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09-09 投稿



economizes 发音

英:[??k?n?ma?z?z]  美:[??kɑ?n?ma?z?z]

英:  美:

economizes 中文意思翻译




economizes 词性/词形变化,economizes变形

名词: economizer |动词过去分词: economized |动词现在分词: economizing |动词过去式: economized |动词第三人称单数: economizes |

economizes 常用词组

economize on ─── 节约;节省

economizes 相似词语短语

1、economize ─── vi.节约,节省;有效地利用;vt.节约,节省;有效地利用

2、economise ─── vt.节约,节省;vi.节约,节省

3、economizer ─── n.节能装置;节俭的人,节约的人

4、economizers ─── 节约的人,节省的人(economizer的复数);节省原料的装置(economizer的复数)

5、economisers ─── n.节热器

6、economises ─── vt.节约,节省;vi.节约,节省

7、economies ─── n.节约,经济(economy复数)

8、economics ─── n.经济学;国家的经济状况

9、economized ─── vi.节约,节省;有效地利用;vt.节约,节省;有效地利用

economizes 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、More routine system compares and economizes 83% of energy consumption. ─── 较常规系统相比节约能耗83%。

2、Unique energy-conservation reduces the performance of wasting, reduces the engine transmission and rub the power between pair to loss effectively. Economizes the fuel. ─── 独特的节能减磨性能,有效降低发动机传动系统磨擦副之间的功率损耗,节约燃油。

3、"If we reject this opportunit y to support a friend with good econom ic policy, if we turn down this free trade agreement, it will hurt our relations in South America. ─── “如果我们拒绝这个可以和良好的经济政策建立友好关系的机会,如果我们拒绝这自由贸易的协议,这将会给我们南美带来伤害。

4、Therefore, the Cycle Economy mode which economizes resources and protects environment will be a necessity for China’s modernization. ─── 因此,确立资源节约、环境友好的循环经济模式成了中国现代化的必然选择。

5、Gratified is certainly not one month more than 100 Yuan disparity, because economizes is the minor matter, but were also for the environmental protection one's pygmy effort. ─── 欣慰的当然不是一个月100多元的差距,因为“省钱都是小事,但自己也算是为环保尽了绵薄之力”。

6、Honesty internally economizes business cost and improves efficiency of market system. ─── 诚信是节约交易成本,提高市场机制本身的效率的内在需要;

7、This is the European women who got old learns from them mother both economizes and the fast US secret! ─── 这是上了年纪的欧洲妇女从她们的母亲那儿学到的既省钱又快速的美手秘诀哦!

8、The application upgrades management level and automation level, reduces unit energy consumption and economizes resources. ─── 它的投入,提升了管理水平和自动化水平,降低了单位能耗,节约了资源。

9、DSM is one kind of power consumption management activity, which optimizes power consumption way, economizes energy and reduces cost. ─── 需求侧管理是一种优化用电方式、节约能源和降低成本的用电管理活动。

10、The system based-on FPGA and PCI bus architecture updates software and hardware handily, economizes cost. ─── 这种基于FPGA可编程芯片、PCI总线结构的设计非常灵活,易于模块化、系统软硬件升级方便,节约成本。

11、time is the money, Fengyin economizes for you. ─── 时间就是金钱,丰银为您省钱。

12、1) the careful plan and the perfect design are the first way which economizes. ─── 1)精心的策划和完美的设计是省钱的第一途径。

13、The viewpoints of overall coordination,macroscopic view assurance are put forward to increase the economic efficiency,and improve the econom... ─── 提出了整体协调、宏观把握的观点,增加生产生物柴油的经济效益,提高其经济可行性。

14、Our products conform to conservation and have eight major outstanding features,are the new generation energy saving illumination with energy saving and economizes. ─── 公司产品符合绿色环保,具有八大显著特点,真正省电又省钱的新一代节能照明新光源。

15、The effects of deep refiner were investigated in this paper:it accelerates the melting process and economizes thermal energy in tank furnaces. ─── 本文论述了玻璃池窑中深澄清池对加速玻璃熔化过程及节约能耗的作用,并指出了应用深澄清池应注意的问题。

16、The Privately Run Enterprises Are Encouraged and Supported in Their Participation in the State--owned Enterprises'Reform so as to Realize the Second Boom of Private Sector of the Econom ─── 鼓励支持私营企业参与国有企业改革实现非公有制经济的二次腾飞

17、glow energy conservation stove the fire pivot which most economizes for cafeteria kitchen making! ─── 兰辉节能炉为食堂厨房打造最省钱的炉灶!

