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09-09 投稿


federation 发音

英:[fed?'re??(?)n]  美:['f?d?'re??n]

英:  美:

federation 中文意思翻译



federation 词性/词形变化,federation变形

动词第三人称单数: federates |动词现在分词: federating |动词过去分词: federated |动词过去式: federated |

federation 短语词组

1、federation of labour unions ─── [法] 工会联合会

2、capital of the Russian Federation ─── [网络] 俄罗斯联邦首都

3、federation of tribes ─── [网络] 部落联合会

4、american federation of labor ─── [经] 劳联

5、trade union federation ─── [法] 工会联合会

6、International Table Tennis Federation ─── 国际乒乓球联合会

7、Islamic Solidarity Sports Federation ─── 伊斯兰团结体育联合会

8、labour federation ─── [经] 劳工联盟

9、International Amateur Athletic Federation ─── 国际业余田径联合会

10、international federation of stock exchange ─── [经] 国际证券交易所联盟

11、Federation of British Industries ─── 英国工业联合会

12、American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organiza ─── [网络] 美国工业联合会和工业组织大会

13、women's federation ─── [法] 妇女联合会

14、ASEAN Football Federation ─── 东盟足球联合会

15、Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis ─── [网络] 圣基茨和尼维斯联邦;圣革茨和尼维斯联邦;圣克里斯多福及尼维斯联邦

16、Aruba Football Federation ─── 阿鲁巴足球联合会

17、international federation of accountants ─── [经] 国际会计师联合会

18、russian federation n. ─── 俄罗斯联邦/ ─── 俄罗斯

19、Afghanistan Football Federation ─── 阿富汗足球联合会

federation 相似词语短语

1、deration ─── v.取消商品的配给(或定量供应)

2、federative ─── adj.联合的;联邦性的

3、federator ─── 联邦制

4、deaeration ─── n.[油气][化工]脱气;通风

5、federations ─── n.联合;联邦;联盟;联邦政府

6、generation ─── n.一代;产生;一代人;生殖

7、feneration ─── n.高利贷

8、federating ─── v.结成同盟,结成联邦;adj.同盟的;联邦制度下的;联合的

9、Federation ─── n.联合;联邦;联盟;联邦政府

federation 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Animals in the water swimming, the General Federation of causing some small whirlpool. ─── 动物在水中游动时,一般总会造成一些小小的漩涡。

2、A locality at county level or above shall establish a local all-level federation of trade unions. ─── 县级以上地方建立地方各级总工会。

3、FIVB stands for Federation International de Volleyball (International Volleyball Federation). ─── FIVB代表着国际排联。

4、"Now, that's a real problem," Feder said. ─── “现如今,那确实是个问题,”费德说道。

5、In March 1988,with approval of the Chinese government,the China Disabled Persons'Federation was established. ─── 1988年3月,经中国政府批准,成立了中国残疾人联合会。

6、IFPS is a federation of regional, national, linguistic, and specialist palynological organizations of the world. ─── 国际孢粉学协会联合会(IFPS)是一个多国家(地区)、多语种的实际性的专业孢粉学组织。

7、The assistant secretary-general of the Federation of Asian Bishops' Conference has his office in Hong Kong. ─── 亚洲主教团协会副秘书长的办事处设于香港。

8、Women's International Democratic Federation(WIDF)decided to celebrate the Children's Day on June 1st each year. ─── 国际民主妇女联合会于1949年决定每年的6月1日为国际儿童节。

9、The All-China Federation of Trade Unions called on McDonald's to adjust its pay and let its workers unionize. ─── 中华全国总工会要求麦当劳公司调整其公司水平,并建议麦当劳员工成立工会。

10、ISF stands for International Softball Federation. ─── ISF是国际垒球联合会的缩写(简称)。

11、In November, feder mal officials addedvnother seven weeks of benefits in all states. ─── 去年11月,联邦官员又增加7个星期的利益在所有国家。

12、FFO (The Norwegian Federation of Organisations of Disabled People) is the disability umbrella organisation in Norway. ─── FFO(挪威残疾人组织联合会)是挪威的残疾伞式组织。

13、An autonomous or partially autonomous political and territorial unit belonging to a sovereign federation. ─── 加盟共和国一个属于某一最高联邦政府的且在政治上和领土上具有自治权或部分自治权的单位。

14、When did Singapore withdraw from the Federation of Malaysia? ─── 什么时新加坡从马来西亚联邦退出?

