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09-09 投稿


Czech 发音

英:[t?ek]  美:[t?ek]

英:  美:

Czech 中文意思翻译




Czech 网络释义

adj. 捷克的,捷克人的,捷克语的n. 捷克人;捷克语

Czech 常用词组

czech republic ─── n. 捷克共和国

czech rep ─── 捷克共和国

Czech 词性/词形变化,Czech变形

名词复数形式:czechs 过去式:czeched

Czech 短语词组

1、Czech monetary unit ─── [网络] 捷克货币单位

2、czech soles ─── 捷克鞋底

3、czech streets ─── 捷克街道

4、czech street ─── 捷克街

5、Czech Cup ─── 捷克杯

6、czech ice cream cones ─── 捷克冰淇淋筒

7、Czech Republic national football team ─── 捷克国家足球队

8、Czech language ─── 捷克语

9、czech ice hockey federation ─── 捷克冰球联合会

10、Czech Republic n. ─── 捷克共和国

11、Czech Statistical Office ─── 捷克统计局

12、Czech capital ─── [网络] 捷克首都

13、czech flag ─── 捷克国旗

14、Czech Republic national futsal team ─── 捷克共和国国家未来队

15、czech fantasy ─── 捷克幻想

16、czech superstars ─── 捷克巨星

17、czech solarium ─── 捷克日光浴室

18、czech street collection ─── 捷克街头系列

19、czech couples ─── 捷克夫妇

Czech 相似词语短语

1、check ─── 检查

2、Czechs ─── n.捷克人;捷克语(Czech的复数形式)

3、catch ─── vt.赶上;抓住;感染;了解;vi.赶上;抓住;n.捕捉;捕获物;窗钩

4、beech ─── n.山毛榉;adj.山毛榉木材的;n.(Beech)人名;(英)比奇

5、Czech. ─── adj.捷克的;捷克人的;捷克语的;捷克文化的;n.捷克人;捷克语

6、cosech ─── n.双曲余割

7、Lech ─── n.肉欲;好色的人;vi.好色;纵欲;adj.好色的;n.(Lech)人名;(瑞典)莱克;(德)莱希;(波、捷)莱赫

8、MTech ─── 机器翻译

9、Czech ─── adj.捷克的;捷克人的;捷克语的;捷克文化的;n.捷克人;捷克语

Czech 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Cech, 24, told the Czech media: "It is one of the greatest disappointments of my career. ─── 切赫(24岁)向捷克媒体透露:"这是我职业生涯中最失意的时刻."

2、He had first met Tereza about three weeks earlier in a small Czech town. ─── 他突然对这个完全不熟悉的女人产生了一种不可理喻的感情;

3、President Bush begins his eight-day European trip with a stop first in Prague in the Czech Republic. ─── 布什总统开始了他的8天欧洲之旅.他会先在捷克共和国的布拉格做短暂停留.

4、The Artemio Franchi-based side take a 2-0 lead with them to the Czech Republic and they are favourites to progress. ─── 主场2:0对捷克球队的胜利使得佛罗伦萨占据了先机,然而,普兰德利并没有被胜利冲昏了头脑。

5、Cech, 23, is the first Czech goalkeeper in the history of the poll launched in 1987. ─── 切赫,23岁,是历史上入选该项起自1987的投票奖项的第一个捷克门将。

6、Institute of Clinical Biochemistry and Hematology, Charles University, Medical Faculty in Pilsen, Czech Republic. ─── 哈尔滨工业大学,应用化学系,黑龙江,哈尔滨,150001

7、Fixed some Czech competiton start times. ─── 修正了一些捷克赛事的开始时间。

8、Austria, the Czech Republic, Finland and Hungary provide up to three years of paid leave for mothers. ─── 奥地利、捷克、芬兰和匈牙利为母亲提供了长达三年的带薪产假。

9、The first interviewer is Jan Hasek an old miner from the Czech Republic. ─── 4)培养学生对听力材料的预测能力,1.

