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09-09 投稿



grimaced 发音

英:[?ɡr?m?st]  美:[?ɡr?m?st]

英:  美:

grimaced 中文意思翻译




grimaced 同义词

sorry | dark | down | gloomy | downhearted | ill | bloodless | depressed | drear | funereal | macabre | downcast | rigid | shoddy | harsh | terrible | dreadful | cheerless | shocking | bleak | frightful | forbidding | inexorable | unforgiving | mordant | rough | bad | constant | dispirited | horrible | low-spirited | relentless | black | dismal | low | dour |ghastly | depressing | gruesome | strict | inflexible | unappeasable | dingy | unrelenting | violent | serious | grisly | grave | stern | disconsolate | fearful | unyielding | blue | dreary | fierce | merciless | iron | adamant | down in the mouth | ugly | drab | unwell | sick | somber

grimaced 词性/词形变化,grimaced变形

动词第三人称单数: grimaces |动词过去分词: grimaced |动词过去式: grimaced |名词: grimacer |动词现在分词: grimacing |

grimaced 反义词

gentle | mild | meek |quiet

grimaced 相似词语短语

1、grimace ─── vi.扮鬼脸;作怪相;作苦相;n.鬼脸;怪相;痛苦的表情

2、graced ─── n.优雅;恩惠;魅力;慈悲;vt.使优美;n.(Grace)人名;(英)格雷斯,格雷丝(女名);(法)格拉斯

3、grimacing ─── adj.扮鬼脸的;v.扮鬼脸(grimace的现在分词)

4、grimacer ─── 鬼脸

5、grimed ─── v.(使)变脏(grime的过去式及过去分词)

6、griced ─── 肮脏的

7、grimaces ─── vi.扮鬼脸;作怪相;作苦相;n.鬼脸;怪相;痛苦的表情

8、grilladed ─── 烤的

9、primacies ─── n.首位;卓越;大主教的职位

grimaced 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、As the administrator put down the phone he grimaced wearily, then his manner softened. ─── 管理主任放下电话,厌烦地扮了个鬼脸,然后,神态缓和了许多。

2、He grimaced with his mouth and the hand with the ring was lifted to catch the twitching, trying to hold it. ─── 他的嘴扭曲着露出一副怪相,戴着戒指的手举起来去抓住脸上抽搐的肌肉,想使它停止抽搐。

3、Mother grimaced at the sight of the disorder in the room. ─── 母亲看到房里乱糟糟,就皱起眉头。

4、Richard grimaced with annoyance ─── 理查德不以为然地作了一个怪相。

5、He grimaced and let go. ─── 他作了一个苦脸儿,放了手。

6、He grimaced at the bitter taste. ─── 他一尝那苦味,做了个怪相。

7、Edward grimaced, and I knew it was in objection to the word okay. He probably would have used something more like wonderful or perfect or glorious. ─── 爱德华皱了皱脸,我知道他不太满意我用了“还好”这样的词语。他应该会用一些更加强烈的形容词,像是太棒了或者太完美了或是欣喜若狂之类的。

8、“I will tell you, it was easier for us,” he grimaced. ─── "我将告诉您, 它对我们是容易," 他做鬼脸。

9、it grimaced when sucked out but was apnoeic'; ─── (5)围产期缺氧,低体温及酸中毒者等。

10、Hagen grimaced, debated whether to inform the Don, and decided against it. ─── 哈根扮个鬼脸,考虑是否告诉堂,随后又决定不这么做。

11、Williams was carried off the court by two teammates as he grimaced in pain. He then left the floor for the locker room on a wheelchair. ─── 威廉姆斯被两位队友抬离球场的时候表情痛苦,之后他被用轮椅转移到了更衣室。

12、Thinking of this old man, she grimaced, wobbled her head, shook her finger, doddered on her legs. ─── 一想到这老头子,她就开始做鬼脸,晃脑袋,摇手指,还颤抖着两条腿。

