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09-09 投稿



godspeed 发音

英:[?ɡɑ?d?spi?d]  美:[?ɡ?d?spi?d]

英:  美:

godspeed 中文意思翻译



godspeed 短语词组

1、godspeed your love to me ─── 祝你爱我好运

2、godspeed u ─── 天速u

3、godspeed you ─── 上帝保佑你

4、godspeed commander ─── 天速指挥官

godspeed 相似词语短语

1、to speed ─── 加速

2、Godspeed ─── n.祝成功

3、groundspeed ─── 地速

4、top speed ─── [物]最高速度

5、ground speed ─── 地上速率;飞机相对地面的水平速度

6、godsend ─── n.天赐之物;意外获得的幸运

7、good speeds ─── n.成功;佳运

8、groundspeeds ─── 地速

9、good speed ─── n.成功;佳运

godspeed 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The Group wished them Godspeed and a happy life in retirement. ─── 该集团祝愿他们一帆风顺,享受幸福的退休生活。

2、e.g.We wished him Godspeed as he set off on his quest for happiness. ─── 当他出发寻找幸福时,我们祝愿他好运。

3、" Godspeed, RU27.Don't forget to phone home. ─── RU27,祝你一路顺利,别忘了打电话回家呀!

4、There are also recreated versions of the ships that carried the colonists to Jamestown Island. The ships were called the Susan Constant, Godspeed and Discovery. ─── 那儿同样有船用来载居民去詹姆斯敦岛屿。这船的名字叫做永远的苏珊。

5、If you answered yes to these two questions, you're ready and I wish you Godspeed ! ─── 如果你回答这两个问题的话,我祝你和你准备一帆风顺!

6、We wished her godspeed. ─── 我们祝她一路顺风。

7、The Group wished them Godspeed and a happy life in retirement. ─── 该集团祝愿他们一帆风顺,享受幸福的退休生活。

8、“I need your love, I need your love,Godspeed your love to me. ─── “我需要你的情,我需要你的爱,快些把你的情意与我传递。”

9、Need I say more, Jerry, and need I wish you Godspeed and good luck in this vital mission you are undertaking? ─── 还要我多说吗?杰利,祝你在担负这个使命上幸运成功!

10、I've got to keep moving, so I need to hide this tape. Good luck to all of us, and godspeed. ─── 我必须走了,之后我要把这个录音藏起来。祝游戏玩家你我都好运,一路平安。

11、I know you will join me in wishing them Godspeed. ─── 我知道你会一起跟我祝他们一路平安的。

12、Good luck, and Godspeed. ─── 祝大家好运,并致万事如意!

13、We wished him Godspeed as he set off on his quest for happiness. ─── 当他出发寻找幸福时,我们祝愿他好运。

14、As the name describes, Godspeed is essentially that, furniture in a one-hour time frame. ─── 正如其名称描述,一路顺风,基本上是因为,在一个小时的时间框架家具。

15、There are also recreated versions of the ships that the carried the colonists to Jamestown Island .the ships were called the Susan Constant ,Godspeed and Discovery. ─── 把殖民者带到詹姆斯敦岛的船也被重新造了出来。这些船叫作永恒的苏珊,幸运发现号.

16、He wishes you Godspeed. ─── 他祝福你成功。

17、bid somone Godspeed ─── 祝某人一切顺利

18、The Susan Constant, the Godspeed and the Discovery had sailed from London on Dec. 20, 1606, carrying 144 passengers and crew, bound for Virginia. ─── 忠实苏珊号、一路顺风号、和发现号于1606年12月20日从伦敦启航,载运144名乘客暨船员前往维吉尼亚;

19、Incentive, this might be one of the incentive you will not see, but, godspeed! ─── 加油,或许我的鼓励你不一定看到,但是,祝一路平安。

20、I wish Godspeed to the man who was my former opponent and will be my president. ─── 我祈祷上帝保佑,曾是我对手,将是我总统的这个男人。

21、Someone on the launch crew spoke the words, "Good luck And Godspeed." ─── 发射场一名工作人员说:“好运气。祝他们一路平安。”

22、Godspeed and good luck to me! ─── 明早安排,我希望老师仁慈。

23、The Godspeed is one of three British East India Company ships that first brought colonists to the settlement. ─── 首先将殖民者载到詹姆士镇的英属东印度公司船只共有三艘,「天佑平安号」是其中之一。

24、Obama, I wish Godspeed to the man who was my former opponent and will be my president. ─── 在此种情况下,奥巴马如果果能让美国经济回天,其意义对美国而言,不亚于当年中国土改对中国的影响。

25、Godspeed and good luck to you. ─── 祝你们顺利,祝你们成功。

26、They are also re-created version of the ship that carries the colonists to Jamestown Island. The ship were called Sunsan Constant, Godspeed and Discovery. ─── 他们也重新创作了这艘曾载着殖民者来到詹姆士镇岛的轮船,这艘船的名字叫永恒的苏珊,成功和探险号。

27、Jacob Collett, 5, takes a picture of the Godspeed as it passes on the James River. ─── 当“幸运号”驶过詹姆斯河时,附近的居民拿著相机记录下眼前的情景。

28、"It's a gorgeous day to launch," NASA's launch director, Mike Leinbach, told the astronauts just before liftoff, wishing them good luck and Godspeed. ─── 美国航天局发射主任MikeLeinbach在发射的前一刻告诉宇航员们:“今天是对发射来说极好的一天”并祝他们好运、一路平安。

