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knapsack 发音

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knapsack 中文意思翻译



knapsack 网络释义

n. 背包

knapsack 常用词组

knapsack problem ─── [数]渐缩问题

knapsack 短语词组

1、knapsack cipher ─── [计] 渐缩密码, 背包式密码

2、knapsack du ─── 背包du

3、knapsack problem ─── [计] 背包问题, 渐缩问题

4、knapsack algorithm ─── [计] 渐缩算法, 背包算法

knapsack 词性/词形变化,knapsack变形


knapsack 相似词语短语

1、knack ─── n.诀窍;本领;熟练技术;巧妙手法

2、Coalsack ─── n.[天]煤袋(银河中的两个大黑点区)

3、hopsack ─── n.方平织物;席纹呢

4、daysack ─── 代萨克

5、snap back ─── 迅速返回,很快恢复

6、knapsacked ─── 背包

7、knapsacks ─── n.背包

8、gripsack ─── n.旅行用手提包

9、snapback ─── n.快速传球;快速恢复;迅速好转

knapsack 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He carried his knapsack on his shoulder, and was covered with dust, as though he had walked far. ─── 他肩杠背包,浑身尘土,好象是经过长途跋涉似的。

2、Take 0-1 knapsack problem for example,in contrast to static state space tree algorithm,the new algorithm spends less times and it helps to extend the application of backtracking algorithm. ─── 以0-1背包问题为例,说明动态树方法对求解线性规划问题等是非常有用的,且该算法所用时间少于静态状态空间树方法,有助于扩大回溯算法的应用。

3、All these items in the knapsack are evocative, and what they do is suggesting a plot. ─── 背包里的所有物品都能唤起人们的回忆,而它们所做的就是暗示一个情节。

4、The solution to the 0-1 knapsack problem utilized improved genetic algorithm in coding and evolution to increase correctness. ─── 对0-1背包问题的求解利用了改进的编码和进化的遗传算法,提高了运算的准确性。

5、He had his knapsack on his shoulders, his cudgel in his hand, a rough, audacious, weary, and violent expression in his eyes. ─── 他的肩上有个布袋,手里有根木棍,眼睛里有种粗鲁、放肆、困惫和强暴的神情。

6、Unlike many sets the drum is of an appropriate size, and the drummer has his knapsack suspended around his coat tails to allow room for the drum on his back when not in use. ─── 不同与很多套件,这套兵人里的鼓的比例很合适,鼓手的背包背在衣尾的位置,这样留下空间可以在鼓不使用的时候把它背在背后。

7、Will my sweater go in your knapsack? ─── 你的背包里还放得下我的球衣吗?

8、The soldier was wearing a coat of blue fine cloth, he had no knapsack nor shako, his head was bound up, and across his shoulders was slung a French cartridge case. ─── 士兵穿着一件浅蓝色的厂呢军大衣,没有背包和高筒军帽,裹着头,肩上斜挎着法国式的子弹袋。

9、With the leisure fashion two big series, the color is high-colored.Dazzles the time series knapsack outlook design bold exaggeration, hasthe time characteristic extremely, resembles in the summer day arepeatedly sunlight. ─── 和休闲时尚两大系列,颜色更是色彩纷呈。眩目的流光系列背包外型设计大胆夸张,极具时代特点,好像夏日里的一屡阳光。

10、Bintree use, simple knapsack problem, is my data structure beginner operations, ─── 二叉树运用,简单背包问题,是本人初学数据结构的作业,

11、multi-objective 0/1 knapsack problems ─── 多目标0/1背包问题

12、Distributed Cutting Stock System Based on Heuristic Search and Knapsack Algorithm ─── 基于启发式搜索和背包算法的分布式排样系统

13、When she said yes, be reached into a knapsack and pulled out a camera, draping the strap over his shoulder. ─── 她同意之后,他从一只背包里拿出一架相机,把背带套在肩上。

14、Because this sequence has the properties of super increasing sequence, it can be applied to general public key cryptosystems of the trapdoor knapsack. ─── 并利用它们的超递增序列特性,将其应用在常规的陷门背包公钥密码体制中。

