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09-04 投稿


snuffs 发音

英:[sn?fs]  美:[sn?fs]

英:  美:

snuffs 中文意思翻译




snuffs 词性/词形变化,snuffs变形

动词过去分词: snuffed |动词现在分词: snuffing |动词第三人称单数: snuffs |动词过去式: snuffed |

snuffs 短语词组

1、sniffs and snuffs ─── 嗅鼻涕

snuffs 相似词语短语

1、scruffs ─── n.颈背;后颈

2、sluffs ─── 小滑雪(sluff的名词复数)

3、snuff ─── vt.剪烛花;掐灭;消灭;嗅出;n.鼻烟;烛花;灯花;vi.扑灭;断气;嗅

4、snuffers ─── n.剪蜡烛芯用剪刀

5、sniffs ─── vi.嗅;嗤之以鼻;vt.嗅;闻;用力吸;发觉;n.吸,闻;嗤之以鼻;气味;以鼻吸气;吸气声

6、snuffy ─── adj.鼻烟一样的;郁闷不乐的;讨厌的

7、scuffs ─── v.磨损,磨坏;拖着脚走;n.磨痕,擦痕

8、snuffles ─── vi.抽鼻子;带鼻音说话;n.鼻塞;鼻音;vt.出声地吸入;带鼻音说

9、stuffs ─── n.东西;材料;填充物;素材资料;vt.塞满;填塞;让吃饱;vi.吃得过多

snuffs 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The sea catches arrows of lightning and snuffs them in her depths. ─── 大海抓住闪电的箭光,把它们熄灭在自己的深渊里。

2、With Online Scanner, non-ESET users can get a “second opinion” on the health status of their computers and determine if their existing malware solution is really performing up to snuff. ─── 依靠在线扫描,非ESET产品的用户能够以另一种视角来审视电脑的健康状况,并确定其已有的恶意软件解决方案是否真的正常运作。

3、20 A bruised reed he will not break, and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out, till he leads justice to victory. ─── 20压伤的芦苇,他不折断;将残的灯火,他不吹灭;等他施行公理,叫公理得胜。

4、he snuffs out matches using his figure. ─── 他用指尖掐灭了火柴。

5、CAL: She knows. (He reaches over and snuffs out the cigarette. To the waiter) We'll both have the lamb. Rare, with very little mint sauce. (To Rose) You like lamb, right, sweet pea? ─── 卡尔:她知道。(他走近,将烟拧灭。对旁边的侍者说)我们都要煎得嫩的羊扒,一点薄荷酱。(对露丝)你也喜欢羊扒,对吗,亲爱的?

6、He will snuff out one of these days if he is not careful. ─── 他如果不小心,总有一天会送命的。

7、“A bruised reed he will not break, and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out. ─── “压伤的芦苇,他不折断;将残的灯火,他不吹灭。

8、CAL: She knows. (He reaches over and snuffs out the cigarette. ─── 卡尔:她知道。(他走近,将烟拧灭。

9、God sometimes snuffs out our brightest candle that we may look up to his eternal stars. ─── 有时候上帝吹熄最亮的蜡烛好让我们抬头仰望祂永恒的繁星。

10、Don't take it in snuff. ─── 别生气嘛。

11、hallucinogenic snuff from piptadenia ─── 优波(从植物piptadenia提取的一种引起幻觉的嗅剂)

12、Her goal was to or=# cc0066> snuff out all political opposition to her empress ambitions. ─── 她的目的是要消除一切不利于她实现发女皇宏图的政治对抗。

13、Also, in the days following the switchover, the digital signals being broadcast are unlikely to be up to snuff. ─── 同样,数字电视转换后的一段时期,播出的数字信号也未必理想。

14、He saw no reason why one lamp was still alight and tried to snuff it out. But whatever he did,the lamp kept burning. ─── 他觉得白天不需要点灯,就想把它吹熄,但无论他怎么吹都吹不熄灭。

15、Water Color Painting of Favorite Car Became a Reverse Paint Snuff Bottle ─── 喜欢的水彩画汽车变成了鼻烟壶的背面画

16、Wonderful snuff bottles of agate ─── 妙趣天成的玛瑙鼻烟壶

17、The sea catches arrows of lightning and snuffs them in her depths. ─── 大海抓住闪电的箭光,把它们熄灭在自己的深渊里。

