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09-09 投稿



disarranged 发音

英:[?d?s??re?nd?d]  美:[?d?s??re?nd?d]

英:  美:

disarranged 中文意思翻译






disarranged 词性/词形变化,disarranged变形

动词现在分词: disarranging |动词第三人称单数: disarranges |名词: disarrangement |动词过去式: disarranged |动词过去分词: disarranged |

disarranged 反义词


disarranged 同义词

disturb | mix up | mess up | disorder | disrupt | muss | dishevel | jumble

disarranged 相似词语短语

1、disarranging ─── v.扰乱;弄乱

2、disarranger ─── 弄乱

3、misarrange ─── v.作错误的安排;安排不当

4、misarranges ─── v.作错误的安排;安排不当

5、misarranged ─── v.作错误的安排;安排不当

6、disarrayed ─── n.无秩序;杂乱;衣冠不整;vt.使混乱;弄乱;使脱去衣服

7、arranged ─── adj.安排的;v.安排;计划;准备(arrange的过去式和过去分词)

8、disarrange ─── v.扰乱;弄乱

9、disarranges ─── v.扰乱;弄乱

disarranged 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Her hair was somewhat disarranged. ─── 她的头发也有些蓬乱。

2、She sweeps a litter of disarranged papers out of her way, snatches a sheet of paper from her stationery case and tries resolutely to write. ─── 她把一堆乱纸推到一旁,从文具匣里抓起一张信纸,决心写下去。

3、" The door between the sitting-room and bed-room was half open, and he could see the laundress bustling about, dusting the furniture, and rearranging things that had never been disarranged. ─── 起坐室与寝室之间的门是半开着的,他看得见清洁女佣忙忙碌碌的情况:她去掉家具上的灰尘,把从来没有弄乱的东西再整理一番。

4、The disarranged pages of the morning newspaper lay scattered around the Duchess of Croydon's bed. ─── 凌乱的日报东一页西一页地丢在克罗伊敦公爵夫人的床周围。

5、at intervals she stands up to rest , and to retie her disarranged apron , or to pull her bonnet straight. ─── 她时而站起来休息一会儿,把弄乱了的围裙重新系好,或者把头上戴的帽子拉拉整。

6、then a piece of furniture was disarranged;then a pause ensued;then the step began again. ─── 随后,有人搬动了一件家具,一阵寂静之后,那脚步声又开始了。

7、We entered into an arrangement and you disarranged it. ─── 我们达成了协议,你却把它毁了。

8、She had found the carpet in her dressing-room disarranged, and had inquired into the mystery of the secret passage. ─── 她发觉她化妆室里的地毯被动过了,她由此也探究了秘密通道的内幕。

9、She moved the chairs about,she disarranged the toilet articles which stood on the commode, she handled Marius' clothes, she rummaged about to see what therewas in the corners. ─── 她搬动椅子,她移乱那些放在抽斗柜上的盥洗用具,她摸摸马吕斯的衣服,她翻看每个角落里的零星东西。

10、The wore and disarranged effect of his dark brown soft hat , pulled low over his eyes . ─── 那顶低低地拉到眼睛上的深棕色软帽子,真是又旧又歪。

11、Her sudden departure has disarranged my plans. ─── 她突然离去打乱了我的计划。

12、She sweeps a litter of disarranged papers out of her way, snatches a sheet of paper from her stationery case and tries resolutely to write. ─── 她把一堆乱纸推到一旁,从文具匣里抓起一张信纸,决心写下去。

13、It(the computer)may be shut down for maintenance, there may be a hardware failure, or the operating system may have been disarranged by a runaway program. ─── 它(计算机)可能是停下来维修,可能有硬件故障,也可能是操作系统被一个失去控制的程序扰乱了。

14、If that had been right the train would have rushed along its iron road, but the absence of that insignificant piece of iron disarranged the whole. ─── 五十岁以上的人是定型人物(不是典型),这定型是一辈子所养成的。在年幼的人身上,生性多于习性。人愈年老,生性愈少,习性愈多。

15、It(the computer)may be shut down for maintenance, there may be a hardware failure, or the operating system may have been disarranged by a runaway program. ─── 它(计算机)可能是停下来维修,可能有硬件故障,也可能是操作系统被一个失去控制的程序扰乱了。