18、Believe that the year economizes up to hundred million's loss cost is not a fond dream. ─── 相信年节省上亿的损失费用不是梦想。

19、a person who economizes and avoids waste. ─── 节约、节省、有效利用并避免消除浪费的人。

20、Make the office administration of the campus enter high-efficiently , economizes , rigorous, a real-time qualitative leap. ─── 要为他们的将来做准备,就要让他们接触一生都赖以使用的工具。

21、He praised the econom ic y stimul us ates package approved by the House of Representatives and urge d the Senate to follow suit. ─── “我认为,如果你真的想解决经济增长放缓的问题,上议院就应该接受众议院的方案,通过并尽快送交我批准。”

22、The system of ice-making by spraying water in winter and utilizing the ice in summer economizes the first investment,operating cost,pollution-tree and reduces the peak of electric power in summer. ─── 冬季喷水制冰蓄冷夏季应用系统与机械制冷系统相比,无污染、节约初投资和运行费用,并且可以降低夏季电力峰值负荷。

23、Agricultural circulation econom ─── 农业循环经济

24、It generalizes the project control in the computer information system in construction with the viewpoint basing on facts, improves quality, economizes the project time and funds. ─── 以实事求是的观点在计算机信息系统集成项目建设中推广项目管理,提高项目建设的质量,节省项目建设时间与项目建设资金。

25、Keywords The waste heat generates electricity;economizes the energy;lowers the production cost;environmental protection;raises the operation rate; ─── 余热发电;节约能源;降低生产成本;环境保护;提高运转率;

26、Anhui Economizes Major Weeds Biology Property of Rice Field and his Chemistry and Prevents and KillOff ─── 安徽省稻田主要杂草生物学特性及其化学防除

27、A good concept art design is best method that economizes the design labor cost. ─── 节约设计劳动成本的最好方法。

28、Using computer to supervise archives not only economizes human labor , but also enhances efficiency , and it is the inevitable trend to automaticly manage people’s information with computer . ─── 用计算机管理人事档案,不但节省人力,提高工作效率,加速人事信息的流通,而且用计算机自动管理人事信息是对代发展的必然趋势。

29、He said that since economizes the province to this situation, to will repair the quality definitely not to do requests too high, so long as will achieve basically moves in the condition then. ─── 他说,既然省钱省到这个地步上,对装修品质肯定不会作太高要求,只要达到基本的入住条件即可。

30、It economizes the resources and raises the economic benefits, and also exists hardly overcoming drawbacks. ─── 格式条款在节省社会资源、提高经济效益的同时也存在着自身难以克服的弊病。

31、The threshold to buddhism is unimportant, if economizes, the best method does not do, either uses the shoes cabinet or the different color floor brick. ─── 玄关不重要,若要省钱,最好的方法就是不做,要么就用鞋柜或不同颜色的地板砖。

32、The large earthquake of MS 7.4 attacking Izm it city, Turkey, on August 17, 1999, caused heavy casualtiesand econom iclosses . ─── 1999年8 月17日土耳其伊兹米特MS 7.4 大地震造成了重大的人员伤亡与经济损失。

33、This cell phone has a built-in antenna, which economizes the space it occupies. ─── 这款手机的天线是隐藏式的,所以非常节省空间。

34、he economizes energy and reducing the energy consumption ─── 节能降耗

35、” The designer mentions, separates the scale purchase finishing material, is also good economizes the means. ─── 设计师所提到的,分开档次购买装修材料,也是好的省钱办法。

36、This article would like to provide reference for the health care system reform in our country, after the changeover from planned econom... ─── 以求对我国从计划经济向市场经济转轨后,医疗保健制度的改革提供借鉴。

