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09-09 投稿


acceptability 发音

英:[?k?sept??b?l?ti]  美:[?k?sept??b?l?ti]

英:  美:

acceptability 中文意思翻译



acceptability 网络释义

n. 可接受性;可容许性

acceptability 常用词组

social acceptability ─── 社交能力;社会可接受性;社会接受度

acceptability 反义词


acceptability 词性/词形变化,acceptability变形

动词过去分词: accepted |动词过去式: accepted |动词现在分词: accepting |动词第三人称单数: accepts |

acceptability 同义词

adequacy | tolerability | appropriateness | acceptableness |suitability

acceptability 短语词组

1、acceptability test ─── 可接受性测验 ─── 可接受性测试

2、acceptability limit ─── 合格范围

3、acceptability define ─── 可接受性定义

4、acceptability syn ─── 可接受性syn

5、acceptability def ─── 可接受性定义

6、general acceptability ─── 普遍接受性

7、acceptability bias ─── 可接受性偏差

8、criterion of acceptability ─── [计] 合格标准

9、acceptability scale ─── 可接受量表

10、acceptability curve ─── 可接受曲线

11、acceptability econ ─── 可接受性经济

12、acceptability criteria ─── 验收标准

acceptability 相似词语短语

1、accountability ─── n.有义务;有责任;可说明性

2、attemptability ─── n.企图,试图;攻击(attempt的变形)

3、acceptably ─── adv.可欣然接受地;合意地

4、actability ─── 可操作性

5、accept liability ─── 承担责任

6、accessibility ─── n.易接近;可亲;可以得到

7、adaptability ─── n.适应性;可变性;适合性

8、unacceptability ─── 接受

9、acceptivity ─── 可接受性

acceptability 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Despite their protestation, they were still glad to accept our help. ─── 尽管他们严肃地表明了态度,但他们仍然乐于接受我们的援助。

2、He, then, decided to accept the proposal. ─── 于是,他决定接受这一建议。

3、If they refuse to accept a cheese we'll have to pay cash. ─── 如果他们拒绝收支票,我们将不得不付现金。

4、Her remarks inclined me to accept her idea. ─── 她的评论使我接受她的看法。

5、They felt it to be undignified to accept a tip. ─── 他们觉得接受小费有损尊严。

6、I despise his refusing to accept responsibility. ─── 他拒不承担责任,我鄙视他。

7、The people had to accept the harsh exigencies of war. ─── 人们要承受战乱的严酷现实。

8、Critical limitA value which separates acceptability from unacceptability. ─── 管制界限:将次品和成品分开所设的标准值.

9、A value which separates acceptability. ─── 为防止危害发生所设的标准。

10、No one shall accept of any present. ─── 任何人不许收受礼物。

11、You had best not accept the offer. ─── 你最好是不要接纳这要求。

12、We then tested various systems with an eye toward safety, efficacy, cost and social acceptability. ─── 然后我们将安全 、 益 、 费及社会接受度等纳入考量,测试种种系统.

13、Never before have I been asked to accept a bribe. ─── 以前我从未被要求接受贿赂。

14、It's possible that he will not accept the invitation. ─── 他有可能不接受邀请。

15、The vehicle that permitted both communication and acceptability was social revolution. ─── 既能实现交流又能被广为接受的手段就是社会革命。

16、He is the last man to accept a bribe. ─── 他绝不像是会接受贿赂的人。

17、Having to accept the money was a blow to her pride. ─── 她不得不接受这笔钱,这是对她自尊心的打击。

18、But the increasing acceptability of " raunch culture " may be attracting illegal activity too. ─── 然而随着 “ 低俗文化 ” 被越来越多的人接受,非法勾当也开始发展起来.

19、In my judgement, we should accept their apology. ─── 依我看,我们应该接受他们的道歉。

20、durian will please Thai consumers, he believes, and might also help broaden the acceptability of the durian. ─── 他相信,无臭榴莲将使泰国消费者满意,也可能有助于拓宽榴莲的接受范围。

21、It would be trespassing upon their generosity to accept any more. ─── 他们虽然慷慨,但是如果我们再多拿,就太过分了。

22、But I hear you will accept different kinds of payment. ─── 可是我听说你们接受不同种类的付款方式。

23、Methods: To test the coefficient of in taking baits with selective acceptability test. ─── 方法: 采用有选择接受性试验测定各基饵的摄食系数.

24、You must accept the result, satisfactory or otherwise. ─── 你必须接受这个结果,满意也好不满意也好。

25、Under the circumstances (eg because the salary offered was too low) he felt unable to accept the job. ─── 在这种情况下(如所提的薪金太低), 他觉得无法接受这项工作。

26、He insisted that we (should) accept these gifts. ─── 他一定要我们收下这些礼物。

27、He has an itching palm and will certainly accept the money. ─── 他很贪财,肯定会收下钱的。

28、Don't just accept his say-so: find out for yourself. ─── 别听他信口开河,你得自己去弄清楚。

29、Inspect for cosmetic acceptability per cosmetic defect inspection procedure. ─── 依照表面缺陷检验程序做表面检验

30、The Senate resolved to accept the President's budget proposals. ─── 参议院通过决议接受总统的预算建议。

31、This assumption played a considerable part in increasing the social acceptability of divorce. ─── 这种假设对增加社会对离婚的接纳起了相当大的作用。

32、The engineer's decisions as to the acceptability of any such alternative shall be final. ─── 至于任一选择的可接受性,工程师的决定将是最终结果.

