定义

frothing 常用词组

frothing agent ─── 起沫剂

frothing 相似词语短语

1、faithing ─── 信仰

2、farthing ─── n.一点儿,极少量;法新(1961年以前的英国铜币,等于1/4便士);n.(Farthing)人名;(英)法辛

3、soothing ─── adj.抚慰的;使人宽心的;v.安慰;减轻痛苦(soothe的现在分词)

4、fro-ing ─── 前进

5、frothier ─── 多泡的(frothy的比较级)

6、frothily ─── adv.如泡地;起泡地

7、nothing ─── pron.没有什么;无关紧要的东西;(计算机数量上的)零;不值钱;adv.毫不;绝不;n.无;零;无关紧要的事;adj.没前途的;没价值的

8、froing ─── 青蛙

9、clothing ─── n.(总称)[服装]服装;帆装;v.覆盖(clothe的ing形式);给…穿衣

frothing 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、But until now Mr Greenspan has played down the possibility of a generalised price decline, saying there was "froth" in some local markets but no national pattern. ─── 但直到现在,格林斯潘先生仍认为发生价格普遍下滑的可能不大,他说,某些地方市场存在“泡沫”,但这种现象不是全国性的。

2、PAAL knows very well that Roboshaker is not about to replace the madchen serving armfuls of frothing beer. ─── 很清楚的知道roboshaker并不能取代madchen来处理发泡的啤酒。

3、PU frothing sealing strips, no problem if stuck paint. When fired to180℃, it will harden in15 minutes. ─── Pu发泡密封条,粘漆无妨,烤至180℃15分钟后才会硬化。

4、This paper intr oduced the effects of xylo-olig osaccharide on the quality of cake、the sta bility of eg g froth and the quantity of eg g ,sug ar,and wheat flour use d in cake. ─── 主要探讨了低聚木糖对蛋糕的品质、保质期、蛋糊的稳定性及主要配料用量的影响,为工业化生产提供依据。

5、If you're nervous enough to froth a cappuccino with your touch, you've got a witty something that will escape your brain lock, get her laughing, and get you relaxed. ─── 如果你紧张的能用身体接触给咖啡发泡。你就拥有了避开大脑短路的睿智,可以让她笑,得到放松。

6、This treacherous region of swamp features overgrown briar trees and also deadly geysers that froth and overflow with a putrid, glowing substance. ─── 充满危险的沼泽地带拥有茂盛的石南树以及涌动着足以致命腐水的天然温泉。聪明的玩家将同这些年地点保持足够距离。

7、The dog was frothing at the mouth. ─── 这条狗口吐白沫。

8、Buck got a frothing adversary by the throat, and was sprayed with blood when his teeth sank through the jugular. ─── 巴克咬住一个口吐白沫的对手的喉咙,用牙一口咬断了静脉,血溅了一身。

9、You must keep an eye on the stranger who is looking back and froth all the time. ─── 你必须监视住那个老是东张西望的人。

10、CDA Coffee series produced in US, have broken the traditional complex procedures of making cappuccinos, allow you to enjoy the genuine classical ice froth coffee through simple methods. ─── 产自美国的CDA咖啡系列产品,打破了传统的制作卡布奇诺的烦琐程序,只通过简单的搅打的方法就能让您享受到真正的经典冰泡沫咖啡。

11、The effects of the toner particle's size,bubble's size and numbers and the stability of froth on flotation efficiency and flotation yield were introduced in this paper. ─── 介绍了油墨粒子大小和气泡大小与数量及其形成的泡沫的稳定性等对浮选脱墨效率和浮选得率的影响。

12、For cocktails that are intended to have a froth (e.g. White Lady) increase and decrease height of pouring in order to form froth. ─── 对于要生成含泡沫的鸡尾酒(例如白领丽人),可调节倾倒高度来使其产生泡沫。

13、One touch of a button frothing is an incredible feature. ─── 一按按钮就产生泡沫,这玩意儿真是太神奇了。

