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09-04 投稿


bowstring 发音

英:[?b??str??]  美:[?bo?str??]

英:  美:

bowstring 中文意思翻译



bowstring 词性/词形变化,bowstring变形


bowstring 短语词组

1、bowstring of gond ─── 弓弦

2、bowstring runescape ─── 弓弦长跑

3、African bowstring hemp ─── [网络] 非洲弓弦大麻

4、bowstring beam ─── 弓弦梁, ─── 弓弦式梁

5、Ceylon bowstring hemp ─── [网络] 锡兰弓弦麻

6、bowstring material ─── 弓弦材料

7、bowstring truss ─── 弓弦式桁架, ─── 弓弦桁架

8、bowstring tv ─── 弓弦电视

9、bowstring 5e ─── 弓弦5e

10、bowstring of gond bg2 ─── 问题bg2的弓弦

11、bowstring pathfinder ─── 弓弦探路者

12、bowstring arch ─── 弓弦式拱

13、recoil of bowstring ─── 弓弦反冲

14、bowstring roof ─── 弓弦屋盖

15、bowstring hemp ─── 弓弦大麻

16、bowstring makers ─── 弓弦制造者

17、bowstring girder ─── 弓弦大梁, ─── 弓形横梁

bowstring 相似词语短语

1、constringe ─── vt.使收敛;使收缩;压缩

2、bowsing ─── 鲍辛

3、to string ─── n.将日期时间值转换成"日期/时间"形式的字符串值;转换对象为字符串

4、bowstrung ─── 弓弦

5、drawstring ─── n.细绳;拉带

6、bowldering ─── 保龄球

7、bowstringing ─── n.(尤指用三根麻线制成的)弓弦;(乐器上的)马毛弓弦

8、bowstrings ─── n.(尤指用三根麻线制成的)弓弦;(乐器上的)马毛弓弦

9、bowstringed ─── n.(尤指用三根麻线制成的)弓弦;(乐器上的)马毛弓弦

bowstring 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、If you want to shoot the target, you should aim higher than it,cause arrows left the bowstring are under effection of the gravity. ─── 2要想射中靶,必须瞄准比靶略为高些,因为脱弦之箭都受到地心引力的影响。

2、This paper is mainly concerned with the structural characteristics and research process of fiber grating strain sensors, successful applications of strain sensors in the bowstring arch bridge, particularly the tie bar cable replacement. ─── 文中介绍光纤光栅测力传感器的结构特点和研究过程,及其在系杆拱桥换索施工中的成功应用。

3、Several Technical Problems on Constructing the Bowstring Arch Bridge of Double Hanging-basket Steel-pipe Concrete ─── 双提篮钢管混凝土系杆拱桥施工的几个技术问题

4、When the king expressed doubt, Geng Lei pointed his bow at a wild goose flying in the sky, twanged the bowstring, and the goose fell to the ground ─── 国王不相信,更羸便对准天上飞来的一只雁射去,果真那只雁听到拉弦的声音就掉了下来。

5、It is missing a strong and flexible bowstring. ─── 缺少柔韧而坚固的弓弦。

6、One day he said to the king: 'I can shoot down birds by simply plucking my bowstring.' ─── 一天,他对国王说:“我只要拉开弓,空射一下,就能把天上的鸟射下来。”

7、Glossal An or dot having Yu, bowstring of arteries and veins or acerbity. ─── 舌黯或有瘀点,脉弦或涩。

8、It is hard to bull back the bowstring. ─── 要拉开弓弦挺难的。

9、Apparent, lack completely in their brain " structural adjustment " with finance income and commercial profit link up with this bowstring. ─── 很明显,他们的脑子里完全缺乏把“结构调整”与财政收益和商业利润挂钩这根弦。

10、The Operation for the Design of Bowstring Beam Structure ─── 弓式张弦梁结构设计施工

11、Applied Calculation Method for Lateral Stability of Non-range-spacer Through Bowstring Arch ─── 无横撑下承式系杆拱侧倾稳定实用计算方法

