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09-09 投稿



lucifer 发音

英:['lju:sif?]  美:[?lu?s?f?r]

英:  美:

lucifer 中文意思翻译



lucifer 短语词组

1、lucifer shinee ─── 路西法·希尼

2、lucifer yellow ─── [化] 荧虾黄

3、lucifer the devil ─── 恶魔路西法

4、lucifer nightstar ─── 路西法夜星

5、lucifer shaw ─── 路西法·肖

6、call me lucifer ─── 叫我路西法

7、lucifer stars ─── 路西法之星

8、not lucifer ─── 不是路西法

9、decapods lucifer ─── 十足目路西法

10、lucifer bad ─── 路西法坏了

11、lucifer morningstar ─── 路西法晨星

12、lucifer k ─── 路西法k

13、lucifer skywalker ─── 路西法·天行者

14、Lucifer Hummingbird ─── 路西法蜂鸟

15、lucifer dawn ─── 路西法黎明

16、as pround as lucifer ─── 非常傲慢

17、shinee lucifer mv shinee lucifer mv

18、lucifer morning star ─── 路西法晨星

19、shinee lucifer ─── 日文版

lucifer 相似词语短语

1、crucifer ─── n.执十字架的人;十字花科植物

2、luciferase ─── n.[生化]荧光素酶

3、lifer ─── n.职业军人;被判无期徒刑者,无期徒刑犯

4、lucifers ─── n.撒旦;金星

5、luckier ─── 幸运的(lucky的比较级);带来好运的

6、Lucifer ─── n.路济弗尔(魔鬼);启明星;火柴

7、lucigen ─── n.强光油灯;强光气柜

8、luciferous ─── adj.光辉的,光明的;明确的

9、luciferin ─── n.萤光素

lucifer 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Hydrocephalus;astrocytes;cerebral cortex;intracellular dye injection;Lucifer yellow;microglia ─── 水脑症;星状细胞;大脑皮质;细胞内染料注射;微胶细胞

2、Etmopterus lucifer ─── n. 乌鲨

3、One of the objects of our association was to encourage the manufacture of lucifer matches, and similar small industries. ─── 我们这个协会的目标之一,就是鼓励火柴和其它类似小工业品的生产制造。

4、The oman god, Lucifer, was the bearer of light, the spirit of the air, the personification of enlightenment. ─── 罗马神路西法是光的传递者,气之灵,启迪教化的化身。

5、The Capricorn maybe love their beauty without measure. They bring a mirror wherever they go. They must be the narcissism even when they are lucifer. ─── 山羊座的人可能会很自恋。每天不论去哪儿他们都会带面小镜子。即使做鬼也一定是爱美的自恋鬼。

6、Lucifer: He is saying if he has luck he can win this year. ─── 他说如果他运气好今年就会赢。

7、Acerodon lucifer ─── n. 班乃岛利齿狐蝠

8、The idea that you can let each and every other person their unbridled personal journey was the Lucifer idea that did not work. ─── 你可以允许每个人都不受拘束的进行他们的个人之旅这个想法是像路西法一样的想法,那不会管用。

9、"You might, from your appearance, be the wife of Lucifer," said Miss Pross, in her breathing. "Nevertheless, you shall not get the better of me. I am an Englishwoman ." ─── “别看你那样子像魔鬼的老婆,”普洛丝小姐细声说,“你占不了我的上风,我可是个英国女人。”

10、Luciferianism is the belief that Lucifer is the highest intelligence in the eternities. ─── 最终“英雄”大力神释放普罗米修斯;

11、Lucifer: hmm. I am the first angel, love once above all others, a perfect love.(sing)but like all true love, one day it withered on the vine. ─── 我是第一个天使,拥有至高无上完美的爱。(唱)但是,如同所有的真爱,总有一天枯萎如藤蔓。