14、Their advance could shed light on why the foam on a pint of lager quickly disappears, but the froth on a pint of Guinness sticks around. ─── 他们的研究结论可能可以解释,为何一大杯黑啤酒的泡沫会迅速消失,但一杯Guinness啤酒的泡沫会留著的原因。

15、One touch of a button frothing is an incredible feature. ─── 一按按钮就产生泡沫,这玩意儿真是太神奇了。

16、The treatments can do stainless-steel blacken(green),copper and aluminum alloy brazing,heat preservation material sulfuration and frothing,etc. ─── 不锈钢发黑(绿)处理;铜、铝合金的钎焊;保温材料的流化发泡等。

17、He looked deathly pale, his head drooping to the side and his mouth frothing . ─── 吴老太爷脸色像纸一般白,嘴唇上满布着白沫,头颅歪垂着。

18、Using tree branches, saw froth to produce high density fiberboard (HDF) project. ─── 利用树木枝丫、锯沫生产高密度纤维板(HDF)项目。

19、When he flung himself against the bars, quivering and frothing, they laughed at him and taunted him.They growled and barked like detestable dogs, mewed, and flapped their arms and crowed. ─── 当他扑向栅栏,浑身颤抖,口吐白沫时,他们便嘲笑他,讥讽他,学着恶狗的样子咆哮狂吠,学猫叫,还挥动胳膊学鸡叫。

20、He smiled and milked steadily, two strong streams rushing into the pail, frothing and fragrant. ─── 两股奶汁冲入奶桶,溅起了泡沫,散发着芳香。奶牛们表现得也很好,好象它们知道那天是圣诞节。

21、He was in a milky froth of water. ─── 他浸在一片白茫茫的浪花里。

22、Unlike cappuccino, cafe mochas do not contain the well-known milk froth on top.They usually have whipped cream and a dusting of either cinnamon or cocoa powder. ─── 与卡布奇诺不同,摩卡咖啡不会在饮料面加上那些著名的奶沫,而是在表面加入生奶油和和肉桂屑或可可粉。

23、He looked deathly pale, his head drooping to the side and his mouth frothing. ─── 吴老太爷脸色像纸一般白,嘴唇上满布着白沫,头颅歪垂着。

24、The coarser is the particle size,the higher is the settling velocity in the froth layers above the critical particle size,and vice versa. ─── 在临界粒度以上,颗粒粒度越粗,沉降速度越快,反之亦然。对于细粒方铅矿和黄铁矿,疏水性越强,沉降速度越慢。

25、This article introduced the performance of this kind of flushing fluid,and application of polycrylamide thick liquid thick dispersion system mud,suppression mud,froth mud in coal formation stratum. ─── 介绍了冲洗液的性能,分析了聚丙烯酰胺浆粗分散体系泥浆、抑制性泥浆、泡沫泥浆等不同类型的冲洗液在煤系地层中的应用。

26、Long after its frothing tumble down the east side of Logan Pass, this water will stream into the Gulf of Mexico, and eventually join the Atlantic Ocean. ─── 在罗根隘口东面澎湃而下之后,这条水路一直流到墨西哥湾,最终汇入大西洋。

27、FullwayPaper Packaging products are the ideal substitute for Woodiness and Froth Polystyrene packaging materials. ─── 丰惠纸质包装材料产品是木质和发泡聚苯乙烯包装材料最理想的替代品。

28、How can we make the beautiful froth?Set the glass straightly, pour beer tardily into it, then give a hard pour and low your speed when foam appears, let froth move upward slowly. ─── 将杯子放直,缓慢倒入啤酒,再用力一倒,泡沫一出现放慢倒酒速度,泡沫缓缓上升即可。

29、And they have a special machine,you don't just pour the milk,but you froth it and foam it first. ─── 他们有特殊的机器,你并不是把牛奶直接倒入咖啡中。你必须先将牛奶打出泡沫。

30、Largely it is a bit of froth without substance that pontlessly denigrates the Dalai Lama to deliver a punchy headline. ─── 因此,他需要和能帮助他吸引全世界注意力的人保持联系。

