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09-09 投稿



decolor 发音

英:[di?k?l?r]  美:[di??k?l?(r)]

英:  美:

decolor 中文意思翻译



decolor 反义词


decolor 词性/词形变化,decolor变形

名词: decoloniza-tion |动词过去式: decolonized |动词过去分词: decolonized |动词第三人称单数: decolonizes |动词现在分词: decolonizing |

decolor 短语词组

1、trichosis decolor ─── [医] 灰发

decolor 同义词


decolor 相似词语短语

1、decolors ─── vt.使脱色;漂白

2、bicolor ─── adj.二色的;n.二色之物

3、discolor ─── v.变色,褪色;(使)变色,褪色;损坏……的色彩

4、decolours ─── vt.使脱色;将…漂白

5、decolour ─── vt.使脱色;将…漂白

6、decolored ─── vt.使脱色;漂白

7、recolors ─── v.重新着色

8、recolor ─── v.重新着色

9、recolour ─── v.给……重新着色

decolor 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Improvement of decolor technics and its equipment during oil continuous refinement ─── 油脂连续精炼过程中脱色工艺及设备的改进

2、Decolor of the American Tallows ─── 美国牛油的脱色研究

3、Determination of Fluorine in Yellow Phosphorus with Decolor Spectrophotometry ─── 三元缔合物褪色光度法测定黄磷中的痕量氟

4、GTC has lots of proprietary chemical medicament, including proprietary distilled solvent and decolor solvent, etc. ─── GTC际特拥有多种专有化学药剂,包括专有的抽提溶剂、脱色剂等。

5、Keywords sodium hydroxide;color;decolor; ─── 烧碱;颜色;脱色;

6、To degrease and to decolor on mongolia mushroom through supercritical CO2 fluid extraction, the effects of this methodon polysaccharide extraction were studied . ─── 采用超临界CO2流体萃取技术脱除蒙古口蘑中脂类及色素物质,并研究其对蒙古口蘑多糖提取率的影响。

7、Violet leaf oil absolute decolor Egypt ─── 埃及脱色紫罗兰叶净油

8、Keywords methyl orange waste water;iron chitosan magnetic microspheres(ICMM);decolor; ─── 甲基橙废水;铁壳聚糖磁性微球(ICMM);脱色;

9、A research was conducted for two kind of WRF used to decolor to the sythatic waste liquid of metal complex dyes. ─── 结果表明,实验用菌可对溶剂型金属络合染料起明显的脱色作用,经驯化的白腐真菌处理染料液72小时脱色率高达90%以上。

10、Decolor of methyl orange waste water by iron chitosan magnetic microspheres ─── 铁壳聚糖磁性微球对甲基橙废水的脱色研究

11、The process of decolor and the removal of TOC is not simultaneous. ─── 玫瑰红染料的脱色过程与总有机碳TOC的去除过程是不同步的。

12、Keywords yellow water;decolor;distillation;esterification;novel liquor;blend; ─── 黄水;脱色;蒸馏;酯化;新型白酒;勾调;

13、The conjugated linoleic acid is prepared through caustic soda catalysis, and single molecular distillation process to eliminate residual solvent, dewater, decolor, and deodor. ─── 本发明对由烧碱催化所得共轭亚油酸,采用单一的分子蒸馏技术,达到脱除残溶、脱水、脱色、脱臭和除味的目的。

14、Keywords re wine;dry red wine;reducing sugar;coloring matter;decolor; ─── 红葡萄酒;干红;还原糖;色素;脱色;

15、Refining method with solvent mixed A with N-methyl pyrrolidone was used to decolor the FCC diesel oil. ─── 以溶剂A和N-甲基吡咯烷酮的混合物为萃取剂,对催化裂化柴油进行了脱色精制研究。