18、Death Touch I Snuffs out the life of a target below 40% life. Some targets will be immune . ─── 瞬间杀死生命值低于40%的目标,一些生物可能会抵抗。

19、infinity becomes finite, harmony becomes discord, the dark overtakes the light, and death snuffs out life. ─── 无限变成有限,和谐成为不和,黑暗压倒光,以及死亡扼杀生命。

20、An explosion of dynamite over the well drives the oxygen out and snuffs the fire. ─── 炸药在井上方爆炸,将氧气驱出,并将火扑灭。

21、Bad News Breathing Uneasy Those nagl strips athletes wear to boost their performance may not be up to snuff. ─── 坏消息呼吸困难那些运动员为了提高成绩而使用的鼻管也许并不能达到预想的效果。

22、So anti-smoking groups are working to remind businesses that today is the day to snuff out cigarettes. ─── 因此,反吸烟团体不断做宣传,提醒各行各业从今天开始要消灭吸烟。

23、Chewing tobacco and snuff not allowed in the plant. ─── 在厂房内不许嚼和吸食烟草。

24、Then, as simply as one snuffs a candle, both father and son crumpled into a heap. ─── 这时,就像一口气吹灭了蜡烛一样简单,父亲和儿子倒在了一起。

25、At the words "Rue Plumet" he interrupted his inhalation and allowed the remainder of his snuff to fall upon his knees. ─── 听到卜吕梅街这几个字的时候,他忽然停止吸气,让剩下的鼻烟屑落在膝头上。

26、Toyota says that the recalls occurred because quality control was not up to snuff. ─── 丰田公司说,由于回顾发生因为质量控制。

27、Pu Yi and Wan Rong was appraised as the best work by the 13th International Snuff Bottle Artists' Association and in 1985 American Presidents won recognition as a unique piece of Chinese art. ─── 《溥仪和婉容肖像》被第13届国际烟壶协会评为最优秀奖; 《美国历届总统像》荣获 1985年中国工艺美术珍品奖。

28、Anyone being considered for such an important job has to take several tests to prove that he is up to snuff. ─── 为这样一份重要的工作物色人选得让他参加几种测试,以证明他是否胜任这项工作。

29、He saw no reason why one lamp was still alight and tried to snuff it out. But whatever he did, the lamp kept burning. ─── 他觉得白天不需要点灯,就想把它吹熄,但无论他怎么吹都吹不熄灭。

30、to snuff; to trim off the snuff (of a candle) ─── 剪烛花

31、go off like the snuff of a candle ─── v. 突然死掉

32、Plants that lack this brake end up with a hair-trigger response to infection, which helps them to snuff out a smouldering infection before it catches. ─── ”缺少这种制动闸的植物最后对感染会有一触即发的反应,这有助于它们在发病前消灭潜伏的感染。

33、Hand-carved snuff bottle from natural lapis lazuli stone. ─── 中国工厂起定量 宝石鼻烟瓶产品的起定量可商议。

34、Altria, Reynolds and others are already expanding the number of non-cigarette products they sell, such as cigars, pouchlike snus and snuff. ─── 奥驰亚、雷诺和其他烟草公司已经在扩大各自销售的非卷烟产品,如雪茄、袋状小鼻烟和湿鼻烟等产品的数量。

35、Descending the heavy hand snuffs out building price! ─── 下重手打压房价!

36、She herself took snuff and there was nothing wrong with this because she did it herself/my translation. ─── 她自己也吸鼻菸,当然这下就没什麽不对了,因为吸菸的可是她自己嘛。

37、As he listened to him and drank in the sound of his voice, he enjoyed at the same time a protracted pinch of snuff. ─── 他一面听他说,欣赏他说话的声音,同时,深深地吸了一撮鼻烟。

38、They had orders to snuff out the enemy guards. ─── 他们接到了杀掉敌卫兵的命令。

39、How many hairs to make a wig? Four and twenty, that's enough! Give the barber a pinch of snuff. ─── 剃头匠,剃头匠,给猪刮毛!要多少毛发做头假发?二十四,那就够了!给剃头匠一撮鼻烟。

40、In the past the voice of dissension have be quickly snuff out ─── 在过去不同的意见都很快被压制下去