31、Straining, the horse moved slowly forward, its tail hanging listlessly down, its shoes worn off, body frothing in sweat, and its saliva occasionally dripping. ─── 它吃力地慢慢地行走着,尾巴无力地往下垂,蹄子上的铁马掌也磨掉了,浑身冒着汗,口水不时从嘴里流出来。

32、Drink beer with the froth. ─── 喝啤酒要连泡沫一起喝。

33、Sometimes, the coffee ground may block the frothing wand. I did not know how, but one of our clients did it. ─── 有时蒸汽喷嘴也会被咖啡渣堵上。不知道那个客户是怎么搞的,反正有的客户有这个本事。

34、Gelatin, froth or powder suitable greasiness, mixing property and neutral flesh. ─── 凝胶、泡沫或粉末适合油性、混合性及中性肌肤。

35、Parameters, based on the NGLDM, such as fineness, coarseness, entropy, second moment, and non uniformity parameter were introduced to describe the texture of froth. ─── 引入了基于该矩阵的细度参数、粗度参数、二阶距参数、熵参数及不均匀性等特征参数来描述泡沫的结构 .

36、From works as the provincial capital real estate market, is being at the compression froth stage, thus has presented the atmosphere which murky and waits and sees. ─── 从当省会楼市来看,正处于压缩泡沫阶段,因而呈现了低迷和观望的气氛。

37、A yeasty froth; yeasty bread dough; a yeasty home-brewed beer. ─── 发酵泡沫;发酵面团;家酿发酵啤酒

38、Oprah.com) -- Few things incite a frothing, wild-eyed rage like asking people to talk about bad bosses. ─── 很少有事情能想让人们谈论自己差老板一样引起唾沫横飞、圆眼怒睁了。

39、Miss Sun also refused to drink it.Hsin-mei smiled and apologized, but he didn't drink any either, and playfully spat into the cup.It did in fact look very much like the white froth floating there. ─── 孙小姐也不肯喝,辛楣一壁笑,一壁道歉,可是自己也不喝,顽皮地向杯子里吐一口,果然很像那浮着的白沫。

40、After perhaps has verified in 2001 Internet froth 7 year itching, perhaps Ma Yun Internet's winter prediction. ─── 也许印证了2001年互联网泡沫后的7年之痒,或是马云的互联网的冬天预言。

41、Locals and visitors from around the globe lobbed the tomatoes at each other and, when the fruit turned to puree, reached down to whisk red froth into the air. ─── 当地居民和来自世界各国的游人相互扔着西红柿。等水果成了酱,他们就伸手去搅和红色的泡沫,弄得泡沫满天飞。

42、E、 The natural emulsion pillow adopts special Talalay technology to froth and form, so it has structural durabilities and strong reslilience characteristics, and its shape can keep long and not changed. ─── E、采用塔拉雷特殊工艺发泡而形成的天然乳胶枕,经久耐用,回弹力强,形状保持长久不变形.

43、Spring had come early that year, with warm quick rains and sudden frothing of pink peach blossoms. ─── 的春天来得很早,伴随来的是几场温暖的春雨,这时粉红的桃花突然纷纷绽放。

44、De you think these little trees will put froth before long? ─── 你认为这些小树不久就会长出叶吗?

45、But prospective buyers can rest assured: "The old high prices were all bubble froth," he says. ─── 不过潜在的买家可以放心:“以前的高价格都是泡沫冲起来的,”他说。

46、It is widely believed that froth water will never be used up because we can get it from rain, rivers and wells. ─── 人们以为淡水是取之不尽的,因为我们可以从雨水、河水和井水中得到淡水。

47、But he said "all the froth bubbles add up to an aggregate bubble". ─── 但他表示:“这些浮沫聚集在一起,就会形成一个总体的泡沫。”

48、Double pumpsand boilers,Cappuccinatore makes froth automatically. ─── 双水泵双锅炉,吸奶器自动打奶泡.