12、The function of gap junction intercellular communication(GJIC) of HTFs cells was detected by scrape-loading lucifer yellow dye transfer method. ─── 染料传输法观察HTFs细胞间隙连接细胞间通讯(G JIC)的能力;

13、"Satanism", is the worship and imitation of the biblical Satan or Lucifer. ─── ‘魔鬼教派”,是指对圣经里撒旦和魔鬼的崇拜和模仿。

14、Lucifer - Auto Match Igniter ─── 火柴点火器

15、as proud as Lucifer ─── 目空一切狂妄自大非常傲慢

16、i like your ud very much ! fighting!!!! u sweet lucifer all best uder! i like very very very much!! good luck for koda5! ─── 生命里真的有很多事是无解的,无论我们怎么努力的去寻找,也找不到一个不变的定理!

17、I will gask the lucifer's chest. ─── 我要划破魔鬼的胸膛。

18、And if you fall as Lucifer fell ─── 一旦巨星陨落

19、She has been retrieving poor lost souls from the contract with Lucifer and purify them. ─── 她搜集与魔王路西法结下契约的失落灵魂并净化和拯救他们。

20、How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning!" ─── 明亮之星,早晨之子阿,你何竟从天坠落。

21、Before Satan fell, his name was Lucifer. ─── 撒但坠落以前,他的名字是路西弗。

22、Allbright he falls, proud lightning of the intellect, Lucifer, dico, qui nescit occasum ─── 我说,永不沉落的晓星。傲慢的智慧之闪电,被火焰包围着坠落。

23、VOICE: So Lucifer in heaven became Satan on earth, because he wanted to be his own god? ─── 因为选择做自己的上帝,所以天上的金星变成了地上的撒旦,是吗?

24、Such genius in our country runs to waste, a waste, as pitiful, it seems to me, as that of pulling down a star from the firmament for use as a lucifer match. ─── 在我国,这样的天才一般浪费掉了。这种浪费,在我看来,就好象是从天上摘下一颗明星用来做火柴一样让人可叹。

25、One day Felix made a stand against the Lucifer himself, and therefore ended up confined to an infernal prison, from which there is no escape...or is there. ─── 有一天费力克斯作了对抗魔鬼的一个台子他自己,因此结束限制到一所地狱的监狱,从哪一没有逃亡。。。或在那里。

26、Using a snake, Lucifer tempted Eve to eat of the forbidden fruit. ─── 路西弗利用一条蛇引诱夏娃,使夏娃吃了禁果。

27、‘Jerry , there’s no girl in Savannah you’d have less chance of marrying ,Her father is a Robillard ,and those French are proud as Lucifer . ─── “杰瑞,在萨凡纳没有哪个姑娘比她更难娶到手了。她父亲是个罗彼拉德人,那些法国人骄傲得象什么似的。

28、No one actually knows what's down in Lucifer's realm, or even if Lucifer exists anymore. ─── 实际上下面露西法的王国到底是怎样的,抑或哪怕是露西法还在不在那儿都根本无人知晓。

29、Calling her the Devil's Child, they forced her do the kind of thing you'd except from one of Lucifer's own. ─── 称她为恶魔的孩子,他们强迫她做了只魔鬼才想得出来的事情。

30、And now I'm not your Lucifer ─── 现在我不再是你的恶魔

31、Paraxerus lucifer ─── n. 红黑丛松鼠

32、It is believed this unholy trinity plan to join forces and storm Lucifer's realm, topple Lucifer and place Madam Orr on his throne. ─── 据悉此邪恶三人组计划联手突袭露西法的王国,推翻露西法并由奥夫人取而代之。

33、Lucifer's Tavern. A temptation nobody can resist. ─── 没有人能抗拒的诱惑。

34、He's as proud as Lucifer and would rather starve than take a penny from anyone. ─── 他狂妄自大,宁愿挨饿也不愿接受他人的一个便士。