10、Although he publicly considered other alternatives, including offers from Inter and overseas, the Czech opted to call it a day. ─── 尽管他公开表示自己会考虑其他球队的邀请,包括国米和海外淘金,但捷克火爆男最终决定挂靴。

11、But Hiddink defended the usually unflappable Czech keeper and insists his recent errors are already behind him. ─── 但是希丁克还是为总是镇定自若的捷克门将辩护,并坚持他最近所犯的错误都已经过去了。

12、The new hearing, brought by his allies in the Czech Senate, neatly ties his hands: he cannot sign the treaty, even if he wants to. ─── 他在捷克参议院的盟友最近要举办听证会,紧抓住他的双手︰他无法签署里斯本条约,即使他想要签。

13、When going to the cinema we prefer Czech films and the country has a great tradition for film-making. ─── 去电影院时,我们更偏爱捷克电影,这个国家有了不起的电影拍摄传统。

14、I moved to Brno, Czech Republic's second city and the capital of Moravia, in the autumn of 1995.I continued to teach. ─── 1995年秋,我移居到摩拉维亚省会、捷克第二大城市布尔诺,继续教英语。

15、The Czech champ was in a reflective mood as he gave his post-match analysis to the attending press. ─── 出席赛后新闻发布会的内德维德,经过了一番深思熟虑,对尤文的大胜作出了个人分析。

16、New global IT facility opens in Prague, Czech Republic. ─── 在捷克斯洛伐克的布拉格设立新的全球IT中心。

17、The World Cup draw pitted the Czech Republic against Italy, USA and Ghana: you happy with that? ─── 世界杯捷克将对阵意大利、美国、加纳(??),你对这个抽签感到满意吗?

18、Rosicky,25, recently stated to the Czech media that he would love a move to Arsenal. ─── 二十五岁的罗西基最近对捷克媒体说他将加盟阿森纳。

19、The standard Czech fare is more hearty and comforting than cordon bleu cuisine. ─── 它是世界上最美丽的城市之一,它的建筑仍令我惊叹不已。

20、Inside Czech borders there are four major language groups, namely Czech, Slovak, Polish, and German. ─── 境内则有四大语群,分别为捷克语、斯洛伐克语、波兰语以及德语。

21、Cutie Cameron is a 23-year-old college preppy boy from the Czech Republic. ─── 卡梅隆是一个23岁的大学生,是来自捷克共和国的帅男。

22、The word "robot" originates from the Czech word for forced labor, or serf. ─── “机器人”一词起源于捷克语,意为强迫劳动力或奴隶。

23、A television outfit went there to shoot the story of George Voskovec, a Czech actor. ─── 一支电视摄制组去那里拍摄一位捷克演员乔治,沃斯科维克的故事。

24、Born in Queens, New York in 1908, Lauder was the daughter of a Hungarian mother and a Czech father. ─── 从上面划线结构的内容看出Lauder出生于1908年, 终年97岁, 因此答案是A.

25、Brno: Czech Republic Top Deals! ─── 在世界100,000多的旅馆都得到优惠!

26、Day, the Czech anti-Nazi leader Victor Laszlo and his wife Ilse Li came to the nightclub, Rick hopes to obtain permits. ─── 一日,捷克反纳粹领袖维克多拉斯洛和妻子伊尔莎来到李克夜总会,希望通过里克获得通行证。

27、Czech chaton is in south bank. ─── 南岸的叫捷克钻。

28、Find out more about our production plant for hinge and slide systems in the Czech Republic. ─── 在捷克共和国可以获知我们铰链和滑轨系列的生产工厂的更多信息。

29、He said they would be used, if necessary, to neutralize an American missile-defense system proposed in Poland and the Czech Republic. ─── 他说必要的话,这些导弹会用来抵消美国位于波兰和捷克共和国的导弹防御系统。

30、Austria, the Czech Republic and the Netherlands have flatly refused. ─── 奥地利、捷克和荷兰则断然拒绝。

31、Ukraine - Estonia, Czech - Japan, Russia-II - Russia-I, China - Sweden, Finland rests. ─── 乌克兰-爱沙尼亚,捷克-日本,俄罗斯一队-俄罗斯二队,中国-瑞典,芬兰轮空