16、Considerable experience is required in placing the drapes, not only to preent their becoming disarranged during the operation, but also to aoid contamination of both the surgeon and the drapes. ─── 铺单需要相当的经验,不仅要防止无菌单在手术过程中被弄乱,而且还要防止手术医生及无菌单被污染。

17、He whistled softly, surveying the mess of disarranged furniture. ─── 他轻轻地吹着口哨,眼睛环视着凌乱不堪的家具。

18、The boy ran at random and disarranged the disposal of the chairs. ─── 这男孩到处乱跑,搞乱了椅子的排列。

19、A condition of the computer when it is not running.It may be shut down for maintenance, there may be a hardware failure, or the operating system may have been disarranged by a runaway program. ─── 当计算机不运行时的状态,它可能是停下来维修,可能有硬件故障,也可能是操作系统被一个失去控制的程序扰乱了。

20、He said Le had broken bones and that her underwear had been disarranged. ─── 他说,乐有骨折,她的内衣已被弄乱。

21、Ultrapathological studies indicated the structure damaged, microvilli disarranged or destroyed in the epithelial cells of renal tubule; ─── 超微病理学变化主要表现为肾小管上皮细胞变性,微绒毛变短、排列紊乱;

22、The wore and disarranged effect of his dark brown soft hat, pulled low over his eyes. ─── 那顶低低地拉到眼睛上的深棕色软帽子,真是又旧又歪。

23、My groping hands told me that although disarranged it was unoccupied. ─── 我的手摸索着,它告诉我,屋里很乱,但没有人。

24、1. Her sudden departure has disarranged my plans. ─── 她突然离去,打乱了我的计划.

25、Cultured for 5 days in a B? deficient solution, the anatomical structure of root tip of the inefficient cultivar was destroyed seriously, its root cap was disappeared, the root tip was enlarged, and the tip cells disformed and disarranged. ─── 营养液培养条件下缺硼 5天 ,敏感品种根系生长严重受阻 ,根尖解剖结构破坏 ,根冠脱落 ,根尖膨大 ,细胞畸形且排列紊乱 ;

26、My son disarranged the papers on my desk. ─── 我的儿子打乱了在我桌上的纸张。

27、The children came in and disarranged the place. ─── 孩子们进来把地方弄乱了。

28、CT images showed synovial proliferation of bursa carpi ulnaris,the tendines were disarranged. ─── CT显示腕尺侧滑液囊滑膜增生 ,滑液囊增宽、增厚、延长 ,其内肌腱排列次序紊乱、分散、推移而无增粗改变。

29、If one of the player is responsible for the disarranged position and if the game cannot be reconstructed he will lose the game. ─── 如无法复原时,则造成错置之棋手判败;

30、The children came in and disarranged the place. ─── 孩子们进来把地方弄乱了。

31、4.A condition of the computer when it is not running.It may be shut down for maintenance, there may be a hardware failure, or the operating system may have been disarranged by a runaway program. ─── 当计算机不运行时的状态,它可能是停下来维修,可能有硬件故障,也可能是操作系统被一个失去控制的程序扰乱了。

32、The relationship between host and parasite can be disarranged in many ways ─── 可以用许多方法破坏寄生和寄生物之间的相互关系。

33、The large inclusion bodies are composed of finely granular material or thin helicoid filaments and seen to be surrounded by a disarranged collection of glycogen vacuoles or mitochondria. ─── 电镜观察还原体呈多孔状结构,由致密的细丝、颗粒组成,不仅分布在核附近、胞浆内,还见于胞核内。

34、disarranged and the rich locks wandered about her forehead and the nape of her neck in a way that would have distracted any poet under seventy. ─── 她的头发显得有些凌乱,浓密的头发披散在前额和后颈周围,那样子简直教七十岁以下的诗人都要受到诱惑的。

35、enlarged destaining area proliferated synovial cells;disarranged and degenerated collagen fibres. ─── 这种联合损伤在临床上非常多见。

36、My son disarranged the papers on my desk. ─── 我的儿子打乱了在我桌上的纸张。

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