15、Steve Lobet of the National Wildlife Federation. ─── 它们也不是野生环境的拯救者。

16、AIP is a federation of 10 Member Societies, including American Physical Society. ─── AIP是10个成员学会的联盟,包括美国物理学会.

17、Of or relating to the central government of a federation as distinct from the governments of its member units. ─── "联邦中央政府的,与其成员国政府存在差别."

18、She found the address of the federation for me, but again insisted I must go and try myself. ─── 姥姥帮我问到了残联的地址,还是坚持让我自己去找。

19、Federation of Asian Chemical Societies. ─── 亚洲化学联合会。

20、American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations. ─── 劳联-产联美国劳工联合会-产业工会联合会

21、By 1930, a federation was necessary to coordinate activities of the many clubs and to provide a standard program. ─── 到1930年,许多联盟俱乐部被要求采用一整套相互配合的教学工作并规定了标准的活动程序。

22、OMAC is a founding charter member of The Automation Federation. ─── OMAC是自动化联盟的一个创办成员。

23、In 2007, he was employed as the legal aid lawyer by Hunan Women's Federation. ─── 2007年龙雄彪律师被湖南省妇女联合会聘请为法律援助律师。

24、International Lawn Tennis Federation. ─── 国际草地网球联合会。

25、They are officials from the International Table Tennis Federation(ITTF). ─── 他们是国际乒联的官员。

26、In the KGB's headquarters on the fringes of Moscow, his skull is stored in the state archive of the Russian Federation. ─── 在莫斯科克格勃总部的秘密档案柜里保存着希特勒的一块下巴骨,而他的一块头骨碎片则被放在俄罗斯联邦的国家档案馆里。

27、After retiring from WHO in 1988, he directed the International Planned Parenthood Federation until 1995. ─── 1988年从世卫组织退休之后,他领导了国际计划生育联合会,直至1995年。

28、But Rob Stevens, chief executive of the British Marine Federation, said the industry had not recovered to pre-crisis levels. ─── 但英国海事联合会(BritishMarineFederation)的罗布?史蒂文斯(RobStevens)表示,该行业尚未恢复到危机前的水平。

29、Brazil is a federation of states, much like the United States, and each state controls its own juvenile detention system. ─── 巴西是联邦制国家,这与美国很相似,每个州各自管理其青少年拘禁系统。

30、The Starship Enterprise is the flagship of the Federation. ─── “星际企业号”是星际舰队中最大的一艘。

31、But the Federation is like a house of cards: disturb one and the whole structure wobbles. ─── 但是这个联合会就像纸牌搭的房子,只要动一动某一方,整个机构就会跟着颤动起来。

32、The International Water Ski Federation was founded in 1946. ─── 世界滑水运动协会成立于1946年。

33、In 1923 Amelia earned her flying license issued by the prestigious Federation Aeronautique International. ─── 1923年,艾米丽雅获得了由著名的联邦航空国际组织颁发的飞机驾照。

34、Each horse must possess a valid international passport recognized by the Federation Equestre Internationale (FEI). ─── 参赛马须持有国际马术联合会(FEI)认可的通用国际护照。

35、In 1962, the International Gymnastics Federation officially recognized rhythmic gymnastics as a sport. ─── 国际体操联合会于1962年正式承认艺术体操为体育项目。

36、Kilpatrick on 4th acknowledges guilt in the morning in the Detelv Wayne county federation circuit court to judge. ─── 基尔帕特里克4日上午在底特律市韦恩县联邦巡回法庭向法官认罪。