32、Emmons was given emotional support by his wife, Czech shooter Katerina, who won a gold and silver at these Games. ─── 埃蒙斯得到他的妻子,在早些的比赛中已获一枚金牌一枚银牌的捷克射击选手凯蒂,情感上的支持。

33、Among the many people who offered words of encouragement that day was a young Czech shooter named Katerina Kurkova. ─── 在那天无数给予他安慰的人中,有一位年轻的捷克射击运动员卡特丽娜-库尔科娃。

34、A European watchdog expresses concern about the treatment of sex offenders in the Czech Republic. ─── 一个欧洲的监视者在捷克表达对性犯罪者的治疗的关心。

35、Have each kind of import Korea Rhinestone Hot Fix,Czech Rhinestuds(PRECIOSA),Swarovski diamond ect. ─── 另有各种进口韩片,捷克钻,奥钻,烫图,烫纸,烫钻机,锆石等。

36、Bird flu has also been found in Hungary, Britain, the Czech Republic and France this year. ─── 今年禽流感已经在匈牙利、英国,捷克斯洛伐克和法国被发现。

37、Pate Japan.The delegation also met with the Czech business, and a more in-depth discussions. ─── 代表团还会见了捷克工商界有关人士,并进行了较为深入的洽谈。

38、The Czech Republic and the U.S. on Tuesday signed the main treaty on the stationing of a U.S. radar base on Czech soil. ─── 当天,捷克外长施瓦岑贝格和美国国务卿赖斯分别代表两国签署了关于美国在捷克布尔迪地区建立反导雷达预警基地总协定。

39、In Czech - Czech Republic culture, 'ch' is a single character that is greater than 'd'. ─── 在“捷克语-捷克共和国”区域性中,“ch”是一个字符,大于“d”。

40、Steam Whistles Czech brewmaster asked for a bedroom at the brewery. ─── 公司的那位捷克裔酿酒大师就要求在厂里置一间卧室。

41、Her exotic good looks may derive from her mixed ancestry which is Czech, French-Canadian, Iroquois and English. ─── 她异常美丽的容貌可能来自她的混合血统,其中包括:捷克人、法裔加拿大人、伊洛魁人和英国人的血统。

42、SD agents faked attacks on ethnic German property and planted evidence to blame the Czech Government. ─── 党卫队制造了一起对德意志人财产的虚假攻击,以此来责难捷克政府。

43、The three-time Czech junior men's champion was second in 2008 behind Verner in senior men in the Czech Nationals. ─── 几年过去了,看到了很多是是非非,也曾经动摇过,后来想想何必呢,第一印象是改不掉的,既然当初喜欢,就不要矢口否认,至于背后有别的什么事都随它去吧。


45、"A lot of Czech people think they are better than us Slovaks. ─── “很多捷克人都认为他们的国家队水平比我们要高。

46、Before visiting Iraq and Turkey, the president was in Prague , the capital of the Czech Republic. ─── 在访问伊拉克和土耳其之前,总统在布拉克出访捷克共和国。

47、The Czech held his own in the opening exchanges. ─── 一开场捷克人牢牢地控制着自己的发球局。

48、Athletes from Canada and the Czech Republic also were banned for drug use. ─── 加拿大和捷克共和国的一些运动员也因使用禁药而被禁赛。

49、The Czech Republic, for example, received a higher overall ranking than France. ─── 例如,捷克共和国得到的综合评级高于法国。

50、A Comparative Look at Labor Mobility in the Czech Republic: Where have all the Workers Gone? ─── 对捷克共和国劳动力升迁的比较研究:工人们到哪里去了?