41、If he's not feeling up to snuff, the first step is to have him checked out by a physician who can help him with any health problems and advise him on how to take better care of himself. ─── 如果他感到身体不舒服,第一步就是要去找医生给他检查,这名医生要能帮他解决健康问题并告诉他如何更好地照顾自己。

42、Our band needs to get up to snuff before we hit the road again. ─── 再次出发巡回演出之前,我们乐队得恢复水平。

43、Snuff Bottles with Pictures Inside ─── 内画壶《百子图》

44、World Health Organization experts are gathering in Beijing in a bid to help snuff out a worrying re-emergence of the SARS virus. ─── 世界卫生组织的专家聚集北京,以帮助消除人们对非典病毒重现的担心。

45、scissors for cropping and holding the snuff of a candlewick ─── 修剪和保持蜡芯的剪刀

46、The Marquis took a gentle little pinch of snuff, and shook his head; as elegantly despondent as he could becomingly be of a country still containing himself, that great means of regeneration. ─── 侯爵嗅了一小撮鼻烟,摇了摇头,优雅地表现了失望,仿佛这个国家毕竟还有他,而他却是个当之无傀的伟大人物,能够重振家邦似的。

47、You mustn't snuff out yet. ─── 你还不能死。

48、Wayne Bridge - Walks up and snuffs out the snake danger, quickly, quietly, and without fuss. Chelsea fans make up a song about it. ─── 布里奇――走过去消灭了蛇的威胁,迅速、安静、毫不慌张地。切尔西球迷为此专门创作了一首歌来歌颂他。

49、And her maids knew by infallible tokens when Madame Byelov would be deaf again, and when her snuff would again be damp, and her face would again be yellow. ─── 使女们一看老夫人的脸色就知道,准是别洛娃又耳背了,或者是鼻烟又太潮了,因此她的脸色又发黄了。

50、A bruised reed He will not break, and a smoldering wick He will not snuff out. ─── 压伤的芦苇他不折断,残的灯火他不吹灭。

51、Snuff out the candles,it's time to go to bed. ─── 吹灭蜡烛睡觉吧。

52、A bruised reed he will not break, and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out, till he leads justice to victory. ─── 压伤的芦苇,他不折断;将残的灯火,他不吹灭;等他施行公理,叫公理得胜。

53、submitting to the will of Heaven snuffs out the strong requirement of liberty and human right; ─── 小农的听命于天扼杀了对自由和人权的强烈需求;

54、Items such as chewing tobacco; snuff and toothpicks are not allowed in plant. ─── 在工厂嚼烟叶、烟和牙签都是禁止项目。

55、And he took another gentle little pinch of snuff, and lightly crossed his legs. ─── 他又吸了一小撮鼻烟,把一条腿轻轻地搁在另一条腿上。

56、He caught up a jar and a small spoon, and began ladling snuff into his nose in most excessive quantities. ─── 他抓起一个瓶子和一把小匙,把大量的鼻烟往自己的鼻子里塞进去。

57、But his execution on December 30th looked less like the meting out of justice than like one of the sordid snuff videos circulated on the internet by al-Qaeda. ─── 不过,12月30日施行的绞刑,与其说是正义的实现,倒不如说更像基地组织在网上散布的骇人录像片段。

58、The attempt to snuff out the protest was the strongest sign so far of the government's growing impatience with public airing of grievances over unsafe school construction. ─── 公众对不安全学校建筑的不满,政府变得越来越没有耐心.本次政府企图浇灭抗议就是最重要的一个标志.

59、Romantics, such as the late British explorer Wilfred Thesiger, alleged that they were wont to castrate their foes and use their shrivelled genitals as snuff pouches. ─── 一些传奇人物,像最近的英国探险家WilfredThesiger,声称阿法斯人常常将敌人阉割并把生殖器做成鼻烟袋。

60、interior painted snuff bottle ─── 内画鼻烟壶

61、a strong snuff made from a dark,coarse tobacco ─── 一种由暗色,粗糙的烟草制成的强烈的鼻烟

62、She bought her father a snuff bottle. ─── 她给爸爸买了一个鼻烟壶。

63、This snuff bottle has been listed as one of the state's best works of art. ─── 作品优美生动,细致入微,被国家列为工艺美术佳品珍藏。

64、Portraits and calligraphy on the inner surface of snuff bottles were two of his unique skills. ─── 人物肖像和内书技艺,是马少宣先生的两项“绝活儿”。