16、And it was used as adsorbent to decolor wastewater containing direct red 4B and methyl orange.The factors affecting adsorption were studied. ─── 以膨胀石墨为吸附剂,对直接大红4B、甲基橙燃料废水进行了吸附脱色研究,探讨了影响吸附的因素。

17、Excellent effect of deodorization,gout elimination and decolor. ─── 除臭、除味、脱色效果好。

18、reclaimed decolor ─── 中水脱色

19、Keywords decolor;chroma;organic acid;Moringa oleifera oil; ─── 脱色;色度;有机酸;辣木油;

20、The process of decolor and the removal of TOC is not simultaneous. ─── 的脱 色过程与总有机碳TOC的去除过程是不 同步的。

21、Keywords corn gluten meal;decolor;zein;extraction;precipitation; ─── 玉米蛋白粉;脱色;玉米醇溶蛋白;提取;回收;

22、Keywords dyeing and finishing;wastewater treatment;dyes;decolor; ─── 染整;废水处理;染料;脱色;

23、Study on activated clay and decolor of edible rape seed oil ─── 志丹活性白土对食用油的脱色研究

24、Keywords malachite green;decolor bacteria;isolation;decoloring conditions; ─── 碱性孔雀绿;脱色菌;筛选;脱色条件;

25、Objective: To solve the decolor problem of extracting from Panax Notoginseng Leaves. ─── 目的:解决三七叶总皂苷提取中的脱色工艺技术。

26、Under the optimal condition,decolor rate of dyestuff on magnesium hydroxide could reach 99%. ─── 在最佳条件下,氢氧化镁对直接墨绿染料及工厂中的印染废水的脱色率可以达到99%。

27、Keywords waste beer yeast;autolysis;purification;decolor; ─── 啤酒废酵母;自溶;除杂;脱色;

28、A new method involving extraction to decolor the waste sulfuric acid discharged from the process of anthraquinone production was described. ─── 以萃取法对蒽醌生产中的废硫酸进行脱色处理,优化选择萃取剂,并对脱色工艺进行初步的探讨。

29、Keywords Premna;low-methoxy pectin;microwave;decolor; ─── 关键词豆腐柴;低酯果胶;微波;脱酯;脱色;

30、The results show that this kind of resin has strong absorbing ability to direct dyes, and the decolor rate is high up to 98%. ─── 结果表明,该树脂对直接染料有很好的吸附脱色性能,脱色率可达98%左右。

31、Keywords Turmeric industry wastewater;Pre-treatment;Coagulation;Decolor; ─── 姜黄素工业废水;预处理;混凝;脱色;

32、Keywords tea cakes;tea saponin;refining;decolor; ─── 茶籽饼;茶皂甙;精制;脱色;

33、Keywords zoogloea itzigohn;extracellular enzymes;decolor;o phthalic acid;product; ─── 动胶菌;胞外酶;脱色;邻苯二甲酸;降解产物;

34、Keywords Suspension polymerization;composite carrier;acticarbon;immobilized laccase;dye;decolor rate;GC-MS analysis; ─── 悬浮聚合;复合型载体;活性炭;固定化漆酶;染料;脱色率;

35、trichosis decolor ─── [医] 灰发

36、By making comparison between three-step method and four-step method of Gram stain,the author found that the stain progress of three-step method is simple,and is easy to hold decolor time. ─── 对革兰氏染色三步法和四步法进行了试验比较,发现三步法染色过程操作简单,脱色时间易于掌握,便于学生操作和控制,且染色效果较好,明显提高了实验效率,值得在教学中推广使用。

37、The one is wide used for the sterilization of drinking wate mineral water,the water for swimming pool and somefields in oxidation decolor and getting rid of the sapor. ─── 该设备广泛应用于引用纯净水、矿泉水、泳池水的消毒杀菌及污废水的氧化脱色除味等领域。

38、Keywords Biomass;Sub-critical water;Hydrolysis;Kinetics;Decolor;Amino acid Separation; ─── 生物质;近临界水;水解;动力学;脱色;氨基酸分离;