35、Additionally, the term “Lucifer” used in reference to Satan comes from the Vulgate translation of Isaiah 14:12 - at no point in the Bible is Satan directly referred to by the name Lucifer. ─── 另外,关于“路西弗”一词被用来指撒旦是来源于以赛亚书14:12的拉丁文翻译版--在圣经中没有直接指出路西华弗的就是撒旦。

36、Lucifer, how fallest thee from the heaven. Asmodeus,Aesma,Aschmedai,Asmoday,Asmodee,Asmadai,Asmodius,Asmodaios, ─── 神,中世纪有一首诗中题到

37、The Roman god, Lucifer, was the bearer of light, the spirit of the air, the personification of enlightenment. ─── 罗马神路西法是光的传递者,气之灵,启迪教化的化身。

38、match | lucifer ─── 火柴| 摩擦火柴[黄磷火柴

39、(as) proud as Lucifer ─── 狂妄自大,目空一切

40、METHODS The isolated rat intestinal membranes were used to study the effects of Labrasol on the transportation of Rhodamine123(a subtrate of P-gp) and Lucifer yellow(non-subtrate of P-gp )by ussing chamber. ─── 方法 用大鼠的离体肠段,通过体外Ussingchamber的转运实验,研究了Labrasol对P -糖蛋白底物若丹明1 2 3转运的影响,同时考察了非P -糖蛋白底物荧光黄在Labrasol作用下的转运行为。

41、Michael if he kills Lucifer, or burn to avenge him if his dastardly adversary mows him down with a machine-gun before he can get to grips with him. ─── 但若在他还没来得及与他的卑怯的对手交锋之前就被其用机关枪扫倒,你又会怒不可遏地为他复仇。

42、lucifer yellow ─── 萤光黄

43、Lucifer: She must have been so... frightened. ─── 路西法:她是这么的…害怕。

44、Satan locks the room after Bill. As he turns around, he bumps into Lucifer. ─── 撒旦等比尔盖茨进去后,锁上了门,转身却碰见了魔鬼。

45、They've told us so much about pride: you know, Lucifer's sin. ─── 他们告诉过我们许多关于骄傲的事情:你知道,这是路济弗尔之罪(注释4)。

46、Just as every cop is a criminal and all the sinners saints, as heads is tails, just call me Lucifer, 'cause I'm in need of some restraint. ─── 正如每一个警察是一个罪犯而每一个罪人都是圣徒,好像头就是尾,只要叫我路西法,因为我需要一些克制。

47、Lucifer, how fallest thee from the heaven.... ─── 真是办公的天堂啊。

48、Bakunin not only glorified Lucifer, but had a concrete program ofrevolution - but not the kind that is able to free the poor fromoppression. ─── Bakunin不仅赞颂路斯弗,他还有具体的革命计划,不过,这计划并不能解救被压迫的穷人。

49、Why did no one save Lucifer? ─── 为什么没有人去拯救路西法?

50、The Fallen Devil Lucifer, I Am The Killer of The Satanic World. ─── 说清楚吗?我说这么悲观的人不可能是超级版主。

51、KJV] How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! ─── [新译]明亮之星、晨之子啊!你怎么从天上坠落?你这倾覆列国的,怎么被砍倒在地上?

52、Michael bringing the wrath of God upon a German Lucifer , or burm to avenge him if his dastardly adversary mows him down with a machine-gun before he can get to grips with him . ─── 假如你把两个格斗的士兵看成是一个英勇的英国“天使”在对一个德国“恶魔”施以天罚,那么,如果“天使”杀死了“恶魔”,你可能会为他的胜利而感到欣喜若狂;

53、Childlike Geminis will choose this kind of lucifer of course. ─── 童心未泯的双子座当然会选这种鬼。

54、We want to create the topic that he like for the lucifer, the oneself think of know so that he like, certainly need to ask once, not is? ─── 我们要为路老大打造他喜欢的主题啊,自己想的这么知道他喜欢,当然要问一下,不是吗?