15、Discusses the classical knapsack problem applies the genetic algorithm to solve the problem. ─── 对决策优化的经典背包问题进行了研究,提出了应用遗传算法对该模型进行求解。

16、I haven't the heart to tell him I'm leaving. I leave the knapsack behind, with the few things that were left me. ─── 我把背包留下了,还有他给我的几件东西。

17、As he spoke, he deposited his knapsack and his cudgel in a corner, replaced his passport in his pocket, and seated himself,Mademoiselle Baptistine gazed mildly at him. ─── 他一面说,一面把布袋和棍子放在屋角里,随后又把护照插进衣袋,然后坐下去,巴狄斯丁姑娘和蔼地瞧着他。

18、A particle swarm algorithm is presented to solve the multi-constraint Knapsack problem. ─── 为采用改进粒子群算法求解多约束背包问题。

19、a knapsack (usually for a soldier). ─── 一种背包(通常用于士兵)。

20、Multi- Dimension 0-1 Knapsack Problem ─── 多维0-1背包问题


22、Nonlinear Reductive Dimension Approximate Algorithm for 0-1 Knapsack Problem ─── 0-1背包问题的非线性降维近似算法

23、Binary improved particle swarm optimization algorithm for knapsack problem ─── 二进制改进粒子群算法在背包问题中的应用

24、The valet, Joseph, gave Anatole his knapsack and sword, and they all went out into the vestibule. ─── 仆人约瑟夫把手提包和马刀递给阿纳托利,大家走进接待室。

25、In 1919 while serving a compulsory stint in the military, Nurmi entered a 20-kmarch carrying a rifle, a cartridge belt and a knapsack filled with 5 kg of sand. ─── 1919年,当他在军中服义务役的时候,努尔米带着一支步枪,腰上系着弹带,背上背着装有5公斤沙子的背包参加20公里行军。

26、He walked all over the country with a painter's knapsack on his back. ─── 他背著一个画家的背包走遍了全国。

27、multidimensional knapsack arithmetic ─── 多维背包算法

28、Francesca watched him walk up the country road, taking a camera from the knapsack and then slinging the bag over his left shoulder. ─── 弗朗西丝卡望着他走上县城公路,从背包里拿出一架相机,然后把背包往背上一甩。

29、A Lagrangian Decomposition and Domain Cut Algorithm for Nonseparable Convex Knapsack Problems ─── 不可分离凸背包问题的拉格朗日分解和区域分割方法

30、engine -driven knapsack duster ─── 发动机驱动背负式喷粉机

31、Multi-constraint Knapsack problem ─── 多约束背包问题

32、Research on Algorithm of Multiple-choice Knapsack Problem ─── 多选择背包问题的求解算法探讨

33、And a man destroys the jewelry counter glass, puts in the knapsack after the golden accessories, two people flee the scene rapidly. ─── 其中一男子砸破首饰柜台玻璃,将金饰品放入背包后,两人迅速逃离现场。

34、The Application of Coding Sequence of Pseudo-prime in Public Key Crypto-systems of the Knapsack Vector ─── 伪素数编码序列在背包向量公钥密码体制中的应用

35、A Kind of Public Key Algorithm Based on the Principle of "Trap Knapsack" ─── 基于"陷门收缩"原理的公钥算法

36、The moment he receive the order , the soldier packed his knapsack ─── 士兵一接到命令就打了背包

37、Therefore, the hybrid intelligence algorithm is effective to solve 0-1 knapsack problems. ─── 因此,应用该混合智能算法求解0-1背包问题是比较有效的。

38、a tightly packed soldier knapsack, well buckled and perfectly new, on his back; ─── 他背上有只布袋,装得满满的也扣得紧紧的;

39、a knapsack,often mounted on a lightweight frame,that is worn on a person's back,as to carry camping supplies ─── 一种背在背上的通常安装在轻量结构上的背包,用来带一些野营的必需品

40、Shanghai packs these innumerable features into one big knapsack, as if it is preparing to pick up and go with them at a moment's notice. ─── 上海把无数的无数,都装在一个袋子里,似乎准备随时带走的。

41、The myths of Miss Muffet have a Knapsack straps. ─── 小姐的神话有一个背包用带子捆扎。

42、She went through the bridge with the blue knapsack and stood behind him, happy, strangely happy. There was energy here, a power of some kind in the way he worked. ─── 她带着蓝背包从桥上穿过去站在他背后,感到很快活,快活得奇怪这里充满活力,他工作方式中有一种力量。

43、The moment he received the order, the soldier packed his knapsack. ─── 士兵一接到命令就打了背包。

44、Dear God! This parachute is a knapsack! ─── 上帝啊!这个降落伞原来是个背包!