29、So to the last class of the 20th century, to the leaders of the 21st century, I offer congratulations, and wish you Godspeed. ─── 最后,谨献上我对20世纪最后一届毕业生,对21世纪未来领袖们的衷心祝福,祝愿你们梦想成真、前程似锦。

30、"Just pray we're not too late," Lang said soberly. He offered Wolff his hand. "Godspeed, Colonel." ─── “就祈祷我们动手还不算太晚吧。”朗严肃地说。他朝沃尔夫伸手,准备握手告别:“马到成功,上校。”

31、I’m wishing you Godspeed, and aiding you with my prayers. ─── (我祝你一切顺利,我会为你祝福的。

32、Godspeed this bright millennium, let it come (as we) wish upon the moon. ─── 祝愿这个美好的千年,让它在(我们对)月亮的期望下到来。

33、Godliman said, "He wishes you both good luck and godspeed. ─── 她把她的财富归功于辛勤的工作和好运气。

34、Zen:(confused face) The Godspeed tag? What for? ─── 战:(疑色)神行符?要来干麻?

35、As soon as Po jumps out, Xue, who has prepared for this, instantly evades then takes out the Godspeed tag at the same time with Doug. ─── 童博看著豆豆悲伤的表情,心又开始痛的喘不过气来,他甚至搞不清楚是为什麽,只知道他必须阻止这一切,便一剑向天雪刺了过去

36、Not farewell or Godspeed, but "Go slowly." ─── 不说再见,不说祝你平安,而说“慢走”。

37、[1] Godspeed is a wish for a prosperous journey, success, and good fortune. ─── godspeed是用来祝福好运,尤其是一路顺风的表达。

38、To whomever reads this, Godspeed on your journey. If you ever decide to follow in my footsteps, look me up. ─── 愿后来者,一路平安。如果你决定跟随我的足迹,来找我。

39、Ford has at least three new projects on the horizon -- the sci-fi thriller Godspeed, Manhunt, about US president Abraham Lincoln's assassin, and Indiana Jones 4. ─── 福特目前手头上至少有三部新片--一部是科幻惊悚片《成功祝福》,一部是关于美国总统林肯遇刺的电影《追捕》,另外一部是《印第安娜·琼斯4》(又名《夺宝奇兵4》)。

40、In the end, Good luck and Godspeed. ─── 最后祝你们好运!并祝你们成功!

41、You've labored long and done fine work,and we're here to honor you and wish you godspeed on your life's journey. ─── 你们已辛苦学习了几年而且干得不错,我们在此衷心地祝福你们在生活的道路上取得成功。

42、If you're into bands like Godspeed! ─── 虽然是旧作,可是在母带处理上确实能看见他们下过的功夫。

43、ThinkPad T60-D65 2007.3.1 GodSpeed! ─── 哦对哦不知道联想什么政策。。。

44、We bade/wished her godspeed, ie said farewell to her. ─── 我们祝她一路顺风.

45、The Godspeed, shown here, will then embark on a month-long journey, visiting Hampton, Newport News and Claremont. ─── 图中的“幸运号”在抵达亨利角之后将开始长达1个月的航行,途中将访问汉普顿、纽泊特纽斯和克莱尔等地。

46、Godliman said, "He wishes you both good luck and Godspeed." ─── “他祝你们吉星高照马到成功”戈理曼说。

47、If you answered yes to these two questions, you're ready and I wish you Godspeed! ─── 如果你回答这两个问题的话,我祝你和你准备一帆风顺!

48、bid someone Godspeed ─── 祝某人一路平安

49、They bade us godspeed on our journey. ─── 他们祝我们旅途平安。

50、A steady drizzle soaked the crowd that had travelled the half hour from downtown to bid him godspeed ─── 人们花了半个小时,从市内赶来给他送行,不停的毛毛细雨浸湿了他们的衣服。









damage shapes:显示伤害类型。

















money count:(count为数值) 给你钱。

statpoints count:给你属性点。

strength count:给你力量属性点。

dexterity count:给你敏捷属性点。

magic count:给你魔法属性点。

defense count:给你防御属性点。

allstats count:给你所有属性加点。

fame count:给你声望值。

animationspeed fps:动作动画帧率调节,如果你帧率够高你的人物动作就像吃了兴奋剂。

hurtme pct(百分比):减少你和你的宠物多少百分比的HP。




Invoking the Unclean (demo) (1992)

The Black Goddess Rises (demo) (1992)

Orgiastic Pleasures (demo) (1992)

A Pungent and Sexual Miasma (split with Malediction)

Total Fucking Darkness (demo) (1993)

The Principle of Evil Made Flesh (1994)

Vempire or Dark Faerytales in Phallustein (1996)

Dusk and Her Embrace (1996)

 Cruelty and the Beast (1998)

Twisted Nails of Faith (1998)

From the Cradle to Enslave (1999)

Midian (2000)

Bitter Suites To Succubi (2001)

No Time To Cry

Lovecraft & Witch Hearts (2002)

Live Bait for the Dead (2002)

Damnation and a Day (2003)

Babalon A.D. (DVD) (2003)

Mannequin (DVD) (2003)

Nymphetamine (2004)

Live Berlin (1995)

Sodomizing the Virgin Vamps (1998)

Venus In Fear (1998)

Live In U.K. 7-7-93

Heavy Left Handed & Candid (DVD)

The Princess of Darkness (1999)

Raredaemonaeon (2000)

The Beginning of Filthness


I Raped the Virgin Mary and Hung the Bastard Christ (1997)

Godspeed On The Devil's Thunder (2008)

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