55、Was there a conspiracy similar to the Death Eaters being formed again by Lucifer Malfoy? ─── 会不会马份先生和像食死人一样的角色,正在共谋做坏事?

56、What will happen to the face off between Sam and Dean and Lucifer? ─── 山姆和迪安对峙路西法之间会发生什么事?

57、Yesterday I touched on the word "match" when I said that a strike anywhere match was once called a Lucifer. ─── 昨天,我在介绍万能火柴曾被叫做“Lucifer”时提到了火柴(match)这个词。

58、The time of Lucifer is over, as you know. ─── 如你们所知,路西法的时代已经结束。

59、I am Belialand I am Lucifer, the devil in the flesh. ─── 我也是,要多来论坛逛逛。。。。

60、In this Supernatural Season 5 Episode 1 Sympathy for the Devil, Sam and Dean will encounter their ultimate enemy so far, who is Lucifer. ─── 在这邪恶力量第5季第1集同情魔鬼里,山姆和迪恩将遇到他们最终的敌人,到目前为止,谁是路西法。

61、Loose your grip, Lucifer! ─── 放开你的魔爪,撒旦!

62、See that Lucifer gets his bath. ─── 替魔鬼洗个澡。

63、12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! ─── 12明亮之星,早晨之子啊,你何竟从天坠落?你这攻败列国的何竟被砍倒在地上?

64、Retinal ganglion cells were stained by Lucifer Yellow or biocytin which were injected into cells during whole cell recordings for the purpose of morphological study of RGCs. ─── 全细胞记录的同时细胞内注入荧光黄或biocytin进行组织染色,观察RGCs的形态学特征。

65、When Lucifer appeared in the dawn, I dreamed a vivid dream. ─── 当金星在晨曦中升起,我正在栩栩如生的梦中。

66、Jung believed that the cosmos contained the divine light or life, but this essence was enmeshed in a mechanical trap, presided over by a demiurge: Lucifer, the Bringer of the Light. ─── 容格相信宇宙包括了神圣的光或生命,但这些基本要素被陷入机械的圈套里面,由物质世界的创造者负责:露西弗,明亮的光。

67、They never sit when they can lie down, with the sleepyhead, they won't choose even to be a lucifer. ─── 能躺着决不坐着,素有懒鬼之称的秤子,甚至是做什么鬼也懒得去选择。

68、" "All right.We want some bread and meat, and our pipes, and a little bag or two, and two or three kite-strings, and some of these new-fangled things they call lucifer matches. ─── “行,我们得备点面包、肉,还有烟斗、一两只小口袋、两三根风筝线,再带点他们叫洋火的那玩意。

69、Lucifer was angry and spiteful at having failed at what he had tried to do.He decided to corrupt the rest of creation, as well. ─── 路西弗没有做成自己想做的事,于是他变得很愤怒,充满了怨恨,他决定也同样来毁坏其他的被造之物。

70、nbsp;     Fallen Angel Lucifer  Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven! ─── 今天天气还是很压抑哎.....又开始烦起来了

71、"That was Bill Gates!"cried Lucifer. ─── “那个家伙可是比尔盖茨啊!”

72、How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! ─── 明亮之星,早晨之子阿,你何竟从天坠落。你这攻败列国的,何竟被砍倒在地上。

73、Next day everyone had excuse notes, not only from Adam and Eve but from God and Lucifer. ─── 第二天,每个人都有假条,不仅有来自亚当和夏娃的,也有来自上帝和撒旦的。

74、Lucifer Stabber.LA Stabber.rKA Stabber. ─── Royal III 亚军 成员Stabber.