39、The micro-electrolysis technology was applied in the decolor treat me nt of bleaching E-stage effluent and the influencing factors were discussed in this paper. ─── 本文将微电解技术应用于漂白E段废水的脱色处理,并讨论其影响因素。

40、Result: Apply combination macroporous resin alkalescently and multistagely for decolor and put in practice industrialization cosmically. ─── 结果:应用组合大孔吸附树脂,在碱性条件下多级脱色,较好地解决了三七叶总皂苷脱色困难,并实施了大规模产业化。

41、Dichochrysa decolor ─── n. 退色叉草蛉

42、Dyestuff Waste Water Research of Decolor Purify Treatment ─── 染料废水脱色净化处理的研究

43、Under UV light, photocatalytic decolor rate of analogue dye wastewater (20mg/L) is 82.44%,and the rate of actual dye wastewater(azo). is 91.67%。 ─── 在紫外光照射下对模拟染料废水酸性红(20mg/L)催化脱色率为82.44%,对实际染料废水铜络合偶氮染料催化脱色率为91.67%。

44、Keywords decolor fuchsin;butynediol;microamount aldehyde;spectrophotometry; ─── 消色品红;丁炔二醇;微量醛;分光光度法;

45、Keywords Ferric chloride Bentonite Decolor Dye wastewater; ─── 氯化铁;膨润土;脱色;水处理;

46、L. decolor ─── 无色书虱

47、Keywords two-phase solvent extraction;raffinose;active carbon;decolor;gossypol; ─── 关键词双液相萃取;棉子糖;活性炭;脱色;棉酚;

48、Keywords micro electrolysis;stimulated wastewater;decolor; ─── 微电解;模拟染色废水;脱色;

49、Objective: To solve the decolor problem of extracting from Panax Notoginseng Leaves. ─── 目的:解决三七叶总皂苷提取中的脱色工艺技术。

50、This standard is applied to crude paraffin which is made of raw material with oil paraffin and is diaphoresised or de-oiled not by decolor. ─── 本标准适用于以含油蜡为原料,经发汗或溶剂脱油,不经精制脱色所得到的粗石蜡。

51、The error coefficient curve in the determination of concentration of decolor type sub-stances by indircet spectrophotometry was analysed. ─── 从理论和实验上研究了退色型间接分光光度法的浓度测量误差,作出了浓度测量误差系数曲线。

52、Studyies on Macroporous in Decolor in Panax Notoginseng Leaves ─── 大孔树脂在三七叶皂苷脱色中的应用研究

53、Reduction of pH value enhance the decolor ability of XAD-16 resin on pear juice. ─── 降低pH值可提高吸附树脂对酥梨汁的脱色能力;

54、This equipment is mainly used to plant oil, crude oil, clear oil's filtrate, it is also used decolor's filtrate in the refining plant. ─── 该设备主要用于植物油厂毛油以及清油的过滤,也可以用在精炼车间脱色的过滤。

55、The excellent decolor ability of sewage sludge made it possible to be applied extensively in dye wastewater treatment. ─── 焙烧污泥的优良脱色性能使其在染料废水处理方面具有较好 的应用前景。

56、Study on Decolor Spectrophotometric Determination of Sulfide ─── 褪色光度法测定微量硫化物的研究

57、enzyme fermentation decolor ─── 粗纤溶酶液

58、Keywords Error;Error coefficient curve;Indirect spectrophotometry of decolor type; ─── 误差;误差系数曲线;退色型间接分米光度法;

59、Keywords malachite green;decolor bacteria;isolation;identification; ─── 碱性孔雀绿;脱色菌;分离;鉴定;

60、Keywords fly ash;adsorption;decolor;monocase; ─── 吸附作用;粉煤灰;染料单体;脱色;

61、Keywords lentinan;active carbon;decolor; ─── 香菇多糖;活性炭;脱色;


63、This equipment is mainly used to plant oil,crude oil,clear oil's filtrate,it is also used decolor's filtrate in the refining plant. ─── 该设备主要用于植物油厂毛油的过滤,也可以用在精炼车间脱色的过滤。

64、Pure and highly pure water making; sugar refine; syrup decolor; chromium waste water treatment and recycle; medicine fluid decolorizing ─── 中国水处理剂网权威水处理剂人脉圈水处理剂网中国化工网与生意宝联合打造!