49、Even if is American such economically advanced country, after the real estate develops excessively, also unavoidably injuries finally for the froth. ─── 即使是美国这样的经济发达国家,在房地产过度发展后,最终也难免为泡沫所伤。

50、He mocks the cries of the boys, “No please don't hurt me,“ laughs again and then proceeds to begin frothing in some kind of insane carnal bloodlust, “Motherfuckers, you little fuckers - die! ─── 他模仿那个小孩求饶的样子“求求你们不要伤害我,”嘲笑了一会又换了个语气说“蠢货,你这个小白痴,去死吧!”

51、Usage: take appropriate amount, supple gently till frothing , massage face lightly, then wash with clean water . ─── 用法:取适量用双手打出轻微泡沫,在脸部轻轻按摩,用清水洗净即可。

52、To beat(cream or eggs,for example) into a froth or foam. ─── 将(奶油或鸡蛋)搅成泡沫状。

53、FD series adopting advanced frothing up moted , so the working room volume, size and appearance can be made to customer's demand. ─── 由于本公司采用先进发泡工艺,故工作容积、尺寸及形状均可按用户需要制造。

54、A yeasty froth;yeasty bread dough;a yeasty home - brewed beer. ─── 发酵泡沫;发酵面团;家酿发酵啤酒

55、He was so angry he was almost frothing at the mouth. ─── 他气得差点儿口吐白沫。

56、Therefore, money market usually in economic boom time manufacture froth, but in economic depression time aggravating decline. ─── 因此,金融市场通常在经济繁荣时期制造泡沫,而在经济萧条时期加剧衰落。

57、Fusel oil is instead of pine camphor oil in frothers 2 # oil in concentrator 1, as a result, frothing is uncontrollable and the grade of concentrate falls evidently. ─── 对选厂所用选矿药剂进行分析,结果两选厂所用捕收剂均无质量问题,事故系由起泡剂质量所致。

58、Everyone need to touch V184 headrest staff during their work must wear glove.The work including froth,packing,ironing and checking. ─── V184头枕发泡,包制熨烫,检验人员接触头枕杆外露部位必须戴手套作业。

59、She's frothing, and has fainted . ─── 她口吐百沫,晕过去了.

60、It was also measured the effect of froth height on tray efficiency.Thus, we can offer the basis for determining the design parameters of compound tray. ─── 同时还测定了泡沫层高度对板效率的影响,从而为复合塔板设计参数的选择提供依据。

61、The froth column scrubbing technology is described with respects to its design, construction, adjusting and operation. ─── 介绍了泡沫柱洗涤技术在净化改造中的应用,泡沫柱洗涤装置的设计、施工、调试几运行。

62、He said he still thought froth ? a collection of bubbles ? was a better description, because of the variation in house price appreciation in different local housing markets. ─── 他表示,他仍然认为浮沫(由小泡沫堆积而成)是更好的表述,因为美国各地住宅市场上的房价涨幅各不相同。

63、A thick chemical froth, such as shaving cream or a substance used to fight fires. ─── 化学性泡沫一种如刮脸膏或灭火剂中的浓厚的化学泡沫

64、A miraculous image of Jesus Christ in the froth of an almost empty pint of beer is to be used as an advert to encourage more Britons to go to church this Christmas. ─── 几乎喝光的一品脱酒杯里,啤酒泡沫上的一张神奇耶稣像,将在广告中派上用场,以鼓励更多英国人在今年耶诞节上教堂。

65、Froth consisting of yeast cells together with the carbon dioxide they produce in the process of fermentation, present in or added to fruit juices and other substances in the production of alcoholic beverages. ─── 发酵剂一种由酵母细胞及其在发酵过程中产生的二氧化碳组成的泡沫,它们存在于或被加入果汁或其它用来制造酒精饮料的物质中

66、The use of the electrolytic treatment alone can not be carried out in actual practice because of the violent frothing that occurs. ─── 单独用电解处理,由于产生大量的泡沫,实际上使电解不能进行。

67、But the identical line city compared to, the Shijiazhuang house price's froth is limited, will not have the situation which the house price will rise suddenly falls suddenly. ─── 但是同一线城市比,石家庄房价的泡沫是有限的,不会出现房价暴涨暴跌的情况。