33、She gets them to accept these changes by tactful management. ─── 她用机智的手段使他们接受了这些改变。

34、After the bigger firms had agreed to accept the terms, the smaller ones immediately fell into line. ─── 大公司接受这些条件之后,小公司也就立即跟着同意了。

35、I felt a perverse desire to accept his challenge. ─── 他向我挑战,我就偏要应战。

36、One has to accept the inevitable course of history. ─── 人们必须承认不可避免的历史进程。

37、If you accept our counter-offer, we'll advise our end-user to buy from you. ─── 如果您接受我们的还盘,我们将劝告用户向你们购买。

38、He wouldn't accept that smoking was detrimental to health. ─── 他不相信吸烟有害健康。

39、I don't think acceptability should be a problem as the audience also grown up with us. ─── 我不觉得观众接受起来会有什么问题,因为观众也跟我们一起长大了.

40、He is so honest that he will not accept bribe. ─── 他忠诚老实,不肯受贿。

41、She get them to accept these change by tactful management. ─── 她以圆滑的手腕说服他们接受这些变动。

42、Acceptability for storage in the overhead compartment is dependent on the weight of the baggage. ─── 行李是否可放在头顶的行李架上取决于行李的重量.

43、Acceptability, however, can be highly subjective. ─── 然而, 可接受性通常带有极其明显的主观色彩.

44、She learned to accept criticism without rancour. ─── 她学会了坦然接受批评而不怀恨在心。

45、The thesis bases this advocation on the translation criteria of meaning transference ( faithfulness ) and acceptability ( smoothness ). ─── 这个主张的依据是翻译的标准“传意性” ( 忠实 ) 和“可接受性” ( 通顺 ).

46、Items tested included stiffness, viscosity, emulsion stability and overall acceptability consumer. Storage experiments were also conducted. ─── 测定之品质项目包括浓稠度 、 黏度 、 乳化安定性及整体接受性等,此外并进行贮藏试验.

47、She decide to accept the offer for want of anything better. ─── 她决定接受这一提议,因为没有更好一些的。

48、He is unwilling to accept advice. ─── 他不愿意接受忠告。

49、Does she accept to hostess my birthday celebration? ─── 她答应作我生日庆祝的女主持了吗?

50、They refused to accept the umpire's decision. ─── 他们拒绝接受裁判员的判决。

51、This is not acceptability. ─── 这是不可接受的.

52、The veriest coward would accept the challenge. ─── 就是那最懦弱的胆小鬼也会接受这种挑战。

53、He had the indiscretion to accept the money. ─── 他竟会冒失地接受那笔钱。

54、I had halfway decided to accept their conditions at that time. ─── 当时我已差不多决定要接受他们的条件了。

55、Ink receptivity: Uniform acceptability of ink on paper surface. ─── 受墨度:纸面受墨的平均程度。

56、Such examination will only be required where there are doubts about the acceptability of the price. ─── 只有在怀疑价格的可接受性时方要求进行此种审查.

57、Well, I had to accept to job with resignation. ─── 哎,我只好无可奈何地接受了这份工作。

58、We staff are instructed not to accept gratuity. ─── 员工们被要求不得接受小费。

59、After tussling with himself for some days, he decided to accept my offer. ─── 他经过了几天的思想斗争,决定接受我的建议。

60、The young dreamer refused to accept the actuality. ─── 年轻的梦想家不愿接受这个事实。

61、Ink receptivity: Uniform acceptability of ink on paper surface. ─── 受墨度: 纸面受墨的平均程度.

62、Forgery is the copy of a real document, so that it be accept as genuine to someone's prejudice. ─── 伪造是仿造真文件以便在侵害某人利益情况下被当成真文件而被接受。

63、They refused to accept less than the asking price. ─── 他们言无二价。

64、He tried to make me accept a bribe I hope I would never stoop so low. ─── 他想让我接受贿赂--我但愿我决不至於做出这种低级的事。

65、Have you obtained option for two days at5¢; if cannot accept wire firm offer at best. ─── 如你不能接受电告的最优惠实盘,就得接受以5美分,保留两天有效期的选择权。

66、It's improbable that she'll accept the invitation. ─── 她不大可能接受邀请。

67、Please accept our sincere apologies for the error in your bank statement. ─── 为你的银行报表中的错误,请接受我们诚挚的道歉。

68、The formal demonstration of system acceptability to obtain authorization for its operational use. ─── 为使系统获准投入运行性使用,对系统的可接受性所做的正式演示.

