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09-09 投稿


anchoretic 发音

英:[['??k?ret?k]]  美:[['??k?ret?k]]

英:  美:

anchoretic 中文意思翻译



anchoretic 相似词语短语

1、anchorette ─── n.年轻且缺乏经验的女主持人

2、anchoretism ─── n.隐士;隐者(anchoret的变形)

3、anchorettes ─── 锚具

4、anchoritic ─── 锚定的

5、anchoretical ─── 锚定的

6、anchoret ─── n.隐士;隐者

7、anchoritical ─── 锚定的

8、anchorets ─── n.隐士;隐者

9、anoretic ─── 厌食的

anchoretic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Review the product line showing clip with substantial XFX, you should be met the anchoret that discovers an unknown to public " XP-3800 " , what its use is SiS315E graph core. ─── 纵观XFX丰富的显卡产品线,你应该会发现一个默默无闻的隐士“XP-3800”,其采用的是SiS315E图形核心。

2、Outstanding smile wears Nai say: "We are not anchoret, however the computer ace of sociability. ─── 奈杰微笑着说:“我们不是隐士,而是善于交际的电脑高手。”

3、9 see joke: A magnifico stops duty comes home, bought hillside plot to build a room to live, should remove anchoret to come. ─── 9看笑话: 有个大官罢职回家,买了山田建房居住,当起隐士来。

4、Anchoret ethos has a long history in China, with varieties in each historic period. ─── 隐逸现象在中国历史悠久、源远流长,在不同历史时期呈现出不同的面貌。

5、Can not look down upon this anchoret, its are active the price advantage in 200 yuan of the following price unmanned can enemy, it is GeForce2MX400 even. ─── 可不要小看这个隐士,其活跃在200元以下价位的价格优势无人能敌,甚至是GeForce2MX400。

6、abdicate to be the anchoret ─── 辞官归隐

7、But the scholar-officials thought the privacy life of anchoret who were bureaucracy was the best style, so a kind of unique cultural spirit of the privacy life came into being that time. ─── 但宋代士大夫文人最崇尚的隐逸形态是居官而犹如隐的“吏隐”,并因此而形成了独具特色的隐逸文化精神。

8、9 see joke: Neat state-owned anchoret calls Tian Zhong. ─── 9看笑话: 齐国有个隐士叫田仲。

9、 双语使用场景

11、The Preface of and the Funeral Prayer to Anchoret Tao ─── 陶征士诔并序

12、However, the administer of this giant kingdom person Li Jianxi however act is low-key, secret, element has " anchoret chairman " say. ─── 然而,这个庞大王国的掌管者李健熙却行事低调、隐秘,素有“隐士会长”之称。

13、However, few study has been done on the relationship between the anchoret ethos and mountains-and-waters poems. ─── 而恰恰两者的关系至今还很少看到有专题研究。

14、The results showed AAN came on secretly and got along in anchoretic, the renal pathology showed a middle to heavy tubulo-interstitial nephrology, narrow or hoard fibrosis; ─── 分析马兜铃酸肾病的发病原因、临床表现、实验室检查和部分病例肾脏病理检查结果。

15、According to the features of load?9bearing of concrete beam anchored in stratified anisotropic surrounding rock, a basic computational method of FEM for analysing anchoret concrete beam is proposed. ─── 根据层状各向异性岩体中岩锚吊车梁的受力特点,提出了岩锚吊车梁设计的基本方法即有限元计算法。

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