68、Giant waves froth the sand. ─── 巨浪使沙滩覆盖了泡沫。

69、The previous global economic postponed to appear massively in 2001, before this global stock market technology stock froth breakage. ─── 上一次全球经济大规模放缓出现在2001年,此前全球股市科技股泡沫破裂。

70、Local equity and property markets are starting to froth. ─── 当地的证券市场和楼市已经开始产生泡沫了。

71、Looked by this that real estate short-term adjustment not that fearful, after pushing the congenial froth, will also grow together with the Chinese economy. ─── 以此看,房地产的短期调整就没有那么可怕,在挤去投机泡沫后,还将和中国经济一起成长。

72、They jumped in the pond, walked back and froth in it and stirred(搅动)up the mud with their feet so as to make the water unfit to drink. ─── 他们跳进水潭,在水潭里来回走动,用脚搅起池底的淤泥,使池水根本无法饮用。

73、Several minutes later, in these animal lung's air starts to inflate, in blood's gas starts to turn the froth, between lips saliva also starts the ebullition. ─── 几分钟后,这些动物肺内的空气开始膨胀,血液中的气体开始变成泡泡,嘴里的唾液也开始沸腾。

74、He thought that Beijing house price the froth should be biggest, the sudden and huge profits degree is also highest. ─── 他认为北京房价的泡沫应该是最大的,暴利程度也是最高的。

75、When the yeast begins to froth start to mix the dough. In a large mixing bowl put flour salt and baking powder. Mix well. ─── 当依士粉开始产生气泡,就可以开始拌面团。用一个大碗,倒入面粉,盐和蛋糕粉,拌匀。

76、Froth up the soap mixture. ─── 使肥皂粉起泡沫。

77、The applications of titanium equipment in cokery industry, the structure character of the tower plate with Ti froth cover and its benefit are introduced and analyzed respectively. ─── 介绍焦化行业钛设备的应用,剖析了分块式钛泡罩塔盘的结构特点,并对其经济性作了分析。

78、And moving it back and froth and up and down. ─── 前后上下地移动。

79、After relaxed movement cleaning body, is clean by the lukewarm water the froth flushing, flushes again by cold water drenches, and may wipe body's skin appliances. ─── 以轻松的动作擦拭身体之后,以温水将泡沫冲洗干净,再以冷水冲淋,并可抹些身体的护肤品。

80、Shintaro Ishihara, the admittedly mouth-frothing Tokyo governor, compared China to a crime outfit expanding its turf. ─── 口无遮拦的东京都知事石原慎太郎(ShintaroIshihara)把中国比作一个扩张势力范围的犯罪组织。

81、Their chatter was nothing but froth! ─── 他们聊天儿没别的,全是废话!

82、Don't disturb him, he's frothing with rage. ─── 别惹他,他正在大发雷霆,气得嘴角起白沫。

83、Second, will appraise this property the future value formula to appear fuzzily, the best example was the Internet froth and last year's Chinese stock. ─── 人们开始担心,相关的投资者如果抛出次按类相关的资产,会导致此类资产价格的大幅度下跌。

84、Put fly ash into melting aluminum, suitable stir and add in frothing agent, after foaming and cooling, then obtain particles reinforced aluminum foam. ─── 利用粉煤灰颗粒增黏的泡沫铝与利用钙增黏的泡沫铝进行压缩强度性能检测。

85、They could see the grass-thatched shed lift and collapse, while a froth of foam cleared the crest of the sand and ran down to the lagoon. ─── 他们瞧见那棚屋的草顶往上一掀,坍塌下来,一道溅着白沫的波浪越过沙堤,流进湖内。

86、Don't move those flower pots back and froth. ─── 你别来回摆弄那几盆花了。

87、To become covered with a coating, as scum or froth on the surface of a liquid. ─── 产生薄膜被覆盖物盖住,如液体表面上的泡沫或渣滓

88、Animals with rabies often froth at the mouth. ─── 患狂犬病的动物常常口吐白沫。

89、The same gas performs frothing of the molten metal before the latter is driven into the vacuum chamber. ─── 同时,该气体会让熔融金属在进入真空室之前起泡。

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