75、Lucifer lickers all around me ─── 恶魔吞噬者皆围绕于我

76、The results showed that there were totally 9 different species,and 7 were in spring and summer respectively,4 in autumn and only 5 in winter. Lucifer intermedius,L. ─── 结果显示:东海4季共出现浮游十足类9种,其中秋季4种,冬季5种,夏春季各7种;

77、Lucifer Epithet for Twelve Constellations ─── 十二星座的魔鬼绰号

78、Proud as a Lucifer, he never tolerates an act which injures his dignity. ─── 自负得像撒旦(加注解),他从不会忍受伤害他尊严的行为。

79、Hunters who purportedly belong to the bloodline of Lucifer himself. ─── 由那些据称流淌着路西法本尊血脉的猎手组成。

80、The Illuminati believe that they, like Hercules will also free Lucifer from his punishment for giving unto man “wisdom”, science and philosophy. ─── 光明会相信他们,似大力神般亦将从因为给予人类“智慧”(科学和哲学)的处罚中释放路西法。

81、With his original master long gone, Lucifer grants his undying loyalty to the Scourge to finish what his lord once started. ─── 他贪婪地吞噬那些弱小的生命,同时击碎那些强大到勉强能够抵御他的力量和炙热焦土的生物。

82、Lucifer Hummingbird ─── n. 傲丽蜂鸟

83、If you think of a pair of combatants as a Heroic British St. Michael bringing the wrath of God upon a German Lucifer, then you may exult in the victory of St. ─── 假如你把两个格斗的士兵看成是一个英勇的英国“天使”在对一个德国“恶魔”施以天罚,那么,如果“天使”杀死了“恶魔”,你可能会为他的胜利感到欣喜若狂;

84、Only Lucifer himself lies below them. ─── 只有露西法本人居于其下的更深处。

85、As the twenty-four years of his deal with Lucifer come to a close, Faustus begins to dread his impending death. ─── 与路西法二十四年的合约期限即将到来,浮士德开始畏惧死亡的降临。

86、lugh: Where did you get the information on Lucifer coming fro... ─── 理论的起源 物理 分离作为个体是一个优秀题目。

87、of thing you'd except from one of Lucifer's own. ─── 称她为恶魔的孩子,他们强迫她做了只有魔鬼才想得出来的事情。

88、Then Below is Lucifer. ─── 然后下面是路西法。

89、And God is not very generous, as you can see in the bible, so he abandoned Lucifer away from the heaven. ─── 我有意见的是,当有心人士利用这些风俗习惯而牟取自己的利益,这点是我不认同的。





必杀技:Rider Kick

假面骑士Kabuto Hyper Form

必杀技一:Maximum Hyper Cyclone

必杀技二:Maximum Hyper Typhoon


必杀技:Rider Sting


必杀技:Rider Shooting


必杀技:Rider Slash


必杀技一:Rider Kick

必杀技二:Rider Cutting

假面骑士Gatack Hyper Form

必杀技:Hyper Kick


必杀技:Rider Kick


必杀技:Rider Punch

8.假面骑士Dark Kabuto

必杀技:Rider Kick



必杀技:Rider Kick


必杀技:Rider Beat (Avalanche Break)


必杀技:Rider Beat (Avalanche Slash)

这是kabuto的,其他的没找到,不过其他的基本上都是Rider Kick。


甲斗:CAST OFF:外甲脱离










LE:变换为独角甲虫(甲斗E文是 Kabuto)


ANGE STAGBEETE:变换为巨钳甲虫(钢斗E文是 Gatack)





Punching Unit 巨大冲击

Sparkle Cut 赤刃斩

Crimson Smash 深红电钻

Blaster Form

Photon Breaker 光刃斩

Photon Buster 光子破坏炮

Blaster Smash 爆裂电钻


Kaixa Slash 剑刃风暴

Grand Impact 巨大冲击

Gold Smash 黄金电钻


Lucifer’s Hammer 堕天使之钟

假面骑士Psyga 天之帝王

Psyga Slash 天帝斩

假面骑士Oga 地之帝王

August Lancer 奥古斯都长枪

August Rush 奥古斯都剑冲


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