51、China had a narrow 88-81 win over the Czech Republic. ─── 中国队以88比81的微弱优势战胜捷克。

52、They are scheduled to meet with Czech President Havel on the 8th and leave for Warsaw on the 9th. ─── 他们预定八日与捷克总统哈维尔晤面,九日前往华沙。

53、Katerina Emmons spoiled China's bid for the first gold by winning the 10-meter air rifle for the Czech Republic. ─── 埃蒙斯为捷克共和国赢得了10米汽枪比赛,败坏了中国夺取首金的热切努力。

54、Petr Cech saw two goals put past him as the Czech Republic drew 2-2 in Turkey. ─── 切赫代表捷克队出场两度被攻破十指关,最后,捷克同土耳其2-2握手言和。

55、In languages like Czech, the move from Jana to Janka and then Janicka signals a subtle increase in intimacy each time. ─── 在象捷克语这样的语言里, 从叫亚娜改口到叫詹卡再改口到叫杰妮卡的每一步过程都标志着亲密程度的微妙的递增。

56、World War II: Nazis burn the Czech village of Lidice as reprisal for the killing of Reinhard Heydrich. ─── 1942年的今天,二战期间:纳粹烧毁捷克斯洛伐克西北部村庄利迪泽,作为对莱因哈德·海德里希被害的报复行动。

57、Patocka is the most significant Czech philosopher of the 20th century. ─── 帕托契克是捷克二十世纪最重要的现象学和哲学家,影响过一代具有公共意识的思想者。

58、They were placed in one of the most, if not the most, difficult groups with Italy, the Czech Republic and Ghana. ─── 他们被分到了即便不是最残酷也是相当残酷的小组中的一个,和意大利、捷克、加纳一组。

59、The beer is brewed in the Czech Republic. ─── 这种啤酒是在捷克共和国酿造的。

60、NATO invites the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Poland to join the alliance in 1999. ─── 1997年的今天,北约邀请捷克斯洛伐克共和国、匈牙利和波兰在1999年加入联盟。

61、Person of 5 day, Czech walks back and forth tellurion, say finally: "Is there still other tellurion here? ─── 五天、捷克人把地球仪转来转去,最后说:“你这里还有别的地球仪吗?”

62、The Chelsea goalkeeper is now hoping to be selected for the Czech Republic's forthcoming friendly against Belgium. ─── 切尔西门将现在希望能入选捷克国家队,参加即将和比利时进行的友谊赛。

63、The Czech Government had been informed in bald terms on the evening of the twenty-eighth. ─── 28日晚上,捷克政府只是收到措词率直的通知。

64、Slovakia takes the same stand with Czech on this issue. ─── 在这一问题上,斯洛伐克与捷克的立场一致。

65、The president of the Czech Republic is in Washington on a state visit. ─── 捷克共和国总统正在华盛顿进行国事访问。

66、Meeting Michael Llodra in the final would be either number three seed Czech Jan Hernych or Croatian Mario Ancic. ─── 克罗地亚人安西奇与捷克人赫内希之间的胜者将在决赛中遭遇洛德拉。

67、Her exotic good looks may derive from her mixed ancestry which is Czech French-Canadian Iroquois and English. ─── 她异常漂亮的容貌可能来自她的混合血统,其中包括:捷克人、法裔加拿大人、伊洛魁人和英国人的血统。

68、PPF, a.s. is one of the leading financial groups in Central and Eastern Europe with headquarters in Czech Republic. ─── PPF集团是中、东欧地区最主要的金融财团之一,总部设在捷克。

69、The snowslide happened in Austria Alps Mountains caused the death of six mountaineer who came from Czech Republic. ─── 发生在奥地利阿尔卑斯山脉的一场雪崩造成6名来自捷克共和国的登山者死亡。

70、The letter was seen as an attempt to influence the Czech Republic, which is the only country not to have ratified the treaty. ─── 这封信被视为企图影响捷克共和国——唯一一个还没有批准该条约国家。

71、The Baltics, the Czech Republic and Slovenia have no big far-right parties. ─── 在波罗的海,捷克共和国和斯洛文尼亚诸国都不存在大型的极端右翼党派。

72、The band played the Czech anthem. ─── 这支乐队演奏了捷克国歌。

73、He returns to the Czech capital following a two-year stint with Bordeaux. ─── 他在效力了波尔多两年后,又返回了捷克首都.