12、Hearing the twang of the bowstring, it assumed that it was doomed. so it simply gave up trying to live. ─── 它一听到我拉开弓弦的声响,就惊慌得支持不住,自然要掉下来了。”

13、My right hand puts on the bowstring and opens pulling slowly. ─── 右手搭在弓弦上,缓缓后拉。

14、The results of the analysis shows, on one side, the structure cracks on the bowstring rods effectively release the hyperstatical internal force in the structure caused by the seismic force; ─── 结果表明:(1)下弦杆分缝的处理方法有效地释放了地震力所引起的结构超静定内力;

15、This article returns to use the square distance of the parallel bowstring method solution non- linear algebra of astringency condition. ─── 本文还给出了用平行弦法解非线性代数方程的收敛性条件。

16、bowstring girder ─── 弓弦大梁弓形横梁

17、After shooting, take out the auxiliary-bowstring firstly, then take out the main bowstring. ─── 击发后,先拆下副弦,再拆主弦。

18、One day he said to the king: 'I can shoot down birds by simply plucking my bowstring. ─── 一天,他对国王说:"我只要拉开弓,空射一下,就能把天上的鸟射下来。"

19、Life is a bow, bowstring is the dream. ─── 生命是一张弓,那弓弦是梦想。

20、The traditional software that reduce toxin is nonfeasance almost to the trojan, because this needs new method bowstring vaulting horse. ─── 传统杀毒软件对木马几乎是不作为的,因此需要新的手段绞杀木马。

21、Computational Method for Analysis of Rod Initial Tension of Bowstring Arch Bridges ─── 系杆拱桥吊杆初始张拉力的计算方法

22、6. sound with a twang, as of a bowstring. ─── 使用弦发出的声音,比如弓弦。

23、On the Basic Training of Violin's Bowstring ─── 浅谈小提琴运弓的基本训练

24、the notch in the end of an arrow that fits on the bowstring ─── 箭上的凹口箭末端的V形凹口,用来搭弓弦

25、The bowstring must be drawn tight. ─── 弓弦一定要绷紧。

26、shake bowstring sensor ─── 振弦式传感器

27、Becareful,the arrow is going to leave the bowstring! ─── 懂我心的手机是心机发表于2007-9-410:01:54不文明贴或违规签名投诉

28、The groove at either end of a bow for holding the bowstring. ─── 弓上的凹口弓两端用来缚弓弦凹口

29、To fit(an arrow) to a bowstring. ─── 把(箭)搭在弓弦上

30、One day he saidto the king: 'I can shoot down birds by simply plucking my bowstring. ─── 一天,他对国王说:“我只要拉开弓,空射一下,就能把天上的鸟射下来。”

31、Optimization Calculation of Construction Control of a Through Bowstring Arch Bridge ─── 下承式系杆拱桥施工控制优化计算

32、bowstring structure ─── 弓弦结构

33、An arrow fitted to the bowstring cannot avoid being discharged. ─── 箭在弦上,不得不发。

34、Coastal line of China symbols bowstring, while the Yangtze River goes upstream from Shanghai to Chongqing like an arrow. ─── 中国的海岸线像一张弓的弓弦,长江从上海上溯到重庆就像一支弓箭。

35、The bowstring is stretched taut ─── 弓弦绷得很紧。

36、It's not loaded until you hear a “clatter”, and now, hang another end of the main bowstring to the inside of the copper-dowel. ─── 用力后拉至弩机处,待“咔嗒声”响后,即挂机,此时将主弦另一端挂在铜销内侧。

37、bowstring bridge ─── 弓弦式桥弓弦桥

38、The arch feed was replaced with bowstring feed in spatial arch interpolate, or circular arc was replaced with spatial straight line. ─── 空间圆弧粗插补用弦进给代替弧进给,即用空间直线代替圆弧。