37、The national Olympic committee and sports organization of each country can join in the Asian Games Federation. ─── 亚洲各国的奥委会和全国体育组织都可以加入亚运会联合会。

38、The Delegation of Kyrgyzstan supported the comments made by the Delegation of the Russian Federation. ─── 吉尔吉斯坦代表团支持俄罗斯代表团的意见。

39、Before the Federation of forbearance, friends jokes that me as the "ninja. ─── 以前总会忍,朋友都笑称我为“忍者”。

40、Federation International de Volleyball. ─── 国际排球联合会。

41、The Russian Federation was formed in 1993. ─── 俄罗斯联邦成立于1993。

42、Consulate General of Russian Federation in Shenyang?? ─── 俄罗斯联邦驻沈阳总领事馆??

43、Like the chess federation, the WBF has been lobbying since 1995 to claim a piece of the Olympic spotlight. ─── 像国际棋联一样,世界牌联从1995年开始一直不断在游说希望在奥运会项目中占有一席之地。

44、At this point, the cabal is fully cognizant of the fact that a positive first contact by the Galactic Federation is inevitable and underway! ─── 在这一点,黑暗势力充分认识到事实,那就是一个正面的第一次接触,与银河联邦的,是不可避免的并且正在落实!!

45、In 1886 it was reorganized and changed its name to the American Federation of Labor. ─── 1886年该联盟进行改组,并改名为“美国劳工联盟”。

46、I believe that the “Federation of luminous gold”. ─── 可我相信“金子总会发光”这句话。

47、The head office of International Equestrian Federation is in Switzerland. ─── 国际马术联盟的总部在瑞士。

48、F.I.B.A.(2006) Official Basketball Case Book Pulished by Internaional Basketball Federation. ─── 中国篮球协会(2006)。篮球两人裁判法。中国北京:光明日报出版社。

49、I'm confident that the federation will sort it out but it cannot remain like this, that everybody complains about the pitch after the game. ─── 我相信足总会解决这个问题,但是现状不能像这样延续下去,每个人都在赛后抱怨这块场地。

50、The International Olympic Philately Federation. ─── 国际奥林匹克集邮联合会。

51、This has sparked calls that there was a need for a federation for men. ─── 因此,一些人呼吁成立专门的男性联合会。

52、FILA, the Federation Internationale de Luttes Amateurs. ─── 国际摔跤联合会作的决定。

53、Women's International Tennis Federation. ─── 国际女子网球联合会。

54、In the future we envision a federation of companies. ─── 我们设想将来会有公司联盟。

55、Federation Square on Flinders and Swanston Streets, Melbourne, commemorates Australia's 100 years as a nation. ─── 墨尔本弗林德斯与斯旺斯顿街上的联邦广场是为纪念澳大利亚建国100周年建立的。

56、They have requested RCSC and International Federation to assist with the piped water network to individual houses. ─── 他们已经请求中国红十字会和国际联合会协助在每幢房屋内铺设自来水管网。

57、The other nations are forming a federation. ─── 其他国家正在结成联盟。

58、In recent years,the Chinese government has paid a lot of attention to the China Disabled Persons Federation. ─── 中国近年来对残疾人协会十分重视。

59、In the dormitory. Jeff: How is the Asian Sports Federation constituted? ─── 在宿舍 杰夫: 亚洲运动会联合会的组织机构是怎样构成的?

60、The world governing body is the IAAF(I, DoubleA, F) The International Amateur Athletic Federation. ─── 世界性领导机构的名称是,国际业余田径联合会.