45、Carry no moneybag, no knapsack, no sandals, and greet no one on the road. ─── 不要带钱囊,不要带口袋,不要带鞋;在路上也不要问人的安。

46、Like the woman of knapsack of long and thin braces: Have from one and eventually love view, it is environment place temptation not easily, wenwan is downy, love is exquisite, true, dan Min feels. ─── 喜欢细长背带背包的女人:有从一而终的爱情观,不易为外界所诱惑,温婉柔和,感情细腻、真挚,但敏感。

47、Fascinated by this magic light-generating globe, he cut it off with his bayonet and put it in his knapsack so he could carry around the light with him wherever he went. ─── 他对这个会发光的小球很痴迷,于是用刺刀把它割了下来,放进自己的背包,他觉得这样他就可以把光带到任何他想去的地方了。

48、Then, taking a small knapsack and a camera, he attempts to time travel again and never chooses, or is able, to return. ─── 之后,背著一的小型背包和一台照相机,他试图再做一次时光旅行,他没有做选择,如果可以的话,就能回到上次的时光。

49、They examined him for some time while he was taking off his knapsack. ─── 当他解下那口袋时,大家都打量了他好一会儿。

50、multi-choice knapsack problem ─── 多选择背包问题

51、Two Kinds of New Knapsack of Public-key System based on Add Operation ─── 基于加法运算实现的两类新背包公钥密码体系

52、She opened the knapsack, feeling a little overcautious about the expensive equipment he handled so casually, and took out the camera. ─── 她打开背包,拿出相机,对这些他随随便便摆弄的昂贵的器材特别小心翼翼。

53、He was himself vigorous and formidable,he armed himself with his staff, made a shield of his knapsack, and made his way out of the kennel in the best way he could, not without enlarging the rents in his rags. ─── 他自己本是胆大力壮,猛不可当的人,他拿起他的棍子,当作武器,拿着布袋当作藤牌,慢慢地从那狗窝里爬了出来,只是他那身褴褛的衣服已变得更加破烂了。

54、The man dropped his head, picked up the knapsack which he had deposited on the ground, and took his departure. ─── 那人低下了头,拾起他那只放在地上的布袋走了。

55、He walks around with a knapsack, looking like a grad student on the way to the library. ─── 他总是背着个旅行背包走来走去,就象一个去图书馆路上的大学生。

56、He took out the bronze coins from his knapsack and filled it with silver coins. ─── 他把铜币从背包里拿出来,把银币装了进去。

57、In order to prevent encrypting system from being broken, the variant non-super increasing sequence is used as the trapdoor knapsack vector to improve the security of public key cryptosystems. ─── 为防止破译,本文采取变形的非超递增序列作为陷门背包向量,来提高背包公钥密码体制的安全性。

58、Do you think she got everything into her knapsack? ─── 你认为她把所有一切都放进了她的背包里吗?

59、When solving the knapsack question, repair function was used to repair unfeasible code. ─── 在求解背包问题时,采用修复函数来修正不可行编码。

60、Like the woman of recreational type knapsack: The life with had liked honest, economic atmosphere good while, also hope to have solid and reliable love, repellent Plato the Platonism of type. ─── 喜欢休闲式背包的女人:喜欢过实实在在、经济状况好的生活的同时,也希望有坚实可靠的爱情,排斥柏拉图式的精神恋爱。

61、Like the woman of infant formula knapsack: Admire the romantic love of pure friendship type quite, ask the person of a love knows romance, and from inside romance slowly implantation gives firm love. ─── 喜欢儿童式背包的女人:比较欣赏单纯友谊式的浪漫爱情,要求所爱的人懂得浪漫,并从浪漫中慢慢培植出牢固的爱情。