39、Birds Startled by the Mere Twang of a Bowstring ─── 惊弓之鸟

40、Because He has loosed His bowstring and afflicted me, They have cast off the bridle before me. ─── 伯30:11松开他们的绳索苦待我、我面前脱去辔头。

41、Coastal line of China symbols bowstring,while the Yangtze River goes upstream from Shanghai to Chongqing like an arrow. ─── 中国的海岸线像一张弓的弓弦,长江从上海上溯到重庆就像一支弓箭。

42、After shooting, take out the auxiliary-bowstring firstly, then take out the main bowstring. ─── 击发后,先拆下副弦,再拆主弦。

43、In his first year at the school, the 14-year-old has been allowed to work on only one major aspect of archery: the release of the bowstring. ─── 在体校的第一年里,这个十四岁的男孩一直只允许练习箭术的一个主要动作:释放弓弦。

44、double bowstring truss ─── 双弓弦桁架

45、light bowstring basket cantilever ─── 轻型弓弦式挂篮

46、7.The results indicate that fiber grating strain sensors are able to monitor the tension status about reinforced concrete bowstring arch bridge effectively. ─── 应用结果表明:光纤光栅测力传感器可有效监测钢管混凝土系杆拱桥系杆的受力状况。

47、Bowstring test ─── 弓弦试验

48、" When the kind expressed doubt, Geng Lei pointed his bow at a wild goose flying in the sky, twanged the bowstring, and the goose fell to the ground. ─── 国王不相信。更羸便对准天上飞来的一只雁射去,果真那只雁听到拉弦的声音就掉了下来。

49、refix a bowstring; restring a musical instrument; make a fresh [new] start; start afresh ─── 改弦更张

50、A running heart is concentrated, as an arrow off the bowstring, with the bull's eye as its end-result. ─── 一颗奔跑的心是无旁骛的。就像一支离弦的箭,只有靶心才是它最向往的归宿。

51、I entrain a long arrow from the arrow pot, put it on the bowstring, the both legs tandem come to a stop, and raise the hand silver-white color bow slowly. ─── 我从箭壶中拽出一支长箭,搭在弓弦上,双腿一前一后站稳,缓缓举起了手中的银白色弓。

52、bowstring is stretched taut. ─── 弓弦绷得很紧。

53、bowstring beam ─── 弓弦梁弓弦式梁

54、This article puts forward the parallel method of bowstring to understand the square distance of algebra, and discussed its astringency. ─── 本文提出了解代数方程的平行弦迭代法,并讨论了它的收敛性。

55、Apart from improper bowstring drawing, another chief problem of the students that affects the clarity of the music they play is unclear clauses which results in the lack of smoothness of their playing and inadaptability in hearing. ─── 学生在演奏维瓦尔迪协奏曲时,除了运弓技巧不当而影响发音的明亮外,主要的问题是旋律的分句不明确,乐句的混乱造成了演奏上的不流畅,听觉上的不适应,应引起重视。

56、But he turns over face about to ask me stealthily: "Bowstring, do you hope what posture? ─── 可他翻转身悄悄地问我:“弦儿,你希望什么体位?”

57、A running heart is concentrated, as an arrow off the bowstring, with the bull’s eye as its end-result. ─── 一颗奔跑的心是无旁骛的。就像一支离弦的箭,只有靶心才是它最向往的归宿。

58、New architecture is provided for the strutural form of single rib trunk section bowstring arch bridge with major span and lower strutural high, nd I organized the first such type of design project. ─── 提出了适用于较大跨度、较低结构高度的单肋箱形截面系杆拱的结构形式,并已组织完成了首项设计。

59、The tongue is qualitative violet An, or glossal edge has violet spot, heavy bowstring of arteries and veins or heavy acerbity. ─── 舌质紫黯,或舌边有紫斑,脉沉弦或沉涩。

60、He took out his red bow and a white arrow,aimed at one of the suns and released the bowstring. ─── “啪!”