13、Yao grabbed his knee and grimaced in pain as he sat on the court. ─── 姚明抢下他的膝盖和鬼脸的疼痛,他坐在法庭。

14、The turn sent me crashing into a fragile old woman, who grimaced in pain and then began to cry. ─── 于是我就被甩到了一个瘦弱的老太太身上,老太太疼得哭了起来。

15、Thing were going well enough until Leia grimaced, and then cooed satisfactorily. Within moments, the reason became apparent. ─── 事情进展的足够顺利,直到莱娅的脸歪扭起来,随后又满意地发出“咕咕”声。在这当口,原因变得很明显了。

16、Mundungus shrugged and grimaced; the magical eye swerved sideways to glare at him out of the side of Moody's head. ─── 蒙顿格斯耸耸肩膀,做了个鬼脸。穆迪的魔眼嗖地一转,从脑袋一侧狠狠瞪着他。

17、He grimaced at the bitter taste. ─── 他一尝那苦味,做了个怪相。

18、Settling into the blocks he grimaced repeatedly and rubbed his right lower leg. ─── 在进入起跑位置时,他多次显露出苦脸,并抚摸自己的右脚踝部。

19、He kicked his legs and doubled his fists and he grimaced and scowled and pursed his lips, "Oh, am I cursed! But Ill do it." ─── 他踢了踢腿,握了握拳头,扮了个鬼脸,皱了皱眉头,动了动嘴唇,“哦,我要被诅咒的,但我还是要做的。”

20、The acrobat grimaced at the children during the circus performance ─── 那杂技艺人在马戏表演时对孩子们做鬼脸

21、He grimaced in pain, seemingly trying to stretch out his right foot. ─── 他试着用手按着他的右脚,表情非常痛苦。

22、Nash limped and grimaced as he left the court. No details of the injury were immediately available. ─── 纳什表情痛苦,一瘸一拐的离开了球场,对于伤情现在还没有具体有效的细节。

23、He grimaced with his mouth and the hand with the ring was lifted to catch the twitching, trying to hold it. ─── 他的嘴扭曲着露出一副怪相,戴着戒指的手举起来去抓住脸上抽搐的肌肉,想使它停止抽搐。

24、But yesterday, the 25-year-old athlete was in obvious distress even during his warm-up. Settling into the blocks he grimaced repeatedly and rubbed his right lower leg. ─── 昨天,这名25岁的运动员甚至在热身的时候已经明显流露出伤痛。在进入起跑位置时,他多次显露出苦脸,并抚摸自己的右脚踝部。

25、The teacher grimaced as he looked at my work. ─── 教师看着我的作业时皱了皱眉头。

26、He grimaced at Christine as he replaced the phone. ─── 他挂上电话,朝克丽丝订做了个鬼脸。

27、I grimaced when Mr. Varner dismissed the class five minutes early. He smiled like he was being nice. ─── 听到瓦尔纳提前五分钟宣布下课,我瞥了瞥嘴。他自以为做了大好人而笑得开心。

28、The Celtics grimaced and took it like the professionals they are, giving the Lakers credit. ─── 凯子们玩花样,以为自己是内行,承认湖人的胜利。

29、But when he heard that factories were closing, and migrant workers returning from the manufacturing heartlands to family farms, he grimaced. ─── 但是当他听说工厂关闭,很多工人从制造业基地回家种地时,他表情很奇观。

30、She grimaced. ─── 她不禁苦笑。

31、Jobs responds by saying that he wants mitigation for looking uncomfortable: "If you just play them this part, where I'm feeling really bad or I look really bad or I look grimaced or anything. ─── 乔布斯回应说他不愿意被看起来不太自在“(要是你们在陪审团面前放这段证词的话)请把这一段也放给他们,这段我感觉很糟糕,看起来的确很糟糕,或者一脸苦相的样子。

32、This made my grin wider. I grimaced slightly as I felt the dull throbbing pain return. Remembering my sister's expression, I scowled. ─── 他的样子让我忍不住嘴咧得更大些,可是一跳一跳的疼痛使我的眉头轻轻地皱了一下,妹妹最后看我的表情跳到我的脑海里,我的脸又气得绷起来。

33、The president grimaced, one aide recalled, interpreting the look as one of exasperation "that said, 'O.K., team, what's the answer? ─── 据一名助手回忆,总统愁眉苦脸,表现出一副愤怒的表情,“好像说,‘好吧,伙计们,下一步怎么办?’”