62、He unstrapped his knapsack. ─── 他把背包解下。

63、Around him lay knapsack and jacket, an empty catch-net, his bicycle, and two tins of worms dug from the plot of garden at home before setting out. ─── 他周围放着背包、夹克、一个空捕鱼网、他的自行车和出发前在家里花园里挖出的两听虫子。

64、She had all her things ready and was now going to pack them in her knapsack. ─── 她把一切东西都准备就绪,现在她要把它们装进背包里去。

65、He stopped a hundred feet from the bridge and got out, taking the open knapsack with him. ─── 他在离桥一百英尺地方停下,带着那开口的背包爬出车子。

66、The many laughs we have had together would infallibly come across me, and Frederick and his knapsack would be obliged to run away. ─── 我们在一起总是嘻嘻哈哈的,我怎么也抹不掉这个印象,弗雷德里克只能无奈地背着背包跑下台去。

67、Again there was a buzzing from the knapsack and a bee flew out. It asked him what the matter was. ─── 此时背囊里又传出了嗡嗡声,一只蜜蜂飞了出来,它问骑士手中所持为何物。

68、0-1 polynomial knapsack problem ─── 0-1多项式背包问题

69、Algorithms in the program excogitate technology are recounted,a new algorithm of solving knapsack problem is expounded,it uses algorithms amalgamate. ─── 介绍了程序设计技术中的几种算法 ,并利用算法间的混合提出了一种解决背包问题的新型算法

70、If you do visit, you'd better not take your knapsack because it is only 70 cm wide. ─── 如果你去游览,你最好不要带背包,因为它只有70公分宽。

71、Debbie had knitted for him in the top of his knapsack. ─── 富兰克林把黛比为他织的暖和的围巾放在背包的最上层。

72、You can't exceed the volume that the knapsack can hold. ─── 你不能超过背包的容量。

73、A dynamic secret sharing scheme based on Knapsack public key cryptosystem is proposed in this paper. ─── 基于背包公钥密码体制,提出了一个公开可验证的动态秘密分享方式。


75、multidimensional knapsack problem ─── 多维背包问题


77、On the way of drifting, we will pass by a waterfall; the one who carries the knapsack can put it on the left of your self. ─── 中途右侧会经过一个瀑布,咱们各位朋友当中如果有背包的,可以把包放在身体的左侧;

78、An Attack Against MH Knapsack Cryptosystem Based on Dynamic Programming ─── 利用动态规划思想攻击MH背包密码

79、You'll catch your knapsack on those forks and come to grief ─── 你的前包容易给桠杈挂住,会出事故的。

80、A Rigorous Method for Solving 0-1 Polynomial Knapsack Problem ─── 0-1多项式背包问题的一种精确算法

81、Low ark belongs to market offer furniture, can put shoe, sundry etc, the goods such as some of key, knapsack still can be put on the cabinet. ─── 低柜属于集纳型家具,可以放鞋、杂物等,柜子上还可放些钥匙、背包等物品。

82、The function optimization and knapsack problem show the effectiveness of PEA. ─── 函数优化和背包问题实验验证了PEA的有效性。

83、The function optimization and 0-k knapsack problem experiments show that PEA has apparent superior in application area, searching capability and computation time compared with QEA and canonical genetic algorithm (CGA). ─── 函数优化和0-k背包问题实验表明,与量子进化算法和传统遗传算法相比,概率进化算法在适用范围、搜索能力和收敛速度上有明显的优势。

84、He stood, swung one knapsack onto his left shoulder, put the other on top of his cooler. ─── 他站着,把一个背包甩到左肩,另一个放在冷藏箱上。

85、The ranger slung the knapsack over his shoulder. ─── 护林员把背包挂在他的肩膀上。

86、Summer chooses the knapsack to have is fastidious ─── 夏季选择背包有讲究

87、As he spoke, he deposited his knapsack and his cudgel in a corner, ─── 他一面说,一面把布袋和棍子放在屋角里

88、He cinched the belt of his knapsack around his shoulders. ─── 他把背包带紧紧地拴在肩膀上。

89、"Japhy travels around on that bicycle with his little knapsack on his back all up and down Berkeley all day, " said Coughlin. ─── “贾菲终日骑着它背着他的小背包在柏克莱区到处游走。”库格林说道。

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