61、Its tennis racket basically is aimed at abecedarian and amateur, nearly 100 is plant, have the service that wear bowstring. ─── 其网球拍主要针对初学者及业余爱好者,有近百种之多,并有穿弦服务。

62、the groove at either end of a bow for holding the bowstring ─── 弓两端用来缚弓弦凹口

63、recoil of bowstring ─── 弦的反冲

64、However as soon as I draw the bowstring, I only then understood why the referee could tell me a moment ago. ─── 然而一拉上弓弦,我才明白为什么裁判刚才会告诉我那些话了。

65、accumulative bowstring length ─── 累加玄长

66、A bowstring of any number of strands. ─── 一條弓弦可以使用任何股數。

67、Construction technique of two-way stretching bowstring steel roof truss of Nation Gymnasium ─── 国家体育馆双向张弦钢屋架施工技术

68、The Optimum Design of the Boom Once Jacking Subject of Bowstring and Bridge ─── 系杆拱桥吊杆一次张拉方案的优化设计

69、bowstring arch bridge ─── 系杆拱桥

70、Hearing the twang of the bowstring, it assumed that it was doomed. ─── 它一听到我拉开弓弦的声响,就惊慌得支持不

71、bowstring arch ─── 弓弦拱

72、In his first year at the school, the 14-year-old has been allowed to work on only one major aspect of archery: the release of the bowstring. ─── 在体校的第一年里,这个十四岁的男孩一直只允许练习箭术的一个主要动作:释放弓弦。

73、Especially below present circumstance, what this bowstring should move is a bit taller, should be clear about more a bit, do well cash flows. ─── 尤其是现在的情况下,这根弦应该调的更高一点,更应该清楚一点,搞好现金流。

74、2 A bowstring of any number of strands, ─── 2一條弓弦可以使用任何股数。

75、Construction Control Check and Practice of Rigid-Frame Shaped Arch Bridge with Bowstring ─── 刚架式系杆拱桥的施工控制验算与实践

76、bowstring truss ─── 弓弦式桁架弓弦桁架

77、"Because He has loosed His bowstring and afflicted me, They have cast off the bridle before me. ─── 松开他们的绳索苦待我、在我面前脱去辔头。

78、Hearing the twang of the bowstring, it assumed that it was doomed ─── 它一听到我拉开弓弦的声响,就惊慌得支持不住。

79、Internal Force Analysis of Bowstring Arch Bridge in Different Construction Method ─── 系杆拱桥不同施工方法的内力分析

80、Design of Half-Through Steel Pipe Bowstring Concrete Arch Bridge of Long-Span, and Knowledges to It ─── 大跨度中承式钢管系杆混凝土拱桥设计和体会

81、Hang up the auxiliary-bowstring to the outside of the copper-dowels when it is unloaded. Take down the main bowstring after the auxiliary loaded. ─── 在未挂机状态下,将副弦挂在弓片两端铜销外侧。拉动副弦挂机后,拆下主弦。

82、I entrain a long arrow from the pot, put it on the bowstring, raise the hand hard bow slowly, and aim at the 68th object at 200 meters far, and stop my breath to pull the full bow to emit the arrow. ─── 我又我从箭壶中拽出一支长箭,搭在弓弦上,缓缓举起了手中的硬弓,对准二百米远处的第六十八号靶心,屏住呼吸后拉满弓放出箭。

83、Using a Bowstring and a leather as a girdle ─── 佩弦佩韦

84、Space stability of Shenzhen Furong continuous CFST bowstring arch bridge ─── 深圳市芙蓉大桥连续钢管拱系杆拱桥空间稳定性分析

85、Study of Mechanical Characteristics of Basket Bowstring Arch Bridge ─── 提篮式系杆拱桥力学特性研究

86、bowstring roof ─── 弓弦屋盖

87、Bowstring of the Unicorn's Mane ─── 独角兽鬃之弦

88、He looked the very model of an Eastern Emir, an agent or a victim of the bowstring ─── 他看上去活象个东方的埃米尔,一名出生入死的沙场勇士。

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