65、Keywords paulownia;poplar;larch;stain;decolor; ─── 泡桐;杨树;樟子松;变色;脱色;

66、subsp. decolor ─── n. 贵州亚种

67、Keywords Cationic copolymer;Decolor;Adsorption;Hydrosoluble dye;Acid dye; ─── 季铵化接枝共聚物;脱色;吸附;水溶性染料;酸性染料;

68、Keywords Oil Refining Packed Column Oil Decolor Oil Deodorization; ─── 油脂精炼;填料塔;油脂脱色;油脂脱臭;

69、Keywords wastewater treatment;reactive dye;decolor; ─── 废水处理;活性染料;脱色;

70、Latin, decolor aetas ! ─── (拉丁文, 恐年华已去 !

71、Keywords Innoxious;Ultraviolet absorbent;Decolor;Spectral property; ─── 无毒;紫外吸收剂;脱色;光谱特性;

72、Brachycoleus decolor ─── n. 短鞘盲蝽

73、Improvement of decolor technics and its equipment during oil continuous refinement ─── 油脂连续精炼过程中脱色工艺及设备的改进

74、decolor bacteria ─── 脱色菌

75、Determination of Microamount Aldehyde Compound by Decolor Fuchsin Spectrophotometry ─── 消色品红分光光度法测定微量醛类化合物

76、Keywords cationic copolymer;absorpting;decolor;hydrosoluble dye;direct dye; ─── 季铵化接枝共聚物;吸附;脱色;水溶性染料;直接染料;

77、The Method of Defecation and Decolor of Chinese Wolfberry Juice ─── 枸杞汁的澄清与脱色方法研究

78、Micrococcus decolor ─── 褪色微球菌

79、used as adsorbent to decolor wastewater containing direct red 4b and methyl orange. The factors affecting adsorption were studied. ─── 以膨胀石墨为吸附剂,对直接大红4b、甲基橙染料废水进行了吸附脱色研究,探讨了影响吸附的因素。

80、Determination of Fluorine in Yellow Phosphorus with Decolor Spectrophotometry ─── 三元缔合物褪色光度法测定黄磷中的痕量氟

81、The project use enzyme technology to make xylo-oligosaccharide: enzyming the corncob that after pretreatment with xylanase, through decolor, desalt, concentrate to get the xylooligosaccharide. ─── 所得产品低聚木糖含量高,质量稳定,利于工业化生产。

82、Compared withPAC, we find that PAFCS has a better turbidity and SS reducing and decolor ability.It also can reduce some of CODCr.By this method, the SMF can purified the leachates with flying colors. ─── 通过与碱式氯化铝(PAC)混凝剂的对比研究表明,PAFCS表现出比PAC更好的除浊、脱色能力,可有效地去除掉垃圾渗沥液中的浊度、胶粒和部分,从而使亚滤装置发挥最大效能。

83、This process has such advantages as less land occupation, high decolor efficiency and removal efficiency.It can be applied extensively in practice project of textile-dyeing wastewater. ─── 工程应用表明:该工艺具有占地面积小,运行费用低,处理效率高等特点,能广泛应用于纺织印染废水的实际工程中。

84、Keywords dyeing;wastewater treatment;reactive dyes;photocatalysis;decolor;titanium dioxide;nano; ─── 染色;废水处理;活性染料;光催化;脱色;二氧化钛;纳米;

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