74、The red and white stripes on the flag are inpsired by the coat of arms of Bohemia, a region in the Czech Republic. ─── 国旗上红白条纹的灵感来源为地区性的波西米亚王国之国徽。

75、His all-time idol has always been Ivan Lendl, the great Czech tennis player. ─── 他一直以来的偶像都是伊万.伦德尔,伟大的捷克网球运动员。

76、In 1977, few people would have predicted that Havel would one day preside over a Czech democracy. ─── 1977年,有少数人预言哈弗尔河有一天将会主持捷克斯洛伐克民主。

77、an open space filled with light that reflects their dream of living in "a state in which being Czech or German or Jew would not matter" . ─── 一个空旷而光线可以完全穿透的空间,表达了他们梦想住在“一个无论是捷克人还是德国人或是犹太人都享有人身自由的国度”。

78、In the same Group the Czech Republic is struggling, dropping to third place as Romania beat them 2-0. ─── 同组的捷克队在竞争中0-2负于罗马尼亚之后滑落到小组第三。

79、Former Czech President Vaclav Havel is listed on the letter to Mr.Medvedev as a supporter of a pardon. ─── 前捷克总统哈韦尔的名字也出现在支持总统赦免政治犯的信函中。

80、On those grounds we can cross off the two Central European countries (Czech Republic and Poland). ─── 基于这些理由,我们可以将两个中欧国家(波兰、捷克)排除。

81、"Apart from three points I am pleased that I did not feel pain in my shoulder," said the Czech shot-stopper. ─── “且不说三分,没觉得肩膀痛,这点就使我很高兴。”捷克守门员说。

82、Mpenza also scored in each leg of his club's qualifier against Slavia Prague of the Czech Republic back in July. ─── 姆彭萨同样在俱乐部七月对阵捷克的布拉格斯拉维亚队的冠军杯资格赛中进球得分。

83、Market: Valuing Human Capital in the Post-Transition Czech and Slovak Republics. ─── 我.回归市场:转型后捷克共和国与斯洛伐克共和国人力资本的升值.

84、The entente collapsed after Germany annexed the Czech Sudetenland (1938). ─── 1938年德国吞并了捷克的苏台德地区后,小协约国就瓦解了。

85、He also ran a 9.85 on June 9 in the Czech Republic. ─── 原记录是蒙哥马利2002年在法国巴黎进行的田径大奖赛中创造的。

86、Czech premier forgot to handshake and take picture with her! ─── 原来是捷克总理菲舍尔忘记和她握手留影了。

87、The shoulder has improved a lot during the last few days, I am 100% fit,” he has told Czech television. ─── “我的肩膀在过去的几天恢复了很多,我现在是100%的切赫”切赫对捷克电视台如是说。

88、In August 2002, Germany, Austria and Czech suffered an extreme flood in the basins of Elbe and Danube rivers. ─── 2002年8月,德国、奥地利、捷克三国发生了百年未遇的特大洪水,涉及易北河与多瑙河两大流域。

89、They got off to a winning start in their first match against Czech Republic. ─── 塞尔维亚的首场比赛击败了捷克,获得了一个胜利的开端。



Czech 英[t?ek]


n. 捷克人[语];

adj. 捷克斯洛伐克的,捷克斯洛伐克人[语]的;

[例句]The band played the Czech anthem.



geography :

[英] d??'?ɡr?f?

[美] d?i?ɑɡr?fi

音节: geo gra phy



1:地理学:Geography ; geology ; Astronomy ; BSc Geography

2:英国地理:geography of the United Kingdom

3:克罗地亚地理:Geography of Croatia

4:中国地理:Geography of China ; Chinese Geography ; China geography ; Geography

5:以色列地理:Geography of Israel ; Settlements in Israel

6:澳大利亚地理:Geography of Australia ; Australian Geographic ; Australian landform divisions

7:印度地理:Geography of India

8:冰岛地理:Geography of Iceland

9:捷克地理:Geography of the Czech Republic




原文:But we should not be naive either: Geography is one more strike against them.



原文:I once made 20$ on a bet that my geography teacher would pull his pants up to this belly buttonthe second class started. And he did.



原文:None of these places is doomed. Human agency can triumph over determinism. But we should not be naive either: Geography is one more strike against them.

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