37、Economizes is the good deed, but must consider the corporate planning, how new is old fuses is should better be a serious topic. ─── 省钱是好事,但也要考虑整体规划,新旧怎么融合才是最好是个严肃的话题。

38、econom y responsibility audit ─── 经济责任审计

39、This cell phone has a built-in antenna, which economizes the space it occupies. ─── 这款手机的天线是隐藏式的,所以非常节省空间。

40、The customer gives advice: Promotes “the special policy” using the holiday business the opportunity, determines the repair plan, is one kind both the procedure which the province time and economizes. ─── 顾客参谋: 利用节假日商家推出“特殊政策”的时机,确定装修计划,是一种既省时间又省钱的做法。

41、Testing result indicates that it effectively economizes IP address resource. ─── 测试结果表明,该技术能有效节省IP地址资源。

42、3) depends on the shortcut which the repair company is economizes. ─── 3)依托装修公司是省钱的捷径。

43、A good concept art design is best method that economizes the design labor cost. ─── 节约设计劳动成本的最好方法。

44、According to the scale of treating 3 tons of raw materials every day, it replaces 1000 tons of fire coal every year, economizes on coal as the value of about 200,000 yuan. ─── 按每天处理3吨生物质原料的规模,每年代替燃煤1000吨,节煤价值约20万元。

45、The farmer income decelerates is aims at the city people income to raise fast says, the farmer income decelerated has suppressed the national econom health development. ─── 摘要农民收入减速是针对城市居民收入提速而言的,农民收入减速抑制了经济发展健康发展。

46、Not only it economizes for you also saves the precious time for you. ─── 它不仅为你省钱还为你省下宝贵的时间。

47、Fourth, "system of the Saint king" "economizes the imperial desire" ecology esthetic construction. ─── “圣王之制”“节用御欲”的生态审美建设。

48、Compares the old imperial crown, buys newly the car both economizes and the province oil. ─── 比起老皇冠,新买的小车既省钱又省油。

49、Use our special field to serve for the customer economizes design resource , have an effect to control project expenses cost. ─── 用我们的专业服务为客户节省设计资源,有效控制项目开支成本。

50、In actual life, how had handled accumulate with the consumption, relation that economizes to live with improvement, it is a serious problem that often encounters. ─── 在现实生活中,怎样处理好积累与消费、勤俭节约与改善生活的关系,从来是一个经常遇到的重要问题。

51、It mainly contains that enlarges source and economizes on use water, supply water separately by different quality for different use. ─── 其内容主要有:用水的开源节流,分质供水;

52、must quicken to change the manners of the economic development to build a friendly surroundings society which economizes resources; ─── 必须坚持加快转变经济增长方式,建设资源节约型社会和环境友好型社会;

53、The blue glow energy conservation stove the fire pivot which most economizes for cafeteria kitchen making! ─── 兰辉节能炉为食堂厨房打造最省钱的炉灶!

54、An important advantage of the price system is that it economizes on information. ─── 价格体制的一个重要优点是它能简化信息传递过程。

55、The earthquake disaster affected one city,one county,11 contrysides and 79 villages; disastered people w ere 24 058,disaster area w as 6 700km 2,the econom ic dam agesw ere 9 763 000 Yuan (RMB). ─── 该地震震害波及1市、1县、11个乡、79个行政村,受灾人口24 058人,受灾面积达6 700km 2,造成直接经济损失达9 763 000元

56、Therefore, should better not want to ask the worker to construct directly, the surface economizes, creates a bigger economic loss feasible because of yours wrong choice. ─── 因此,最好不要自己直接请工人施工,表面省钱,实际可能因为您的错误选择而造成更大的经济损失。

57、"The best that can be said for this method is that it economizes on thought" (Christopher Hitchens) ─── “这种方法最好的一点是它不费脑筋”(克里斯托夫·希钦斯)

58、Economizes the reason: The light is in all repair project, cheapest is also most has the effect. ─── 省钱理由:灯光是所有装修工程中,最便宜也是最有效果的。

59、4)Compared to the common machine room, it saves 50% machine room space, and economizes the construction space and material. ─── 机房面积仅为传统曳引电梯机房的50%,使建筑空间与建筑材料大为节省。

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