34、One recent afternoon in his lab, a young soccer player grimaced with exertion while doing leg curls on a weight machine. ─── 不久前的一个下午,在他的实验室里,一名足球运动员在重量计上弯曲双腿,一边做着鬼脸。

35、She grimaced in/with distaste at the thought of it. ─── 她一想到那个就厌恶得作怪相。

36、He grimaced and looked narrowly at his colleague. ─── 他做了个鬼脸,然后仔细地看着同事。

37、Robert grimaced[15]). ─── 罗伯特做了一个鬼脸。

38、Nash limped and grimaced as he left the court. No details of the injury were immediately available. ─── 纳什表情痛苦,一瘸一拐的离开了球场,对于伤情现在还没有具体有效的细节。

39、She grimaced at the sight of all the work. ─── 她一看到这么多工作,就皱起眉头来。

40、The condemned man took 34 minutes to die, during which he grimaced and writhed, suggesting acute agony. ─── 那名犯人34分钟后才死去,其间表情怪诞身体扭曲,饱受痛苦煎熬。

41、He grimaced with pain. ─── 他由于疼痛,脸都扭曲了。

42、HOUSTON - Chien-Ming Wang grimaced in pain as he settled into a seat on the back of a golf cart parked at the door of the visitors' clubhouse at Minute Maid Park late yesterday afternoon. ─── 昨天下午,当王建民坐进停放在球场客队球员休息室门口的高尔夫球车的后座时,他的脸因疼痛而扭曲著。

43、But his amusement died short minutes later, when Cochran suddenly stiffened and grimaced across the table. "Damn," he said. "Bartling. What the hell does he want here?" ─── 但是酒吧中的热闹气氛在几分钟后消失了。柯克兰突然僵住了身子,做了个苦脸。“见鬼!”他骂道。“把特灵。什么风把他吹来了?”

44、The clown grimaced at the children ─── 小丑向孩子们做鬼脸。

45、The acrobat grimaced at the children during the circus performance. ─── 那杂技艺人在马戏表演时对孩子们做鬼脸。

46、” When reminded Inter were now top of the table the goalkeeper grimaced, “Your position only counts at the end of the season, certainly not three games in. ─── 谈到对手切沃,库珀说:“他们打得很好,给我们制造了不小的麻烦,他们的头球出色,锋线也很犀利,不过,今天我们确实打得很好,比赛的结果是合理的。

47、He grimaced when he saw the amount of homework he had to do. ─── 他扮鬼脸来反对老师布置了一大堆的作业。

48、" This sounds nice enough, but if the person grimaced when they said it, that could signal an untruth. ─── 听起来很友好,但如果此人说话时一张苦脸,就可能表示并非出于真心。

49、She grimaced as the needle went in. ─── 针扎进去痛得她龇牙咧嘴。

50、He grimaced in pain, seemingly trying to stretch out his right foot. ─── 他试着用手按着他的右脚,表情非常痛苦。

51、No, while I grimaced a little as I stumbled through the Las Vegas level, what struck me as especially cool was the game's newly implemented notoriety system. ─── 抛开界面不谈,当我微微皱眉蹒跚在拉斯维加斯那一关时,着实让我觉得很酷的是游戏新执行的恶名系统。


One recent afternoon in his lab, a young soccer player grimaced with exertion while doing leg curls on a weight machine. \r 不久前的一个下午,在他的实验室里,一名足球运动员在重量计上弯曲双腿,一边做着鬼脸。 \r 后面加及物动词时,while的意思是“一边”的意思,翻译成中文就是“一边……一边……”

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