61、Main picture: Federation Square, a popular meeting place flanked by the Yarra River, and Swanston and Flinders Streets. ─── 主图:联邦广场是耶那河畔和弗林德斯与斯旺斯顿街广受欢迎的聚会场所。

62、By 492 votes to 391, the federation voted to maintain the status quo. ─── 联盟以492票对391票投票决定维持现状。

63、Only one federation of each country can be affiliated to RIF. ─── || 不过每个国家的联邦可能和 RIF 有密切关系。

64、The All-China Federation of the Red Cross Societies shall be established in the country. ─── 全国建立中国红十字会总会。

65、The federation is an alliance of diabetes groups. ─── 国际糖尿病联盟是糖尿病组织的一个联盟。

66、ITTF stands for International Table Tennis Federation. ─── ITTF是国际乒乓球联合会的简称。

67、Singapore seceded from the newly-formed Federation of Malaysia. ─── 1965年的今天,新加坡退出刚刚成立的马来西亚联邦。

68、The International Diabetes Federation and the World Health Organization began the event in 1991. ─── 国际糖尿病协会和世界卫生组织在1991年便开始了此项活动。

69、The way people walk more, the Federation made muddy state, will result dusty. ─── 一条路走的人多了,总会弄得泥泞不堪,总会弄得尘土飞扬。

70、The World Heart Federation says obesity can also be blamed for spiralling health costs. ─── 世界心脏联盟还说肥胖可能是导致保健费用急剧上涨的罪魁祸首。

71、The Delegation of the Russian Federation thanked the Secretariat for its preparatory work in respect of this item. ─── 俄罗斯联邦代表团感谢秘书处为本议程项目所作的准备工作。

72、Which federation will attract most of us? ─── 哪个联盟最有吸引力?

73、In essence, the information system is designed as a planed federation of small systems. ─── 其实,信息系统被设计成为小型系统的一个飞行联盟。

74、The World Chess Federation has affiliates in around 120 countries. ─── 世界象棋联盟在大约一百二十个国家内设有分支机构。

75、The International Fencing Federation lays down the rules for international competitions. ─── 国际击剑联合会负责制定国际比赛规则。

76、In the Federation of the Phonographic Industry in recession and the threat of piracy is still out red plate! ─── 在唱片业不景气中与盗版威胁下依然开出红盘!

77、Thank you, from the CIHL and the Chinese Taipei Ice Hockey Federation. ─── CIHL及中华台北冰上曲棍球协会全体队员衷心感谢您!!

78、He said the World Federation has no plans for a code of ethics, but will continue to help train science journalists in better practice. ─── 他说世界科学记者联合会没有计划制定伦理准则,但是将会继续通过更好的实践来帮助培训科学记者。

79、An association or federation of five governments, each ruled by a different leader. ─── 五国联盟五个政府的联合或联盟,每个政府由各自的领袖领导

80、Currently, the number of FINA members has reached 180, second to that of the Federation of International Football Associations (FIFA). ─── 国际泳联成员国目前已经达到180个,数量仅次于国际足球协会联合会(国际足联)。

81、An Earthling is employed by an intergalactic federation to watch over a Way Station they secretly set up on Earth. ─── 一个普通人被银河联邦雇用看守一个他们在地球上秘密安置的中转站。

82、The International Automobile Federation was established in Paris in 1904. ─── 1904年,在巴黎成立了国际汽车联合会。

83、The Delegation of the Russian Federation wished to put forward some of its views on clusters C to F. ─── 俄罗斯联邦代表团就提案集C至F提出了一些意见。

84、If necessary,the International Sports Federation will provide technical assistance. ─── 如果有必要,国际体育联合会将给予技术帮助。

85、F.I.B.A.(2006) Official Basketball Rules. Pulished by Internaional Basketball Federation. ─── 中国篮球协会(2006)。篮球三人裁判法。中国北京:光明日报出版社。

86、The world governing body of sports acrobatics is the IFSA (International Federation of Sports Acrobatics. ─── 世界性技巧运动管理机构是国际技巧联合会(IFSA)。

87、The Federation Cynologique Internationale is the World Canine Organisation. ─── 国际犬业联合会是一个世界性的犬业组织。

88、A federation without unity was bound to fail. ─── 一个没有统一的联盟是注定要失败的。

89、For example, the gym was about a mile from our hotel and the Dutch Federation transported us there on a golf cart! ─── 举例来说,体育馆离我们的旅馆有一英里远,但是荷兰承办方居然用一个高尔夫球车载我们去!

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