69、If you do not accept this suggestion, there's not any necessity in further discussion. ─── 如果你们不接受这一建议,那就没有必要再讨论下去了。

70、She was influenced by her mother to accept it. ─── 她受母亲的影响而接受它。

71、The acceptability of the test moisture cream was also enquired at the end of the study. ─── 研究结束时,查询了患者对测试的保湿乳霜之接受程度.

72、Accept bad news with philosophy. ─── 以豁达的态度来接受坏消息。

73、Inherent in all these questions is the underlying issue of legitimacy and acceptability. ─── 所有这些问题背后有一个根本性的有争议的问题,即合法性和可接受性的问题.

74、Thought English, we can improve our social acceptability. ─── 认为英语, 我们可以改善我们的社会接受.

75、An internet public campus is chosen to take a test, 80.6 % acceptability have been achieved. ─── 选用互联网公开语料进行测试, 抽取的主题句达到平均80.6%的可接受性.

76、Would you accept my invitation to a stag party? ─── 你愿意接受我的邀请参加男性聚会吗?

77、Method Qualitative survey method was adopted to evaluate the acceptability of female condom among FSWs. ─── 方法采用定性调查方法评估FSW人群对女用安全套的可接受性.

78、The acceptability of real number system depends on practice. ─── 实数系统的可接受性依赖于实践.

79、She accept the offer of a job in Australia. ─── 她同意接受在澳大利亚工作的提议。

80、She debated whether to accept his invitation. ─── 她考虑是否接受他的邀请。

81、Refusing to accept the decision of the vote, he got up and stormed out of the meeting. ─── 他拒绝接受选举结果,起身怒气冲冲地离开了会场。

82、He said the director would accept his suggestion because he stood in with him. ─── 他说经理会采纳他的建议因为他和经理的关系很好。

83、They had to accept the blue pencil of the censor. ─── 他们不得不接受检查员的修改。

84、In time they came to accept the harsh facts. ─── 他们最终承认了严酷的事实

85、I cannot accept any social engagements for the next few weeks, while we are in the thick of examinations. ─── 今后几周我不能接受任何社交约会,因为我们处在考试的最紧张阶段。

86、He will not accept help nor yet advice. ─── 他不仅不接帮助,连忠告也不听。

87、He refused to accept help out of a false sense of pride. ─── 他由於死要面子而不肯接受帮助。

88、Oh, I'm dreadfully sorry to hear that. Please accept my deepest sympathies. ─── 听到这些我非常难过。请接受我最诚挚的慰问。

89、She decided, on reflection, to accept the offer. ─── 她重新考虑後,决定接受那个建议。

90、Practice proved that this architecture has good suitability, scalability, and acceptability. ─── 实践表明,该分类体系具有良好的普适性和可扩展性, 能够适应于多种应用的需要.

91、He is a very astute merchant, and can not accept to be the first offers a price. ─── 他是个非常精明的商人,不可能接受第一个出价。

92、It is now generally admitted to have been (ie Most people agree and accept that it was) a mistake. ─── 如今人们公认这是个错误。

93、Do the Public Accept Transgenic Products? ─── 公众接受转基因产品吗?

94、The general principle of law should be involved in purposiveness , relevance and acceptability. ─── 该原则为行政法上一般法律原则,必须具备合目的性、关联性、可接受性三大要素.

95、acceptability of their plans. ─── 他们计划的可接受性保持自信。

96、He asked me if I would accept the post. ─── 他问我是否愿就该职。

97、Mr Short's behaviour is only on the cusp of acceptability. ─── 肖特先生的行为勉强能接受。

98、Prime minister of Canada(1858-1862) who served jointly with Sir John Macdonald. He persuaded French Canadians to accept Canada's confederation(1867). ─── 卡特尔,雅克1491-1557法国探险家,于1535年在圣·劳伦斯河上航行,并宣布此地归法国所有

99、Do you accept foreign exchange certificate? ─── 你们接受外汇券兑换券吗?

100、After the big operators had agreed to accept our terms the smaller ones immediately fell into line. ─── 大厂主同意接受我们的条件后,所有小厂主立刻同意采取一致态度。

101、Do they accept French money? ─── 他们接受法国货币吗?

102、Would you accept 50 as payment (for the work)? ─── (这工作)给你50英镑你愿意做吗?

103、In communications, pertaining to the state in which a transmission control unit can accept incoming calls on a line. ─── 在通信中,修饰或说明传输控制器的一种状态,在此状态下可接受线路上的输入呼叫。

104、He exerted all his influence to make them accept his plan. ─── 他用尽一切影响力使他们接受他的计划。

105、Out of pique they refuse to accept the compromise offer. ─── 他们气得拒不接受对方提出的妥协建议。

106、She replied that she was happy to accept our invitation. ─── 她答覆说她很高兴接受我们的邀请。

107、Please accept this gift in appreciation of all you've done for us. ─── 多蒙鼎立协助,不胜感激,备些薄礼,敬请笑纳。

108、In either case, the customer ultimately determines the acceptability of the product. ─── 在任一情况下, 产品是否可接受最终由顾客确定.

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