65、Yeah. Those ones you can snuff. ─── 好。那些(罪魁祸首)你可以消灭掉。

66、He snuffs up salt and water to cure a cold. ─── 他吸盐水入鼻中治感冒。

67、Others point to an increase in fatal accidents and fires at PDVSA's refineries as proof that its workers are no longer up to snuff. ─── 其他人也指出PDVSA的精炼厂的重大事故和火灾的增加也证明了它的员工不再是符合标准的了。

68、You won't deceive John easily,he's quite up to snuff. ─── 你轻易欺骗不了约翰,他精明得很。

69、7 Items such as chewing tobacco; snuff and toothpicks are not allowed in plant. ─── 在工厂嚼烟叶、鼻烟和牙签都是禁止项目。

70、Her goal was to snuff out all political opposition to her empress ambitions. ─── 她的目的是要消除一切不利于她实现女皇宏图的政治对抗。

71、But most of all it needs its African neighbours to tell the tyrant unambiguously to go-and to snuff him out if he refuses. ─── 但是现在最重要的,是它的非洲邻国明确声明,暴君必须下台,否则就消灭他。

72、He will go off like a candle I n a snuff sooner or later. ─── 他迟早会突然丧命的。

73、He snuffs up salt and water to cure a cold. ─── 他吸盐水入鼻中治感冒。

74、The combination of heavy debt burden, financial market strain, high interest rates and industrial recession throughout the world are more than enough to snuff out the feeble falterings at recovery in the British economy. ─── 世界范围的沉重的债务,紧缩的金融市场,高昂的利率以及工业的衰退等等,所有这一切足以一笔勾销处在恢复期的英国经济的虚弱无力的回升。

75、You'll snuff out one day if you're so careless. ─── 你老是这么粗心早晚有一天会送命的。

76、Ready to snuff out the world's one hope for reason and justice. ─── 准备要扼杀世界上对理智和正义的唯一希望。

77、He had been taking a large quantity of snuff and sneezed twice. He wandered absent-mindedly over to the door and glanced out just in time to see Wu Sun-fu escape from Chu Yin-chiu. ─── 他嗅了多量的鼻烟,打过两个喷嚏,下意识地走到门边开门一看,恰好看见吴荪甫像逃走似的离开了朱吟秋来了。

78、Association of crock of what international snuff, seminar is waited a moment, make ammunition of the wind that get wind. ─── 什么国际鼻烟壶协会、研究会等等,闹得风风火火。

79、Walpurgis snuffs it. ─── 主题: Re: Dr.

80、scissors for cropping and holding the snuff of a candlewick. ─── 修剪和保持蜡芯的剪刀。

81、That obliterates evidence as it snuffs out life? ─── 将证据像生命一样消灭?

82、inner painted snuff bottle of {Boshan} ─── 博山内画壶

83、UST's Skoal and Copenhagen are the largest U.S. brands of snuff, finely ground tobacco a user tucks between the lip and gum to extract nicotine and flavoring such as wintergreen. ─── UST公司的斯库尔和哥本哈根是美国最大的鼻烟品牌,是使用鼻烟的人放在嘴唇和齿龈之间的、吸取尼古丁和鹿蹄草等香料的、经过精细磨碎的烟草。

84、He set his face in a scowl and paced up and down, then paused to look at Tu Chu-chai, who was sitting on a sofa taking snuff. ─── 他虎起了脸,踱了几步,看看那位坐在沙发里吸鼻烟的杜竹斋。

85、His picture Two Monkeys was awarded a prize for excellence by the 12th International Snuff Bottle Artists' Association in 1980. ─── 内画壶《双猿图》曾获1980年第12届国际烟壶协会优秀奖;

86、UST, maker of Skoal and Copenhagen snuff, now employs about 350 people in Stamford. ─── 制造斯库尔和哥本哈根鼻烟的美国无烟烟草制造商如今在斯坦福徳聘用了约350人。

87、A good stone seal or a good snuff bottle could cost six or seven hundred dollars. ─── 一颗精致的石印或一只精致的鼻烟壶有时值六七百块钱。

88、a small ornamental box for carrying snuff in your pocket. ─── 口袋中装的放鼻烟的装饰性的小盒子。

89、The art of decorating snuff bottles from the inside originated in Beijing. ─── 内画壶是鼻烟壶的一种。 内画技艺起源于北京。

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